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The Society of Saint James, 1845




It is Our true and whole belief that Our office is holy, and that We may not determine the nature of Our reign without advice of students of faith as well as of politics. So, Our Society of Saint James was summoned to attend, to hear Our question on the place of women in Our faith and the clergy of the Mother Church.









HOLY SIR PHILIP speaks on the place of women in Canonist society.



“Women play the role of granting us a new generation of faithful believers of our Holy Mother Church; and so this next generation is provided to us by the women - For that, it is my belief that we must be grateful; for GOD has created them as He has created men. Thank you, Your Imperial Majesty.”


CARDINAL FRANCIS ALBAROSA speaks on the veneration and Sainthood of women.



“Can anyone in the congregation remind me who the patron Saint of Integrity, Innocence, Refugees, and the Vessian People is? And who is the patron Saint of Schism War, Soldiers, Loyalty, Valour against Odds, and Adrians? One last Saint: Mothers, Matrimony, and Exorcism. Who is that?”


“Your Imperial Majesty, I see in each of us a great ability for sin, and yet still an equally great, or greater ability for virtue. These women perfectly show the ability for great virtue in each of us. Why can't a woman be ordained if a woman can represent schism war, soldiers, and loyalty? Thus, I reject the notion that the woman is made for different things than the man.”


MINUVAS MELPHAESTUS speaks on the textualism of women in the Scrolls.



“It should be duly noted the word 'women' or 'woman' is barely mentionned at all in the entirety of the scrolls. Even less so when not used in conjunction with the word 'men'. Saint Julia remains the only woman in the entirety of the scrolls I can recall that is even named.I say this because, when scrolls choose to reveal to us those discreet moments where it speaks of women in particular. We must pay close attention. For the message was meant , I think, to be specific in its interpretation.


“First, woman is specifically called to the sixth sky in the book of Provenance for showing humbleness before GOD - when she discovers the sinfulness of her sons. And thus I think the first and foremost duty, again the one woman is specifically stated to bring her to the skies, is that of humbleness before GOD.”


“Second, St. Julia is the only woman to be described in marriage of all the Sons, the rest of whom take concubines. And it is said their marriage is kept holy. And thus, I believe we can interpret that Woman is a preserver of the Holiness, especially of the family. We see this again when it is St. Julia who speaks to the sons of Horen, and protects them in the tabernacle. Third, we see the woman is a Protector. For St. Julia does not send her sons to confront iblees. But she confronts him directly, and finds the deceiver in the camp of Horen. And so while I will not say what position a woman must hold in the Church. I say in my interpretation these are the things GOD has called women to. Humbleness before GOD, to keep Holy the family, Vigilance against Sin, and protection against Ibleese. Thank you for allowing me to speak.”


FATHER AUGUST speaks on the pragmatic merit of the ordination of women.



“It is my personal belief that women should have equal opportunity in the faith-- and as such, the Church ranks itself. With a woman having been empress-regnant, and the Rosemoor Bill--written by her daughter, and passed by her son, it is unfair to say that men and women have fixed, separate roles in the world anymore beyond mere social conduct. This being said- and I do not speak of any of the good men here, of course. The opposition toward women as equal members of the Church is one based on fear,  as if the more conservative members of the clergy are intimidated by the notion of even seeing a woman at all. While we do make an oath of celibacy, I find this a little extreme. In the Scrolls, there is no fixed law to dictate that women should be barred from priesthood at all.”


“Therefore it would be poor form to merely cling to the desire to bar them from it based on meagre assumptions and interpretations of the Holy text. We have elves and halflings in the Holy Church, but why not women? Why call it the Holy Mother Church at all, if women can be nothing but a humble nun? Imagine the potential of Lorina Carrion of Petrus, if she were allowed to go beyond the rank of Abess? What of Bishop, or Cardinal?”


“To those hesitant to the idea of the idea of women in the Church, I would like to challenge you to consider this one idea: What do you think will happen? I find that those opposed to the idea are often afraid of… Well- suppose as I said before, there is an element of intimidation. As if they're afraid women in the Church will be the end of it. But no- verily not, as anyone dedicating themselves- their entire lives to God, is faithful and true, regardless of gender. That is all I had to say- thank you.”


