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[✗] [Magical Supplement + Playable CA Race Lore + Non-Playable Race Lore + Deity Class Lore] -- Inferis


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Special thanks to @Zarsies for leading this project even when real life was beginning to get in the way. You the realest.










Lurking in the Abyss of Aegis, scouring scarred Stratum Lands, permeating tainted and malformed landscapes, smouldering within the High Hells, or charged beneath the banner of a naztherak, inferis are hellions of raw, primeval chaos warped and malformed by the discordant touch of Ixli and Ikuras. Where an usual soul is defined by its brilliant ethereal light, inferic souls are defined by their tumultuous, raging flame. They operate within a loose hierarchy of power akin to the nature of life yet one statement remains true;


“Ra’drakurz raht roknoth kuul ra’vaznan amol tul.”

[The weak are meat and the strong do eat.]




Inferis, diverse in corporeal form and wicked minded, are born from the corruptive touch of the greater spirits Ixli and Ikuras. Together when a soul passes into Ebrietaes, the lone, mad, vulnerable, or otherwise darker souls of mortals, the two eldritch spirits come lurking, fishing souls from the soulstream to immolate and char into infernal ones. These newborn inferis, oftentimes imps, then are sent into the mortal plane, the High Hells, or worlds beyond wherein they permeate the planes and manifest in locations of corruption, darkness, discord, and all manners of other chaotic places.


Some worlds have fallen to the demon incursion and through cataclysmic witchcraft they have been fused into a layered array of planes forming the High Hells (“Moz Strimoza” in Ilzakarn), a amalgamation of fallen and conquered planes to form the home of the zentherak lords, zar’kiel and zar’rokul alike; it is a place of constant war and torment where blood has soaked into the bedrock of the world, dried, and flaked away like sewage in the sun to form webs of hellish ore, rokodra. 

Physical Traits
Inferis can have many different, chaotic traits about their appearance and are both varied and numerous in composition yet oftentimes are identifiable by their differences. Common traits include but are not limited to: horns, wings, tails, animal parts (stingers, snouts, hooves, etc.), many teeth, additional eyes or mouths, bony appendages, skin discoloration, multiple limbs, disproportionate limbs (clumsily large heads, small wings, etc.), and other blatantly monstrous or demonic features.


-Inferis cannot be smooth, beautiful, or attractive in just about any sense. They’re not meant to be born as elven maidens, nor are there alternatives to make such a thing possible besides zar’akal who, even then, can only hold an eerie semblance of beauty if they were originally fair.
-Inferis are not capable of bypassing mechanical rules with the help of additional limbs; i.e. inferis aren’t capable of bouts of flight that allow them to get places they wouldn’t be able to reach mechanically.

-As manifestations of pure chaos, paladins of Xan are capable of dealing double damage with there abilities. Woe be a demon in the path of a zealot.
-Malflame, the innate hellfire of all demons, is a magical flame. It does not produce heat or light and can only burn soul essence meaning it requires contact with mortal flesh in order to inflict a burn wherein it leaves skin charred black and malformed. Malflame does not ‘catch’ and cannot ‘ignite’ anything, rather it must have sustained contact to continue to damage.
-Inferis are physical. They are made of flesh and blood and bone and suffer from inherent mortal weaknesses such as starvation, suffocation, blood loss, and dehydration. Inferis are not immune to mundane fire.
-Regarding all inferis lore should there be a loophole or grey area found, seek out LT approval otherwise the uncertainty is denied. I.e. if you want a demon like a millipede and are restricted by the number of limbs yet the lore doesn’t account for ‘tiny features’, seek out an LT otherwise the answer is no, you cannot have a millipede demon.

As proverbial flames of some wicked, voracious inferno, inferis age. Where fresh imps are often small motes and tykes akin to embers, zar’kiel are great, raging pyres or some ashy, dwindling bonfires. All inferis are subject to the withering and consequences of time. The average inferis ages akin to a human, never surviving past 200 years and usually becoming ‘aged’ or ashy around 100. Imps are often ‘usual’ and unaffected by their newborn state whereas middle aged inferis, usually greater zekul to zar’ei, may leave trails of embers and smoke as though they burned. Greater inferis can be seen billowing with exhaust and producing flickering half-light or ebb with cinders and soot. Once an inferis has reached their age limit, ranging usually within the 120-160 year mark, they wither away into decrepit slag and crumbling ash which has the special property that it produces sparks of fleeing maleus when stirred. Referred to as rovor-lahnt (“fertile ash”), this sparking ash is the anchor to the late inferi. However, a fire may be born with the respective size of the demon and, like a phoenix, they form from the ash, renewed should fertile ash be sparked back to life by the same corruptive touch which make it: a caress by Ixli or Ikuras. 


Such a thing can be staved off, however, and both maintaining youth and rejuvenation can be accomplished by dwelling in places deeply saturated by the chaotic flame of the infernal. Such places are the High Hells or Incinerated land.


The raw driving force for the existence of an Inferis, shifting in its goals respective of rank and intellect, is that of survival and ascension, an alpha-mentality-- put best into words with the longstanding phrase, “The weak are meat and the strong do eat.” Prolonging one’s well being, garnering power, and through that power further gorgeing upon all one has the might to take are aspects of life natural to an Inferis. They are, at the core of their being, beasts of a wholefully competitive nature-- scheming and untrustworthy oft out but for themselves and familiar with the concepts of hatred, debauchery and evil as defined in the eyes of mortals. Compassion, mercy, love and forgiveness, these too Human traits are dilapidated in the minds of Inferis-at-large, pulled forth from the depths of neglect to be put into use as a farce to further their own desires, or the desires of their Keeper, their Master, their Prince, should they serve one. 


At the end of the day, despite an Inferis’s passion for freedom and self-service it is the binding chains of slavery to a court that determine how an Inferis lives their life. Their right to choose is torn from their longing grasp to be forever shelved in the name of freedom curbed by obedience to a higher power. While this does not utterly strip an Inferis of their all-too-chaotic traits, it chips ever away at their wills, at their minds as they are bound to do as they are told. And yet in this darkness of slavery there is the light of raw chaos that remains, for despite their inability to make their own choices, if ordered otherwise, they may yet often find themselves bound to the court of a schemer as clandestine as themselves, to the court of an ambitious Prince, young or old, seeking to garner power as they themselves once did rogue, or perhaps less often than all others to the court of a being hell-bent on blood and destruction, as they themselves once were, and still are.


