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The Wedding of Mimosa


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The Wedding of the Mimosa Flower



[!] A small frog had traveled along the flowery paths out of the elvendom territory with an invitation! [!]




The Wedding Of Her Ladyship and Chieftess of the Taliame’onn, Mèlawen Magnolia Taliame’onn Silma-Vuln’miruel and His Lordship Kosher Fier Anarore Daesmon


Gathering on a fine evening with simple thoughts in mind as the bride and groom welcome those invited to show in the joyous event. Frogs will be in their finest hats and gowns as well as flowers are to be expected most everywhere. Any and all considered lliran of Kosher and Melawen are invited to come. However, Special invitations are specifically listed. 


High Prince, Evar’tir Oranor & High Princess, Medli Oranor of Elvendom, and their royal pedigree


Prince Vytrek Tundrak, and his royal pedigree


The Taliame’onn family and seed.


Amaesil Vuln’miruel and the Vuln’miruel seed of Elvendom.


Lord Elliphas Daesmon and the Daesmon Family


Scarlet Anarore and The Anarore Clan of Elysium


Rina D’Avre of Elysium and only her.


Lord Ellathor, Togrim, and Voldar Vanari
of Elysium.


Grand Duke, Eugeo De-Astrea of Elysium and his royal pedigree


Hogo Bojo III, of Bojia


Lord Mika Anarion of Lubba’s keep 


Aeve Calathil, Blair Mal’Ceru, Mik’ael, Elros Silma, Iscesi, Vallien.



The event will be held at 6pm EST on Wednesday the 9th. Tysm!

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Amura of Clan Anarore, while in mourning receives the invite. Grief stricken she drafts a letter



Thank you dearly for the invitation to your wedding. It is with great regret that I am unable to attend. However, please accept the receipt of a horse from me as a gift for you both to express the joyness in my heart I feel for you and your fiance. I shall have it delivered to you when we meet next. 


Kind regards, 

Amura of Clan Anarore. "

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A certain Vuln’miruel elfless is VERY upset...

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Melawen and Kosher’s daughter excitedly prepares a neat outfit for herself as she waits for the wedding

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Scarlet receive the invitation of her son's weeding with great joy and hope she can make it to give them her blessing. 

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A lone chieftess picked up a wandering flyer, taking a read in disgust “More lies are told from those we call family, this is too early. I already know the ending to this one…”  Nailo Kanavainua then ripped the partchment before leaving that nation, heading back to her home in the Vale, mumbling out “He’s worse than Ulfr, don’t die Melawen.”

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Mavis smiled as she read over the letter, folding it neatly before placing it into her desk drawer. The elfess looked out her window at the snow that seemed to always be there. “I will probably have to get something to wear,” she sighed, “Perhaps I should contact my step-haelun.” 

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Syllana Vuln’miruel would look at the invitation, tears forming in her eyes. “Oh goodness,” The retired steward would start. She folded up the paper, letting out a sigh. “I remember my first time in the city… Brair was holding you as a newborn. And you were the cutest thing ever. Now getting married? I couldn’t miss it for the world.”

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A certain brown elf with snowy white hair realizes that he was marked down as ‘Mik’ael’ in the invitation. Although not being too happy about it he still planned to attend his daughters second wedding despite his deteriorating state of mind. “Missed the first one but I’ll be sure to attend this one…” The elf murmured to himself before sliding the missive into the confines of his coat “…hopefully I don’t get executed…” He grumbled to himself as he continued on with his day

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Lord Hieran is sad he didnt get an invite from Kosher

Meanwhile, Maximus perks a brow that his brother somehow found someone to love, before clapping him on the back with a hearty laugh

