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Community Team Update - February 2020


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Hello again!


This past month has been wild. Not just with a lot of internal projects within the Community Team, but also with our primary direction. Our focus is still shifting towards the community as a whole instead of simply new players or applications. This has primarily been pushed by the encouragement of interacting with the community and engaging with other players. Obviously, there is a lot more work to be done in terms of this goal, but the past few weeks have seen considerable progress, especially with Community Team Members chilling in VC more in the main discord. However, we don’t get many people joining us, so keep an eye out when we’re there (I will also announce it) and feel free to join us!




- Overview -


This month, we saw a total of 211 apps handled, with 111 new players welcomed onto LotC. 


Last month, we saw 194 applications and 145 new players welcomed onto LotC. Over the course of the past month, our application standards have become tighter and more restricted, which contributed to the ratio of accepted apps to total apps drastically changing. If you round the numbers, it was about 15:20 last month, though this month, it was 11:21. This can be further rounded to about 3:4 versus 1:2, meaning in January, we accepted approximately 75% of applications, which has dropped by 25% in February. Despite how we have had even more applications come in, a lot more are being denied. Some of the new changes include you must have at least two lore references and the roleplay scenario response must be at least four sentences.  


- Accepted/Denied Ratios -







- Race Specific Data -









- New Player Guidance -









- Application Team Data -







- Other Team Data -










This month’s Application King goes to… @_Pan





Followed behind by @NOZGOD and @LotsOfMeteor!


Once again, @_Pan has achieved Application King and has maintained their title!





- Community Administrator -



- Community Managers -




- Community Team Members -


















- Content Creators -










- WIKI - LotsOfMuffins -

The Wiki Team has been hard at work with several projects this past month. Unfourtunately, our Wiki Team Manager, TwistedFries, had to step down recently, but the team still continued with projects whilst he was around. Currently, they are on pause while we bring on a new manager. 


The front page project is their primary concern as it stands, since the character page project, where all inactive, out-of-date, or insignificant character pages were massively removed, is pretty much complete. This past month, a large number of other staff team members volunteered to give ideas and discuss how the front page should look, and our new front page is coming along nicely. It’s nearly done and should be out at the end of this month. Coming up next, lore is going to be our primary focus, where Lore Team Members will come together and help Community Team Members update all of the lore on the wiki. This is a huge task, so if you’re interested in joining the Wiki Team, shoot me a PM @LotsOfMuffins#0119!

- BROOM CREW - Armajesty -

Hello, everyone! This is the first official work update from the Broom Crew™ and I'm happy to tell you things are going swimmingly. We've begun to organize guides in our push to remove outdated ones in order to keep things up to date on the forums. Alongside this, we're working hard to redesign our monk guidance system with the help of the ideas provided by Nation Leaders and the Projects Team! We're hoping to create a system less focused upon the OOC details, and more focused on immersing players and giving them a feel for what roleplay on the server is like. The final project that we have begun working on is our integration of the NPD into the main LOTC Discord. We're working harder to organize things within the main discord and create a more active, and easy to navigate layout. We've got lots of plans for March so a huge shoutout to LotsOfWonks, Evonpire, LotsOfMeteor, Nestro_Miner, Ttsim, and DreamInSpace for all of their hard work.


- PROJECTS - puffables -

Over on in the Projects focus group, we're working hard still in two main areas! As a few of you have probably seen, a strange building has popped up in CT, further down the path from the markets. Our 'Quest Guild' is well underway with the fabulous assistance of the ST; just a few small finishing touches before we open it up to you all. It's certain to be a lot of fun, with tons of great opportunity and roleplay!! Second along, the Tutorial Island build is being picked up once more by WT members- unfortunate to have a lil bit of delay due to server status issues, but we hope to soon have this up and running as well! We look forwards to seeing a cool way of teaching new players the OOC side of getting started so that they can be fully immersed once they join in! Again - a wonderful month, big thanks to all of the Projects contributors!