Known by warlocks of demonic cabals merely as the “chaotic tongue” and a language of foul and infernal origin, such is Ilzakarn. This obscure and black language is based in the ancient spirit dialect, Old Blah, and uses the grammar and script of Al’tahrn-Durngo, a tongue devised by the Greater Spirit of Fear and Insanity, Ikuras. It is thought that it was Ixli who was the one to craft this infernal tongue yet no record can account for the machinations of the Greater Spirit of Forbidden Knowledge.


[Recorded privately to avoid metagaming.]


Naztherak begin to learn Ilzakarn as they master their occult pyromancy, most masters and few rare scholars of questionable morals are versed enough to hold conversation in the language. Unlike Al’tahrn-Durngo it lacks the staticy, ear-biting quality when heard but rather can cause mortal listeners and speakers to feel faint, fleeting pulses of warmth which if prolonged may induce mild sweating akin to the physical of anxiety. Where the Black Language caused exhaustion and stinging in the eyes of those who read it, the Chaotic Tongue induces dryness and agitation in the eyes when its glyphs are read. As well, all markings of Ilzakarn darken upon what they are written, ink or carvings appearing charred or irregular in texture and feel warm to the touch. It is as well possible for certain names, powerful signatures of greater inferi, to spawn fire upon what they are inscribed upon and are unsafe to be recorded lest they ignite a hidden tome or scorch a rock face.


[Ra’ikzliir za’ikzzuth, Naztherak, kul rokmael mokurz.]


Lesser Inferi:


Greater Inferi:




Moz Strimoza, ‘the High Hells’


The High Hells are truly that; a hellscape amalgamation of conquered and corrupted planes grafted together into one horrid, smouldering heap of lands and geography, a nigh endless hell yet it is speckled by derelict ruins upon its alien terrain and bloody wastelands. Most of the surface of the multi-plane is corrupted and charred land yet nearly all life has been converted or slain to feed the hordes, however these chaotic badlands are dominated in five regions by the five great capitals of the zar’rokul, each at the heart of their realms. The Akalhrit Urt zu’Urdol (“Five Kingdoms of the Pentacle”) of the zar’rokul are discordant, backstabbing, ever-warring courts. While the zar’rokul may form between themselves to rally the weak against the strong no zar’rokul maintains a lead for long before a new one rises. The High Hells are a place of true chaos; beware those who seek it and what lies within.


Moz Strimoza is divided into five major kingdoms of the zar’rokul, the Akalhrit Urt, each of roughly equal size albeit their borders shrink and grow as the great demon lords war against and with one another. The Hells are utterly massive, stitched and smashed messes of planes used to add onto one another and grow; there are numerous examples of alien terrain as well as familiar geography throughout the hellscape. Some lands are outright infernal and immolated with rivers of blood and screaming, roiling skies of fire and volcanic ash whereas others are yet to be incinerated and are merely dark and dry where the last non-inferi cling to life yet are hunted mercilessly by their devilish predators. Any entry into the High Hells are often in unfamiliar land which can only be identified by the banners and traits of the inferi roaming or, in very unfortunate or bold cases, poor souls might find themselves near or within one of the five capitals: Natla zu’Velkka, the City of Goats, seat of Velkuzat; Natla zu’Drazka, the City of Bats, seat of Drazhana; Natla zu’Kiizka, the City of Serpents, seat of Kiiztria; Natla zu’Kholka, the City of Crows, seat of Kholidav; Natla zu’Zathka, the City of Cats, seat of Zathairn. Each of the capitals are great and harrowing citadels of conquered civilizations amassed into a single, sprawling demon city decorated in the gargantuan corpses of great, monstrous inferis and the banner of each of the zar’rokul. The demons in these capitals -- as well as out in the domains -- reflect the likeness of their lord but not always yet usually dress themselves to make their alignment obvious lest those in question be ravaged anyways. Goat hoof necklaces, great bat wing leather hide, snake scale clothing, crow feather headdresses, cat skull decorations, and so on.

Outside the capitals yet within the warring borders is where the vast majority of the High Hells’ population is for even though the borders have raving legions the roaming demons within outnumber them by far due to the vast tracts of long forgotten, forsaken land within. There are a number of small mines to huge, sprawling quarries dedicated to drawing rokodra from the blood-soaked earth out of the bedrock. Onsite foundries refine the ore and shape it into usable weaponry or armor of vast diversity and design. So too are there killing fields to feed the hordes and massive, festering gore lakes to dispose waste in. Not all of Moz Stimoza is fire, brimstone, blood, and suffering however, some of its regions are slightly more tame namely within the ruins of old where more primal demons hunt one another as well as whatever may crawl into their hunting grounds. Such places are eerily quiet, often decorated by ash and cinder, and tend to be supernaturally saturated with death wherein fresh corpses and mangled cadavers seemingly appear from nowhere to fill corners, block corridors, rest inside buildings, and otherwise permeate the lands with new carrion. 

Ruling over the vast tracts of forgotten land, zentherak act as feudal lords fighting amongst themselves and for those subservient to zar’rokul, being forced to fight in their conflicts, their legions and power being sucked dry by the will of the Pentacle just to be slaughtered or tossed aside. A zentherak rarely holds power for long with their own nature and the nature of Moz Strimoza leaving a constant flux. Though a zentherak never holds a high seat for long, challenging them, their strongholds, or their legions is never an easy task as they get to their seat for a reason.

Where demons dare not to roam sits zar’kiel, beings of the same power as the zentherak that don’t subscribe to the traditional concepts of power who kill and consume all they see in solem rage and ferality to leave lands ruled by none. These locations rife with monsters are where all but the maddest inferi seek to roam that typically hunt others to absorb their power for themselves.

Here rove bands of infei typically lead by zezimar; weakling groups of no note but the most common in all circumstances roam here. Be it in slavery to a legion or hard fought independence, warbands of a handful of inferi subjected to a fledgling warlord are the beings that most lurk these desolated planes.

