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[✗] Playable CA Race Lore - Drakul, Serfs Of The Stone Serpent

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when you are a vampire, you become very sexy.




Drakul, Serfs Of The Stone Serpent


“Drink deep. Their blood is our birthright.” -King Numir to a fresh convert.


Drakul - or more commonly ‘vampires’ - are a resurfacing construction of ancient blood magic inspired by a desperate agent of the Unseen. With the Daemon-servants of Iblees  receding from the realm the hoary archons have began to send their emissaries back into the mortal plane with their own agendas.



Children of the Unseen

The story of the first drakul begins with the twilight years of the first striga: Gedym aep Helgraen. It was some time around the second century following the four brothers’ trials and tribulations that the over-ambitious sorcerer had summoned the Unseen forth to achieve his immortality. As the years passed and more were turned, it became increasingly apparent to the Unseen that with each passing generation of Striga their influence waned more and more. More elders were deployed and more still turned their backs in pursuit of their own ambitions. Gedym, whilst he may have been the first, was no exception.


The Unseen cult reached its peak some time around the fifth century though to Gedym it’d felt like many more. The taste of blood had run sour. His experiments, which he once had tackled with such ambition and cruelty, had now all either been concluded or simply bored him. The immortal’s servants had all outgrown him once he’d figured out how to grant them his own blessings and now sought only to impress the Unseen. It’d been at least three cycles of awakening since he last cared to meet with the next Unseen arising from their fifty-year slumber; a task he’d since assigned to his understudies who undertook such with religious vigour. He had sought immortality and fulfillment and found only the former. What good, he’d oft ponder in his great halls and libraries, is an eternal life of yearning? It was then that Gedym eventually decided to search for a way of furthering his condition; hoping to restore the great magical prowess he’d once known.


It was a long line of black sacraments and secluded studies then that led him to try and understand the Unseen’s power and its relation to mortals. Such that led him far from Ailden, into the company of the dragon Setherien, and his band of sorcerers, as prestigious as he had once been, perhaps, who had unlocked the secrets of volatile energy found in the blood of men.

The Stone Serpent

In the years preceding, Gedym had become a figure of interest to the dragon Malghourn. Setherien’s former general had rounded up Gedym and his nine followers after theirs and the harbingers’ defeat: each an archon of ancient blood magic in their own rite, to be experimented upon. Desperate to prevent his own grizzly fate as stone and fearful of following in his old master’s footsteps and falling mad, Malghourn had grown fascinated with the what exactly the Unseen had done to create Gedym, both for the potential it had to spare himself and to bolster his own ranks. Both during and following Setherien’s crusades Gedym had been seduced by Malghourn’s promises of restoring his magic, and his followers had too been seduced by Malghourn’s promise to gift them each with immortality, and a realm of their own to hide from the Unseen whilst they were in the process of purging their vampyric creations from it.


Some time during the fourteen-hundreds Malghourn made good on his promises to the nine archons, though Gedym’s fate had been far more grizzly. The Red Nexus, some had dubbed it, was an ancient lexicon of blood magic. It’d come into his possession following Setherien’s death, though even Malghourn wasn’t sure if it was his or made by an even earlier dragon. It was the Red Nexus, and the bohra his late master had captured for extermination, he decided, that would serve as a font of power for the ritual he’d conceived. The whole race was wiped out to fuel the ritual; the full scale genocide of the bohra race concluded as a font of genus for the ritual, poured into the Red Nexus and the city-sized circles of runes the stone serpent had carved to surround it. Gedym, without his magic, could only sit atop the great crimson stone and watch the dragon and his nine followers practice their ancient craft from where Malghourn had instructed him. It was when the last sacrifice blood had been let, then, that he felt it.


Searing pain filled the ancient elf, his body being torn apart first. Immortal that he was, he was less concerned (with the expectation to reform as he had many times before) until he noticed the sensation hadn’t stopped. The striga’s incorporeal spirit screamed and cried as it was split into ten upon the Red Nexus. The lexicon beneath him fractured and broke into ten: one still considerably large gem with nine shards floating off of it. Each swallowed the pieces of his soul whilst flurries of scarlet mist travelled between his followers and a shard of their own alongside Malghourn and the largest remaining piece. The last thought to pass through Gedym aep Helgraen’s mind was those of betrayal, as he had been made into nought more than a blueprint.


As time marched on and on elsewhere the striga continued to multiply and fracture into countless factions and splinter groups back upon Ailden and beyond, with those still loyal to the codex few and far between. It was then, that each of the seven Unseen had awoken for a fifty year cycle of their own, and with each of the daemons’ passing they had progressively come to understand that their experiment, for a race of servants upon this world, had failed. In secret they summoned forth each of the elder striga still deemed loyal and whispered lies of disloyalty about the others. It was time for their creation to be undone, and so like ripples upon a pool did the striga slaughter each other, one by one, across both Ailden and Atlas. Their genocide came near completion as the descendants came to the new land of Arcas, leaving the corpses of most striga behind them, and the continent of Ailden had been purged. The Unseen had given up on the mortal plane, they had wiped out their servants, and now they would slumber until the Betrayer’s return.

The Nine Archons

By the time they awoke from the ritual the nine archons felt changed. Each came to experience some discomfort in the jewelry they had once worn, having to remove it. The cavern floor stung them and when going to peel themselves from it they soon became aware of an ease in movement; weightlessly hovering in place where they had each once stood. They could see clearly in the cavern despite its darkness and soon noticed that the pieces of the nexus they had broken off for themselves were gone, bar the largest at which Malghourn had sat. His draconic body, once withered and in parts calcified, had been reborn anew. They could see walls of muscle quaking beneath his scales, and the dragon’s fangs and grown significantly. Something about the serpent to the nine seemed… Menacing. The smell of fear hung in the air that they shared with him until finally they were addressed.