- EVENTS - Armajesty, LotsOfMuffins, puffables -

After a month-long break the Community Events team is back, and better than before! We have reinstated Community Events as a team-wide project as it is something that is highly demanding of its group members. In the month of March, we have three events planned, these being Battle of the Arts ran by Armajesty, Creative Cafe by LotsOfMuffins, and a surprise event being planned by puffables. Each of these events has small teams helping lead the charge in order to make things happen. Alongside this, a small project called Community Game Nights is being worked on which was inspired by the overwhelming positivy following the Capture the Flag event. These game nights will feature popular mini-games like spleef, capture the flag, jackbox and more allowing the community to come together and have fun in a setting unrelated to Lord of the Craft.





This past month, we primarily pushed forward with application standards, as seen by the large drop in accepted applications, and continued moving forward with becoming the Community Team rather than the New Player Team or Application Team through increased community engagement. 


Unfourtunately, our biggest projects such as Tutorial Island and the construction of our next big event (TBA) have been stalled due to world edit destroying the server 9 out of 10 times it’s used, and other projects such as the Quest Board have been delayed due to Tha_Mystery_Man having to focus more on Athera than it. However, the server won’t be dead forever and Athera won’t last forever, so our projects will continue to be refined and worked on in other aspects until we can release them. 


Last Month’s Goals:

  1. Playerbase Engagement / Feedback


In February, the main drive has been pushing for engagement with the playerbase. After all, you can’t call yourself a Community Team Member without actually being involved in the community. Recently, members have been in VC more and more often in both the main and new player discords, as well as answering questions in #ws and #h. 


  1. Discord Overhaul


The main discord has been moved under the Community Team in terms of management and organization, but the Moderation Team continues to moderate it. This overhaul has been moved under Broom Crew as one of their projects, but we are currently working on creating a new player section on that discord in order to allow those not yet verified to still ask questions if they find themselves in the discord. 


  1. Focus Groups


In the last month, we had a (hopefully final) shift in focus groups. Instead of Community Events, we now have Broom Crew, which focuses on internal projects within the team such as the monk guidance rewrite, the discord overhaul project, guides organization, and finally, the revival of the old Pots and Pandits project. This group is led by Armajesty, who previously led Community Events. As for events, these are now being done every other month with managers leading individual events with members volunteering to help. 


This Month’s Goals:

  1. Engagement


We are moving forward with player engagement and community involvement with the team. This started with pushing for members to be in VC more often, speaking more often with players( in the discords, in #ooc, etc.), etc., and this continues with ensuring that players’ needs are met, continuing to interact with the community, and increasing our server presence overall. 


  1. Wiki Team


The Wiki Team has been a roller coaster. Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t stopping, and I will not let the progress stop, but it has been going in an odd direction. As such, I personally have been taking hold of the team, and the next manager to lead it will be leading it alongside me if anything. One of our issues involved the documents of the team being owned by a member who quit and revoked permission, so the entire system of the drive will change completely under its new management. In addition, it focused heavily on character pages and settlement guides. Instead, we will be working more closely with the lore team in order to update lore pages after we finish our front page update. If you are interested in helping with the Wiki Team, please shoot me a PM at LotsOfMuffins#0119. Thank you!


  1. Application Standards


Community Management has formed a new system regarding improper applications. Essentially, if an application is accepted that is deemed “improper” in any way, such as not following the guidelines, then it is logged and the member is spoken to. If a member receives a large number of logs, they meet with management where we go over what the plan is moving forward and provide tips and feedback to help the member. So, in March, the plan is to continue this and hopefully lower the number of improper applications popping up as well as maintain the tightened restrictions. 



If you have any questions or comments about the direction that we are going in, feel free to leave a comment down below or reach out to a team member.



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all wiki team members are nice and i like them all 

thank u puff parion muffins and noz u guys are great love you xoxoxo ??? 

