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Annals of Anduvia (OOC)


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The Annals of Anduvia

“When the gods deem it so, the world turns. Spiraling deeper into the Ocean of Truth, its waves crash violently against us, bringing terrible disasters that mark the end of ages.”


[ The Anduvian Empire, Circa 181 A.S. ]

[ The Continent of Ilhder, as rendered by Imperial Historian, Prescil]



One hundred and seventy-five years ago, St. Ralek, The Blessed, Phalanx of Sendil, Toppler of the White Tower, and First King of Anduvia landed upon the shores of Ilhder, beginning a series of conquests that would last for the next hundred years - propelling his new realm into the preeminent power of the continent, but now the dawn of the Anduvian Empire has undoubtedly passed, and the sun now rises on the state which conquered all who stood before it. Yet still, the times are precarious and there are many who believe that Anduvia’s fate lies on a knife’s edge. The Hero-Emperor, St. Ralek Sedorva, has not left the royal capital in the better part of a decade, overcome with grief following the loss of three of his five Blades, his wife, and most recently his sons Orbek and Tellos. Without his watchful eye and commanding presence the realm has suffered greatly, greed, instability, and corruption begin to gnaw on the corners of the young empire. Many lords and generals have grown wary and unruly. Others plan for the worst, speaking in hushed tones that the Emperor has lost his mind. Even as the last of the Emperor’s Blades, Ruul, attempts to stabilize the realm, acting in Ralek’s stead, the path ahead is uncertain..

Of major note is the widespread talk of succession within the Sedorvan line. For well over a hundred and fifty years, St. Ralek has ruled Anduvia - never doubting the strength of his divinity nor bothering to name an heir. With his absence being considered a real possibility for the first time since his canonization in the year 95, many of the Emperor’s relatives have begun to jockey for power and position - setting up a political situation that will not so easily be diffused.

Chief amongst these headaches is Tellos Sedorva, son of Tellos Sedorva, of Ralek’s Vindaric line. In an effort to eventually claim his grandfather’s crown, the young prince has traveled to the northern frontiers to win glory and prestige through conquest. Gathering up the local garrisons from the Surkhish Marches and the Burning Coast as he traveled, the prince began the first Anduvian war in half a century - invading the neighboring realm of Estria alongside a coalition of like-minded lords.

But he is not the only vulture to flock to the grieving Emperor’s reign. Outside Anduvia’s borders, the continent of Ilhder has steadily destabilized, and threats to Anduvia’s hegemony grow with every passing moon. To the west, in the Sea of Fire, piracy has increased dramatically with the emergence of the self proclaimed “Thunder King” a pirate lord who is said to wield the power of lightning itself. Less than a year ago, his fleet clashed with Carathar VI, the imperial admiral sent to contest the pirates - and descendant of one of the original Blades. Carathar’s fleet was smashed in the battle, and the pirates have only grown more bold in the wake of his defeat, going so far as to land on the coast of Galaran to raid and plunder.

Within the interior of the Empire, the ever defiant Cloudmurk deepens. The few roads through the ominous forest have grown unsafe and treacherous in recent years, with many caravans and merchants avoiding the area entirely. From settlements along its borders comes word of strange dancing lights spotted deep past the treeline, and thunderous booms that wake whole villages.

In the north, past prince Tellos’ personal quest for glory, the Dwarven Realm of Akizbuzal has begun to splinter and collapse in the face of a resurgent Dahgaan. While not yet a direct threat to Anduvia, the lost holds have become overrun with Goblin hordes who routinely spill out into the plains of Northreach, Galrun, and Torbak. To make matters worse, long “inactive” tribes of Orcs and Gnolls have begun to reorganize, their warbands more frequently crossing the border into Anduvia. Words on the wind speak of gray omens, and flocks of midnight crows circling above the plains of the lands of Dohrak.

The only true threat to Anduvia’s domination, though, is the Golden Empire of Sudryal, who’s reign (nor ego) know no end beneath the burning sun. It has been over 50 years since the end of the Second Golden War, during which Anduvian armies very nearly captured the Golden City itself, a fact which the Elven Emperor has not forgotten. Ever since, his Empire has been steadily consolidating its eastern territories, and marshaling its forces for the seemingly inevitable third conflict - so say the Crown’s spies, at least.

It is in these most pivotal of times that the Consul and Sorcerer Ruul, one of the two remaining Blades, has, in light of the Emperor’s prolonged grief, summoned all the major lords, generals, and vassals of the realm to the Holy Capital of Sendil for the purpose of reforming and reorganizing the Empire’s administration. To defy these summons would be unwise..


A timeline, describes the glorious conquests of St. Ralek Sedorva.




The Red Legion
It was not long before the cataclysmic Shearing that the General Opret saw the vision of a child, wreathed in the flames of heaven - of a promised emperor, of Paradise, Eternal - of impending doom.. Opret took whomever he could and vanished into the Great Sea, his fleet’s sails dipping beneath the horizon as the first shards of earth began to wretch themselves into the sky. Only through the blessing of heaven did Opret survive the cataclysm..

For a hundred years, the Red Legion trawled the Great Sea, constantly blown about by the relentless storms, constantly pushed to the brink of starvation. A dozen times, the men recount, Opret’s fleet was thrown against the scattered islands and archipelagos, and a dozen times they rebuilt and set sail once more. Only through the blessing of heaven did Opret find the way to Ilhder.

When the Red Legion finally landed upon the shores of the Dreaming Sea, Opret, having finished his duty, collapsed. Since then, his men have embarked on a steady string of conquests eastwards, absorbing countless tribes and petty kingdoms as they go. Culminating in a brief confrontation with the Anduvians during the Second Golden War, the Red Legion is a force to be reckoned with, to be sure.

The Legion is a festering pit of religious fanatics, drawn to the flame of the Child’s Adventism, one that cannot be allowed to spread further, in the words of the Golden Tongue..

The Goldwood Princes
For many thousands of years now, the Elves have lived within the Goldwoods. Before the arrival of St. Ralek and his armies, though, their princedoms were fragmented and always warring, forever locked in an endless struggle for domination of the realm, deep in their self-induced delusions of grandeur.

It was only when Enalidus’ armies marched through the lands of Rzhekia, cutting a bloody swathe as they went, did the Princes of the Goldwood begin to think they might be forced to avert their focus beyond their treelines. Whatever it was - they did not move soon enough, and swathes of the forest’s borderlands fell to the Anduvian invaders.

Today, the Goldwoods are united into a very loose confederation around a council of the elder princes. While they continue to squabble amongst themselves, as they have for generations, they are at least united in their hatred for their Anduvian neighbors - a fact which they are not afraid of making known.

The Golden Empire of Sudryal
An age ago, when the Elves arrived in Ilhder - their fondness and aptitude for war and bloodshed was quickly made known across all the lands. The Elven empires quickly took root across much of the continent, and the greatest of these empires was that of Sudryal’s, the mightiest of the Elven Princes. While the other Elven states have since collapsed and faded away generations ago, disappearing with their rulers, Sudryal has endured..

The Golden Empire’s history is long and storied, apparently tracing its origins far across the sea, to the Elven Homelands. In the modern era, though, it remains one of if not the greatest states in the whole of the continent- stretching from the league of the five cities all the way to the Red Mountains, and from the Inner sea to the heart of the Surraq badlands. The Empire itself adheres to a strict religious code,  paying homage to the Sun, as well as the chief among its avatars, Sudryal.

Within Sudryal’s domain, Anduvia is seen as an antithetical force to that of the Empire - a machine that will only plunge the world further into darkness and disorder, bringing it further from the righteous order that the Prince of Princes has worked so tirelessly to create.

One of the first Dwarven Colonies established during the zenith of their Empire. Before Anduvia, the rulers of Dwermark held control over many of the shards, as well as scattered ports across the eastern coast of the Inner Sea.

Well past their prime, the Dwarves of the Island were conquered by the Anduvian nobleman Kras Botin, who absorbed the remnants of their once sprawling empire into his own. The hold itself has been allowed to retain a precious little amount of autonomy, and is essentially a vassal to the Anduvian Crown.

Splintering Akizbuzal
Once the mightiest and most illustrious of the Dwarven Realms, now laid low. The works of the ancient dwarves of Akizbuzal were without equal - but their descendants have long since fallen from their former glory.

Over the past centuries, Akizbuzal has been in a steady state of decline, enduring numerous goblinoid and kobold incursions from the north and west, as well as several periods of brutal civil war. The state that the realm now finds itself in is one of near collapse.

The regency council, which has reigned since the death of the last king, has not convened in several years. Many of the dwarven armies which still remain active are without reinforcement, critically low on supplies, or without proper leadership. Communication between the different holds have begun to break down with deeper goblin incursions becoming more common, and even the long traveled underways are no longer safe. Some even say a long dormant dragon has since emerged far to the north, sensing the weakness of the Dwarves..


The Kingdom of Estria
The Kingdom of Estria is one of the few remaining human realms to escape Anduvia’s all powerful influence. Positioned on the western coast of the continent, the realm was originally formed directly in response to the aggressive Anduvian expansion to the south. As such, they have long since been considered a natural enemy to the Anduvians.

