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[✗] [World Lore] Kalodorian Steel - Metal of the Forgotten


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World Lore - Kalodorian Steel



(A blade of Greater Kalodorian Steel)


Kaladorite, an ore remnant from the wraiths of past times who walked over these lands long ago, the leftovers from the draconic vessel after a new fledgeling dragon was released, the shell absorbed into the ground and leaving a deep taint to the ore nearby and changing them over time. Kaladorite is most commonly found in dark and cavernous environments, this material taking over various other raw ores and adding a sickly black taint to them as time passes. The taint of Kalodorian Steel in visual seems to be crawling veins that sprawl over the face of a material, and insert deep into the material's innermost parts.


Kaladorite (Raw form)


Kaladorite, a matte black rock only found in the deepest caverns far away from any type of natural light. The ore in its raw form is extremely hard and brittle and if struck by enough force such as by a pickaxe, the ore would crumble to fine dust of whatever ore it was before it was tainted. The deposits of Kaladorite often take in the light of all organic/inorganic materials near it, the colour from the very stone next to it often fading to a shadowy black. Plantlife and animal life around it losing all of their natural colorations if existing near a deposit for an extended period of time. The eyes of the beings who dwell around such deposits being affected the most as to them everything and everyone looks like shadows that often appear to be moving due to the very colour drained from their eyes. These beings often suffering from headaches, disorientation, nausea and temporary blindness if left untreated.


Red Lines (Raw Form)


  • Can only be mined from a ST approved node

  • Kaladorite can not be made into existence by any other process such as transmutation and such.

  • If exposed to natural or holy light, the Kaladorite will crack, break apart and then revert back to its original ore before being tainted.

  • In raw form, in great concentrations, the ore will still draw in the light and colour from inorganic and organic objects around it if left for a long time.

  • Effects of headaches, nausea, disorientation and temporary blindness only take place after prolonged contact around one irp year and will fade away once an individual has moved away from the deposit of Kaladorite.



Harvesting Method


The extraction process of this scarce material is found to be extremely stressful and arduous in nature, the material extremely prone to shattering from sudden great force such as from a pickaxe. The material must be extracted as a complete ore vein and in one complete piece, the harvesting method can be done in many ways and has no specific methods. If the ore makes contact with any natural light the taint will quickly become irrelevant and the ore will return to its original material. One particular care that one should take when  mining is  the use of goggles for if the Small dust particles of Kaladorite gets into one’s eye, it could cause temporary blindness before the  dust comes out.  Once moved to the surface you will be met with the most difficult part of dealing with Kalodorian Steel, forging and refining.


Red Lines (Harvesting)


  • No set way to harvest Kalodorite but ways such as striking with a pickaxe with great force is  not suggested.

  • If  a single part of the vein of ore is exposed to any natural or holy light, the taint will quickly disappear and the vein will quickly turn back to its normal material.

  • At most if it has gotten into one’s eye it can only cause temporary blindness.


Lux Et Ferro Refining Process  (Refined Form)


One must ideally perform this process in a perfectly dark forging area, remaining conscious of keeping the material from natural light until after the forging process takes place. 


This forge must be taken with the material remaining entirely dry. When melting the raw Kalodorite  ore, one first should use tools such as a hammer and chisel to remove any impurities they can, though its melting temperature is higher than that of ordinary ferrum (approx. 1900°C). This works best in a crucible, at which the only point it will touch any liquid is in a crude oil quench.


In its molten state, the  Kalodorian Steel takes a shade of a matte black in color, Slag rises to the top of the crucible above the liquid metal and must be skimmed away from the liquid metal, the more impurities removed initially, the smaller the amount of slag that must be skimmed from the liquid.


Promptly after completion, the liquid Kalodorian Steel is cast. The forge will be quickly drained of any light it produces as it is used to heat the Kalodorian Steel, and its flames be cloaked in a mix of grays and blacks. It becomes apparent that the steel is absorbing all light that is birthed from the forge as the metal you are smithing will take on a pure and almost holy seeming white light for a split second before yielding one a product of Greater Kalodorian Steel.


If one were to mix the Greater Kalodorian Steel with Gold on purpose (3:2), then one would be able to create Lesser Kalodorian Steel. This steel is a much more malleable version where it can be easily woven into clothing or made into jewelry. In its molten state, it takes on a color of dark gray with streaks of pure black veins.


If one were to forge too much Greater Kalodorian Steel within a period of (twice in one irl week) the smith will start to experience brief periods of blurred or dulled vision for (one irl week), if continued without stages of rest for (one day irl ) between forging sessions the smith will take on complete blindness.


Red Lines (Refining)


  • For someone to successfully forge a piece of Kalodorite, the forge must meet the condition of being perfectly blocked off from natural light and be checked by the ST approving said item if necessary.