“Traitors.” Malghourn spoke, rumbling a blizzard of rock-salt out of the cave around them with his sheer volume. “Your master, who had led you for centuries… Torn apart by his own apprentices’ thirst for immortality.” The archons exchanged glances, guiltily. They were struck with the realisation that they had been approached and bargained with individually by Malghourn. Each had been given the same promise in secret and each had taken it; all of them had been as willing to betray their master and, with the exception of Numir and Carical, each other more than likely. It became increasingly evident that this was intentional.


“You are immortal, as promised. You still have your powers, as promised… What I demand, is your recognition. Your souls are bound to the blood shards nine, which I have scattered amongst my followers upon the continent of Vailor. Fear not, my children, for your bonds to the shards are as ethereal as the lexicon they contain; if destroyed then they shall reform inevitably by my hand if not by my unwitting apprentices. But know this, I can undo what we have done. The lovers shall be sovereign, and for me build a world for troops and a world of blood. The trio shall undergo tasks of their own to empower my forces, and the strays… The weakest among you… You must earn my favour.”


And thus began the nine bloodlines of the first drakul, to each archon a realm was gifted, coupled with its own duties:


[Sovereign] Numir, the King

Once human, Numir maintains the courts of the Sanguine Imperium as its king, his own realm being interwoven with his spouse’s: one a farm-world of human livestock, the other a world-spanning kingdom of drakul subjects and nobles. The two keep the true ownership of each realm a secret between them lest one’s authority be questioned. It is from the Sanguine Imperium that most drakul hail, and also part of the reason why the drakul tend to overwhelmingly be former humans, with occasional human livestock winning an elder’s favour and ascending to become drakul.

Numir's bloodline has strong will and are expert liars; their body language cannot betray their intent and always seem to be telling the truth.


[Sovereign] Carical, the Queen


Once human, Carical maintains the courts of the Sanguine Imperium as its queen, her own realm being interwoven with her spouse’s: one a farm-world of human livestock, the other a world-spanning kingdom of drakul subjects and nobles. The two keep the true ownership of each realm a secret between them lest one’s authority be questioned. It is from the Sanguine Imperium that most drakul hail, and also part of the reason why the drakul tend to overwhelmingly be former humans, with occasional human livestock winning an elder’s favour and ascending to become drakul.

Carical's bloodline has matronly dispositions and can read and write at twice the normal pace.


[Trio] Hallin Kord, the Quartermaster

Once human, Hallin Kord now oversees Malghourn’s armies as his lieutenant. He is infamous amongst the Sanguine Imperium as Malghourn’s drafter, often coming to the realm to conscript drakul recruits for another of the dragon’s campaign from which, near immortal as the drakul may be, very few often return. Fiercely loyal, his realm is not truly his, but in fact a base of operations for the stone serpent’s militia, scattered with countless fortresses and training camps.

Hallin Kord's bloodline has a penchant for honor and enhanced muscle memory, allowing them to learn physical crafts and techniques twice as fast.


[Trio] Mictlanti, the Turnkey


Once a dark elf, Malghourn came to value Mictlani for his cruelty and skill in extracting information from strigae and blood mages alike for their secrets during his studies. He is Malghourn’s judicator and the inventor of the ‘crimson coffin’. His realm is an endless array of prison cells, cages, crimson coffins and dungeons for those Malghourn still sees use for, or just wishes to be tortured before execution.

Mictlanti's bloodline has a fine appreciation for music and are inherently composed and are comfortable being like a statue -- still and silent -- for as long as they wish without going mad or getting tired.


[Trio] Krogak, the Headhunter


Once an orc, Krogak is even more universally hated by the other drakul than Hallin Kord. During the years following their transformation he is the only of the archons known to have visited the mortal plane and hunt descendants in the desert, unfearful of even the Unseen present there. Maddened by his thirst and the most physically imposing of the archons, the headhunter serves Malghourn out of bloodlust and an affinity for violence alone, sent to eliminate the stone serpent’s enemies and begrudgingly deliver some to Mictlanti’s prison alive at times, the half-drakul and human slave children of the Sanguinis Imperium alike are known to make their parents check for a ‘Krogak in the closet’ before bed.

Krogak’s bloodline has poor empathy but increased purpose and ivory teeth as well as 2 pairs of retracted fangs, one on top and one on bottom.


[Stray] Cadmium, the Witch

Once human, Cadmium was one of the few able to deceive Malghourn. She was one of the most skilled blood mages in Setherien’s ranks, though withheld her ability for fear of becoming a target to the Paladins. Repeatedly underestimated, the Witch goes about formulating new spells and sacraments in secret, planning to free herself from Malghourn’s control. Her realm is the smallest of the nine’s; a twisting castle with no outside, each room a gateway to a different plane as she continues her desperate search for the great wizard Rasmot, her idol.  

Cadmium's bloodline has yellow tinted eyes and possess the psychic ability of ‘dowsing’ wherein they can locate mundane objects (or written words) through supernatural means within 1 block (such as finding a desired object in a cluttered drawer or desired line in a passage instantly).


[Stray] Solomon, the Scholar


Once a dwarf, Solomon is rumoured to have invented the first Dreadknights before the blood mages first surfaced in Asulon. An alchemist, philosopher and inventor, Solomon’s realm is an odd blend between a factory and a college, in which he reluctantly builds siege engines and other science-magic hybrid machines for Hallin Kord’s soldiers.

Solomon's bloodline has a mind for mathematics and can read in any language.


[Stray] Illia, the Collector

Once a high elf and the weakest of the archons in terms of both physical and magical prowess, Illia’s realm is both a library and museum rivaling even those of Ixli, the spirit of forbidden knowledge himself. Pacifistic and quietly unwilling to fight for Malghourn, she is often found visiting the mortal plane disguised as an old wise woman, pinching books from libraries and tricking mages out of their artefacts in order to have them gather dust in her halls, all the while operating on the pretence to be ‘curating tools for Malghourn’. She has a deep rivalry with Solomon, whose blueprints and inventions are hoarded in his own realm. Some believe there are weapons capable of granting Malghourn power beyond godhood in her collection, but are buried so far beneath an ocean of useless trinkets that the stone serpent hasn’t bothered to check.