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we love u squak xoxo ❤️ 

and looking forwards to the coming month, more good stuff on its way ! B) 

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How come Sutica is visited double as often as any other settlement? They don’t seem logged often enough either, looking at the OTHER graph. I would be interested to see where Meteordragon’s 16 players were led to.



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13 minutes ago, Ankan said:



He is right, the data seems off – 


You have calculated 104 guidance logs in total but only 19 settlement tours, can we have a bit more transparency on what ‘guidance’ logs are? I understand it is also going through commands and walking the player through RP. Though it also should be settlement tours to get the player to directly engage in RP. With the majority of elves accepted being high elves, it’s disconcerting that none where guided or attempted to be taken to Haelun’or or other elven settlements (besides the 1 to Irrinor).


The data can also be turned to humans, being the most accepted overall race, yet out of the 50%+ of humans accepted 9 got toured. (Which is a majority but this statistic should be way higher for the amount of guidance logs made. 


Is the bulletin board project in effect or still ‘being worked on’ as it was supposed to (in theory) mediate the problems.

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20 minutes ago, Jenny_Bobbs said:


He is right, the data seems off – 


You have calculated 104 guidance logs in total but only 19 settlement tours, can we have a bit more transparency on what ‘guidance’ logs are? I understand it is also going through commands and walking the player through RP. Though it also should be settlement tours to get the player to directly engage in RP. With the majority of elves accepted being high elves, it’s disconcerting that none where guided or attempted to be taken to Haelun’or or other elven settlements (besides the 1 to Irrinor).


The data can also be turned to humans, being the most accepted overall race, yet out of the 50%+ of humans accepted 9 got toured. (Which is a majority but this statistic should be way higher for the amount of guidance logs made. 


Is the bulletin board project in effect or still ‘being worked on’ as it was supposed to (in theory) mediate the problems.


Disconcerting, maybe, but not surprising.

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Why are dead charters still on the list for new player guidance? I mentioned this last time too, that list is horribly incomplete (Vira’ker is still there) and includesq dead charters and is missing out on charters that have been around and active for months.


Other than that, good update.

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4 hours ago, Jenny_Bobbs said:




As for your question on what a guidance log is considered, it’s a sort of catch-all for any sort of assisting players. From explaining LotC to a Soul to teaching commands, there’s a lot of things that fall under “guidance.”

Hope I helped.


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It's worrying to see someone handle 1/4th of the incoming applications please don't let Pan burnout and try and spread out more evenly the amount of applications to all team members. 


But otherwise it really sounds cool. Hope all the projects go well.

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It doesn’t make sense that 38.5% of all new Elf players are High Elf, yet Haelun’or had no guided-tours during the month of February. Are players being led to the closest settlement(s) regardless of their application choice?

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Guidance is more than just bringing new players around. Most of mine comes from taking people's tickets. I am by far not the one who does the most player guidance- which is sad. Though when I guide people, I go to the racial nations first(unless they name something in their bio), then of no one is there I try to take them to a place that I know a lot of their race hangs around. Also, some of the actual guidance logs are shown twice on the data for nations because we may take someone to more than one place. Thank you for coming to my TED talk


Edit: I checked the data and there are 109 Guidance Logs and 19 Settlement Visits. Also, not every new player gets guidance because they don't make a ticket, or we miss when they log on



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10 hours ago, Jenny_Bobbs said:

You have calculated 104 guidance logs in total but only 19 settlement tours, can we have a bit more transparency on what ‘guidance’ logs are? I understand it is also going through commands and walking the player through RP. Though it also should be settlement tours to get the player to directly engage in RP. With the majority of elves accepted being high elves, it’s disconcerting that none where guided or attempted to be taken to Haelun’or or other elven settlements (besides the 1 to Irrinor).


11 hours ago, Ankan said:

They don’t seem logged often enough either, looking at the OTHER graph. I would be interested to see where Meteordragon’s 16 players were led to.


10 hours ago, Ankan said:

Disconcerting, maybe, but not surprising.