At the edges where Ixli and Ikuras pluck fresh souls from the soulstream to add to the masses of inferi are the burning border sands of Ebrietæs and the ocean mists of Dotagh Bhraf. A third partition to the soul stream, much to the sorrow of Aerial and Apohet, that connects to Moz Stimoza. A desolate land where nothing of value exists populated by wardens put in place trying to control it, zezimar warbands who seek to challenge the wardens and cross the border, apparitions and ghosts who dared to wander too far from the center of the soul stream, those with the audacity to attempt walking the bridge to Fîgûga Uzg and the poor souls who dare to attempt navigating the mists of Dotagh Bhraf.

Traveling through Moz Strimoza, and crossing its borders, is not exactly a feat done by land or sea. While plenty of realms have been physically crashed into each other, the High Hells is still a conglomeration of planes, many of which have no physical connection to one another. Circumventing this with no concern for the sanctity of life or reality blood rifts are torn throughout and fueled with oceans of blood to grant passage.


Zevn, ‘Imps’






Rather common; all pint-sized inferi fall under this category, regardless of their outward appearance. Their stature is the deciding factor in their labelling as zevn, or ‘Imps’. The largest of imps have been known to grow to a size of roughly three feet tall. Most retain some humanoid qualities in their shape, though entirely bestial forms are not unheard of for inferi of their size. Some might have wings, making them capable of brief bouts of flight, albeit never enough to carry them above head heights or over long distances. Imps themselves are capable of rudimentary malflame conjuring, often in the form of coin-sized fireballs or tiny gusts of blazing breath. A few are dextrous enough to wield simple rudimentary weaponry like clubs and maces. They are the first type of Inferis a Prince will learn to bind to their will, and despite their altogether basic nature in the hierarchy of their kin they are not without their uses, especially en masse. They possess small amounts of intelligence and their behavior is often mischievous and spiteful without much deliberate intention behind their acts of wanton havoc and cruelty.

[Coin ball spell]
With the emote progression [conjure] -> [throw] zevn can throw a malflame ball no larger than a ping pong ball. It has a range no longer than five meters.
[!] The imp flicks its tiny hand out, a ping pong ball of malflame appearing within its grasp.
[!] The imp flings the ball at the villager.


[Small breath spell]
With the emote progression [inhale] -> [exhale] zevn can breathe malflame over a range of 1 meter.
[!] The imp sucks in a sharp breath, squeaking in the process.
[!] The imp blows out, a small flare of pink puffing out.


-Require 2 emotes to summon. Only 3 imps can be active in combative roleplay.



Zekul, ‘Beasts’





Less common than their smaller brethren, zekul are all sorts of inferi that take somewhat bestial or animalistic forms. They behave as they appear, though some semblance of intelligence isn’t impossible. Their size and shape varies quite dramatically, with the largest known to be the same size as the largest of the world’s common animals. Steed-like Inferis can make for wild, albeit powerful mounts if kept properly bridled and subjugated. Zekul are capable of malflame like any other though lack the means to throw it magically, instead opting to spew it or simply let it burn off of their forms. They are more difficult than zevn to subdue and bind and make for an intermediary addition to the prince’s Court.

[Large breath spell]
With the emote progression [inhale] -> [drool] -> [exhale] Zekul can breathe malflame in a 5 meter (16.4ft) long, 3 meter (9.8ft) wide, cone.
[!] The hairless big cat like creature breathed in with a raspy breath.
[!] Blue embers dripped from the cat things mouth like flaming oil dripping upon the ground.
[!] The cat monster opened its mouth and blew a cascade of blue flame outwards.


[Self burning spell]
With the emote progression [Simmer] -> [ignite] Zekul can self immolate. They cannot be harmed by their own malflame but can harm others. This can only be channeled for a maximum of 4 emotes before going on a 3 emote cooldown.
[!] The hairless big cat like creature’s skin started to smolder.
[!] The cat monster’s body erupted into blue flame, its form sheathed in fire.


-Require 4 emotes to summon. Only 2 beasts can be active in combative roleplay.



Zar’ei, ‘Twisted Ones’





The rarest and most frightening to behold of the Lesser Inferis, the zar’ei are the wretched souls who retain the largest portion of their former mortality after their chaotic transformation. They are thusly the most intelligent, making them difficult to subdue and bind like the other lessers as they are formidable fighters and crafty thinkers. All zar’ei take on a recognizably humanoid shape despite their corruption and mutations and are capable of using malflame to a much further extent than the others, sometimes conjuring firestorms or throwing large bolts at their foes depending on their physiological makeup. Zar’ei come in three classes and two phases, the younger inferi known as zekar -- cherubs -- and the older as zezimar -- seraphs. 

-Require 5 emotes to summon. Zar’ei can only be summoned out of combat.
-Summoning can not be used to teleport Zar’ei out of roleplay.

-All forms of Zar’ei suffer from inherent mortal weaknesses such as starvation, suffocation, blood loss, and dehydration. Zar’ei are not immune to mundane fire.

- Zar’ei do not need to sleep.
- Zar’ei are capable of having natural armor so long as it fits within these parameters:

- The more solid the natural armor, the less mobile, and putting on external armor unless flexible will not be allowed. In addition, this means more weight for the Zar’ei, and will slow them down.
- The natural armor, at best (if fully solid), will be resistant to slashing and thrusting, but can be penetrated by high velocity piercing objects (ie crossbow bolts, arrows, etc), blunt force trauma, or heavy momentum attacks (maul, warhammer and its backspike, etc).
Note: Ranged objects designed for piercing armor will have better penetration, and go further.  
-All natural armor cannot surpass or be equal to the durability of ferrum/iron. Examples of acceptable armor strength can compare to tanned hide, aluminum, chitin, or copper.

- Zar’ei cannot have weapon-like limbs, claws, and/or teeth that exceed the durability and sharpness of bone.
- Zar’ei do not have the ability to fly, glide, climb, or otherwise move in ways humans cannot naturally-- unless allowed in an event (i.e. gliding).
- Zar’ei cannot have more than four limbs (two arms, two legs) without sacrificing overall strength to the other limbs i.e. a four armed and two legged zar’ei has the equivalent strength of a two armed and two legged zar’ei. Prehensile tails count as limbs as do wings which are limb-like rather than slender and sinewy.

- Zar’ei are a CA only race.

- Zar’ei bound to a grimoire will be destroyed should the grimoire be destroyed.

- Zar’ei that are slain must wait two weeks before being played again.


