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[PK] Scorched


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This is the Jolynn PK post.






Snow crunched underneath the woman's feet as she quickly approached the boarded-up tower. No time for hesitation, no time to armor up, none of that. Anyone who walked past the strange, older woman could tell that she was devoted to...well, something.


She arrived at the tower, blade in hand as she looked it up and down. Rangers and passersby had gathered near, & according to what information she could glean, at least one, maybe more individuals were being held in the tower. For what reason, she couldn't discern, but she knew at least one of her loved ones was in there.


As soon as the odd woman had figured out what was happening, she began giving orders. Not that she had any authority to enforce them, of course. Nevertheless, she allowed herself a brief moment to prepare herself, pushing up her glasses, attempting to relax her muscles.


Then, out of nowhere, a satchel full of some sort of concoction--alchemical, she would have believed--was dropped onto the ground near her. It exploded into some kind of material she'd never been able to behold within her long life, a sticky wax that quickly hardened, slowing her pace to all but a stop.


And then, a few short moments later, a blast of what appeared to be frost and flame, from an explosive dropped from the tower. The blast obliterated the woman. All that was left was a mangled, singed corpse. Somewhere nearby, a small plant growing coffee cherries suddenly wilted, as if it too had received damage from the explosion, despite being a hundred paces away or so.




Days later, small messenger Sorvians would run about Almaris, both about the size of a halfling, clad in a mask, cowl, and normal clothing. They would deliver short letters to the following people, assuming they could find the people themselves or their home addresses. Each letter would come with an ink seal, stamped with the name "Jol" in flowery cursive.


Letters were delivered to, in no particular order...




Estelle, friend & caretaker,


If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


Thank you for taking care of me for one of the most confusing and terrifying years of my life. Had I not had you to ensure my well-being (most of the time, anyways), I fear I might have turned out a very different person, once I'd grown up.


Best wishes,



Daethyra & Athenas


Mama and Mother,


If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


Thank you for being there for me when no one else was, for never judging me or hurting me, and for making sure that I grew up to be a strong, healthy, intelligent individual.


I'm sorry that I didn't visit you more.


With love,







If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


Thank you for helping me move outside of my comfort zone, and for being yourself; just a little bit crazy.


I hope that your studies go well and that you eventually find what you're looking for.


Travel safe,



Miro, Ellanore, Matilda, Saki, Nin, & all the other frequent patrons and employees of the White Bear that were friends of Jolynn


To my friends working at and spending time at the White Bear,


If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


Thank you all for being a good friend to me, and for ensuring that I always have a way to keep my family alive and well.


I hope that the lot of you still enjoy your time at the White Bear despite my passing.


May your drinks be plentiful and your pockets deep,



Naffog & Ilkri




If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


Thank you both for giving me a second chance and not executing me on the spot all those years ago. I dearly appreciate your kindness and willingness to judge me for who I am as a person.


I hope someday your Edict can reform into something more like what it is intended to be, rather than what it has become.








If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


Thank you for being a friend, and for teaching me the art of sculpting.


You have changed my life for the better, and to think it was all because of a game of hide and seek as young children.


Thank you,







If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


Thank you for listening to what I had to say, always being there to give advice, and for being someone I could always rely on to be there and spend time with me, no matter what.


I wish you luck in finding a new teacher, and with your future endeavors, whatever they may be.









If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


Thank you for being a frequent visitor of the Bear, for your kind words about me and my work, and for your exchanges in knowledge.


Best of luck,





My dear sister,


If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


Thank you for being there to help me when I needed it, and for being the best sister and captain I could ask for.


I hope that all goes well with the Shrimp, and that someday it has a statue of me on it.


(To clarify, I'm only kidding.)









If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


Thank you for being my friend, and for helping when I needed you.


P.S. I attached a letter to Lenneth, I thought it wise to include it with the one addressed to you, so that you can give it to her when it seems best to, for her own safety.





(Indeed, a second letter is within the envelope!)




If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


Thank you for being my friend even after I left the Edict, and for sticking with me even if I made a lot of mistakes sometimes.