FATHER STOR speaks on the representation of women in the Church.



“Firstly, the highest rank a woman can achieve in the church is as a sitting member of the Curia. There have been, in very recent times under Saint High Pontiff Jamees II, women occupying the secretary seat to His Holiness. Below that, women may hold the title Monsignora, giving them privy access to the Curia and power greater than any bishop or rank and file priest. Below that, they may hold the rank of Abbess, and while not given the same power as a bishop ruling over an entire diocese, are equivalent to a lady spiritual, with dominion over an abbey, equivalent in rank to a bishop. Women are not excluded from the Church. Nor are they unfit by any means to participate in the affairs or matters of the Church. The most brilliant mind of our time is Monsignora Josephine Augusta, and there is a reason she holds that title.”


“But the issue today is not a matter of character, we are not discussing if women are fit to be ordained. We are not discussing if women are competent. We are discussing if there is valid theological basis for allowing women to be ordained. So, character arguments now placed aside, I wish to discuss the theological reasoning for why women cannot be ordained. There is no innovation in faith. This is perhaps one of the most important precepts of the Church, laid out by Exalted Owyn in the Scroll of Spirit.”


“The Church must do its best to adhere to the traditions of the faith, rather than invent new ones. The dogma of the Church must be derived from valid sources. Simply because it is not in the scrolls that something is forbidden, does not make it inherently licit either. For example, same sex marriage. Nowhere in the scrolls is same sex marriage forbidden. Yet, because the first marriage recognized and the only marriage recognized were between a man and woman, so too is that the model of our faith and law.”


“More extreme, murder. Murder is not explicitly forbidden, yet we understand from the act of Owyn that Kinslaying is a sin. Thus we have found murder to be immoral and wrong. When we look at the scrolls, the Exalted, who set the model of ordainment, were all men. When we looks at Owyn's ministry, it was a priesthood, not a priestesshood. Ordainment is the ability to administer the sacraments, a most sacred and careful act which must fall in line with what we know to be true, and not altered, that we might fail GOD in our innovation.”


DUCHESS CRESTFALL speaks on the ordination of those previously barred from it.




“The Reverend Father raised the matter of whether masculine gender is an innate quality of the priesthood, which is certainly a matter of concern. Traditionally, no we have not had female priests-- that we are aware of, in any case. However, I would raise the point that the Church has, in times past, forbidden nonhumans from taking the priesthood, on the basis of a similar argument; specifically that all of the Exalted were humans, rather than men. Certainly, the first individuals ordained by Ex. Owyn were all humans-- they are specifically described as the virtuous Harrenites, recently freed from their thralldom by the lords of mixed blood.”


“If we are to take the argument that all recipients of ordination must mimick the identities of Ex. Owyn's original few priests, our priesthood would be only men of pureblooded Harrenite descent.”


“I will try to be brief for this next point: Without elaborating too much, I would point out that Empress Anne was considered a legitimate Holy Orenian Emperor by the High Pontiff that crowned her and those that followed. The Holy Orenian Emperor is the temporal complement to the High Pontiff. Each of them is an inheritor of the prophetic office, one temporal and one spiritual. The fact that a woman may hold that office indicates to me that the prophetic authority, either of the state or of the church, is not incompatible with the female gender. Thank you for your consideration of my words.”


FATHER FIODOR speaks on the vitality of women in the faith.



"Whilst I shall not judge on the matter of the possibility of ordination of women as I feel I am not worthy enough to discuss such a topic I will say that the Holy Mother Church should proclaim equality between man and woman. Women are the backbone of the Church in that they are the backbone in their respective parishes and homes. It is well known that churches cannot continue to be strong units in the Church unless their families and children, the nucleus of any given parish, are raised and cared for in a Canonist manner. The home is the little church where all Canonist education starts and ends and women play an essential and indispensable role in such."