  • Conversion of Greater Kalodorian Steel to Gold is as follows: 3:2 any other ratio will yield a dark grey alloy with glass-like properties which will shatter similar to glass.



Applications (Refined Form)


Once all is done you will find yourself with a complete piece of equipment forged from Kalodorian Steel, a material which in nature acts the same as any steel but leaves you with physical properties unique to its own. With Greater or Lesser Kalodorian Steel, you will find that they age in a very unique way. Being that they will slowly begin to cover in a dull grey scale and will cover the entirety of the outer body of steel. Being only one way to reverse this.


Greater Kalodorian Steel - With a pure black state in color, this steel will absorb any light; natural or artificial. The Greater variant of this steel is entirely solid and often used to create practical and combat oriented items, such as weapons and armors. The steel takes on a matt black color, with no reflections coming off it, the steel often able to trick a normal descendent eye into seeing shadows around a piece of equipment made from Greater Kalodorian steel.


Lesser Kalodorian Steel - This variant is found to be much more cosmetic in relation to its Greater variant. Lesser Kalodorian Steel is a fine steel, grey in color but still reflecting no light, but sprawling over it are various strings of pure black veins; much like those found on the raw tainted ore. This variant is found to offer much less integrity in terms of how solid it is. With it being very malleable it is often used woven in clothing and other cloth/fabric objects.


The Rebirth of Kalodor - When one places a rusted or aged piece of Kalodorian Steel in direct sunlight, it will absorb the light and begin to return the object to its purest state at its point of creation. The scale slowly falls off the metal to reveal its true nature, it being reborn. This process takes the entirety of two day’s sunlight to complete.


This metal having very unique and rare properties also requires one to maintain a fine care for it. With the Greater variant of this steel one must ensure it is kept up with a sufficient amount of light absorbed by the material, otherwise it will begin to dull and lose its Kalodorian Steel properties and return to its host material's makeup. 


The other thing a keeper of Greater Kalodorian Steel must do is to make sure it is kept from holy magic or holy weapons, as a strike from it will begin to form cracks within the steel, causing faults of pure white light to begin leaking out. This light will cause disorientation , headaches, nausea, redness in the eyes and for extended periods of time, temporary blindness at the most of one Saint’s day to any onlookers. If Kalodorian Steel bears too many cracks, a final strike from any holy weapon will cause it to shatter, the material immediately losing any unique properties and returning to its original makeup, pre-taint. This making the metal impossible to ever be used or repaired as Kalodorian Steel.


Red Lines (Refined Form) 


  • Greater Kalodorian steel can absorb modest amounts of holy magic before it appears a blinding white in colour as the light absorbed starts to seep out and begins cracking. If one were to craft armor or weapons from Greater Kalodorian steel and wear it, the wearer’s torso would be protected from 16 T1 spells, 8 T2 spells, 4 T3 spells, 2 T4 spells, and 1 T5 spells before a crack forms on the Greater Kalodorian equipment, causing it to seep out light up to the point where: the wearer and opponents is at risk of being disorientation , headaches, nausea, redness in the eyes and for extended periods of time, temporary blindness at the most of one Saint’s day to any onlookers, thus needing to remove their armor; the equipment would only be able to take up to 5 cracks in total and on the fifth crack the equipment will shatter back to its original pre-taint condition.

  • Holy Spells must make direct contact with the surface of Greater Kalodorian armor for it to be absorbed. 

  • If wounded by a Greater Kalodorian weapon, the wound will be the same as any wound except the flesh and blood around it takes on a greyish hue for one saint’s hour before fading away and behaving as any other wound from a normal steel weapon would.

  • Lesser Kalodorian steel can absorb modest amounts of holy magic before heating up to the point where it appears a blinding white in colour as the light absorbed starts to seep out and begins cracking. If one were to craft armor or weapons from Lesser Kalodorian steel and wear it, the wearer’s torso would be protected from 4 T1 spells, 2 T2 spells, 1 T3 spells, 2 cracks appearing if struck by a T4 spell and instantly shattering if struck by a T5 spells before a crack forms on the Greater Kalodorian equipment seeps out light up to the point where: the wearer and opponents is at risk of being disorientation , headaches, nausea, redness in the eyes and for extended periods of time, temporary blindness at the most of one Saint’s day to any onlookers, thus needing to remove their armor; the equipment would only be able to take up to 3 cracks in total and on the third crack the equipment will shatter back to its original pre-taint condition.

  • If the Kalodorian steel does not see any natural light for a period of one irl month, the material will be covered with rust scales and then converted back to the material it was pre-taint.

  • For a piece of rusted Kalodorian steel to be reborn, one must place it under direct sunlight for at least two days, during which the rust scales will slowly begin to fall from the surface of the equipment until none remains.