In terms of the realm itself, Estria is known to have a very large knightley caste, far surpassing that of Anduvia’s (proportionally speaking). Their heavy cavalry and foot-knights are of great-renown throughout the continent, known for their resilience and ferocity in combat.

In recent years Estria has been subject to Anduvian invasion, and while the young prince Tellos’ army has captured a significant portion of the realm, it would be untrue to say that his war there has been anything but a cakewalk. There has not yet been any large, pitched battle as of yet, but the few skirmishes and sieges the Anduvians have endured have not been the cleanest of victories.

The Black Army of Galrun
When the cataclysmic Shearing sank the human homelands, the Lord of Night, Derathas, fell with it, sunk beneath the waves. His vast legions which once threatened to overcome the whole of the continent, though, managed to escape - at least fragments of them. One of these such groups is the Black Army, led by one of Derathas’ lieutenants, Aramath.

Following their journey across the Great Sea, the remnants of the once mighty Black Army landed in the northern reaches of Ilhder, where Aramath would begin the process of establishing his own domain. The Black Army frequently wars with the Orcish, Kobold, and Gigantic peoples of the north. Though its landing in Ilhder was considerably delayed, the Black Army has already made significant progress.

The Blackwing Company
Named after the distinct flights of black scavengers which follow the group on campaign, The Blackwing Company is perhaps the most experienced and sought after mercenary group in all of Ilhder. Led by Sigismund Geld, a disgraced nobleman who would later take on the name of the group after its notoriety  became widespread. Blackwing is mostly active throughout the Western Realms.

Well trained and led, the Blackwing Company numbers roughly 10,000 men strong, battle hardened through and through. Perhaps the best known unit of their ranks are the Blackwing Knights, a core of Heavy Cavalry whose helms are adorned with decorative black wings that sprout from either side. Praised for their skill and bravery in battle, the Blackwing Knights have shattered many a battle-line, their charge alone winning countless victories.

The Company is composed mainly of human units, but it is not uncommon for Geld to take on other races into his ranks, assuming they share the ferocity and skill of the organization as a whole. Examples of this include a number of Giants who are currently employed by the company, as well as groups of Orcish and Dwarven Infantry.

Though not known to break agreements, any lord who purchases the company’s service would be well advised to make sure payment is arranged in a timely fashion. Sigismund, on more occasions than one, has been known to turn on the lands of his host, extracting what has not been paid, one way or another.

The Sacred Order of the Golden Tongue
The Knights of the Golden Tongue are a sacred order on an endless crusade against those who would blaspheme against the Marble Court. Enormous by human standards, they wield the blessed armaments and relics of the holiest power.

Being an ordained Sacred Order brings with it a series of protections in the way of custom and tradition. To uproot an Order or take hold of its property is considered a grave sin, and as such, the Golden Tongue is allowed to spread relatively unimpaired across the whole of the continent, where they hold a number of stout castles and monasteries.

Originally, The Golden Tongue was created by the Consul Ruul to regulate the spread of blasphemies throughout the Empire. Since his death, the Order has slowly grown into something more of an inquisition, persecuting wildly at even a mere whiff of sacrilege. None are safe from their accusations nor their prosecutions, which they carry out violently.

The Old Empire of Dahgaan
Founded in the age of the Dwarven Empire, Dahgaan was once a mighty Goblinoid Realm carried to the zenith of their power by the Emperor Sharaat, a Hobgoblin Warlord. Since its collapse many thousands of years ago, the Dahgaani tribes of the western forests and warrens have been routinely culled and stamped out by the Dwarves of Akizbuzal.

For the first time in millennia, though, a Dwarven Emperor has not campaigned into Dahgaan, and the goblins here have been allowed to marshal their strength relatively unopposed. Now, the Empire has reemerged, launching a massive invasion of western Akizbuzal as it does.

A side effect of the mismanaged Anduvian Realm, the self proclaimed “Thunder King” is an upstart pirate-lord based within the Sea of Fire. Having emerged only recently, he has wrecked havoc on Anduvian Shipping up and down the coast, and even smashed the Imperial Fleet off the coast of the Cloudmurk.

Apart from his large collection of ships, and apparent skill at naval warfare, the most concerning aspect surrounding the mysterious pirate is his domain within the Sea of Fire. Prior to his emergence, several expeditions had been launched into the islands that reside there, none of which have been anything but failures. The region had been deemed unnavigable and too dangerous for travel - an assumption which has apparently been proven wrong.

The League of the Five Cities
The five ancient cities of
Shejar, Chimuz, Sumar, Hrashaan, Reijuz. The League originated from a consortium of merchant guilds within the warlike Hobgoblin realms of the deep south, the League gradually grew in strength in influence until it came to dominate all of the region, including the cities themselves. The League now exists as a major economic region, exporting many rare minerals and wares, such as wellstones and glasteel, despite its disconnection from the rest of the continent.

While not a militaristic bunch at heart, the league has been forced into armed conflict several times in recent years against the Golden Empire to their north. Recruiting mercenaries from across the region, they were narrowly defeated in the ensuing Dust War, which resulted in a humiliating treaty and a loss of two of the original seven cities.



You will be taking the role of an Anduvian vassal, sworn to the Anduvian Crown, and the Emperor who bears it. Whether that be a King, Governor, General, or anything in between, the choice is yours. Inside the Anduvian realm is a myriad of peoples and client kingdoms, from warlike princedoms of the Elves to the stout holds of the Dwarves and festering mires that the Lizardfolk call home. No race has escaped from the Anduvian yolk. Each race possesses unique strengths, the list of playable races is as follows:


Humans: Humans are the most prolific of Ilhder’s races. They arrived from across the Great Sea in huge waves after a cataclysmic event known as the Shearing sank their homelands. Since their arrival, humans have proven to be a hardy and versatile folk, thriving in a vast range of environments. They are known for their predisposition to warfare, which they excel at, but also great works of art and magical feats. The average man stands around 5’11”, both their strength and senses are very run of the mill. There is a wide variation of hair and skin tones found. Their affinity for magic is notable, but not comparable to that of the Elves.

ElvesThe first Elven settlers arrived in Ilhder an age ago, sent from their Empire across the Silver Sea. Noble as they were, they would put tens of thousands to the sword in the wars that the Elven Princes and Prophets would wage to carve out their princedoms from the local peoples. Though they have since grown into a slightly more insular people, especially since word from their homelands mysteriously stopped arriving. The Elves are not a race adverse to warfare, and they are among the most warlike on the continent. They are a disciplined, xenophobic people, known for their powerful magics.

There are two distinct types of Elves, the Lunaerin, and Sulaerin

Lunaerin share many similarities with their Sulaerin cousins, but yet possess unique features. They stand around 7’4” on average, and are as strong as three men. All their senses are far more honed than that of a human’s. Their skin is pale white to silver in color, with hair of comparable colors. Lunaerin have an immense affinity for all magic and magical knowledge, being considered the greatest wielders of it. They live as old as 800 or so years.

Sulaerin share many similarities with their Lunaerin cousins, but yet possess unique features. They stand around 7’6” on average, and are as strong as three men. All their senses are far more honed than that of a human’s. Their skin ranges from tans to deep oranges, with blonde or red hair. Sulaerin have a great affinity for war, being considered among the best makers of it. They live as old as 800 or so years.


Dwarves: Legendary craftsmen and architects, the Dwarves are famed for their enormous holds, built deep into the heart of Ilhder’s mountains, and the fabulous works they adorn them with. The Dwarves are a proud and ancient race, being known for their stoic (or grumpy) demeanor, which is often taken as cold by many races. They are known for their adherence and honoring of tradition as well as their long, multi-generational grudges. Well past the heyday of the Dwarves, their race is still a major force in Ilhder. The average dwarf reaches heights between 4’10” and 5’5”. Their strength is akin to that of a humans, and their senses are also comparable with the exception of eyesight, which is notably more suited to dark environments. All Dwarves have an abundance of facial hair.


GoblinoidsThe family of Goblinoid races is extensive and diverse. Traces of these beings are among the first of the non-Giant races to appear in the Dwarven histories, marking them as some of the oldest races on Ilhder. The Goblinoid races are synonymous with warfare, brutality, and plentiful numbers. Their histories are marred by an almost constant series of conquests and battles. While certainly not true of all of their people, to say that Goblinoids were not predisposed to violence would be a blatant lie. Even so, there are rare examples of great feats of Goblin architecture and metalworking that rival even the work of the Dwarves. Among the Goblin clans are the many who wish to see a revival of their grand empires of old.

There are three distinct types of Goblinoids: Goblins, Bugbear, and Hobgoblins.

Goblins are the most abundant and oldest. They stand between 4’ and 4’6” typically, and have lighter builds, being weaker than an average human. Their hearing and sight is surprisingly acute, and their skin ranges in color from greens to blacks and browns. They are known for plentiful numbers, greed, and cowardice.

Bugbears A large and hairy variant of the goblin. They stand around 6’0” on average, and are covered in brown or black fur. Bugbears are far less intelligent, and much more violent than the rest of their kin. For all their brawn though they are, however, surprisingly nimble and stealthy when they chose to be. They are almost totally incapable of magic.