Zekar - Cherubs
Cherubs come in three builds or sizes: kharv, kot, and hzak (small, medium, and large). Their build defines their capabilities and limitations.


Kharv cherubs tend to be leaner and craftier demons than their peers, harnessing volatile malflame and smaller forms. While no stronger than a voidal mage, these demons are not to be underestimated lest one find themself a heap of black ash at a moment’s notice.

-Kharv cherubs cannot exceed 200lbs and 6’.
-Kharv cherubs possess malflame no stronger than that of tier 4 naztherak.
-Kharv cherubs strength cannot exceed that of a voidal mage.


Kot cherubs tend to balance out as the average demon in both mind and body, possessing malflame capabilities akin to a beast yet with superior forms than their animalistic counterparts. Regarded as the middleground for cherubs, kot zekar are oftentimes the average footsoldier to a zentherak’s legion.

-Kot cherubs cannot exceed 300lbs and 7’.
-Kot cherubs possess malflame no stronger than that of a zekul.
-Kot cherubs strength cannot exceed that of a human.


Hzak cherubs tend towards the peak of lesser demonic statures, hulking brutes in size and form yet they are generally regarded as comparatively thick-skulled and dim. They possess a subdued affinity for malflame and instead sport thick limbs of muscle and greater constitution.


-Hzak cherubs cannot exceed 400lbs and 8’.
-Hzak cherubs possess malflame no stronger than that of a zevn.
-Hzak cherubs strength cannot exceed that of an orc.


Zezimar - Seraphs
Seraphs are the grown, elder forms of cherubs who have ascended. They also come in three builds or sizes: kharv, kot, and hzak or small, medium, and large. Their build defines their capabilities and limitations. All seraphs gain a malice from the original list of eight upon their transformation which can be as potent as a naztherak’s and is unrelated to malflame power. Otherwise they also grow in form and composition.


Kharv seraphs grow to a stature similar to kot cherubs albeit retain their affinity for sorcery and not only do they gain a slot viable for any dark art but also a slot viable for any neutral (Voidal/Misc) art. This makes kharv seraphs the sorcerers of demon armies and are not to be tested or mettled with lightly.

-Kharv seraphs cannot exceed 300lbs or 7’.
-Kharv seraphs possess malflame no stronger than that of tier 5 naztherak.
-Kharv seraphs strength cannot exceed that of a serf -- they are able to wield a sword but would be outclassed by anyone trained or fit.


Kot seraphs grow into the likeness of hzak cherubs albeit with greater malflame capabilities and too may pick up a single dark art with one slot available to them. These zezimar are oftentimes lieutenants in zentherak armies for their magical and physical potential. 


-Kot seraphs cannot exceed 400lbs or 8’.
-Kot seraphs possess malflame no stronger than that of a tier 4 naztherak.

-Kot seraphs strength cannot exceed that of an orc.

Hzak seraphs reach the pinnacle of lesser inferi capabilities, nigh olog-like yet sharp as any zar’ei. Their malflame grows within them and acts similarly to a beast albeit they cannot practice any form of magic, dark or otherwise, instead opting to grow into hellish giants.

-Hzak seraphs cannot exceed 600lbs or 10’.
-Hzak seraphs possess malflame no stronger than that of a zekul
-Hzak seraphs strength cannot exceed that of an olog.



Long gone are the days of wanton killing for a Zar’ei’s ascension. Rather it is a game of survival needing to survive six elven months without being slain to grow in power.

-Dying or going inactive for longer than two weeks at any point will force you to start over.


Zar’ei, being more rare than Zevn and Zekul, require more tact to be discovered and bound. Setting out into the woodlands like an amature poacher in search of wildlife is not a functional hunting tactic. Specific and opportunistic methods are required to locate and capture these elusive and intelligent creatures. Should one even manage to survive the encounter, that is.


Ashen tombs
Ancient tombs of rovor-lahnt lay spread across the realms, hidden within deep catacombs, ruins, and caves. These archaic structures are few and far between, found oft in the furthest reaches of the wilds, far from civilization-at-large. Beyond collapsed doorways and cave-entrances, through winding tunnels and complex labyrinths, and past waves of grotesque creatures and undead monstrosities lay great tombs in the darkest depths of these damp dungeons. Ancient and dead Zar’ei waiting to be reborn like a phoenix with the use of the ash-revival ritual and then subdued for binding. 


The ash-revival ritual is a simplistic although drawn-out process. To achieve, the Warlock must first form a hollow circle of Malflame around the remains of the deceased Inferi, calling forth the powers of Moz Strimoza to imbue within it life anew. The Warlock must then close in the circle such that the Malflame washes over every inch of the remains till it closes in on itself, and thereafter is dispelled. Next, the Warlock and those present will witness the remains erupt in yellow-orange hellfire, the piles of ash slowly reforming into their prior state of being, accompanying pops of silvery illumination about the body as it connects at its various points of separation. Upon completion the creature before those gathered will be a rejuvenated elder Inferi, as intelligent and hostile as it was in life before.

Lands of turmoil
Strife attracts, and occasionally spawns, Zar’ei making it not all too difficult to bait out a Zar’ei in locations where the realm is being torn asunder.
-Have to be real event areas not random mundane lands construed as bad places.


Portals to Moz
Blood rifts that seemingly break the rules of those created by typical mortal bloodmages practitioners and burn with malflame. Both things to be created and found. In dark corners of the world inferi may have established portals to infiltrate the mortal realm and mortals who seek to travel to Moz Strimoza may have established themselves. With cooperation between a blood mage and a Naztherak the portals can be sabotaged to yoink a Zar’ei through their own passage. With the Naztherak to decipher portals runes and tell the blood mage where to place a binding rune, doing such properly should lead to chains leaping out on the other side of the portal and pulling whatever inferic being that waits on the other side through.


-Mortal blood mages cannot practice Inferic blood magic nor make portals to Moz



Beings of chaos aren’t adverse to shedding innocent blood in the same way bandits and orcs do. Settlements are occasionally raided by Inferis, giving any budding or experienced Prince the opportunity to bind another to their rank and file. However, despite the aggressive and chaotic nature of the Inferis these attacks are not commonplace and often occur when the Inferis see a chance for optimal slaughter and plunder, choosing easy targets over well-defended ones.