  • A piece of lesser Kalodorian steel if woven into cloth behaves as any other cloth if struck but still able to absorb small amounts of holy magic, if frozen the cloth can be shattered and it will revert back to its pre-taint material and no longer able to act as cloth, if fire were to hit a Lesser Kalodorian steel cloth, the fire coming towards it upon impact would take on a dark gray/black colour before setting the clothes on fire.

  • The elements such as fire, water, earth and air all affect Kalodorian steel the same as normal steel.

  • Maximum effects of looking at the cracks of a piece of Kalodorian Steel equipment are disorientation , headaches, nausea, redness in the eyes and, for extended periods of time, temporary blindness at the most of one Saint’s day.


Enchants (Greater Steel)


Necromancer’s Augment: If a necromancer were to take a blade of Greater Kalodorian Steel and apply a pestilence to it, the blade would seem to change in visual nature almost instantly. The metal of the blade takes on a putrid scent along with beginning to take on spotted vein clusters of a pure and deep crimson shade; the amount and sizes of the clusters all depending on the amounts of lifeforce consumed by the blade itself. In combat the pestilence will offer no difference than your usual blade of Greater Kalodorian Steel, but out of combat it will be found to cause immediate aging of smaller wildlife, plants and animals; this feature of it brings an uneasiness to the material when in the area of Druids, causing them to hear the screaming and bloodcurdling pain of the wildlife as the pestilence infused blade consumes its life.


Mystic’s Augment: If a user of mysticism were to take a blade of Greater Kalodorian Steel and apply a hex to it, the blade would now be able to be wielded by Wights and Eidola alike. After the hex is applied, in order for a Wight to wield a blade of Greater Kalodorian Steel it would need to saturate the blade completely in ectoplasm - this will shift the blade from a physical form to that of a more ghastly appearance. This allows a Wight to not only wield the blade, but also dematerialize the blade much like a Wight itself, as to keep the blade on the Wight at all times.


Red Lines (Enchants)


  • If Aurum strikes a Greater Kalodorian Steel weapon enchanted with a hex, the enchanted weapon would demanifest due to the disruption in the ectoplasm that saturates the weapon.

  • If a piece of Greater Kalodorian Steel is worn by a Wight or similar creature and struck by an aurum weapon, the aurum will go right through the armor.

  • The weapon can be manifested into corporeality as the Wight is manifesting into corporeality in the same way.

  • When enchanted by a necromancer with the spell Pestilence, the blade will feed on the the plantlife and small animal life (no bigger than a housecat) at maximum in a 5 block radius around said equipment and start to take in their lifeforce, the plants withering and turning grey in colour, the animals fur falling out and such.

  • If a druid comes near a Greater Kalodorian blade enchanted by necromancy, they will be able to hear the screams of plantlife and animal-life around them as the blade consumes the plants’ and animals’ life forces.

  • Once enchanted by necromancy with Pestilence, the sword would carry a putrid scent around that is almost impossible to hide with clusters of deep red appearing in the blade as it feeds on the life-force that is fed to it by each time blood is spilt upon the blade.

  • Adheres to all normal Greater Kalodorian Steel redlines.


Purpose (OOC)

This idea with this small project was to offer a new and never before seen metal. We came up with the idea to bring forward our vision of a scarce and collectible metal that is sourced from server history to the playerbase. Our aim is to see small groups or individual players either seeking or trading this resource in a manner that any other rarity would be. But to make a material to be sought after we had to come up with some key points to it that other materials could not. So as seen above is what we thought up, a nice metal with key unique features, but in combat and rp those are the only differences. Our metal is to act and perform the same as any other common metal, but with the twist of adding a little historical and rp flavor. However, whether a player decides to use it in a tool, weapon, or armor is entirely up to them. In the end, the player is the one who leads the story.


Man, everyone these days is wanting some shiny rock or metal, so why not do a polar opposite with some cool aesthetics.




Brought to you by:

Some dude called Gavyn - Writer


RedeemableGoon Gang - Writer


Mika version 1278 - Something


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At last... Screw-you-paladinium armor.

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Black Ferrum but cooler

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I enjoy the concept, though I feel it needs more going for it besides being black ferrum weak to holy magic - dark magic metal pog, I adore it, make it dark magick-y! 

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Very nice idea, something that is purely driven by just how cool it is and how much clout you would get for having some. (at least that is how i see it i guess)


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Angry dark steel pog

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often times i sit at my desk and wonder, why did i ever let gavyn into my life, other times i think, i guess its okay that gavyn is around, this is one of those times

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36 minutes ago, HurferDurfer1 said:

often times i sit at my desk and wonder, why did i ever let gavyn into my life, other times i think, i guess its okay that gavyn is around, this is one of those times

awww see i knew you have a soft spot for me :)

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2 hours ago, Xx_BloodStalk_xX said:

I really like it, trying to imagine a material 'absorbing light' is a bit confusing to me but it's a good concept

Don't all materials absorb some light?

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I applaud you, sir.

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      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

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      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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      Bârî'n Katharâd,
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