Hobgoblins, also called High Goblins, have a strange combination of features from Elves, Goblins, and Humans. They stand around 6’2” on average, with greater strength than a human and their skin ranges in color between pale reds to deep crimson. They are known to be much more intelligent and more disciplined than other goblinoids. They are, however, totally incapable of magic.


OrcsOrcs are a mysterious bunch, spawned from unknown sources, and found even on the Human homelands. Like humans, they are a versatile people, found in all sorts of environments, from plains, to highlands, to even the underdark. They are known for their ferocity in battle, stubbornness, powerful builds, and raging temper. Apart from short, mostly incomplete tribal histories, very precious little is known about these creatures. Most orcs stand roughly 6'0 tall, and are stronger than a man, with senses of comparable level too. Orc skin ranges in color from shades of green to gray.

LizardfolkThe Lizardfolk are the easily the strangest and most alien of all the sapient races in Ilhder. Coldblooded and feeling, they lack most things one might think of as 'human' as far as emotions go, thinking only as far as their next meal in many cases. Still, the Lizardfolk are an ancient race said to have served the ancient Dragonlords in a time before time. Covered in a thick coat of protective scales, they prefer to dwell within the fetid swamps and mires amidst their crumbling ziggurats and sunken cities where they are said to perform ancient rituals - long since forgotten. Most Lizarfolk stand around 6'0" tall, with similar senses to that of a human. Their scales can posses a wide variety of colors, from vibrant yellows and reds to dull greens and browns.


At the heart of every civilization in Ilhder is faith. On the continent, a number of important cults and pantheons have developed from which powerful magi and their adepts draw magical power. Away from this long trod path are the sorcerous arts - foul blasphemes in the eyes of some - the way to true power in the eyes of other. Choose a faith:





Not pictured is the sorcerous arts, which march in defiance of the divines.



this can be a place or a thing, such as an ancestral sword, for example

This rp will take place exclusively on discord, if I do not have you and you apply, leave discord.

thanks everyone! :)

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Kingdom of the Pouchlands

Goblinoid (Goblin)

The Pale Gods


The newest vassal of the Empire, and a rather unexpected one. Goblins being known for little more than theft, raiding, and infesting Dwarven tunnels, the appearance of an organised and “civilised” Goblin host caught the Empire off-guard. Much to their surprise, rather than fighting the Imperial forces sent to stay their advance the goblins sent peaceful overtures. When “King” Grizzwit Pouch offered his vassalage to the Empire soon afterward, they were accepted out of curiosity. Thus entered into court King Grizzlewit Pouch of the Pouchlands, who ruled by the Emperor’s noble grace.   

Grizzwit began as many young goblins, raiding and burning isolated farmsteads and villages along the roads of the Empire’s edges. Always running and hiding from border guards, he and the bands he joined with rarely sat still for long. As he grew older, he watched band after band die wretchedly at the hands of local militias, he himself ditching and escaping at the first hint of danger. Soon there were few bands left, and he was left wandering and scavenging at the edges of pioneer towns for scraps. What he saw in the towns amazed him.

Their people were all living in one place, with minimal thugs to enforce order. Most had hovels to sleep in, and gruel to guzzle each night. The children ran about cheerfully, with no fear of being eaten by wood-beasts or their parents! What was this paradise? How was it achieved? Why didn’t HE have any of it?! The more he scraped on the outskirts, the more covetous he became. He would steal day and night, and lined his cave with the luxuries of civilisation. Yet as time passed, it proved inadequate for his growing tastes. In his heart he desired a luxury neither silk nor gold could provide—Order. Prosperity. Nobility.

Starting small by bribing goblin bands with his pilfered goods, he created a network of black markets in larger towns fencing his misbegotten wares. He traded for weapons, armour, and drink for his growing host. Soon he was leading sorties against goblin tribes, absorbing them into his growing horde while claiming their treasures and women. When he started conquering clan warrens, surrounding foes preferred to submit willingly.

With enough time and his mountains secure he kidnapped knowledgeable people from civilised lands to educate himself and his growing throng of ‘nobility.’ He dragged the warbands away from Imperial lands and forced them into centralised guard, scout, and army regiments. Primitive farming and herding was encouraged, and whatever form of metal/stoneworking was available was patronised by Grizzlewit himself. All the while, goblins that couldn’t get with the new program were tossed into The Pits, enslaved, or killed. Grizzlewit would enforce polite society among his kindred one pogrom at a time. He would have the nobility and civility he craved-- he would have it all.

King Grizzlewit Pouch:

He is GRIZZLEWIT, King of Goblins, Mighty General, Glorious Leader, Knower of Knowledge, Pacifier of the Stone-Head Tribes, Protector of the Pouchlands, Ineffable Sire, Husband to One-Hundred Goblinas, Father of Tribes, Builder of Warrens, Keeper of Coins, Mycologist of Renown, Breaker of Chains, Discoverer of Metals, Hunter of Great Beasts, Thinker of Mighty Thoughts, the Cunning, the Silk-Laden, the Rock-Shifter, Lord of the Shadowpeaks, Inheritor of Ancient Holds, Inventor, Master of Life and Death, Patron of Magics, Servant to the Gods, Victor of the Battle of Big Cliff, Consumer of Ogres, Thief of Maiden's Hearts, Stander of Stones, Appreciator of the Arts, the Glorious, the Deeply Green, the Generous, the Magnificent, Loyal Vassal to his Majesty, the Unchallenged Champion of Hissbleg, The Tall!

Kingsclaw Zarkott "Greensleeves" urg Yunn.
He got the name 'Greensleeves' after he shanked an elf that one time.

National Idea:
A Most Royal Perogative:

(20% increase to a chosen standard/auxilliary resource, or double a rare resource [can be swapped to a different resource once per turn])

Unique Unit:
The Exceptionally Large Ballista Undeniably of Goblin Origin (Elbugo Launcher):
An excessively large ballista designed (assumedly) for cracking open underground defenses of dwarven holds, and possibly walls of conventional settlements. It has exceptionally long range which suits the combat averse just fine. While it can be effective as a field weapon, a prohibitively long reload makes difficult to wield without large sums of chaff troops to keep them at range. Any similarities to dwarven war engines are purely coincidental.
(Big, powderful ballista-type thing with very, very long range)

Point of Interest:
The Great Pile of Royal Things:
A vast pile of rightfully/legally aquired objects, money, and women undeniably of goblin origin. Often King Pouch receives goblin subjects/potential subjects in the vast chamber housing the pile. The women--his wives--are quite covetous of their position within the pile and are known to attack those who try to steal, or get too close. King Pouch finds this behavior acceptably regal and the pile-chamber also doubles as his bedroom. Goblins are known to be deeply awed by the sheer expression of wealth, and often goblins are far more ameniable and open to civilised discussion there (provided they're closely watched by his wives). Woe betide one who dares take something from the pile...


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The Valaran Freehold

& Order of the Golden Scale




RACE: The dominant race in the world and Empire, HUMAN. Praise BE to ST. RALEK for ushering our race into the role of master upon Ilhder's landing. 




LONG DESCRIPTION / HISTORY: This branch of the Sedorvans can trace their lineage as far back as before the horrible shearing. House Valara was once a proud and powerful Kingdom, in close relation to the former Realm. Their coastal cities and rich trade fleets were veins upon which the blood of trade flowed. Perhaps their downfall was their riches, as they lost touch with their might. Heirs were few and far between, Nobles preferring to carouse, and enact their will on consorts or ladies of the night. Very seldom was a legitimate heir proclaimed. In this start and stop progression of state, the Shearing found the Valarans unwanting. It's rumored before the Shearing, echoes of it's coming could be heard from some. One such entity is claimed to have hinted warnings for the Valaran Lord. He never spoke of what was said, or the cost visited upon him for it. Nevertheless, it seems that even with foresight, the Lord quickly passed away. His experience never to be shared. All he left to this decaying world was a single daughter, of unparalleled beauty. A pampered and rich life had left her empty on the inside. But to all appearances she was a trophy worthy of the ages. 


Seeing this, in his eternal wisdom, was an older relative of St. Ralek. A man of legendary proportions, and closely related to St. Ralek's father himself. House Valara offered a way to bind them to the Sedorvans, but also give this less powerful and notable branch a leg up. As such the first recorded name to survive the shearing, Vindos Sedorva, was wed to Ilyena Valara. The 'Years of False Summer' predating the true start of the Shearing were one of splendor, love, and happiness. 


And then, The Shearing.


Death, Destruction, Loss, Grief, Terror, all fitting words to describe this time. And even though this remains the darkest day for the Valarans, it's also paralleled with a silver lining. For their house was no more. Their child was a true Sedorvan, like his father. The ancient House of Valara had been left to die with The Shearing. And they had left quite the gift to their Sedorvan heirs. For their trade fleets, large navies, and ample resources translated well for the flight. Many of their Ilk and people were able to be loaded onto ships, alongside large portions of wealth, food, and water. As such in the six years of voyage to come, they were as well off as possible on the harrowing trek.