Illia's bloodline has beautiful, smooth skin and can learn spoken languages twice as fast.


[Stray] Eireamhan, the Hermit


Once a wood elf and perhaps the least known about of the archons (so much so that residents of the Sanguinis Imperium often believe there to be only eight), Eireamhan’s abilities and talents are unknown. Rumour has it that Eireamhan attempted to liberate the drakul from Malghourn but was backstabbed by Mictlanti, whilst other stories suggest he only slighted the Stone Serpent and Mictlanti wasn’t involved at all. One thing that is certain is that Eireamhan’s realm has become his prison for at least three hundred years; trapped in a sprawling plane to wanders alone in its wilderness.


Eireamhan's bloodline has sharp, cut features and can enthrall animals (can have pets, can’t be relevant to combat, can’t be a creature larger than a wolf).


The archons mostly frequent the outer planes for safety, for whilst Malghourn is their maker and requires them for errands and duties, they are by no means safe from him or from one another.


Whether to simply explore and map the realm, to serve Malghourn or to retrieve their archon’s bloodshard for them it is not quite certain. Only one thing is for sure: with the extinction of the striga and the Unseen’s apparent departure, some of the archons have since deemed the mortal plane safe enough to deploy their followers... and the drakul are coming.





In the simplest terms, drakul are parasites. Vampires. These beings, twisted the ancient powers of blood magic, are eternal mimicries of their once descendant selves. Effectively immortal, their unnatural existence is one of Malghourn’s graceful (and somewhat more cruel) design, evolved from that of the Unseen’s more beastial striga.


Unlike all other creatures of flesh the drakul is unable to produce or utilise its own lifeforce, instead preserved by an array of ethereal and ever thirsting marrows; the existence of a drakul is one reliant upon genus, the blood of mortals. It is these complex enchantments laid upon them that locks their bodies and souls beyond the malleability of a descendant’s, making them ageless, immune to bloodbending and offering them a number of abilities at the expense of much magical potential that might require the soul as well as a series of bizarre weaknesses; drakul are beings no longer welcomed by the mortal plane (the less obvious of these weaknesses are submitted separately to avoid metagaming).


Their parasitic existence requires less maintenance than before their transformation, yes, though mere food and drink alone will no longer sustain them. Over time the drakul loses all physical pleasures and cravings they might’ve had as mortals. Sleep becomes a pointless, uncomfortable endeavour and more of a deep meditation than true respite. The flavour of a beloved meal and the euphoric stupor of drink once enjoyable to them are now wretched experiences; all forms of intoxicants would taste as ash and oil to the drakul, all solid foods causing them to aggressively vomit blood once swallowed. Forever hungry and addicted without solace, the drakul can find relief only in the blood of descendants.



The combination of runes: Mortality and Draining, which together make the signate for all ‘Drakul’.


Every drakul that crosses over to (or is created on) the mortal plane is able to claim for themselves a signate: a combination of blood runes layered upon the pre-existing ‘Drakul’ rune forming a symbol with meanings unique to that drakul. Whilst a drakul’s marrows contain its soul and prevent it from slipping into the soulstream or being repurposed, a signate acts as an etheral tether for the drakul. In the case of the nine Archons, for instance, their signates are present within the nine bloodshards’ cores no matter how many times or by who the physical crystals are reformed, used by Malghourn to keep a tight reign upon his generals. In the case of lesser drakul, however, these signates can be reproduced on a whim by drakul and blood mages who have memorised the symbols and runic combinations.


To be formed properly a signate must be drawn in blood equating three units of genus. Its sole purpose upon the mortal plane is to create a site for the drakul to reform or be resurrected if necessary, should their physical remains be utterly destroyed or unlocatable. The destruction or lack of a presently written signate is inconsequential, however (this is detailed further in ‘Regeneration (Major)’).


A drakul’s new state of being depends on the genus found in mortal blood. Whilst they are capable of consuming and briefly maintaining eight units of genus in their blood (the common descendant usually has three, as a point of reference) such is not retained for long and as time progresses on such is lost to their marrows and cannot be stored indefinitely in the body as most creatures do theirs. Their existence is a constant tug of war between ‘withered’ and ‘well fed’, for every three months (three IRL days) without feeding to replenish it a drakul will lose a unit of their genus, causing them to gradually degenerate both in ability and appearance until only two remain after a total of eighteen months (eighteen IRL days) and they are perpetually ‘withered’ until they feed again.


Well Fed


At any point where the drakul has five or more units of genus they will be considered ‘well fed’ and will default in appearance to a healthier version of the apparent age, skin colour, eye colour and other distinguishing features they had prior to transformation, being impossible to distinguish from the common descendant unless willfully appearing otherwise (elaborated further upon below under ‘Metamorphosis (Minor)’) as well as having the strength to utilise all of the benefits that come with their new state of being. The appearance that comes with being well fed is also inaccessible to those who practice physically hindering process; drakul that choose this path of spellcasting will be forced to appear ‘fed’ or ‘withered’.




Once the drakul has gone long enough without drinking blood - with only three or four four units of genus remaining - the first signs of physical degradation become apparent. At this point of being merely ‘fed’ a drakul is still strong enough to perform all of their usual abilities but will begin to take on an unhealthy appearance, looking gaunt, tired or considerably older than usual. Regardless of efforts to trim them their nails will grow unpleasant and pointed, stopping only a half-inch from the fingertips and their canines will default to small fangs. Most notably at this stage they will undergo a change in eye colour with irises appearing any unnatural shade of yellow, black, orange, red, green or white..




