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Miraculous Happenstances

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To His Holiness,

High Pontiff Tylos II


As I am scribing this document, I stood amazed amidst a crowd in the square of Karosgrad. Before the very basilica, a commoner by the name of Simonei Barkov has called for the grace of Godan, to provide him a house. An abode, for a man stripped of such basic means he called in desperation to the Seven Skies for a miracle which was thought impossible.


Yet, so it was. A house materialized, foundations and walls, roofs of hay and wood. Simonei called, and Godan answered. As if it was fiction, though my two humble eyes laid upon the miracle before me. Before us. Soon enough, the homeless was no more.


If this is not a holy occurrence, a miracle, an act of Godan, then what of it? There was a prayer, and there was a miracle. If not only that, we called for another prayer. Myself, Grand Prince Karl Sigmar and Simonei prayed for this house to levitate then… and if it was not enough, it did.


It moved for hundreds of hundreds of meters, reaching an icy peak where it rested. I am writing this letter here, after a long trek resting alongside a local, pondering on these recent events. To prove the validity of this, I request your attendance at this location, and examine the occurrence of this alleged miracle.



The Location is Attached.

1105, 186, -2606

MaltaMoss, GMRO, Cheese1sgrater, Nouveau_Chapeau, HogoBojo





Dazed and Amazed,

Fr. Melquíades

Edited by UsualSuspects
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The very unique local patroller of the Northern Haeseni Icy Lands would watch the Father as he wrote his letter and sent it off to the High Pontiff. With great curiosity and confusion of what was going on, the local would continue to converse with the travelers as he sought answers to the recent transpiring events.

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Serafina de Astrea Dawn was a witness to this miraculous feat.

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Karl Sigmar having seen this miraculous happenings, found himself truly blessed. His father had always been troubled with the war that he had overseen, and surely seen the worst in men. Karl, on the other hand, had only seen the best and God within them. "Praise Godan for this holy miracle. Simonei continues to astound me. every time he does come into my presence."

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Simonei Barkov, a peasant of notable repute from his outburst in the Royal Duma, simply sat in awe within his new abode. His eyes lay wide upon, mutterings of prayers leaving him as he thanked GOD for all of his gracious gifts to him.

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To the Reverend Fr. Melquíades, 


It is with great joy and praise that His Holiness received your letter this last Saint's Day. Truly it is wonderful when the power and majesty of our Lord GOD is shown to all the world. As Secretariat to His Holiness, I have the duty and pleasure to prepare and catalog causes for canonization, beatification, and veneration. This includes the investigation and verification of miracles. As such, His Holiness has tasked me to respond to your letter. Let us meet soon, along with the Cardinal Jorenus, to discuss the next steps in this process. 


Your Sister in Faith, 

Sister Silence, OBN



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Remon snorts a little. He looks out from under the tree, waving his arms at the sky.

Oy! Godan! I'm homeless too, mind giving me a house?

No response.

Piece of shit.

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