Vindos, his bride Ilyena, and their son landed alongside St. Ralek, and many others of their family. They had survived, and entered these strange lands with a small realm's worth of power packed in their ships. Up to 9 AS they helped St. Ralek in his conquest of the plains folk, helping to carve out a beachhead for humanity. They take part in the establishment of the Holiest of Cities, Sendil. However while St. Ralek and his Blades marched to war, Vindos remained behind. He and his wife were administrators, not warriors. They helped the refugees flooding in, planned the cities growth according to St. Raleks wishes, and ensured a stable rule on the annexed lands. 


It was along this order of law and stability that Vindos's biggest problem arose. For a beast of legends, one to haunt children at bedtime, was terrorizing the Imperial Capital. A Dragon, beast of damnation, eater of holds. Many had tried to slay it, in battle and ambush. None had succeeded. With ever growing tales of St. Ralek's glory returning to the Capital, Vindos, in his pride, sought to match his relative. And so he, his son, and a coterie of their finest warriors set out. Hardened by the Shearing, enduring from the Voyage, and tempered by the years of rule, this brave party sets out for Torian's Peak. Named after the first explorer to crest it upon the Landing, this mountain invoked a sense of awe in the Sedorvans.


Their first battle was Torian's Peak itself. A large mountain dominating the woods and plains in all directions. There was no artificial help, simply a rugged cliff face. Never the less after much loss they make it to the top, and the Dragon's lair.......




Vindos and his son return to the Capital, alone. Held between them is a Golden scale, off the Dragon they had battled. At grievous loss they had managed to drive the Dragon from it's lair. It was seen by the pair flying far to the east, tail betwixt it's legs. Excited at this victory, Vindos ordered the entire wealth of his Branch to be packed up. Tens of thousands of refugees flooding in from the sea were rounded up to be employed. And so they return to Torian's Peak, at the head of a massive caravan.


From here on out the historical tales of the Sedorvan Branch fall into obscurity and rumor. Using their vast wealth, year by year, a path is carved up to the Mountains crest. There a Fort is built, directly over the lair of the Dragon. The workers, vassals, and refugees flocking to Vindos live at the base of the mountain, in various temporary settlements. Every year they grow, in both population, housing, and size. The Sedorvans are often gone, off exploring the corners of the continent. And they do not always return alone.... Vindos, the first Wyvern rider, introduced this power to his people long ago. He and his son returned from an expedition, both mounted on their own Wyverns. A few hatch-lings in tow, they began to form their Retinue of the skies.


For decades, a century, the Sedorvans ruled and grow in Isolation. Whenever St. Ralek calls, they would answer with full force. But besides that they simply grew stronger in their slice of the Imperial Core. Until the present day, where man made wonders and true power abound.....


The Valaran Freehold. A place of mystery, intrigue, and Imperial power. All are allowed to enter, few allowed to leave. Right by the Imperial Capital, and within the Core, this relatively autonomous land has grown into a jewel on St. Ralek's crown. Ruled by his relatives, currently Rodel Sedorva, they are a bastion of Sedorvan rule. Like their history, very little is known of their day to day life, and composition. Perhaps the Imperial Council will be enough to draw Rodel, The Dragon Prince, from his seat. 





The Dragon Prince Rodel Sedorva, Despot of the Freehold, Warden of The Vermilion Citadel, Dai'Shan of The Order of the Golden Scale, Watcher from Torian's Peak.  From the line of Vindos Sedorva, First Wyvern Rider, and Ilyena Valara, goldenheart of The Shearing. 


Rodel Sedorva is a man of curiosity to most outside the Royal Family. His father, Jandos, was never seen by any save the Sedorvans, save for his service during the second Golden War. There Jandos was a force of nature, on-top his Wyvern Haxian, a beast the color of starry midnight. Soon after the war and St. Raleks isolation, Jandos disappeared from all. Rodel however had always been a far more visible Sedorvan. His entire life he has traveled across the Empire on his golden wyvern, Yenaxi. A solemn person, Rodel always had a cold exterior. But those who know him well, see the light and humor that lays underneath. He may never smile or joke, but the twinkle in his eyes shows Rodel's understanding. 


In recent years Rodel has become far more powerful a legend in the Empire. He has grown to an astounding seven feet, and is covered in golden scales. Rodel represents the Cult of the Dragon to it's full, a steeped Dragon Knight. With long hair the color of moonlight unmarred by cloud, and eyes like shades of the clear blue seas from olden days before this land, Rodel inspires many around him to fear and awe. And when the Empire's foes hear the leathery beat of Yenaxi's wings, and see Rodel riding her, accompanied by his Seekers, many have been known to flee. The only other option is death in glorious St. Ralek's name.




Other Sedorvans are far less known about, and include;


Tilea Sedorva, the eldest of Jandos's children. Unmarried, bitter, and homely, she lurks in The Vermilion Citadel, acting as headmistress for all the Order's students. She has always been bitter of Rodel's powers within the Cult, his Rule in their home, and his prestige across the Empire. TIlea had never managed to bond a Wyvern, and had only experienced flight from a rear seat. Jandos held her back from marriage as a card to be played, but never quite did find her a suitable match.


Rosyena Sedorva, gem of the Sedorvans. A beauty across races and Realms, all can agree. Her golden red hair seems to be a sun rising, with emerald eyes the color of riches beyond material. Though young, she has become the darling of the Freehold with her charismatic nature. Her pet wyvern Savra, a runt who never grew from infancy, is often seen on her shoulder. Rosyena seems to be a living icon of the Freehold's banner. 


Darmon Valara, bastard half brother to Tilea, Rodel, and Rosyena. The only one of many to be recognized by Jandos, simply because he had no other choice. Darmon's mother was a noble within the Freehold, from a lower branch of the Valarans that managed to eek out survival. Darmon though quite young has bonded a ferocious Wyvern, and travels the Empire on it's back, adventuring. Where ever there's prestige and riches to be gained, he's there, offering his blade. His loyal bard is often seen on his dragon, riding behind Darmon. Agamedes is a silver tongued but odious little man, always sure to spread word of his Liege's glory.


NATIONAL IDEA: "The Dragon's Home" Torian's Peak and the Vermilion Citadel within it are the crown jewel of the Valaran Freehold. A basket where all the Dragon's eggs lay so to speak. A testament to human innovation, this City resides completely on top the mountain, amid the clouds themselves. For an entire century the Sedorvans have been building this city, catered to their way of life. It's most easily accessible by air, with dozens of stables, honeycombed caves, and towers accommodated to this. Switch back dirt and stone paths lead up by land, for supplies and commoners. Catered to little real estate, the cities buildings are often stacked on top one another in progressively smaller squares and circles. This way of life has led to careful, and innovative development of the city.

(Torian's Peak City changed to unique "Freehold" +Numbers TBD)

UNIQUE UNIT: The Seekers

The Order of the Golden Scale was perhaps founded as a quiet protest to The Order of the Golden Tongue. Based around the legends of the Golden Dragon Jandos defeated, to this day they keep the Golden Scale harvested from the fight under lock and key. These Wyvern Riders have trained all their lives, and been bonded to their Wyverns for just as long. In heavy armor, wielding elongated Lance and Sword, this deadly combination of Beast and Man is a terror to Land, Sea, and Sky. Besides being Knights of the Sky what makes The Seekers so unique is their magical bond with their mounts. From an early age they select a Wyvern hatching, and are bonded to it in secret rituals. Both beast and man have a heightened sense of awareness for one another and their emotions, lend strength from wyvern to man, and intelligence form man to wyvern. In a battle they act like two halves of one whole, working in perfect tandem to become killing machines. 

POI: Imperial Blood. Ever since the bonding of House Valara to the Sedorvans, this branch has been of the Imperial Family. In this new Empire they enjoy the recognition and perks of being related to St. Ralek himself.     






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The Grudgeborn Company




MAGIC / SORCERY: The Gilded Hall.




The Ancient History


Long is the memory of dwarves, longer still is the memory of the Grudgeborn.  They remember their ancient lore, and the tales that have faded now to little more than whispers in the halls of history. Hehodir was the first of their clan, the Gem Giver, the Rune Maker. He wrought their first Clan Runes, built their first weapons of mithril and magic. His father’s was an ancient line and though its name now lies forgotten, it is said that it could be traced back to the times of the ancient empires. 


From those dregs of glory secrets still leaked, and the Grudgeborn treasured them. For centuries they preserved what scraps they could of the old ways, the old traditions. Only one true secret remains now, the Extreme Sanctification of Steel.


All clans can make a claim to fame. Some find pride in the excellence of their gold, others in the quality of their craft. The Grudgeborn, who have served the Crown faithfully for a thousand years, were known for the startling purity of their Mithril, and the excellence of their records. Every Grudge meticulously scribed, every year carefully woven into the tomes of history. And it is for historians to feel the bitterest pain when all that they know of the past begins to crumble, and the greed and weakness of dwarves dooms the work of their ancestors to ruin. It must be restored, by their hand or another, the ancient glories of the dwarves will be brought back to light and every grudge struck from the book.