Past the stage of ‘fed’ is the ‘withered’ stage, one of absolute degradation. Whilst in the former it would be difficult at best for a drakul to conceal their true form, the withered drakul has no semblance of health. Their appearance is fundamentally monstrous and incongruous to that expected of a descendant; the ‘unhealthy’ look of fed drakul is nothing when compared with the mutations of a withered (elaborated further upon below under ‘Metamorphosis (Minor)’).


The creation of a drakul is a feat exclusive to the chosen elders beneath an Archon. These are drakul who have either been blessed in person with an Archon’s own blood or have managed to locate their Archon’s relevant blood shard and been given the assistance of two prior elders to contact the Archon and arrange such. As well, the stone serpent’s own eugenic and bigoted views are apparent in his design, the transformation ritual (wherein an elder bleeds a mortal within an inch of their life then willingly feeds the dying individual their own blood) only functioning on ‘clean’ mortals; that of full blooded descendants - men, elves, orcs and dwarves - without inbreeding or excess aengudaemonic tampering such as that seen in Kharajyr, Hou-zi and Ascended bloodlines. Furthermore the bloodline of a drakul is permanently altered following their transformation, granting them the appearance and cantrips of the Archon from which they are ‘descended’ through ritual and are passed on to the drakul’s children.


Whilst drakul are unable to reproduce with one another, they can do so with a descendant of their original race, creating a ‘half-drakul’. Half meaning in the regard that they will never bear the full boons and banes of a drakul unless fully; these children are however cursed to appear similarly to drakul in the ‘fed’ stage with unnatural eye colours, elongated canines, pale skin, an unhealthy, tired and slender appearance and pointed, longer and faster growing than average fingernails. Half-drakul gain no inherent abilities bar the cantrips of their Archon’s bloodline, a slightly more genus-saturated blood (four units, similarly to high elves) and the ability to sustain themself as one would with a balanced diet by drinking only mortal blood.

Genus guide:


Genus, upon which drakul depend to sustain themselves, is only found in fresh mortal blood (no older than a narrative day).


-Animals, and general creatures without mana and with lesser souls, do not have genus. Their blood can be enjoyed by drakul to some extent, however, though it will not satisfy their thirst.


-Average, typical people have 3 units of genus, equating to 1 body’s full blood reserves. Drinking from normal people is enjoyed by drakul as an alcoholic might enjoy fine wine.


-High elves and mages have 4 units of genus as per their magical affluence. Drinking from high elves and mages is enjoyed considerably more by drakul.


-Drakul can have anywhere from 2 to 8 units of genus though cannot process genus drank from each other.


-Zephonym have 4 units of genus due to their excessive reserves of blood.


-Tree lords, ascended, zar'ei, and zar'akal have 5 units of genus due to their supernatural or superior states. These are the ideal targets for drakul; their blood is euphoric to consume.

Azdrazi and dragons also have 5 units but strangely drakul cannot not process genus drank from them.


-Berserkers have 6 units of genus due to their immense genus stores. Strangely enough a berserker’s blood, whilst nourishing, is as enjoyable as drinking from a regular person.

Celestials also notably have 6 units but lack the physical blood to be drank.


-Voidal Horrors have 12 units of genus due to their immense Voidal saturation.

Whilst incredibly nourishing and the most efficient source of genus, a drakul’s metabolism isn’t enough to ward off the effects of being ‘moonstruck’. In this regard drinking from a voidal horror can drive a drakul insane and is best avoided.




Metamorphosis (Minor)


Drakul’s blood consumption grants them a heightened metabolism akin to their strigae ancestors and as a result they are ageless and immortal. Their physical appearance and apparent age from the point of their conversion on will remain unchanged by the passage of time so long as they keep themselves well fed. Should some choose, however, a well fed drakul can contort their appearance to remain monstrous willingly, be it as a fearsome display to ward off rivals or as a means of vague disguise. This mutation is chiefly apparent in the drakul’s face and hands, similarly to their strigae predecessors. In the case of appearing ‘monstrous’ - either whilst withered or by choice - the fundamental examples must apply:

-Claw like, long, gnarled nails (albeit not functional blades or talons).

-Pale, corpselike skin.

-Unnatural eye colour, one of the following variety: yellow, black, orange, red, purple, lime green or white.

-Elongated and sharpened canines nigh impossible to hide with an open mouth.


Whilst additional mutations can also be seen:

-An array of malformed teeth, tearing through one’s own cheeks in extreme cases.

-Varying levels of greying of hair baldness.

-Inconsequential splits and tears in the skin of the face or hands.

-Inconsequential bleeding within reason.

-Noses flat and batlike or alternatively pointed and witchlike (or complete absence of).

-Pointed beastial ears (or complete absence of).

-Uselessly frail batlike wings reminiscent of those found on infernal creatures.


-A fundamentally monstrous appearance must be roleplayed by a withered drakul if the equivalent of 3 units of genus has not been consumed by the drakul within the past 18 days.

-Metamorphosis (minor) can be performed by simply ‘fed’ drakul to appear more monstrous but not to achieve a more normal appearance.

-Taken willingly or not, a monstrous appearance cannot be excessively weaponized. Sharp, long nails will act as they would if grown by regular descendants. The exception to this is in the case of mouths and fangs, which serve the purpose of rending flesh with bite power equal to that of a wolf.

-Appearing monstrous will not alter height, strength, dexterity or resistance in any way.

-If well fed a drakul will require two emotes to shift fully in and out of their monstrous appearance, however for minor adjustments like eye colour, nails or fangs only one emote is required.