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The invitation arrives up in the cold North and is read by the elfess in pure and utter disgust. Rina paces over to one of the wooden beams in her training area and pins the msg to it with some jailors moss. Stepping back she grabs a hold of her throwing knives. “I hope this marriage fails as it is only happening for you to gain more power Kosher.Upon speaking his name with such hatred the elfess throws the knife and it embeds itself into the invitation. “Two fuckin years ya saw this woman. We were dating for years ,years, yet the moment you are offered something more than what ya have ya leave what ya have behind. I loved ya but ya used me and threw me away like trash.” Another knife lands in the wood just to the right of the first.Kosher  you don’t ‘settle down’, I wonder how annoyed she will be when your off with another leavin her or maybe she doesn’t actually love ya either.” she scoffs at the thought, her last knife landing under the first one thrown. “First off I am Rina D’Avre of Fenn not Elysium, you should have known that. Second ya only want me to go, yeah no I am not stupid you banished me for bein pissed at ya leavin me and Fal. Third you want me to go to a place where I am banished from to a wedding of my ex and ex boyfriends wife, f*** no that’s called a trap.” the elfess takes the knives out of the woodland takes the paper before moving to the fireplace and throwing the parchment it. She watches the paper burn with a bit of satisfaction…

Edited by Sunflower
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39 minutes ago, Sunflower said:

She watches the paper burn with a bit of satisfaction…

Then a certain elfess sent a letter out to Rina soon to be received. The red ribbon is known well, the paper blood read and writing in gold ink. The initials of NK

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Aech Amberace Anarore smiles at the invitation, having already heard of the wedding. She skims the invitation list and her smile grows into a grin. "Oh, Kosher..." She mutters, shaking her head lightly. "Well, I've always wanted to attend a red wedding. This should be... interesting..." But her smile turns to a frown as her eyes traveled down the list of invites... If you hurt my friends, Kosher... you would truly be a monster. But the frown vanishes back into a smile. He wouldn't, especially not with her around... he knew better. 



-_- watch it pancho


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6 hours ago, TwiSama said:

A lone chieftess picked up a wandering flyer, taking a read in disgust “More lies are told from those we call family, this is too early. I already know the ending to this one…”  Nailo Kanavainua then ripped the partchment before leaving that nation, heading back to her home in the Vale, mumbling out “He’s worse than Ulfr, don’t die Melawen.”


Amaesil raises a brow and looks toward the child. "Who are you talking to? Are you all right?"



2 hours ago, Sunflower said:

The invitation arrives up in the cold North and is read by the elfess in pure and utter disgust. Rina paces over to one of the wooden beams in her training area and pins the msg to it with some jailors moss. Stepping back she grabs a hold of her throwing knives. “I hope this marriage fails as it is only happening for you to gain more power Kosher.Upon speaking his name with such hatred the elfess throws the knife and it embeds itself into the invitation. “Two fuckin years ya saw this woman. We were dating for years ,years, yet the moment you are offered something more than what ya have ya leave what ya have behind. I loved ya but ya used me and threw me away like trash.” Another knife lands in the wood just to the right of the first.Kosher  you don’t ‘settle down’, I wonder how annoyed she will be when your off with another leavin her or maybe she doesn’t actually love ya either.” she scoffs at the thought, her last knife landing under the first one thrown. “First off I am Rina D’Avre of Fenn not Elysium, you should have known that. Second ya only want me to go, yeah no I am not stupid you banished me for bein pissed at ya leavin me and Fal. Third you want me to go to a place where I am banished from to a wedding of my ex and ex boyfriends wife, f*** no that’s called a trap.” the elfess takes the knives out of the woodland takes the paper before moving to the fireplace and throwing the parchment it. She watches the paper burn with a bit of satisfaction…


Amaesil then looks to his other side at the other elfess. "I-... huh? Where am I?"

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1 hour ago, The Media Wizard said:


Amaesil raises a brow and looks toward the child. "Who are you talking to? Are you all right?"




Amaesil then looks to his other side at the other elfess. "I-... huh? Where am I?"



Mavis rushes over to her father with a sigh, “Maln,” she begins rummaging around in her satchel, “You forgot to take your medication, you’re hearing the voices again,” 


With that, Mavis shook her head like one of those retirement home nurses.

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