The Great Kin Grudge


It was with my blood that the name of my father was written in the Book of Grudges. The Argat Kron.” -Hehodir II 


The Regency Council was weak, corrupt, riddled with the greed for gold. They were killing our Empire with their every breath, and their beards were as short as a goblin’s prick!


Upon the ancestors, hear my voice now, brothers! My father took it upon himself to change this. He spoke to the Clans, the Axebreaths, the Bloodbeards - He spoke to Garstram Bloodbeard, the son in law of our own Khograz’s brother! -, he spoke to the Goldsniffers and the Gemfondlers… He built an alliance to change things, to give us a future!

But the Gemfondlers, ever avaricious, betrayed him. They named his a Kin Killer, an Oathbreaker! They fed him to the Regency for a sliver of mithril an an inch of beard!"


-The Clan roars in anger and bangs their ale flagons against the table. Though they have all heard this tale a thousand times, their blood boils at every recounting. The unfortunate human Innkeeper has long ago gone to hide in the backroom.-





“Take their gold!”


-Hehodir II raises his hands and the crowd quiets down.-


“Now, upon my ancestors, I speak the truth. For I was there that night… When they came for him, the Wardens marched into our home and gave no ember to the hearth, they did not remove their boots at the door, nor smoke at the family pipe. They took him, and in the dark streets, they cut his throat like that of a gold thief in the royal treasury!”


-A renewed howl of outrage is heard, and a flagon flies through the tavern. The rest of the story is lost as it upsets another dwarf’s ale. In short order, the tavern is wrecked, the dwarves are merrily engaged in a brawl of apocalyptic proportions, and Hehogrim is too busy beating his good friend senseless to finish the tale.-


But it does not end well. With Hehograz dead, Hehogrim and his clan are exiled, forced to flee, and the young dwarf must handle the crippling responsibilities of Patriarch of Clan Grudgeborn. Left with no choice, he marches south, and swears his blood and life to Ralek’s Empire, as it is known among the clan. But within him burns, as in the heart of every good dwarf, a love for the works of their ancestors, a crippling grief at their desecration by the goblin tides, and a burning hatred for the Regency that has brought his people so low.




Hehogrim II Grudgeborn - The Son of Hehograz Grudgeborn, the murdered prince of the Dwarven Empire. He dotes upon his young and sickly daughter, and mourns his brother’s death, slain by goblins as they fled the Regency. His main occupations and brawling, drinking and hating Goblins. 


Runelord Khograz - An ancient Dwarf of uncertain age, he is Hehogrim II’s great-grandfather. Part senile, he remains able to write runes of power with the skill of a young dwarf of 100. His views are… old-fashioned, but his hatred of Goblins burns bright. He considers Hehogrim II entirely unable to assume the office of Runelord upon his own death, and fears that the secrets of their Clan may die with him if no one else is found.


Fulminthor Bastardborn - Khograz’s nephew, Fulminthor is an affable old dwarf who enjoys drinking, eating, smoking and sleeping. It is likely he would have stayed in the Regency instead of fleeing during the Great Kin Grudge, but he holds a deep loyalty for Khograz, who took him in when his mother died of the Black Lung, many many  years ago. Enormously fat, some say he was left as the Grudgeborn’s envoy to Ralek because the Company did not have enough dwarves to carry him all the way back to the Underway.









The Extreme Sanctification of Steel: Transform ten units of metal into one unit of Mithril. Able to decipher ancient dwarven secrets better than others.




The Grudge Bolters




The Grudgebolters wield mighty Repeater Crossbows infused with runes of power that grant them the ability to rapidly fire bolts of pure steel with great power, capable of piercing even the thick hide of trolls and giants, or the heaviest of armor. They carry great tower shields from behind which they have been known to unleash withering barrages of fire capable of devastating a hungry goblin horde. Beyond that, these sturdy dwarves, trusted with the power of the sacred runes, are also excellent builders, capable of building defenses and other minor feats of engineering with alacrity and skill, even when their resources are strained.



The Arkangaraz


Arkenstone designs, themes, templates and downloadable graphic elements on  Dribbble


The Arkangaraz is a clear jewel of all surpassing beauty which seems to glow with a deep inner light, as if it were only a window into a deep sea of stars. Long is its history, passed down from father to son through the Grudgeborn clan since the times of the ancient dwarven Empire, who’s memory is but long extinguished embers in the minds of all dwarves. But its powers remain as vibrant as the day that it was crafted by one of the long forgotten folk, so many thousands of years before.


Mithril runes have been inscribed into it with exquisite care, such that they seem to be constellations within its enchanting skies. An ancient spell has been seeded into its very being, grown over thousands of years as the gem was tended to with loving care, and finally extracted from its berth and finely crafted. Legends say that when the Clan has claimed a hold of its own, the Gem’s power will grow even further, and for the first time in thousands of years, a new spell may take seed within its crystalline depths.

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The Galmarch




Primarily Human, Eastern and Central Galrunian with various Empire minorities present in the cities and towns.





Marble Court





On first glance the Galmarch appears to be a simple feudal realm with familiar structures of nobles and commoners, lords ruling over holdings and settlements, answering in a hierarchy to the Lord of the Galmarch, who by rank is a Duke in the Empire. Delving deeper into the people’s livelihoods however reveals more distinct habits and customs. The fair skinned inhabitants of the Galmarch have a long history of husbandry, having tamed and grazed their animals on the plains of the Galmarch for many years, starting to do so not long after the arrival on the continent. The fertile soil gave basis to a thriving agriculture as well something that is reflected in their simple but nutritious cuisine.


As their homelands are quite expansive, the fastest method of transport was strongly cultivated and is still a central pillar of their society today. Horses. Some may say there are no finer horsemen than the Galrunians of the Galmarch, far in the North of the Empire. However, as much prosperity there is, there is an equal amount of conflict and it has not been unusual for the Galrunians to be beset upon by warbands of orcs and goblins. The latter do live in the regions beyond mountains to the Northwest. As a natural response, the settlements are by tendency more located on hills and high grounds, well-fortified by palisades or walls of stone, for the case a hostile force shall start to threaten their homesteads and livelihoods. To bolster their defenses a response force naturally formed itself out of the ruling caste of the Galmarch, the so called “Galmarcher”, heavy armored knights that thunder swiftly across the plains to crush any incursions before they get a chance to raid or plunder effectively.


As the recent war with the neighbouring Kingdom of Estria drags on, the amount of these incursions into the Galmarch have increased as the focus and manpower of the Empire lies elsewhere, leaving the Galrunians to fend for themselves. With Lord Torenfal now in charge following the death of his father, the previous lord, it remains to be seen where things will go.





Lord Torenfal Renenbrandt, Lord (Duke) of the Galmarch


Having come to power at the age of thirty, Torenfal stands alone at the top of the Galmarch, having lost his father and his younger brother only recently in the West as the Empire continues its advance against the Kingdom of Estria. On one hand he is bound by oath to the Empire and would love for his kinsmen in the West to pledge to the mightiest realm of mankind, but on the other hand he and his fellow Galrunians have been ordered to fight their own people in Galrun, something that does more than just put a strain on his oath. What direction may he take is unclear, but it is known that this stern and pragmatic man is willing to commit to his ideals.




The plains and hills between the swamp and goblin mountains, stretching from the Akzizbuzal Foothills down into lower Galrun.









A caste of knights dedicated to the code of chivalry, honor, loyalty. They are the sons of Galrian nobility, forming a well-trained core of the forces of the Galmarch. Thunderous their charge, fearless in battle and devastating their blows, the Galmarcher knights dominate the battlefields in the plains, swiftly turning the tide on losing battles and changing even bouts into crushing defeats for their foes. Naturally, with their position as nobles of the realm, wealth and corresponding high-quality equipment comes. The finest steeds, the sturdiest of armor and the sharpest of blades. They may be seen as heavy cavalry but are without a doubt a cut above the rest.




Farhold, the castle built in the heart of the Galmarch, on a vantage point capable of overseeing the entire stretch of Eastern Galrun. It is a well-fortified hold, supposedly build decades ago with the aid of Dwarven craftsmen, making it unassailable with its layered thick fortress walls, high and sturdy towers, lined with siege weapons to counter foes on the ground and even the sky. Ever since its construction it has served as the seat of the Renenbrandt family and in the years following the accession of the Galmarch into the Empire as a stronghold where Imperial Forces may gather, train and march from.

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The Vermill Duchy 

40% Human/Elf hybrid

45% Human

10% elf

5% Misc.