Metamorphosis (Major)


If in low lighting -- such as in a cave, sewer, cellar, unlit building, during a storm or the night -- a well fed drakul can enter a state of bloodlust interwoven with their inherent ‘rune’ of power. This permits a temporary boost in physical strength and agility, allowing for instance a drakul that was once human to rival an orc. Enabling such would divert all of a drakul’s sensibilities, however, forcing them to temporarily assume a monstrous appearance (as mentioned in Metamorphosis (Minor)) and a feral state of aggression. This boosted strength is maintained at the expense of their consumed genus, equalling one unit of genus per three emotes or five minutes of narrative time (circumstantially) and will cease once the drakul is reduced to three units of genus in their own reserves (which can be countered if the drakul replenishes their genus by drinking fresh blood there and then).  A drakul is also forced out of their major metamorphosis and unable to return to it when exposed to strong natural light.


-Metamorphosis (major) takes two emotes to prepare, in which the drakul must shift into their monstrous state.

-Metamorphosis (major) is completely inaccessible to drakul who practice physically hindering magics.

-Metamorphosis (major) is completely inaccessible to a drakul whilst withered.

-Metamorphosis (major) is completely inaccessible to drakul in sunlight.

Excessive natural light will immediately force a drakul’s metamorphosis into a minor one. This can be achieved by forcing the drakul into sunlight be it direct, through clear glass or reflected by mirrors and well polished objects. Alternatively glowstone lighting or light produced by a flame sized akin to a bonfire within 5 meters of a drakul, achievable for example by azdrazi or alchemist’s fire for example, would also suffice in reverting their strength. Illusionary fire and light, magelight or light as a byproduct of evoked fire and lightning is strangely ineffective.

If forced into a minor metamorphosis with the above then  the drakul would require three emotes consistently back in darkness (during which a unit of genus must be spent) to regain the benefits of a major metamorphosis,

-Metamorphosis (major) requires a unit of genus per three emotes or five minutes of narrative time to be spent. This spending occurs either from a drakul’s own reserves (until they enter the ‘withered’ state)  or can be paid in freshly consumed blood.

-Whilst drakul usually operate with a sense of community akin to wolves or bats, drakul undergoing metamorphosis (major) will behave out of their own selfish and often aggressive desires like cats and will find themselves unable to resist attacking non-drakul friends or foes within /w range who have blood drawn once their initial target has either fled or been fed upon, overwhelmed by lust for genus.


Drakul have the inherent ability of genus sensing, akin to blood magic’s rogues; they are able to detect the presence of genus-filled blood using a heightened sense of smell within their immediate vicinity, making them rather difficult to sneak up on. They can also in that regard detect the absence of if not distracted, if for example speaking with an animii or a creature without genus (any animal) with no-one else nearby, they might note the lack of blood and would also be inconvenienced, unable to detect such examples for their own wellbeing. A gift of Malghourn’s design borne of his distrust of his own kind as well as a desire to prepare his creations for his own presence, drakul are also unnerved by the presence of dragonkin such as azdrazi as a cat might be when smelling a nearby lion.


-Sensing, that is, being ‘aware’ of nearby people with genus is restricted to /w range. They would be able to feel if someone with genus was stood behind them, though would have to rely on their natural senses if assailant had none.

-Sensing azdrazi and dragonkin specifically will occur within /q range. They would feel discomfort and vulnerability at all times in an azdrazi’s vicinity.

-Sensing can not be used to pinpoint individuals illogically. If in /w range with a normal person and a creature without genus, they wouldn’t notice anything was amiss. If in /w range with only the creature without genus and there were still others in /q range with genus then there would be interference and the drakul would still not notice the absence of blood in a hidden creature. Similarly, if in /q range with an azdrazi and others, they would not be able to pinpoint exactly who the azdrazi is and would only feel its threat.

-Due to a vaguely heightened sense of smell drakul are disdainful of powerful scents and are uncomfortable around reeking herbs and fragrant flowers, often making their eyes water.


Drakul have acute darkvision, able to see clearly in even the most lightless of caverns but are adversely dazed by naturally bright lights and flashes which can even cause them to lose concentration. When withered, this darkvision becomes more of a curse than a blessing, hindering a drakul’s ability to see in daylight.


-Drakul do not have enhanced sight beyond the ability to see in darkness. They can only see as clearly and as far as a descendant’s peak vision.

-Dazed drakul will lose their focus and be unable to gain such for two emotes. This can range from miscalculations in weapon swings, bad footing or misfires in archery to an additional two emotes required for a spellcast being conducted at the time of the flash.

This dazing can be achieved by forcing direct sunlight into the drakul’s eyes, through clear glass or reflected by mirrors and well polished objects. Alternatively glowstone lighting or light produced by a flame sized akin to a bonfire within 5 meters of a drakul, achievable for example by azdrazi or alchemist’s fire for example, would also suffice in dazing them. Illusionary fire and light, magelight or light as a byproduct of evoked fire and lightning is strangely ineffective.

-Withered drakul can not see past 20 blocks in daylight.

Passive Metabolism

The aforementioned metabolism also gifts drakul with inherent health; Immunity to poison and disease (but conversely unable to benefit from alchemical potions), a natural strength, agility and endurance matching the peak level of their respective race, as well as enhanced (though by no means supernatural) reflexes. Exceeding the natural capabilities of their past selves however is their ability sprint faster than the average descendent if able to gain the proper momentum. They can also withstand higher falls, landing like cats from heights usually painful to descendants meters and with the right preparation they can slow their falling unnaturally to land from greater heights still without injury.


As a product of their enhanced metabolism, drakul also have an inherent resistance to cold and are even able to wander through a tundra, or swim through frozen over waters in relative comfort when well fed. This also renders them immune to the cold and numbing effects of rokodra and thanhium (but not thanic poisoning).


-Their immunity to ‘poison’ makes drakul unable to benefit alchemic healing or elixirs for the changing of appearance. Their body would also reject the afflicted symbiote in this regard.

-The inherent strength and agility of drakul is equal to their respective race in peak physical condition. In this regard a drakul that was once human will be stronger and more agile than most if not all other humans, however will never be as strong as an orc.

-A drakul loses their enhanced strength if they choose to practice physically hindering magics; a drakul with any void magic would be as weak as much as any void mage.