False princes of Naztherak are no strangers of competitive activity and it is not far stretched of a prince to subdue and bind an inferi from another Naztherak’s court, just as they may subdue and bind any rogue Zar’ei.

Twisting the soul to match the inferic one is something that the naztherak knows well. The practice is simple, a bath capable of containing the entirety of the victim's body. Its filled with blood and gore of beasts, monsters, and animalia. The creatures used will have an effect on the end results of the to be inferi. Once such is done the Naztherak must submerge the victim into the bath and add a souls worth of maleus to the bath. The transition is painful to the victim, often eliciting screams that can echo from the deepest of dungeons. The resulting inferis will be weak and drained enough to be easily added to a court.
-Only living player descendants may be turned into playable Zar’ei.
-Animals may be subjected to the Naz’kuthun process, resulting in Zekul for large creatures and Zevn for small creatures.
-Massive beings may be subjected to the Naz’kuthun process to become a Zar’kiel.


-Only Story Team may host Zar’ei acquirement events.
-ST must follow the lore of inferi.
-Zar’ei can’t be randomly found in the woods.
-ST must follow the lore of inferi.
-Zar’ei acquirement events must obey one of many listed archetypes.
-ST must follow the lore of inferi.

- Zar’ei are a CA only race.




Zar’kiel, ‘Twisted Lords’





The apex of the infernal form, the zar’kiel are the most powerful of all the inferi. They have consumed enough mortal souls to grow to massive stature and strength, both physical and magical, and are terrifying things to behold. The greatest among them are the zentherak, the true princes of the infernal courts, and they hold reign over their own bands of inferi. To subdue one of the zar’kiel is no task to scoff at, unlike the lessers of their kind: they are cunning and capable of great feats of sorcery, both of the malflame and even of normally-mortal arts. That being said, the zar’kiel have a mutual understanding of the power nested within mortal sorcerers as well, and can at times be coaxed into contracts. Often the lord will ask for a favor from the would-be prince. Of course, the prince may simply opt to combat and subjugate the zar’kiel instead. The zentherak themselves, however, are not so easily goaded. Their terms of contraction are much more severe. It is common for them to request something dear and precious to their person: perhaps a limb, their sight, or for the most powerful and egotistical among the zentherak the contractor’s soul in return for their aid. Just like the lesser zar’kiel, too, a prince may simply try to defeat the zentherak in combat which is a titanic feat. They hold control of their own courts and sorceries and fight with unearthly strength, but the reward for subduing one is ineffable. A prince may consume the soul and skull of the fallen Inferis and undergo Metamorphosis.


-Zar’kiel and Zentherak can only be played by story team.

-Zar’kiel and Zentherak must always be treated as extremely powerful beings.

-Zar’kiel and Zentherak must follow the properties of inferi.

-Zentherak events must be done in a minimum of three parts.



Zar’rokul, ‘Twisted Dragon’





Referred to as the as the Zar’rokul Pentacle or merely the Pentacle (“Urdol” in Ilzakarn), these inferis were each dragon souls who passed from the material plane towards Ebrietaes but were corrupted by Ikuras and Ixli, malformed into the all-enemy antithesis of inferis, embodied in dragonfire as smouldering souls of the roiling chaos. First Velketzar then Xandraza and Chysteria then Elahicol and Setherien. They are Velkuzat the  Goat, Drazhana the Bat, Kiiztria the Snake, Kholidav the Crow, and Zathairn the Black Cat.  As Greater Inferis their past lives mean little to the Zar’rokul rather they were lessons to inform their new eternal mission, the throttling of Creation and the savoring of its every choking breath. The divine powers of the material plane swatted off the inferis scourge of the Zar’rokul with every invasion, their assaults singular and concentrated, and so the demonic dragonkin were banished to other far away, godless worlds to waste away. There eternal wars have been waged, each lost in a planar struggle against the fiendish invasion of the zar’rokul and zar’kiel and their howling hordes. While the Pentacle feud and war with one another their own avarice benefits one another for the plunder of one often becomes the plunder of another; no single zar’rokul remains most powerful for long before their brethren dominate them and perpetuate an endless cycle of betrayal and self-defeating hunger. It is fortunate for Creation these fiends fight over scraps amongst themselves lest they all conspire and march upon the many worlds -- an impossible event.



Zar’akal, ‘Twisted Kings’




“Infernal minds are all the same; they defile, they maim, they hunger. The malice in an imp is the same which festers in a great demon lord. It’s when a mortal and infernal soul coalesce  that truly diabolical wit emerges.”

-Ra’kiterak’zak Kraal

Consumed by the infernal, zar’akal exist as half breeds, a hateful marriage of inferis and mortal existence. Their forms and powers are thusly derived from what fiery strength and occult dominion the zentherak held which the naztherak ate, lending to their state and powers.





Birthed screaming and writhing in agony, zar’akal are born when master naztherak consume the skull of a zentherak lord to ascend to the scarcely seen peak of the infernal hierarchy. A mortal soul feasting upon the mind and essence of such an apex devil singes it, transforming the naztherak into a zar’akal through metamorphosis. This creates a perfect union between the states of mortal and inferis, the soul both protected but raging and unstable. It’s a sorry fate to accept, the mortal damned to their new state forever for nothing can extinguish their pained existence.





Because they are derived from a mortal, zar’akal are baseline humanoid in form. Akin to zar’ei their aesthetics may vary greatly from monstrous and blatantly fiendish to more subdued and subtly demonic but demonic nonetheless. All zar’akal possess features denoting them as infernal or fiendish, such attributes commonly consisting of a mantle of horns ranging in size, additional limbs, wings, tails, animal parts such as hooves or a stinger, or other such traditional to unorthodox demonic features gained during their agonizing transformation. Zar’akal also adopt features from the zentherak they ate, gaining aspects in their design including but not limited to the zentherak’s coloration, physique, stature, and so on. Intricacies of aesthetics vary greatly from king to king for some vent exhaust like a bonfire, are trailed by embers, are accented by small motes of fire, or bleed unnatural colors. While some zar’akal maintain vague beauty from their past self, others evolve into true monstrosities of the netherworlds.

-Zar’akal cannot exceed the height and weight limits of their original race.
-Zar’akal cannot exceed the the maximum strength of their original race.

-Zar’akal that are slain must wait two weeks before being played again.