Child's Adventism


The Vermill Duchy's history goes back to the early times of the Anduvian Empire, back to the Plain wars and the arrival on the new continent. A young noble, third in of a minor house back in the old homeland had gathered what little remained of his old family's retinue and joined Ralek in his expedition for a new home. His primary goal was survival, but he got filled by ambition as soon as he and the rest of the host had made landfall. He fought and led well during The Plains War, proving to be a notable (if minor) commander. Due to his service and with his abilities being applicable Julian was given a tract of land which bordered the Cloudmurk. This land he managed well and it managed to grow strong and wealthy, Julian died and was succeeded by Rickard, these days known as Rickard the Reckless.  Just a few years after Rickard's ascencion to Count 


Then came the campaign for the Cloudmurk by Ralek. The act that would result in the forming of the Duchy. Wishing to gain more land and glory in the eyes of Ralek Rickard took large amount of loans and marshalled a great force in order to assist in the expedition into the Cloudmurk. Something which would be both a curse and a blessing upon his succesors. For whilst the Cloudmurk campaign was a partial succes it could only be called Phyrric in nature. For though lands were conquered, the amount was few and a great many lives had been lost to gain it. Many of these being from Rickard's county, including Rickard himself.


In recognition of Sir Rickard's valor, and the need to have someone administrate the newly gained territory, the Duchy of Vermill was formed with the Heir of Rickard, Julian II being made the ruler. The young Julian (22 Namedays old at this point) would have a hard reign. The extent of his territory had been massively expanded but it was a large region. Most of it's inhabitants (mainly elven) had been killed or forced to migrate, whilst those who remained were hostile. Meanwhilst he was in a large amount of debt and most of the young men of the County had been killed. 

Due to these dire circumstances Julian II was forced to grant large tracts of land to new settlers who formed many mostly autonomous communities within the Cloudmurk. Then as the years passed and the Duchy recovered and was settled the central authority of the duke was slowly strengthened. With primarily the old plains of the West being the seat of Ducal Authority. Leaving the East mostly under the control of weak barons and local settlers. During this time hostilities continued between local settlers and elves, but on a small scale closer relations were being formed by some new settlers and these elves. Creating friendly relations between some settlements and Elven remnants, as well as resulting in the first sizeable amounts of half-elves being born.


Seeing an opportunity to upset the power of many of the older, more well-established autonomous towns and villages Julian II married his heir Tyriak to an important leader of the Elven remnants. Integrating them into the Duchy and providing a counterblock to the settlers. Upset by this a brief rebellion was organized by many of the autonomous settlements. One which was quickly crushed after the first serious battle, with the Ducal forces having the aid of the elves in defeating the militia gathered by the settlers. In the aftermath of the battle all the adult males of a rebellious village called Feldmire were slaughtered which led the other settlers to surrender. 


During the end of Julian II's reign the realm was mostly stable. Then several years after his son Tyriak inherited the ducal position a new problem sprang up. During the Cloudmurk campaign many soldiers had converted to the Cult of St. Ralek, which then was spread back home and had become the most prominent. Yet in these times Ralek had gone into isolation, leaving Ruul to rule most of the empire. Something which weakened the resolve of many members of the cult. Something which was taken advantage of by a preacher of the Child's Advent named Sylvan. He preached that Ralek had neared the end of his lifecycle and was preparing to be born again. To bring the empire unto greater heights. This faith quickly catched on, even though Tyriak tried to supress it. After the faith got especially prominent amongst the Settlers in the East Tyriak began a policy of reconciliation and tolerance. Which translated to forced acceptance as it began to catch on in the West. 


Then after a long and succesful reign Tyriak died. After that his heir Johnas, the present ruler, inherited. He has now reigned twenty years and reigns over a mostly stable realm as the summons come.



Johnass of Vermill, the young duke is a Human-Elf hybrid (3-1) who has ruled the Duchy for twenty years. As a young man he was reckless and bold, often defying his father's will and going carousing amongst the common folk. He especially spend much time in the East, hunting with the Cloudmurk Rangers. This changed after an injury he recieved whilst encountering a solitary and rogue-elf with three of his friends. The elf was killed in the end but his three friends died and Johnass got a wound which broke several bones in his legs. Something which forced him to have a more sedate lifestyle and neccesitates the use of a cane to walk around. (Though the cane does have a useful little surprise). He has since his injury become more focused on his studies and been focusing on improving relations with the settlements in the Eastern cloudmurk.





Cloudmurk Rangers (Light-crossbowmen/one-handed fighters)


The duty of the Cloudmurk rangers is one that corresponds with the duties that most rangers have, which is taking care of the local wildlife. What differentiates the Cloudmurk rangers from that fact is the kind of creatures which inhabit the vast forest. There is a wild collection of different, sometimes almost unnatural, creatures that live there. As well as the occasional hostile elf that still holds anger for the conquest of his ancestral land and wishes to take revenge. This has forced the rangers to be a special unit/organization to deal with the unique combat enviroment that is the cloudmurk. They are trained to recognize signs of danger in the cloudmurk and maneuver stealthily through it. As well as training for fighting humanoid or bestial creatures in these forests. For this they train in groups of 4 and 8. And on some very rare cases in groups of 32. Which allows them to maneuver through the dense foliage without too much worry of supply and which route to take. 


The main weapon they use for combat is their crossbow. Which they equip once they feel in danger. The main advantage of this weapon is that it can be kept ready to shoot at any time, whilst if a target is spotted 2-4 rangers can fire whilst another 2-4 reload their weapons, allowing for an ok rate of fire. As well as being useful in the dense forests, as relatively little room is neccesary to reload the weapon. 


In the event that the rangers do get into combat, they have a special long-knife (machete-like weapon) which they can use. It cuts quite well through leather armor but has limited thrusting capabilities and is mainly used to cut through the foliage of the Cloudmurk.


The darkspring Grove, an area in the Cloudmurk which is fertile and verdant all year round full with bright and beautiful colours. However, it's fertile soil and other unknown properties have resulted in it being a location filled with plants of very high toxicity. with many rare and powerful toxins coming from this grove. Toxins which are carefully managed and often used by Cloudmurk rangers but also often exported on a small scale to interested buyers. 

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The Kingdom of Aranduvia

Royal Capital of Armunnímas

(The Eastern Capital)

The Kingdom of Men and Elves


The origins of Aranduvia find themselves at the beginning of the Saint-Emperor’s conquests of Ildher; six years after the cataclysmic Shearing that tore apart their homeland. First arriving near what would later become the Holy City of Sendil, the Anwari, who would later become the Aranduv, were amidst the first to shake off their sea-legs and push east beyond the Silver Mountains, and the Silver Peaks Pass, immediately clashing with the Dwermark Colonies for hegemony over the region.


Eventually, due to the actions of their forebear, Kras Botin, and the Saint’s Blades, the Aranduvians brought the Silver Dwarves to their knees, officially incorporating them into the Imperial fold - during which, the seizure of a Dwedmarken quarry dug into the Silver Mountains of the Arentari Peaks was converted into the City of Armunnímas. In the ensuing Dwedmarken revolts, the fleeing Elves of the Whitewoods finally emerged onto the plains of east Galaran, and foreseeing the futility of continued resistance against the invading humans, exchanged their fealty for their aid in Botin’s crushing of the rebellions - thus establishing their settlement in the south and bringing with them a sapling of their once great tree, planted now upon the highest peak of Armunnímas.


The Andils soon followed in the second migration across the Silver Mountains, themselves being another tribe of humans seeking fairer pastures. Compared to their Anwari cousins, these Andils were were quick to intermingle with the current establishment of things, with a particular cultural fetish for the Lunaerin - thus creating the first of the Aranduvian identity; half men, half elf. The Andils would also mark the last great migration of Men eastward, as the Saint would later redirect new settlers elsewhere in his burgeoning Empire.


Following the death of Kras Botin during his triumphant return to Galara in 73AS, and the later suspicious disappearance of his son, Vorgas, ending the House of the Galaran Botins, an assembly of Aranduvian lords gathered upon the summit of Armunnímas and elected the next representative of the Galaran Governorship, the House of Ilumnas, who were quick to remain in the good graces of the Saint and his Blades following their affirmation to their newfound duties. Within the same year, Saint Ralek bestowed upon the Aranduvians royal tutelage for their efforts in the subjugation of the Silver Dwarves, henceforth establishing the Kingdom of the Aranduv - held in direct union with the Saint’s command until His Imperial Ascendancy in 124AS.


And despite their violent subjugation, the Aranduvians have long since assisted in the regrowth of the Silver Dwarves, providing the underealms on their borders with vast quantities of foodstuffs produced upon the fields of Galara - forming a sort of symbiotic commercial bond. In the end, it was the Dwarves who finished the construction of Armunnímas, and the highways that adorn the Kingdom.


Aranduvia has since then remained a stable cornerstone of the Imperial Core, providing the Saint’s ambitions with manpower and resources for his faraway conflicts whenever necessary, and apart from the usual palace intrigues, the Kingdom has remained remarkably stable, yet to have its peace breached since its foundation.


Despite being a realm of mixed races, the ideas of Man, the majority population, remain steadfast in this destiny. Hence, in pursuit of such excellence, the concepts of the Marble Court has been adopted by the Kingdom, propagating the inherent qualities of Man, whilst including the other races as auxiliaries.




Arú-Anduv (King of the Aranduv) 

Aarendil of Illumnas


The 5th King of the Aranduv, Aarendil inherited the throne in 180 AS when his father, Lindil, was lost at sea with his ship during battle against the Thunder King as part of Admiral Carathar’s contingency to destroy the pirate menace. Already renowned for sensible governance thanks to his father’s efforts to groom a worthy heir, Aarendil inherits a stable realm with minute issues into his middle age, though the Kingdom still reels from its losses in the Sea of Fire.