If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


Thank you for being such a kind teacher and friend. You were much like a mother to me.


I'll forever appreciate your kindness and generosity.


With sincere appreciation,







If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


Thank you for listening to me whenever I needed advice, throughout my many years of knowing you.


If I may, I wish to impart one final request to you.


Find my daughter, Eliza, and please break the news of my death to her gently, and care for her if she needs it. She's a smart girl and can take care of herself, but, I imagine in these times she might need someone's help.


I hope that the sun shines on your life for the centuries to come.


All the best,







If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


Thanks for being so friendly to me, even when times were dire and it appeared like everything went wrong.


I hope that things improve for you soon.









If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


Thank you for taking me in as a friend and sister when I had hit rock bottom, and struggled to keep myself afloat in an ocean of misfortune.


If I may, I wish to impart one final request to you.


If you are able to recover my body, may it be buried near the treehouse, underneath my Bonded, such that we may be united in death as we were in life.


Best wishes to you, and to Elysium itself.


Much love,







If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


Thank you for believing in my abilities, and for always being there for me even when I didn't deserve it.


Best wishes to you, and to Elysium itself.


Much love,



Sorvians built by Jol


[Name of Sorvian],


If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


It brings me great pain to leave you without a Creator who lives, and any orders from me may be disregarded, with this order as an exception:

You are to answer to Eliza de Astrea, Eugeo de Astrea, & Delilah de Astrea from now on. Treat their orders as if they were from me. If their orders conflict with one another, you may choose whichever order you like to follow.


Any orders from me may be disregarded if you so choose, save for the above order.


Thank you all for helping me get through such a turbulent life.


I love you all dearly.








If you are reading this letter, I'm probably dead. I've written this years in advance, on the chance that I die with words yet left unspoken.


Thank you for being a friend of mine for so long, and for imparting your knowledge to me.


I hope you can find a teacher to aid you in your studies of sculpting in the future.


Be safe,







Thank y'all so much for spending time with me and my silly little plant character.


Even if you didn't receive a letter, do know that I prolly love ya and you're cool!



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mfw Jol becomes a smore


See the source image    <--- Jol

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Somewhere in the lonely city of Haelun'or, April Vallei'onn would scan at the missive, lamenting the death of the woman who walked with her throughout the lands of Almaris. "Rest well, llir'taynei." she'd mutter.


Estelle Haviryn would recieve word of Jolynn's death from her tropical house in Sarissa. Strange tears would start to stream down the elfess' face as she'd recall the Plant as a baby, raising her. Yet, like most things , she'd attempt to push it to the back of her head, placing down the missive onto the counter.

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Some tragic youth recalls when he threatened to make Jolynn into a roasted salad. 

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[!] Beneath the Bushes and Trees on yonder, an 'awe stirs from his slumber, leaving his tent between the woods early in the hours of the morning. It so happened that a few of his creations would be wandering around outside his little tent, cheerfully and idly playing without a care, as a few among the rabble of Living Dolls, Newts and Half-Finished Sorvians hurried to fix his breakfast and to take down the tent.


This 'ame was Adamai, a longtime friend of the late Jolynn, and as he yawned, sitting in the small clearing as his creations took down his little settling in the land- ready to move on, he noticed something odd. A small newt, a sorvian- one that he immediately noticed was not of his own making, rushing over through the small group with a letter- he'd have taken the letter, and politely thanked the sorvian for the service as it made off. He'd have waited a little though before opting to open it, not before packing up his large backpack, and walking off, his creations trailing behind him- as they walked through the land, he decided then to open it, stopping dead in his tracks at the news of his dear deceased friend, his hands shaking and his face turning a pale shade...


He began suddenly, to weep- not overly bursting with emotion, nor coldly regarding it, simply a flow of tears streaming from his eyes. He'd recall every moment he'd spent with Joliets, every moment of fun they'd have, every time he'd supported her- and it in turn, made him even worse. And with that, he began to make off, prompted by the loss of his only, and dearest friend, driving him deeper into the wilderness, further and further...not sure if he's ever see anyone again. Thus, with the end of Jolynn- comes the loss of Adamai.


