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"So, is my dear BSK back ?", Veteran Tylos I wonders with great interest.

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Rhys Ruthern the founder of the BSK nods his approval from the seven skies, "Stop removin' it if yer just gonna brin' it back!"



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10 minutes ago, Imperium said:

Rhys Ruthern the founder of the BSK nods his approval from the seven skies, "Stop removin' it if yer just gonna brin' it back!"

Ser Bjolfr Nord would nod to his Mentor in the seven skies" They need to make up there Dam minds!!!" @Imperium

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"And stay that way!" yelled a drunk Ionian from the seven skies.

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4 hours ago, Kingdom of Haense said:



Erich Barclay almost vomits as he sees chad 'Footman' replaced by virgin 'Oathedman'  "Who in the world thought this was a good idea?"

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Radomir wonders when it will be his turn to HOIST the banner.

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On 6/17/2021 at 11:45 AM, Lickspittle said:

"And stay that way!" yelled a drunk Ionian from the seven skies.

"Ionian, du are drunk. Go back to beating der kids." Commented the deceased Fynn Mackensen to his cousin in the Seven Skies.

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