-The inherent reflexes of drakul match what could be achieved from abundant drilling by a descendant and are not enhanced to superhuman levels.

-The sprint speed of a drakul is capped at 30mph (only 2 mph quicker than the fastest ever recorded human sprint, for comparison) and acceleration must be achieved at no more than 2.5mph per block (requiring 12 blocks of uninterrupted momentum to peak).

-Any fall over 10 blocks without first performing three preparation emotes will result in injury, albeit slightly lesser than what a regular descendant from a similar height. If roleplayed properly a 20 block fall can be landed from softly but anything beyond (even with preparation emotes) will result in circumstantially serious if not fatal injury.

-Slowfall (over 10 blocks) is linked directly with their ability to hover over the ground; this cannot be abused in the case of ‘gliding’ anywhere they wouldn’t be able to jump to mechanically or lock themselves in place and move horizontally.

-Whilst for the most part unhindered and unfeeling of cold, their bodymatter is not exempt from it; drakul skin and muscles can still be frozen by alchemical, magical or even mundane means and the same pain and restriction would be experienced.

Regeneration (Minor)

Drakul’s health is usually upkept by their ability to regenerate, tied in with their metabolism. They can restore themselves from non-lethal injuries passively over time when well fed in a manner no descendant could match to varying extents and timeframes. This regeneration occurs at a far slower rate for a merely well fed drakul when contrasted with a drakul actively spending genus to speed their healing process (either at the expense of their own genus reserves, hastening their path to becoming withered or by consuming and immediately spending the genus in fresh blood, similarly to a descendant using alchemic healing).


-Regeneration (Minor) is inaccessible to a drakul whilst withered.

-Bruises, black eyes and broken noses will passively generate over the course of 12 hours. If a unit of genus is spent however then these can actively regenerate within 30 mins instead.

-Flesh wounds and stabs will passively regenerate over the course of 1 day. If a unit of genus is spent however then these can actively regenerate within 1 hour instead.

-Broken bones and knocked out teeth will passively generate over the course of 2 day. If 2 units of genus are spent however then these can actively regenerate within 3 hours instead.

-Lost fingers, noses, ears, eyes or toes will passively generate over the course of 3 days. If 2 units of genus are spent however then these can actively regenerate within 12 hours instead.

-Lost hands and feet will passively generate over the course of 6 days. If 2 units of genus are spent however then these will actively regenerate within 1 day instead.

-Lost limbs will passively generate over the course of 9 days. If 3 units of genus are spent however then these can actively regenerate within 2 days instead.

Regeneration (Major)

They are even able to regenerate from wounds usually fatal to descendants, albeit at a much slower rate; nearly unkillable in that regard. Assuming they do not receive the medical treatment required to handle said injuries and suffer what would ensure the death of a regular descendant, this leaves them incapacitated (unplayable) for a recovery period instead. During this recovery period genus is not periodically lost over 3+ days as it would usually be. This regeneration can be made instantaneous if resurrected by a blood mage or drakul able to access the ‘remains’ using a genus sacrifice relative to the wounds and subsequent time spans they ought to be out of commission. These resurrections can also be performed without access to the remains if a blood mage or drakul in using the fallen drakul’s signate, provided it is known to them.


-During major regeneration cooldowns a drakul character is rendered unplayable.

-PVP deaths = 1 hour required to regenerate if well fed and 2 hours if withered. Cannot be resurrected for immediate recovery.

-Signates used to revive drakul whose remains cannot be recovered will require an additional 3 units atop whatever amount would be required for immediate recovery.

-Bleeding out = 12 hours to regenerate if well fed.

12 hour ‘deaths’ require 1 unit of genus for immediate recovery.

-Organ failure (ie being disemboweled or stabbed through the heart) = 24 hours to regenerate if well fed

1 day ‘deaths’ require 2 units of genus (with remains, doubled if using signate) for immediate recovery.

-Beheading = 3 days to regenerate if well fed

3 day ‘deaths’ require 6 units of genus for immediate recovery.

-Dismemberment = 1 week to regenerate if well fed

1 week ‘deaths’ require 12 units of genus for immediate recovery.

-Total destruction (IE burnt to ashes) = 2 weeks to regenerate if well fed

-2 week ‘deaths’ require 16 units of genus for immediate recovery.

-Regeneration (Major) is inaccessible to a drakul whilst withered with the exception of PVP deaths. In this regard withered drakul are subject to PK.

-Lasting ‘deaths’ require 20 units of genus for immediate recovery.

Coffin Crafting


The nature of a drakul is juxtapositional at times. Immortal creatures always running out of time until their next meal is required, the archon Mictlanti initially invented the solution to this problem for the purpose of keeping prisoners for longer. Crimson Coffins are coffins (or in truth any solid tomb, box or other solid storage unit large enough to fit a descendant) bound with the properties of the runes: mortality, flesh, silence, binding and life in specific arrangements so as to both imprison and preserve drakul within them. When lain in a crimson coffin a drakul or half-drakul will feel any magics they might possess be silenced and be forced into a state of restricted strength, so much so that they are unable to escape the coffin unassisted if it is chained shut or built out of heavy enough material. At this point their marrows are preserved by the coffin, however, and the drakul or half-drakul feel their usual hunger subside, able to slumber (or be kept prisoner) for infinite spans of time without needing to feed.


-Only a blood mage or drakul who has been taught through roleplay how to craft crimson coffins can do so.

-If a crimson coffin is intentionally bound or sealed shut with a drakul or half-drakul inside of it, the character will be forcibly shelved until someone else opens the coffin through roleplay.

-Crimson coffins will only preserve the amount of saturation a or half-drakul drakul has. They can not be used in place of feeding. Similarly, half-drakul trapped within crimson coffins will still age.