Beyond physically, zar’akal possess the following features:

-As inferis-borne entities zar’akal act as their own sustaining pool of maleus which allows them to conjure their malflame without their grimoire in the same manner as all inferis do without any of the physical degradation. This includes their malices.
-As a self sustaining source of maleus, zar’akal do not need their cistern lest they are to use large amounts of it namely for rituals. As well their blood sparks and fizzes when exposed to air.
-In devouring the zentherak head the zar’akal gains not only the features of the greater inferis but too its power and thus they gain the malice of the fiend.






Steeped in the power of Moz Strimoza -- the High Hells -- accursed rituals exist for these archprinces to demonstrate their infernal sorcery. Such rites include making devilish deals through Pacting, corrupting land through Incineration, and changing themselves through Bathing.


Pacting - a zar’akal may fashion a deal between themselves and another.
    Zar’akal have a neutered iteration of pacting to that of the zar’rokul. There are three versions of such pacts, all of which must be inscribed with a special rakir made from the zar’akal’s own blood as well as written by a zentherak bone upon maleus-primed inferis flesh as done with a grimoire in the tongue of Ilzakarn. Once the pact is signed in the blood of both individuals the contract burns into the flesh, the deal sealed and bound by the paradoxical order and tyranny naztherak hold over inferis and their chaos.

-Cannot demand sexual favors with a pact, even if OOC consent is given.

Promise Pacts - Pacting a promise links an individual to a promise they must fulfill lest they suffer the punishment for breaching a pact. Promises are freeform so long as they are realistically achievable and cannot be written to immediately be breached intentionally. Possible punishments, designated within the pact, are outlined below. Promise pacts require OOC consent and death/PK is not a viable punishment for breaching the pact. Promise pacts can only be made by zar’akal every IRL week.


Punishments for breaching a pact:


-When the transgressor suffers a wound they experience a single malice effect from the zar’akal’s malflame arsenal (including pact malices) which is experienced as though they were burnt by a 1 emote infusion. Applicable malices include: Lies, Temptation, Woe, Desolation, Agony, Madness, Gluttony, Dread, Venom, Pestilence, and Calamity. This malice-curse lasts for 2 IRL weeks or until the zar’akal dismisses the punishment.


-For every IRL week the transgressor fails to achieve their promise a part of their body becomes mutated into an infernal form; nails become claws, teeth become elongated fangs, etc. The transgressor effectively undergoes a prolonged (and somewhat less agonizing) naz’kuthun metamorphosis which is complete after 3 IRL weeks or is reverted back to normalcy should the zar’akal dismiss the punishment.

-Complete metamorphosis requires the player to apply for a Zar’ei CA.

-When the transgressor breaks or fails to uphold their promise they begin to rapidly age, causing their hair to thin, skin to pale, bones to weaken, and so on. Every IRL week, instead of acting as 1 year, acts as 5 years to the body. This age-curse lasts until the promise is fulfilled or the zar’akal dismisses the punishment.

-When the transgressor calls upon their magic to cast in any form they instead burn their applicable body part (usually hands) with a sudden flash of the zar’akal’s malflame charged with a 1 emote infusion of a single malice (including trade pact malices). This prevents them from casting magic. This magic-curse lasts for 2 IRL weeks or until the zar’akal dismisses the punishment.

-When the transgressor breaks of fails to uphold their promise their senses begin to warp. One sense of three may be affected: the individual may begin to mistake their surroundings as an infernal hellscape and those they see as demons; the individual may begin to speak Ilzakarn as though it were Common and cannot discern whether or not they are speaking Ilzakarn or Common; the individual begins to hear hellish screams and fiendish howls; the individual begins to feel chaotic power build inside them and they struggle to control their actions, oftentimes trembling and quaking with pent up energy; the individual tastes blood, rancid meat, and/or ash. This sensory-curse lasts for 2 IRL weeks or until the zar’akal dismisses the punishment.

-When the transgressor breaks or fails to uphold their promise they become infertile. This reproduction-curse lasts forever or until the zar’akal dismisses the punishment.

-When the transgressor breaks or fails to uphold their promise they begin to crave inferis flesh. After 1 IRL week this becomes a natural hunger akin to a need to eat and after 2 IRL weeks this hunger becomes voracious and never ending. This hunger-curse lasts for 3 IRL weeks or until the zar’akal dismisses the punishment.

-When the transgressor breaks or fails to uphold their promise their heart begins to become corrupted and they lean towards wickedness; the individual feels urges and tugs to act out maliciously, harmfully, or even violently. The intensity of these urges grow over the course of 2 IRL weeks. This temperament-curse lasts for 4 IRL weeks or until the zar’akal dismisses the punishment.

-When the transgressor breaks or fails to uphold their promise they suffer the instant magical tattooing of up to three given banes upon their back. This bane lasts until it is removed or until the zar’akal dismisses the punishment.


Trade Pacts - Pacting a trade temporarily grant other naztherak a malice the zar’akal possesses, vice versa, or both for a limited number of uses. This allows naztherak to offer one another uses of their malices akin to trade agreements. When the pact is made a naztherak may mark their book with a single spell shape with a malice they do not personally own within their grimoire for a number of uses ranging from one to three. Trade pacts can only be made by zar’akal every IRL week.


Incineration - by channeling the High Hells a zar’akal may corrupt land into a fiery hellscape.
    By communing with their pacted zar’rokul, a zar’akal may unleash the seething hate dwelling in Moz Strimoza and create a single, coruscant ember of corruptive flame. This mote of hellfire must be embedded immediately into the earth lest it die without fuel; land. This ember grows into a wildfire which burns away at the material of the plane and steals it away, tearing at the planar binding of the world to fuse the land to the conquered lands of the amalgamation that is the High Hells. What is left behind is the ravaged land’s iteration of a hellscape, vegetation reduced to soot and charcoal skeletons, water turned to ash-sludge or in large areas -- at their hearts -- even magma, and the sky blotted out by ominous smog clouds. The very earth smolders and glows with heat, torrid air and gaseous fumes common in such areas. Akin to having been burned and salted, incinerated land lays in ruin. Worst yet, should such land mature and exist for a year (IRL week) it will begin to naturally permeate the area within its boundaries with inferis as they are found elsewhere in the world and aging inferis may take 10 years off their age for every IRL week they remain within for the majority of that week.