Narú-Andil (Prince of the Andils)

Lorahil of Andil


Lord of the northern marches of Aranduvia, Prince Lorahil has maintained his position for some ninety years, himself an offspring of the first union of Man and Elf. The Prince has become a bedrock in Aranduv politics, having guided many generations of officials throughout the years, most notably being the mentor of Aarendil Illumnas.



Narús-Lunaer (Princess of the Lunaerin)

Sylla of the Whitewood


A veteran of the Anduvian-Whitewood Wars of the 3rd decade AS, Sylla commanded a banner unit during the fall of her capital, forcing her further eastward and eventually into the plains of East Galaran where the first Aranduvians were combating the Dwarven positions. The Elfess orchestrated her people’s settlement into the region, in exchange for their support against the Dwedmarken remnants, thus forming a new Principality of the Lunaerin - which has since then, remained mostly true to the Elven characteristic of isolationism, and kept to their own affairs unless otherwise necessary. 






Citadel Sentinels of the White Tree

Amongst the most vaunted soldiers in the Holy Anduvian Empire, the Sentinels of Mindolinn are tasked primarily with the protection of one of the last Great Trees left within imperial care as well as an imperial menagerie of gryphons raised from the hills of the Silver Mountains - for which they patrol the high canopy of the evergreen with.


[Unbreakable Morale, Gryphon Cavalry, Small Size, XXX? Armored]



The Valentar of Armunnímas 

An artifact of legendary proportions, the Valentar, more commonly known as the ‘All-Seeing Stone’, as an object of clairvoyance capabilities. A stationary object of immense weight, located within the Tower of Ralek, upon the Silver Citadel of Armunnímas, the Valentar allows any user to delve into far-sight, across oceans, and over mountains. The apparition of the user is transported wherever their mind desires, casting their ghostly image upon any nearby - if one might know of the Valentar when its user gazes upon them, they will know it’s in use. Some victories in Ralek’s Conquests may be attributed to its use, as well as the general stability of the Kingdom.




The Eastern Capital, 


The Aranduvian Capital, is in of itself, a point of interest. Carved out of an old Dwedmarken marble quarry, Armunnímas has become a shining beacon of post Shearing architecture, and quite literally, for its pristine marble foundations radiate incandescently in both moon and sunlight. So vast and rich is the City, that it has become informally known as the Eastern Capital of the Imperial Crownlands. Long spiral roadways mark the ascent to its high reaches, with the journeys upward assisted by various Dwedmarken machinations of pulleys and other elevators - each tiered height marked by another ringed wall.


The Silver Citadel of the White Tree Mindolinn

At the apex of the City lies the Citadel of the Mindolinn Great Tree, towering over the horizon. The Citadel functions as both as warden of the Great Tree, and as the epicenter of all royal affairs, housing both the King’s government and his own residential palace - the Tower of Ralek, a great spire dedicated to the Saint. Looming even over this Tower is the Great Tree of Mindolinn, which despite its infancy, has begun to branch out its canopy, encompassing most of the city in its glow. The Throndir Wing of the Citadel houses the Sentinels, along with their Imperial Menagerie of Silver Gryphons, which grant those at the height of Armunnímas unparalleled mobility to travel throughout the City upon these winged creatures.


The Walls of Varyn Nur

With construction commenced in the late reign of Lindil II, father to King Aarendil, the walls of Varyn Nur are a new addition to the fortifications of the greater Armunnímas area. Though yet finished, these walls once concluded, shall form the perimeter defense of the Fields of Rennalen, the farmlands of the City.

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NATION NAME: Alicia’s Rise (the Loremasters of Tor Alessil)

RACE: Moon Elf




Tor Alessil's foundation is intrinsically linked with Alicia, Princess of Anor Lindhe and daughter of elven lord Cerus’ taking with the sorcerous arts. Living through St. Ralek’s conquests, and hearing tales of the Sorcerer Ruul’s magical exploits, Alicia decided to put an end to her petty dabbling. Afterall, such wondrous power had no right to be hoarded by merely one powerful caster. Perhaps as a challenge to Ruul, or merely flattering imitation, Alicia began to divest resources into her own center of study. After extensive land surveys, she commissioned the tower of Alicia’s Rise during the year of 46 AS, above a believed meteorite impact site, some millenia ago. 


Though she had her wizarding tower, its halls were empty besides her and her pitiful collection of books from her father’s castle. She’d decided it would not stand as a vanity project. Rather, Alicia would seek out talented apprentices from across her father’s realm, bringing skills in every field ranging from combat, to alchemy, medicine, archaeology, and scrivening. These individuals would become the first Keepers of Tor Alessil, melding their combined knowledge in the pursuit of discovering and mastering magical lore. Though the ascension of the Tor Alessil is held paramount, this order of sorcerers is largely benevolent, except when a malefactor would stand between them and their sought-after magical secrets.


As the tower grows, as the libraries are stocked with magical tomes, and as new pupils are inducted into the halls, a lingering question remains in the Rise. Who is fit to wield the arcane? Since the Order is overwhelmingly composed of Lunaerin, many would say the moon elves are the only ones worthy. If you were to ask Alicia herself, she may give a vague answer, saying ‘only us’ should wield sorcery. Furthermore, there are elves who ask how and when magic should be used. Is it a force to protect or a tool to achieve your selfish goals? There are those who point to Sorcerer Ruul’s talent, and how it was used to carve an empire from nothing; that it would be a waste to sit around until some inexplicable threat emerged. It is a fact that the loremasters of Tor Alessil have grown bolder over the years, beginning to send expeditions to old ruins and wonders to gain an understanding of the natural world, or simply to retrieve old tomes and prized wellstones.


Despite these simmering questions of philosophy, the Keepers heed Alicia’s wisdom. The Princess has given her pupils no reason to doubt her capabilities. The Loremasters of Tor Alessil march on, steady as she goes.





Alicia an Daerienn, Princess of Anor Lindhe


Alicia is the firstborn daughter of the elven lord Cerus and his now-estranged wife Sylvaniel. From a young age, Alicia possessed an inclination towards magic. However, her gift was not bestowed from the Gods, but from a raw and unregulated source. Soon after discovering her proficiency in this magic, she embraced the sorcerous arts. Though she remains at her father Cerus' side as a confidant and advisor, she has pursued her own path recently. Lately, Alicia has taken an interest in finding and studying ancient lore, bestowing her knowledge onto like-minded pupils.



UNIQUE UNIT:  Keepers of Tor Alessil (Pupils)



Keepers of Tor Alessil (Pupils)


The Keepers of Tor Alessil, or simply known as the Keepers, are the knightly scholar-retainers of Sorcerer-Princess Alicia. These soldiers have perfected swordsmanship to an artform, deftly wielding their perfectly balanced blades and are skilled in the use of arcane cantrips. Through sustained practice across decades, these spells have become second nature to them, seemingly able to be cast at will. The Keepers are well prepared for expeditions beyond the Rise, and are often tasked with the recovery of lost knowledge or unearthing precious wellstones.





Fallingstar Mines


The Fallingstar Mines are, as their name implies, a dig site where a meteorite supposedly broke apart and struck Ilhder some two millennia ago, and provides a reliable source of Wellstones. The stones recovered from this site possess exceptional quality, glimmering with magical energy, and used to empower the sorcerers of Tor Alessil. [Produces Wellstones, scales with tier of Tor Alessil]

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The Kingdom of Castirmark


Half-Orc (Human)


Marble Court




His Majesty, Vicarian II, King of Castirmark

The Honourable Castín VI Celmnir, heir apparent to the County of Nurscor


The Most Honourable Ferchas Nadorzir, Margrave of Orsmark



The Lady Castira Celmnir, Magister Palatine to His Majesty the King



(Northern Section)




Borne out of the anachronistic clans of Orsmark, the Gal-Oglaz are among Castirmark's most Orc-blooded, and thus the realm's most fearsome warriors. These highland dwellers pair Orcish aggression and strength with humankind's discipline and wit, wielding claymores or battle-axes to enact devastating charges on enemy footmen. These assaults are further enhanced by iron-tipped javelins, carried by a squire until needed, which are thrown just prior to the Gal-Oglaz rushing forth. In addition to breaking up foe's formations, these javelins tend to pin or sunder their shields, rendering attempts to hold steady futile. These tactics have seen them shatter many shieldwalls, showcased most handily in the Border War of 92 A.S., and even against the numerous full-blood incursions since the Greymaw War. 
[Two-Handed Heavy Infantry with Pre-Charge Javelins, Shock Experts]


The Black Crown of Castir


This esteemed heirloom was forged from meteoric iron by jewelsmiths of the Dwarven Black Crags, in honour of Castir I's expulsion of Orc and Gnoll both from their north. Since, the Black Crown has been an enduring symbol of Castirmark's unity and venerable history. 