5 hours ago, LotsOfMeteor said:

Guidance is more than just bringing new players around. Most of mine comes from taking people's tickets. I am by far not the one who does the most player guidance- which is sad. Though when I guide people, I go to the racial nations first(unless they name something in their bio), then of no one is there I try to take them to a place that I know a lot of their race hangs around. Also, some of the actual guidance logs are shown twice on the data for nations because we may take someone to more than one place. Thank you for coming to my TED talk


Edit: I checked the data and there are 109 Guidance Logs and 19 Settlement Visits. Also, not every new player gets guidance because they don't make a ticket, or we miss when they log on





10 hours ago, Jenny_Bobbs said:

Is the bulletin board project in effect or still ‘being worked on’ as it was supposed to (in theory) mediate the problems.




12 hours ago, LotsOfMuffins said:

Unfourtunately, our biggest projects such as Tutorial Island and the construction of our next big event (TBA) have been stalled due to world edit destroying the server 9 out of 10 times it’s used, and other projects such as the Quest Board have been delayed due to Tha_Mystery_Man having to focus more on Athera than it.



10 hours ago, Jenny_Bobbs said:

The data can also be turned to humans, being the most accepted overall race, yet out of the 50%+ of humans accepted 9 got toured. (Which is a majority but this statistic should be way higher for the amount of guidance logs made. 





5 hours ago, LotsOfMeteor said:

not every new player gets guidance because they don't make a ticket, or we miss when they log on


In addition to Meteor’s response, I actually do have news regarding this. d18babb573a7d0afd2a8e223f5b6f800.png


Basically, this should increase our monk guidance count and actually encourage CT members to like, guide new players. 



5 hours ago, ImCookiie said:

It doesn’t make sense that 38.5% of all new Elf players are High Elf, yet Haelun’or had no guided-tours during the month of February. Are players being led to the closest settlement(s) regardless of their application choice?


Yes, I’ve noticed this and management has, too. Perhaps it’s due to them being part of the large number who weren’t reaching out for tours, since we take all high elves directly to Haelun’or. Hopefully the above policy change will correct this somewhat. 



8 hours ago, Luminaire said:

Why are dead charters still on the list for new player guidance? I mentioned this last time too, that list is horribly incomplete (Vira’ker is still there) and includesq dead charters and is missing out on charters that have been around and active for months.


Yes, so I recently took a hot look at the spreadsheet and deleted, like, half of the charters in there. I think the best bet is to just, uh, copy/paste the list of still-existing charters from the activity sheet used for calculating each region’s activity. 



5 hours ago, SoulReapingWolf said:

It's worrying to see someone handle 1/4th of the incoming applications please don't let Pan burnout and try and spread out more evenly the amount of applications to all team members. 


Yeah, so, actually, the spreadsheet screwed up some numbers since we added, like, 10 rows to the spreadsheet (rip staff downsize) and it just didn’t calculate those 10 rows. After adding it, you can see that other members did do more apps than originally thought, so there’s a place. But yes, overall, _Pan is doing quite a lot. I swear I didn’t tell them to 50. They’re just above and beyond. Thanks, @_Pan.



11 hours ago, Ankan said:

How come Sutica is visited double as often as any other settlement? 


I dunno why Sutica is doubled. I’ll talk to the team about spicing up who they’re sending new players to. 



8 hours ago, Luminaire said:

Other than that, good update.


12 hours ago, SquakHawk said:

thank u puff parion muffins and noz u guys are great love you xoxoxo ??? 


6 hours ago, SoulReapingWolf said:

But otherwise it really sounds cool. Hope all the projects go well.


Thanks for the positivity, my dudes. 

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Good overall work! Excited to see how the wiki will turn out! Though I also hope that some other more active settlements, such as Haelun’or and the Human Nations, get a bit more activity too! While it’s good that people are being led to more freelance nations like Sutica, perhaps consider showing them other places as well, despite their race. There have been plenty of elves who have thrived in human areas, and vice versa. 

Keep up the good work dude bros @LotsOfMeteor @NOZGOD!

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      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

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      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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