-Incineration may only be performed by zar’akal who have pacted with a zar’rokul.
-Casting requires region owner permission (if within a regioned area) and necessitates Story assistance to build.
-Incinerating land requires at least 8 emotes and cannot be performed in combat. Such areas are roughly a 15 block radius circle which may be expanded upon with repeated uses of Incineration.


Bathing - A ritual in which a zar’akal aesthetically changes themselves. Be it skin coloration, horn shape, etc. The twisted king will gather enough blood to entirely submerge themselves in it before writing out the desired aesthetic changes on a sheet from their own Grimoire in rakir. They will then bath in the bloodbath and after an hour the pool will light itself with hellfire hued that of zar’akal’s malflame. After a day in the pool they will emerge with their desired changes.

- Any inferis who bathes in it essentially gets to 'reroll' their demon form but it has to maintain a signature likeness to the previous and all previous forms.
-You may not change the bone structure or over shape of your character.
-The blood may come from anything, animals, inferi, descendants, etc.
-As with turning into a zar’akal, you may not gain features that you can effectively use in combat.




Raakal-Rokar, ‘The Red King’




Beyond the zentherak, zar’rokul, and even zar’akal, there is one; one great king over all things, one pith at the center of the inferno. This is Raakal-Rokar, the Red King.

The notion of the Red King is an enigma in of itself for it is thought that Ikuras was the lieutenant of Iblees in the ages of antiquity and that their relation was bound in ideological and philosophical allegiance: madness and ruin are two sides of the same coin. While their history and list of infamous deeds together remain true and canon the truth is a bit more layered; the spirit of fear and insanity was indeed in league with the Archdaemon of Ruin but not directly, rather its affiliation was to a deeply secretive entity, a patron of the Fallen One: Raakal-Rokar.  

This infernal titan of Iblees is wreathed in shadow and obscurity and has long since the days of antiquity hidden in the netherworlds, hidden from even the zar’rokul and zentherak lords. The Red King’s time has majorly been occupied as of late with combatting -- or perhaps overseeing -- the demon rebellion within the Nether and brokering deals with the hellish one-dragons to target other worlds out in the cosmos to unknown ends. Most mysterious of all however was its intervention in the material plane in the offering of naztherak to mortals for the first time and, years later, offering those same mortal agents pacts with the zar’rokul when disguising himself as a lesser force known as the Red Prince. Now, most recent of all, Raakal-Rokar has returned to offer up deeper pacts to the devilish warlocks of his tutelage. His plan is unknown to all but perhaps the Fallen One and most assuredly it must be wholesomely fiendish.

Raakal-Rokar’s allegiance to Iblees is unknown for, like numerous other creations of Ruin, have they gone the way of his own sphere and forsaken or betrayed the Betrayer himself. All that is for certain is that this enigmatic demon king is up to something.


-Mortal blood magic is not capable of replicating portals to Moz Strimoza, summon entity rituals cannot summon Inferi, rebirth rituals cannot be used on Inferi, and disembodiment rituals cannot be used on Inferi. The binding ritual cannot be used on zar’kiel, Zentherak, Zar’rokuls or any other high level inferic being.


Credits (alphabetical):
Deer - Consultation
Dunstan - Writing
Frott - Writing
Gab - Writing
Kary - Consultation
Lackless - Consultation
Lukariatias - Writing
Phil - Consultation
Security - Consultation
Slayy - Consultation
Starfelt - Consultation
SpiffyTaylor - Writing
Warsong - Consultation
Zarsies - Writing


Standardised Redline dump.


-Inferis cannot be smooth, beautiful, or attractive in just about any sense. They’re not meant to be born as elven maidens, nor are there alternatives to make such a thing possible besides zar’akal who, even then, can only hold an eerie semblance of beauty if they were originally fair.
-Inferis are not capable of bypassing mechanical rules with the help of additional limbs; i.e. inferis aren’t capable of bouts of flight that allow them to get places they wouldn’t be able to reach mechanically.
-As manifestations of pure chaos, paladins of Xan are capable of dealing double damage with there abilities. Woe be a demon in the path of a zealot.

-Malflame, the innate hellfire of all demons, is a magical flame. It does not produce heat or light and can only burn soul essence meaning it requires contact with mortal flesh in order to inflict a burn wherein it leaves skin charred black and malformed. Malflame does not ‘catch’ and cannot ‘ignite’ anything, rather it must have sustained contact to continue to damage.
-Inferis are physical. They are made of flesh and blood and bone and suffer from inherent mortal weaknesses such as starvation, suffocation, blood loss, and dehydration. Inferis are not immune to mundane fire.
-Regarding all inferis lore should there be a loophole or grey area found, seek out LT approval otherwise the uncertainty is denied. I.e. if you want a demon like a millipede and are restricted by the number of limbs yet the lore doesn’t account for ‘tiny features’, seek out an LT otherwise the answer is no, you cannot have a millipede demon.

-Require 2 emotes to summon. Only 3 imps can be active in combative roleplay.

-Require 4 emotes to summon. Only 2 beasts can be active in combative roleplay.

-Require 5 emotes to summon. Zar’ei can only be summoned out of combat.
-Summoning can not be used to teleport Zar’ei out of roleplay.

-All forms of Zar’ei suffer from inherent mortal weaknesses such as starvation, suffocation, blood loss, and dehydration. Zar’ei are not immune to mundane fire.

- Zar’ei do not need to sleep.
- Zar’ei are capable of having natural armor so long as it fits within these parameters:

- The more solid the natural armor, the less mobile, and putting on external armor unless flexible will not be allowed. In addition, this means more weight for the Zar’ei, and will slow them down.
- The natural armor, at best (if fully solid), will be resistant to slashing and thrusting, but can be penetrated by high velocity piercing objects (ie crossbow bolts, arrows, etc), blunt force trauma, or heavy momentum attacks (maul, warhammer and its backspike, etc).
Note: Ranged objects designed for piercing armor will have better penetration, and go further.  
-All natural armor cannot surpass or be equal to the durability of ferrum/iron. Examples of acceptable armor strength can compare to tanned hide, aluminum, chitin, or copper.