Adamai the Lost, to Jolynn the deceased.  

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Ninskeeq'Ungri would receive the news in a haze. Jol... Jol her friend... her guide... her confidant. Years of memories, of times where she needed a friend and Jol was there. How the little goblin would seek her out time and time again. Jol had been this shining light in the life of Ninskeeq'Ungri and the news of her passing hurt worse than being caught up in the bomb's blast herself. There were no words to be given, only tears and broken little sobs within the clinic's recovery room.

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Ilkris gauntleted fingers curled over the letter, a low rumble leaving her as she'd sigh, head tilting back. "Vill mizz lat vut diz-?" The letter is waved, tone guttural. "Da Edikt iz huw it'z mehnt tu bi. Flatting Zlaverz vithuut mercy." Quieting, she'd fold the letter neatly, settling it atop her desk, before looking to the blueprints of what seemed to be a wooden toy horse.



It's been good rp, friendo and I'm sad to see her go :I Hope you're doing okay oocly and all with this! <3 Ilkri will also be Ilkri :>


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Greta was sitting at her desk, hard at work on a history of Bramblebury when she heard a knock ring out from the door. Having been visited a few times by different people, Greta had learned to recognize knocks on the door. She had never heard someone knock on the door of Goodbarrel Burrow only once, however, that is, not until today. She gently set down her quill stood up, going over to open the door for this newcomer, being quite surprised to see that it was only a short little Sorvian bearing a letter. Politely as possible, Greta took the letter and sent the Sorvian off, going back into her study to open it, pushing her reading glasses back up her nose as she did so. She was not all prepared for what she would find.

Greta read the letter from Jol several times, her face falling with each scan, though only a short Sorvian of hers (which she had yet to give a name) was there to see her. Light tears escaped the halfling's eyes as she lowered herself into her chair. She had not truly realized how much she had meant Jol, nor could she have possibly expected to lose her so suddenly. Greta thought back to the last time they had spoken, regretful that she had never taken the chance to thank Jol for what she had given her. Greta would look up from the letter to her Sorvian, which tilted their head as if to say
"What is it?" 

The halfling did not respond at first, going deep into thought. Jol had taught Greta something very important; and it wasn't Sorvian crafting. In fact, the husk of the Sorvian before her had been built by Jol, though what little of a soul they had was Greta's. But no, the most important thing Jol gave Greta was a lesson. An ideal, even. In giving the name of that ideal to that Sorvian, Greta could, in a way, immortalize her friend; preserve her legacy.  But what was the word? Eventually Greta figured it out, giving another nod before saying aloud  "Tolerance." The Sorvian tilted their head again, so Greta repeated "Your name is Tolerance."

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Wren would read the letter. He then carefully reads it and folds it into a nice thin square piece. A chest was opened with other similar letters, he sighs loudly as he would place it amongst the people who he had lost. "Death and Glory to you, Jolynn"

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Throughout Elysium, the death was mourned. 

Eugeo lit a candle, thinking of Jol and the happy times they have shared with one another, placing it on the altar as he, along the Astreans, found a way to remember her in their own ways. 

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It took Lya some time to fully process the news. The Sorvian that acted as a dutiful courier was pat on the head and Lya took to her home on the beaches of the Atoll Grove.


She stared up through the window at edge of the plateau, curled up in her bed, eyes puffed and red with iritation. She sipped at a glass of warm tea while her wife comforted her, their child playing innocently in the background. Lya had been commissioned, trusted with something wholly dear to her dearly departed friend. Lya would be there for Eliza, no matter what.

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Lunah Vanari paused upon hearing the news and went silent, she may of not know jol the best but she considered her a friend.. and an Elysian which meant she was family.. A loss that would be felt dearly within their little community. With a hard swallow she turned and went back towards the wall to continue her foot patrol, casting a glance over towards the tower where it had all happened and closing her eyes in a moment of grief... and rememberence "You will be missed llir." she murmured before moving off.

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A silent construct is particularly silent today.

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      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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