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Death of a Matriarch


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Elenora Zytiaear sits quietly within her home upon the edge of her bed. Her dented helm within her false hands. She was there for what occurred, though she saw not- she could assume to the events. She felt the pain and sorrow- yet peace. The tears she wept though held nothing but anger and frustration.

 She would pause only a moment, before moving to a stand- setting the helm where she once sat, and leaving her partner asleep upon the bed. Down the stairs she went into the basement of her home, carefully looking through her shelves- before she pulls out a singular box. Within it an old and dried bouquet of mismatched flowers, a ribbon poorly cut. Her wooden fingers brush across the ancient things, her glowing gaze closing now as tears rolled down her face.

All the moments that they had spent together, all the times that Elenora had fought by the others side- they raced through her head. The moments upon Atlas- atop the ruined library where Elenora took Awaiti upon their first date, the wisdom that had been shared throughout the decades. The moment within the Sparrow Grove, where Elenora took the Hurricane's hand and led her back to the boat, back to her people. Every moment clutched her heart and squeezed, as if she was in the midst of a storm..

"I pulled you from death before once.  I wonder did I fail you then, and not now? Perhaps you were suffering all this time? But even in the sadness in nature's song.. I felt peace. I hope you're at peace.. You will always apart of me. Your strength paralleled to none. Both the calm and the wrath of a storm.. I have and will always love you."

Delmira Sylvaeri sits within her house, reading through books. Her eyes cast up as the door opens and her beloved moves in. Grasping a cup of tea prepared she readies to hand it off to her partner, only for the news to reach her ears. The glass slips from within her fingers- clattering to the floor. 

Shock, confusion, rage bubbled within the small frame of the Mali'ame, thought it all led back to the same place- sadness. The healer drops to her knees instantly, beginning to pick up the pieces of glass frantically.- despite the tears and sobs that began to seep out. Eventually her hands were grabbed and stopped before she could cut them open, the woman's counter part pulling her up and to a hug as the cleric released the sadness she held for her deceased seed sister. 

The woman in which if it was not for her the cleric would have long since lost her path and way. The woman who was her rock, her friend, her only family for so long. Though deep down, the cleric knew that the hurricane had found her peace, she could finally rest knowing that her legacy was in good hands.

"Mayilu.. I... have so.. so much to do, and I will do it.. for her."

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As soon as she felt the voices' sorrow, she knew. She ran to the gate, where her sister soon came and fell against, fear in her gaze. "Tell me lari'onn! Who was it!" The Fox Druid pleaded with the Phoenix, tears already welling her eyes. "I-I heard Sister Scorpion cry out Awaiti...I'm so sorry."


The wind stung her tear soaked cheeks as she ran to the beacon near the city amongst the redwoods, the formation of her mother's hard work. She banged on the stone, pleading with it to let her see her one more time; let her say she loved her before she explored the Forest. Silence was all she got, Taynei was already leading her off.


The voices of nature twisted in sorrow, screaming and crying as golden tears sunk into the grass below. Hileia quelled what she could, fighting with Sonna to soothe her poor soul. But she could not be soothed as she trudged towards the hollowed out trunk, unsure of where else to go.

She opened the door to her mother's room, trembling as she spotted her bed. She collapsed amongst the pile of pillows and blankets, gasping as she realized it still smelled of her. She curled up into the nest, unable to do anything but sob into it with uncontrollable grief.

"I didn't get to say goodbye...mom...please don't leave me.."

Her pleads were futile, and she knew that, but she couldn't help but plead. As she pulled on the blanket, she found a hidden chest, opening it to find several items and her mother's will. Golden tears stained the sheets as she read it, and then lifted the items in her hold.

"I will carry on your message...haelun."

And at that, her skin started to sprout orange fur, and her bones cracked and reformed amongst screams of terrible agony. A sad fox then slept amongst the nest, trembling and crying throughout the terrible night.

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Was, and will always be the best grandma.

