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On Twinndolin's Ban


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smells like targeting to me


but thats only like, my opinion, man



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2 hours ago, Pancho said:

Sub tier response to dynamic roleplay in my opinion. Things can't be the same forever where it's an infinite cycle. Taking over communities is appealing as it adds a whole new dynamic to roleplay of civil wars, alliances, underground deals, etc. Actively trying to halt conflict and ensure that no one gets upset is making everyone upset. Congratulations on making yet another administrative decision that doesn't appeal to the majority of the players.


Not sure if this is a concerning take from a Nation leader or not surprising coming from Nation-Brain, but OOC harassment is not dynamic roleplay conflict. 

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How does a random player tell me about the Admin Team anomalously banning someone before the Admin Team? Yeah, how can you claim this is justified, and calculated when a player reported it before you addressed it? So, basically, if a player does not inform me of something it does not need to be addressed. You had such plenty of time you could not wait to them ban them without giving a proper follow-up? Classic staff members, taking from communities without actually fixing the root problems within. 


Either I am a conspirator doubting you guys or you just are incompetent by allowing a player to report secret bans before you did. Please, whatever the truth is, Admin Team try to think before you act? I am not trying to big brother you but like just think for a moment. 


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1 hour ago, rukio said:

You can't just use kiwi's BPD breakdown post after being OOCly harassed into hysteria multiple times for your justification on Twi's part being OOC. 

i didn’t know kiwi used the “I have a mental illness” excuse to provide her a foundation on which to cry victim on.

don’t use mental disorders to excuse horrible and shouldn’t-be-allowed behavior. 


kindest regards,



going back into retirement

thx bye

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All I see is a lot of words from the only admin capable of being a forum goon. Yet these words mean nothing and clearly represent bias. Administration has failed the players yet again.

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This server has gone downhill. Blatant case of target banning.


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7 hours ago, Pancho said:

Sub tier response to dynamic roleplay in my opinion. Things can't be the same forever where it's an infinite cycle. Taking over communities is appealing as it adds a whole new dynamic to roleplay of civil wars, alliances, underground deals, etc. Actively trying to halt conflict and ensure that no one gets upset is making everyone upset. Congratulations on making yet another administrative decision that doesn't appeal to the majority of the players.


As much as i love Pancho, this ain't no HOI4.

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Sooo twi was banned cause of ooc plotting? Even though human NL has done that so many times and not been banned for it?


PS: Yes I know there were harassment and toxicity complaints, but usually you should follow that up with proof if you want people to believe that. Cause two sides are saying a completely different story here. Some be saying that Haelun'or was the harassers, and others are saying twi was the harassers. 

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8 hours ago, Ixli said:

i didn’t know kiwi used the “I have a mental illness” excuse to provide her a foundation on which to cry victim on.

don’t use mental disorders to excuse horrible and shouldn’t-be-allowed behavior. 


kindest regards,



going back into retirement

thx bye

Me when BPD isn't an excuse its a legitimate reason and wasn't something she used as an excuse but okay bye!

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13 hours ago, SquakHawk said:

Hey guys,




okay based, can we do everyone else who has this scheming mentality now

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The "What-About"ism I've seeing is giving me some great ideas; why don't we go further? You're right, there are other people who should go next.

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executing a ban on an """important""" player should have some preparation, like having squak's reply basically ready to explain to her entire playerbase instead of just leaving them to freak tf out until the admins can convene on a statement


but better late than never!! based badmins with the target ban 😩😳


the shitstorm was a little entertaining


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Actually I retract my previous comment.  Don’t ban me or steal my ip please.

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