Drakul are also blessed with the ability to float or hover, able to comfortably release themselves from the land and orientate themselves as they like, drifting a maximum of two feet from the ground or the surface of water. They enter a paradoxical state of behaving without the full restriction of gravity whilst by no means feeling weightless. Armour is still encumbersome, for instance, and they won’t be carried off by gusts of wind.


-Drakul are not actually ‘weightless’. They weigh as much as any descendant their size ought to, but can choose to take the strain of their bodyweight from their feet when hovering.

-Any given part of the drakul must remain within 2ft of the ground at all times.

-Hovering must still adhere to mechanical standards and cannot be used to get anywhere they wouldn’t already be able to MCly.

-Hovering has no impact on movement speed or endurance; acceleration stays the same and they will still tire as if they were running.

-Floating does not equate weightlessness and must be done over a body of water or solid ground. Simply put, a drakul can not float over an object that would not usually support their weight, to avoid abuse.

-That said, people lying flat (for instance sleeping in bed; the bed being the ‘support’ for the drakul to float 2ft from, not the person) beneath a floating drakul would not feel its weight unless to press as though landing it on them, at which point all apparent ability to hover would be lost.

-Releasing from the ground and beginning to float requires 2 emotes during which they must remain in the same spot.




Drakul are able to enslave descendants to some degree. This is done by simply establishing eye contact at first and continues in mesmerizing sessions of mental influence as enthrallment progresses, taking a total of three year (three IRL weeks) long stages before a descendant is fully dominated. Should enthrallment end then any secret they had been asked to keep by their former master would be forgotten to amnesia (even beyond a mental mage’s ability to recover) with their experiences being recalled as an unhealthy friendship.


(Stage 1): Initially enthrallment begins as a plain stare of consistent eye contact which can be done during conversation. This session is enough to charm a person wherein they are slightly influenced by the drakul and feel as though they are slightly more trusting, they approve of the drakul, or might find it hard to argue with them. The drakul’s stare is vaguely mesmerizing, beautiful, or interesting and it can captivate the viewer.


-All this does is induce vulnerability to persuasion from the drakul. This comes off as the drakul seeming interesting and appealing. The effects of the stare last for 2 hours.


(Stage 2): If a third charming session is repeated within the second year (second IRL week) of their odd relationship, the victim feels they can trust the drakul and feel the urge to impress them or help them for little reward other than their company and approval.


-All this does is induce fascination with the drakul in the way a person feels towards a good friend. This allows for social pressure to be more easily exercised. The effects of the stare at this point lasts for 1 day.

-Commands given at week 2 are not absolute and will be taken more as a persuading request from a close friend than an undeniable order. Ignoring such commands is possible, though will leave the thrall with burning feelings of guilt.


(Stage 3): If a fifth session of charming is undergone in the third year (third IRL week) of enthrallment the victim feels immensely compelled to obey the drakul’s every command. The thrall is completely unable to divulge information that the drakul tells them not to spread, magically bound from speaking the drakul’s secrets even during torture. A mental mage can access a thrall’s thoughts to discover this information, however, as with anyone else, the information is not apparent and requires excessive digging, probing, and fishing to find. The thrall regards the drakul as their best friend, master, family member, and so on and recognize their relationship as a healthy, natural friendship and are unable to be convinced it is anything else. Simply interacting with the drakul in this stage renews their enthrallment and two years of isolation from them would be necessary for the thrall to regain their liberty.


-Commands given at week 3 and onwards are absolute unless it defies the thrall’s fundamental morals in which case they can /roll 20 and if they roll 16+ they can defy the command but will feel tremendous shame as a result.

-Stage 3 requires OOC consent to progress to.


-Stage 1 enthrallment can not be began by a drakul whilst withered, though stages 2 and 3 can be progressed through whilst withered.

-Charming a person to begin and progress with enthrallment requires 4 emotes of consistent eye contact. This is an active ability meaning the drakul intentionally must try to enthrall someone (it doesn’t ‘just happen’ to anyone they make eye contact with) and it must be done within 5 blocks.

The drakul must remain within a 1 block radius of where they started to when they finish for the ability to trigger.

-Each stage requires 7 IRL days to pass from its start to the next.

-A drakul cannot FTB with a thrall or coax them into FTBing with anyone else.

-A drakul cannot force a thrall to kill themself or do something suicidal.

-A drakul may release their thrall at any given time by speaking the thrall’s true name at any given time whilst charming and the clear statement: “I release you” in a mutually known language.

-If a drakul is slain all of the thralls have their enthrallment fade as though they were willingly released.

-If commanded to keep secrets by their master during enthrallment then a former thrall will completely forget such secrets, for example the identity of a drakul as well as their general existence; all they would remember is the vague notion of a ‘bad friend’. If someone were to tell a former thrall of the forgotten drakul’s identity, or of their enthrallment to them they would be completely incapable of believing it unless told willingly by the drakul formerly controlling them themselves.

These memories are locked away in a manner similar to the mind marrow utilised by rogues in blood magic and can not even be accessed even by mental magics.

Reinitiating enthrallment to the same drakul restores these lost memories.

-If slain by their current or former drakul master, a thrall who chooses not to PK would suffer complete amnesia going back to immediately before their first stage of enthrallment and all memories from during their enthrallment are permanently erased. This is with the intent of discouraging metagaming and poor roleplay, acting as a legitimate counter to prevent unsavory and OOCly motivated roleplay as a consequence of accepting enthrallment.




“On my orders, servants of the Stone Serpent, for tonight we chase them back to Moz Strimoza!” - Hallin Kord, the Quartermaster, during a failed campaign to recover an infernal realm for Malghourn.



  • Due to their PK clauses, the forced shelving that comes with crimson coffins and the irreversible changes to they bring upon characters, OOC consent is required to change a character into a drakul.

    • Only elder drakul blessed directly with an archon’s blood can create more

    • Born to a drakul parent and a descendant parent of that drakul’s same previous race, half-drakul must OOCly comply with the consequence of crimson-coffins and the potential forced shelving/ PK that comes with them.