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Cullas takes a breath

Where were you when Awaiti was killed my spooks?


I was home drinking druid-juice


I get carrier pigeon

"Awaiti is kill"


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Somewhere between here and the eternal forest, a red-tailed hawk soars across a sunset sky, and releases a shrill, mournful screech of sorrow.

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"Sorry for leaving you so abruptly, Awaiti. Nevertheless, I am glad that the time between my passing and your arrival here was long." says the Caribou Druid as Sister Orison enters the Eternal Forest



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The solemn Caerme'onn sits where it all began, before a hearth in a scene similar to the bustling village where she first met her grandmother. Her opposing hand fiddled with the ironwood ring on her ring finger, slipping it off to clutch tightly in her palm - a ring carved by Abelas Sr., for Awaiti. Miven peered up at the Oracle's sun with her own golden eyes, whispering, "Marmaln Caribou, Marhaelun Awaiti, give me strength." 

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Aight who's cutting onions


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Off in the vast wooded hinterlands, alone and surrounded only by beams of moonlight and deep shadow, Avius felt the latest of many icy notes thrum within his soul. The aspects' song of which it formed the terrible crescendo could now never be ignored. The cinder druid had expected to hear new things, indeed he had been told such. Nevertheless, this veritable rolling chain of death, perceived raw and constantly in his bad luck, was hard to endure. Platitudes crossed Avius' lips of the aspects and stalwartness, but at length he slumped into his own crossed legs and he sobbed, unknown to all but the trees. Whether that was for the mentor and friend he had lost, or for his own internal suffering, who could say?


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Briala laid with her head in her wife's lap, tears rolling down her face silently. She'd not believed it when Ciliren told her of Awaiti's death, nor had she wanted to accept it. But it was true, her grandmother was now in the Eternal Forest. Once she had recovered enough, Briala took up a quill and began to write.

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The Phoenix druid sits alone in the wilds, her armor from the battle still on her body, but not a single scratch on her skin. She sat there with quiet tears streaming down her face from her glowing eyes. "I know we didn't know one another" She begins softly, to no one other then the nature around her. "But I'm sorry, I was at that battle, I should have tried to help you, or died trying... in the end I fled because of fear I was forced to feel. I would rather have died defending nature and a sister, but the day of my death must wait as there is still much work to be done. I am sorry Awaiti, tell Syllia and Vex I say hello please..." The Phoenix Druid falls silent after that, now morning alongside nature in silence.

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Somewhere deep in the woods of Almaris Karnath would be on the hunt for inspiration for his Grand Task, attempting to be at one with nature and find what he can do to best protect the balance. As he wandered through the lush forest he’d whistle along to the beautiful melody produced by the singing birds that filled the canopy. After wandering for hours on end the ‘ame would reach a large lake, taking in a deep breath as he looked out upon the untouched beauty before him. After finding a comfortable boulder to sit on, Karnath would remove a small notebook from his satchel, beginning to write down possible ideas for his Grand Task. “I hope I am able to impress her.” He’d whisper to himself, completely oblivious to the passing of his Guide.

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Sevrel did not know Awaiti too closely, though they did share a love for the mali of Elvenesse, and a passion for it's people. He was saddened to hear of her passing.


He went to a secluded section of the woods of Elvenesse, with a small bundle of cactus green. He burned the offering, and mumbled a prayer for the elder 'ame, another one of the eldest lost to the sands of time.


"Ker’ayla, ehya ahern'nae Awaiti. Mar’haelun ehya mar’maln, myumier nae lin"

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The Calendula Druid silently idled within a grove of golden-budded flowers with the arrival of the passed Sirame. Upon being noted of her crossover the dark fleshed elfess couldn’t help but smile, calloused digits fixated upon her stave. “You have made quite the impact, my sister.” She remarked simply with a nod, aureate glow thrumming deeply from the etchings along her flesh. “I still recall your childhood when you were a mere protege of mar’maln. How you have blossomed.” 

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