- Zar’ei cannot have weapon-like limbs, claws, and/or teeth that exceed the durability and sharpness of bone.
- Zar’ei do not have the ability to fly, glide, climb, or otherwise move in ways humans cannot naturally-- unless allowed in an event (i.e. gliding).
- Zar’ei cannot have more than four limbs (two arms, two legs) without sacrificing overall strength to the other limbs i.e. a four armed and two legged zar’ei has the equivalent strength of a two armed and two legged zar’ei. Prehensile tails count as limbs as do wings which are limb-like rather than slender and sinewy.

- Zar’ei are a CA only race.

- Zar’ei bound to a grimoire will be destroyed should the grimoire be destroyed.

- Zar’ei that are slain must wait two weeks before being played again.

-Kharv cherubs cannot exceed 200lbs and 6’.
-Kharv cherubs possess malflame no stronger than that of tier 4 naztherak.
-Kharv cherubs strength cannot exceed that of a voidal mage.

-Kot cherubs cannot exceed 300lbs and 7’.
-Kot cherubs possess malflame no stronger than that of a zekul.
-Kot cherubs strength cannot exceed that of a human.

-Hzak cherubs cannot exceed 400lbs and 8’.
-Hzak cherubs possess malflame no stronger than that of a zevn.
-Hzak cherubs strength cannot exceed that of an orc.

-Kharv seraphs cannot exceed 300lbs or 7’.
-Kharv seraphs possess malflame no stronger than that of tier 5 naztherak.
-Kharv seraphs strength cannot exceed that of a serf -- they are able to wield a sword but would be outclassed by anyone trained or fit.

-Kot seraphs cannot exceed 400lbs or 8’.
-Kot seraphs possess malflame no stronger than that of a tier 4 naztherak.

-Kot seraphs strength cannot exceed that of an orc.

-Hzak seraphs cannot exceed 600lbs or 10’.
-Hzak seraphs possess malflame no stronger than that of a zekul
-Hzak seraphs strength cannot exceed that of an olog.

-Dying or going inactive for longer than two weeks at any point will force you to start over.

-Only Story Team may host Zar’ei acquirement events.
-ST must follow the lore of inferi.
-Zar’ei can’t be randomly found in the woods.
-ST must follow the lore of inferi.
-Zar’ei acquirement events must obey one of many listed archetypes.
-ST must follow the lore of inferi.

- Zar’ei are a CA only race.


-Zar’kiel and Zentherak can only be played by story team.

-Zar’kiel and Zentherak must always be treated as extremely powerful beings.

-Zar’kiel and Zentherak must follow the properties of inferi.

-Zentherak events must be done in a minimum of three parts.

-Zar’akal cannot exceed the height and weight limits of their original race.
-Zar’akal cannot exceed the the maximum strength of their original race.

-Zar’akal that are slain must wait two weeks before being played again.

-Cannot demand sexual favors with a pact, even if OOC consent is given.
-Complete metamorphosis requires the player to apply for a Zar’ei CA.
-Incineration may only be performed by zar’akal who have pacted with a zar’rokul.
-Casting requires region owner permission (if within a regioned area) and necessitates Story assistance to build.
-Incinerating land requires at least 8 emotes and cannot be performed in combat. Such areas are roughly a 15 block radius circle which may be expanded upon with repeated uses of Incineration.

-Incineration may only be performed by zar’akal who have pacted with a zar’rokul.
-Casting requires region owner permission (if within a regioned area) and necessitates Story assistance to build.
-Incinerating land requires at least 8 emotes and cannot be performed in combat. Such areas are roughly a 15 block radius circle which may be expanded upon with repeated uses of Incineration.

- Any inferis who bathes in it essentially gets to 'reroll' their demon form but it has to maintain a signature likeness to the previous and all previous forms.
-You may not change the bone structure or over shape of your character.
-The blood may come from anything, animals, inferi, descendants, etc.
-As with turning into a zar’akal, you may not gain features that you can effectively use in combat.


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I am literally on the list, I am shook

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my disappointment will be immeasurable and my day will be ruined if a certain person plays a certain thing in a certain way.

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Dunstan what are you even doing posting this at 2 am

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7 minutes ago, KiausT said:

Dunstan what are you even doing posting this at 2 am


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what the hell???? 



so far luv everything i see! reading this bit by bit periodically throughout the day.

just one question as of right now being do zar’kiel still get one slot for a dark magic? (excluding shade and frost witch) @Dunstan

Edited by Luv
will keep adding more throughout the day, sorry!!
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1 hour ago, Tato said:

i don't like ur picture choices

but woooooo

i dont like ur face

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-How does Zar’akal revival work? Do they follow the same ash system as Zar’ei? Something else? Are there any PK clauses?
please don’t give them monk revival


-Do Inferis made by Ikuras or Ixli retain the memories and abilities of who they were in life? Could I effectively un-PK a character as an Inferis if I find someone to give me a CA for it in this regard? I’m impartial on that I just think it should be specified.

-Do Inferis still have their schpiel with the spirit realm as they did previously? IE where in the past a dark shaman would appear ‘marked’ as an inferis-to-be when spirit walking and shunned by the spirits for such, would they continue to be? Would a naztherak also be doomed to this fate and this unique interaction with the spirit realm?




4 hours ago, LoTC's Next Top Model said:

whys it always gotta be “dragons did it”

what did the dragons do?


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**** it, why not boys. +1


But wait, will they look like DOOM demons?

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1 hour ago, The King Of The Moon said:

-How does Zar’akal revival work? Do they follow the same ash system as Zar’ei? Something else? Are there any PK clauses?
please don’t give them monk revival


-Do Inferis made by Ikuras or Ixli retain the memories and abilities of who they were in life? Could I effectively un-PK a character as an Inferis if I find someone to give me a CA for it in this regard? I’m impartial on that I just think it should be specified.

-Do Inferis still have their schpiel with the spirit realm as they did previously? IE where in the past a dark shaman would appear ‘marked’ as an inferis-to-be when spirit walking and shunned by the spirits for such, would they continue to be? Would a naztherak also be doomed to this fate and this unique interaction with the spirit realm?




what did the dragons do?



when zarsies originally made the update with pacting and boons and everything, originally the five pactlords were dragons. eventually he decided to remove that, after me and some others had problems with the “it’s dragons at the top of the food chain even for warlocks for some reason” thing, and he retro-actively re-added that here. the zar’rokul are the things you make pacts to, and they’re now all un-retconned to be dragons again.

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      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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