      • Half-drakul can only hope for a normal, healthy descendant appearance by alchemic mutation or by becoming fully drakul and being ‘well fed’.

      • The children of two half-drakuls are also half-drakuls, however the children of a Half-drakul and descendent are simply descendents.

  • Once created a drakul player must be OOCly informed of all weaknesses submitted separately to this lore.

  • The nine archons can only be played by LT or specific ET with LT approval.

  • Drakul subject to fatal injury cannot be resurrected by the monks or any other means than outlined in ‘Regeneration (Major)’.

  • Drakul’s souls are self contained by ethereal marrows; they are unable to offer it or tamper with it. Their bodies are also locked in their regeneration, preventing them the ability to change it permanently (whether for magic or otherwise).

    • This makes them incapable of becoming afflicted, zar’ei and zar’akal, azdrazi, tree lords, izkuthii or soulbound golems  and also means their souls are claimed by Malghourn through these marrows upon ‘PK’, unable to utilise klones, blood magic’s rebirth and disembodiment rituals, machine spirits or any form of undeath. They are also unable to use soul-involved magics such as shade, frost witchcraft, ascended, clericalism, paladinism, druidism, Yeu Rthulhu feats, shamanism (though casting through a naakh with dark shamanism is fine), runesmithing, naztherak (unless branded/ marked or given an appendage to cast through without burning themselves prior to becoming drakul), naztherak gifts of the red prince, mysticism and necromancy.

    • Neither Drakul nor Half-Drakul bodies can be utilised for blood magic’s rebirth or disembodiment rituals.

  • Drakul’s extreme metabolism that grants them immunity to poison but also renders them unable to make use of  medicines, drugs and most alchemic creations.

  • Drakul can not ‘reproduce’ with one another and are reliant on turning descendants or bearing half-drakul with descendants.

    • Half-drakul must be a product of two roleplayed characters and, as they do not require a CA, do not have any inherent differences to the race of their ‘mortal’ half other than the aesthetic differences outlined above.

  • Drakul can only feed on the races outlined under ‘Genus Guide’. Drakul can not feed on blood older than a narrative day.

  • Drakul who practice physically hindering magics will be forced to appear ‘fed’ rather than ‘well fed’ even if they have four or more units of genus. In this regard drakul who practice voidal magics for instance will always have unnatural eye colours, long nails and an unhealthy complexion.

  • With their immunity to being bloodbent also comes an inability for Drakul to heal themselves or be healed using the scabbing ability in blood magic.



“Uproot his nails, yank out his teeth, shave off his skin... All well and good, but making a man write? Now that’s the best torture there is.” – Mictlanti instructing one of his apprentices in the art of pain.


We felt that with the in-character annihilation of striga as well as arguments cropping up every few months for their shelving on one side and rewriting on another led us to the conclusion that LoTC values its vampire niche whilst its creators do not value the striga lore as a part of LoTC. It was our intention for this lore then to find a middle path; a soft sort of rewrite for the vampire creature whilst allowing for striga lore to - as its creators seem to intend - to become a footnote in LoTC’s history. This I feel has been well orchestrated in our origin story, concluding the narrative of Gedym aep Helgraen and the Unseen whilst intertwining it with more recent history in the LoTC canon; including Setherien’s blood mages, fleshing out the extinction of the Bohra, developing Malghourn as a character and fitting prior Blood Magic & Blood Shard lore into the narrative in a manner that allows for continuity rather than retconning.


Furthermore we feel that much of our writing has been inspired by the problems that surfaced with striga and resolving them, for instance having clear guidance and restrictions on strength, weaknesses and blood consumption as well as intertwining them closer with wider LoTC canon, adding unique interactions with blood magic as well as creatures like Azdrazi and further weaknesses (albeit submitted separately to avoid the same metagaming behaviour the striga received). We also feel this piece opens new avenues for unique ‘vampire’ themed roleplay such as the opportunity for drakul to wield certain magics (though heavy restrictions on which magics can and can’t be learnt, for balancing) with certain downsides and the opportunity for half-drakul with solely aesthetic qualities to be played without a CA, following the successes of cursed children in the recent Naztherak addition. On the other side of things we also hope for this to encourage ‘vampire hunter’ roleplay through which the hidden weaknesses of drakul might be discovered (rather than metagamed) and utilised in character.

References/ Credit:

Blood Magic

Striga – Children of the Unseen

Blood Shards

(much of the lore referenced in origin, whilst we think we have the timeline right, is not worth the hours of digging necessary to include 2014 posts as references)


Shoutout to my homeboy @Zarsies for dragging me by the balls through this.
It took a while and I’m glad we finally got it finished. He’s just as responsible if this lore makes you upset and you’d like to complain at someone.




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I thought we were supposed to have fewer playable CA races, hence the mass shelving. 


Why do you think a player group/CA race that exclusively exists to feed on/kill other players and cause chaos deserves an arsenal of magical powers? 

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The lore is well-written but I implore it’s creators to make the lore for an event race, and not a playable one. 

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this is cool


stop taking away everything that’s stronger than one person please, some of us LIKE fighting magic-fags

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Cut Helgraen out and go for it. Just know you guys are gonna get absolutely butt blasted by edgies swamping this.

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the only concern is people RPing them badly if this is allowed
otherwise, well-written and I wish it the best

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looking qt

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i want this lore because i want qt uwu vampires to take over lotc


On another note, you should probably ask for there to be some restriction on when LT play Archons, since random LT would then be able to play the Archons and make drakul. Like, the LT manager’s permission or something. Can’t find much anything else out of place in the lore except the half-drakul being able to live off of drinking blood though!

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Honestly this piece is amazing, I enjoy that there are restrictions on the magic. Might need to read over this to fully grasp the origin but it is good, however some of the abilities could be a too strong but that is just my opinion. 

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