The speakers debated at length the merits of the subjects at hand, and while many supported the ordination and veneration of women in the faith, a few remained undecided, and fewer protested it outright. We do commit, till the end of Our days, to hope and pray that the Holy Mother Church shall commit to the permission of the ordination of women in full, as is Our true and honest belief, founded on the theological principles of Our Court of Cloth.

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The Countess of Temesch had sat at the room's posterior throughout the meeting's duration. She had not pondered the argument in favor of the ordination of women until then and was left with insatiable intrigue for what may soon be as she returned to her apartments. 

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Lady Pruvia is left speechless by the number of those in support, articulating her thoughts of support towards the courier that had entered the letter.

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Father Stor shakes his head, sighing to himself. “They never listen. I specifically said I do not support the ordination of women.” Stor then carefully binds the missive, and stores it away for posterity. “They chase progress, yet all they manage to do is marry the spirit of the age. While Rozanians perish, while men are denied confession before military execution, we worry about whether women may be ordained. And even then, only Duchess Crestfall offered a theological argument. God have mercy on us.”

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"Another enlightened meeting," Cardinal Francis muses to himself as he nurses a cup of steaming tea. "Though, there will be those who will fail to see the light in these words. A pity," the Clergyman states with a sigh.

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Lauréne Henriette Basrid ponders upon the nature itself of Canonism, not quite sure as the woman herself did not have any firsthand experiences of pursuing a devout lifestyle. Ultimately, she thinks of the girls that came after her and their wishes to contribute in a more meaningful way to Holy Mother Church “I suppose it would not do any harm if women were extolled for their virtues, so it would do well for those who do not agree remember where they came from!”

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Lhoris looks to the nearby candle upon the window at night, smiling warmly in memoir of her beloved friend, happy of the support. "Soon... my beloved, soon..."

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Despite having been distracted in muttered conversation throughout the meeting, Moliana's attention had occasionally been stolen away the various speakers presenting themselves on the dias.  Being stubborn and free of spirit, her mindset was that nothing could stop her from pursuing her own beliefs and ideals in faith - and even warn others to not let their faith turn them stagnant in their own pursuits in life.  Some ease came to her to see that others had begun to grow more open-minded, for she had certainly thought the idea of women being lesser was absurd and a concept from the old ages.

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"The idea of women wearing the cloth and receiving ordainment is arduous topic, the subject itself doesn't have simple answer in the Holy Scrolls, but once taking in consideration the mentioned by Duchess Crestfall we can see how Ex. Owyn intended where priests shall hail from prior to their ordaining. The Canon Priesthood is delegated with the responsibility of safe-guarding and continuing on an ancient traditions and rites, guiding the flock of Canonist in the virtuous path. While we live in times of change and ideas for equality in between men and women, we must not ignore the Exalted's commandments and actions which are the pillars of our holy religion." Commented Father Philip to few acolytes, rallied around him.

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"It is disgusting to even contemplate a society named after St. James II, a staunch defender of Canonist orthodoxy, seriously contemplating and downright supporting known heresies, with the support of senior Cardinals. The Sacramental Priesthood is reserved for the male sex. This is a divine tradition received by Exalted Owyn itself. To go against it is to reject the Canonist revelation." Says Fr. Petrus, who has all-but retired to a monastic life. 

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Tina Remington shook her head, clinging to her newest addition to her large collection of wooden crucifixes, "These progressive liberal scum are trying to destroy out religion!!!  Men and women have different roles.  These chicks are just stupid!  Complaining 'bout not getting to lead 'n stuff.  That's pride right there.  You shouldn't care 'bout that stuff.  Join the convent." She continued to shake her head until she got dizzy.  She stopped for a moment, closing her eyes, before continuing her internal monologue, "You can help people and serve Godan more in a humble position as a nun than as a priest.  The more power you have the further removed you are from what really matters.  These chicks just do be powerhungry animals trying to go against Godan's will!" Furiously took a sip of coffee and went back to brainstorming how she was going to fund her addiction.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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