It was this long-standing history that allowed Vicarian I to negotiate a relatively favourable treaty of accession with St. Ralek's empire in the face of its march into Northreach and Surhk, though no doubt the sheer cost of the campaign theretofore and the half-orc Castaszirs enthused acquiescence was also at play. In this treaty, it was stipulated that Castirmark's territorial and dynastic integrity would be guarded in perpetuity by the Emperor himself, a promise sworn in blood that the Castaszirs value dearly. 

[May call upon the Capital's backing in any dispute (within reason) regarding borders, claims, and rightful rule of Castirmark, free once before requiring high favour/influence]

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Kazagar’s Army, Clan Oathbearer



Gilded Hall

Kazagar’s Throng once served the realm of Akizibul many years ago. They did so faithfully and dutifully before they were wrongfully left to die by the regency council during Kazagar’s last campaign against the goblinoid menace. After successfully reclaiming stretches of underway, Kazagar and his army besieged a goblin held Hold. The siege went swimmingly with Kazagar accomplishing something unheard of in his time, a lost hold being reclaimed. Despite his massive successes, Kazagar’s request for reinforcements and other vital resources were continuously put on hold. False promises were continuously made to him and his men as they sat in waiting, not only by the regency council, but also by his fellow Thanes commanding nearby Throngs. His confusion would become clarity, as he soon realized that he and his men were going to serve as sacrificial pawns for the council and the other dwarven nobility as a mighty Goblin horde approached and besieged their recently reclaimed hold. Rather than condemning his men to die in a pointless siege for a council that did not care about them, and an ungrateful realm, Kazagar led a valiant breakout effort, which to their surprise worked.

Having fortunately survived their death sentence, and seeing what it could mean for him and his kinsmen if they returned to Akizibul, Kazagar fled and his loyal throng followed. Their wrongful betrayal by the council would take them on a treacherous journey to the south, heading for Sendil, the capital of the Anduvian Empire. Along the way the story of the Thron
g’s survival spread, and soon the families and kinsmen of the brave dwarves under his command flocked to join the host as they fled south. After a long march, eventually the host made it to Sendil, and it was there that Kazagar sought out an audience with Ralek. Ralek accepted Kazagar and his kin’s presence and it was there in the capital where Kazagar bent the knee to St. Ralek, The Blessed, Phalanx of Sendil, Toppler of the White Tower, and First King of Anduvia. Kazagar swore many oaths to Ralek, and in return for Kazagar’s pledge to service Ralek provided funds and other necessities to the dwarven army that now served him. An exchange that pleased all parties involved, or at the very least appeared to.

Catching up with more recent times, Kazagar and his army have served the empire faithfully putting down revolts, incursions and accomplishing other tasks he’s given whether it be joining up with an imperial army for a campaign, or garrisoning a section of the empire. Recently however, Kazagar has been given much more autonomy and as such he has joined up with his fellow kinsmen of the Grudgeborn clan where the two parties drink, party, and fight off threats.



Kazagar, second of his name, once Thane of Akizibul, current Patriarch of Clan Oathbearer, now general of the Empire. Kazagar comes from a long line of dwarven thanes who once long ago helped expand and nurture Akizibul to its peak, and have in recent centuries watched it decline as they toiled to keep it afloat. The days of their once prospering realm are gone, and Kazagar is the first of his line to not serve the realm of Akizibul until his death. With the betrayal from the regency council and other lords of Akizibul fresh on his mind, Kazagar is one rather pissed off dwarf.

File size too big, will send via discord.

Oath Breakers - After disgracing themselves in battle or disgracing and dishonoring their clan, these dwarves have chosen the honorable way to restore their status; through death will their shame be cleansed. Only then will they be allowed to rejoin the ancestors in great gilded halls. Wielding two handed axes and donning warpaint these runic blessed dwarves have nothing to lose and everything to gain from their death. Their runes of regeneration allow these warriors to stay in the fight longer and have a greater impact on the battlefield from not fatiguing near as quick as their kin.


Calling of the Clan - Can recruit units from a limited pool costing only currency. Start with a pool of 3 such units. Subtract 1 from the pool  for every defeat, and add 2 for every victory. Values can scale at mod discretion to balance.

A set of finely crafted Mithril armor and weapons, engraved with ancestral runes. Each rune has been carved for every oath and grudge taken in the blood of the current patriarch of the clan.

Edited by NunuTheGreat
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HUMAN (80%), HALF-ELF (15%), ELF (5%)







The founding of Cavalon is intrinsically tied to the creation of the Anduvian Empire itself, the progenitor of the Kingdom was Myolthor one of the Blades of St.Ralek, the entire realm was given to him as his estate but the companion of the Hero-Emperor decided to leave it to a son so that he could remain as St.Raleks Sworn Shield. He did this bestowing the responsibility and philosophy that the Kingdom itself is a tool to maintain and protect the Empire. To this end the first King of the Myolth Dynasty created their Paladins of Integrity interpreting their progenitors words and will in creating more heroes like him for the Empire, seeing the quality of the Anduvian Empire coming from remarkable individual heroes leading men as opposed to just numbers.




The lands themselves were inhabited by humans and elves, though the latter in the minority and the nobility and gentry themselves are largely dominated by humans while Half-Elves are able to find some success in becoming Knights. The pure blooded of the Elves here are largely craftspeople, smiths and artisans and focused on these arts becoming great teachers to many apprentices. Due to the relationship between the Knights and the Artisans of the Realm it has kept any racial tensions to a minimum with thus far no recorded pogroms in any settlement of the realm. The vast majority of the peasantry in the countryside are humans.


The culture of the Gentry and Nobility is centered around the dedication of these classes to the Cult of St.Ralek which holds significant sway in Cavalon, lower nobility such as Knights are highly valued members of society as the general culture of the nobility is creating more heroes for the Empire for its many wars defensive or otherwise. Myolthor as well is revered by the Knights and Paladins of Cavalon as many wish to emulate what the people of the Kingdom perceive as his dutiful nature and his chivalry. The truth of the matter being despite Myolthor being alive and well there is scarcely anyone in the realm who has ever met him yet alone asked his personal opinions on philosophy. 





The current reigning monarch of Cavalon, one of two sons of the late King but the eldest by a significant margin. They command the Knights and Paladins at the Kingdoms command and are devoted to the Empire and the Cult of St.Ralek. They maintain a personal oath of chastity and have declared their mind, body and soul are tools for the Empire and as such forgoes personal relationships and will not take a wife and as such it leaves their younger brother the Crown Prince Bedwyr.


The younger brother by a full fifteen years of Arzhur and the declared heir of the realm, all Knights and Lords have sworn fealty to him in this regard. Unlike the King the Prince intends to take no vows of chastity and at present entertains marriage proposals not just within the Kingdom but in the greater Empire itself. As a Paladin of the realm he is equipped with the finest relics and armour making him a formidable fighter and a Knight so dashing that it is as if he came out of a book of tales. 













One of the first construction projects of the Myolth Dynasty was creating a Griffons Roost that acts as a hatchery and stables to increase the presence of Imperial Griffon Knights across the empire. It stands as the tallest structure in the entire Kingdom and one of the largest in the wider Empire. [Access to B Resource]

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The Banner of Auberon, with the Irimonid Dragonlord, Vorseax, in red. 



MAGIC: The men of Auberon bow to the Scaled-Gods, the Dragon-Cult.






The history of Auberon starts before the Shearing, in the homeland of Man. The aristocracy of Auberon all trace their roots back to Lords  and Counts of the Dragonhavens, where in the beginning, Dragons, the Gods themselves, guided Men in erecting great cities. The Dragon Kings ruled over Men in the havens for hundreds if not thousands of years, and before their passing, bestowed governance to Stewards, which later became Princes, and later became Kings. In the early days, Men would sow barley and rye onto long rolling hills, and worry about the coming harvest, entrusting the responsibility of commencing a civilization to their Gods. In those ancient times, the Dragons were said to be sages, and were benevolent, treating Men as a mother treats a babe. With the raging flames in their throats, the Gods etched long promenades and boulevards directly into the bedrock, for their children to sell their wares and their grain. The Dragons were not idle rulers, and Men did not hold fear, or hatred in their heart for their rulers. They adorned their lairs in gold, silver, dyes, and grains.  In those days, Men would consult the Dragons, utilising the great wisdom of their early Wardens to extend their cities, construct new roads, and distribute crops. Men, outstretched their feeble arms to the warmth of the Dragons hearth, and the Dragons took them in, swaddling the race of Men.


This period of harmony lasted for thousands of years, until the God-Kings began to grow weary of their thrones. They grew restless, anxious by an insatiable hunger which came to plague their race. 




Simurgh the Manreaper, Despot of Andaram


In the time before your forefathers first harvest, I remember my flames washing over a family of deer. If it is quiet enough, the fawns squeals still echo through my mind, as I singed the fur off of its skin. When I delivered their cooked corpses to your starving kin, was the day I became a God. Bread has made your race fat and happy, and most unfortunately for you, forgetful and ungracious.”

-Simurgh the Manreaper to a group of councilmen, before roasting them alive.



Men prostrated before their God-Kings before their Liars for thousands of years, as the Dragons oversaw the construction and expansion of the cities of Men. Eventually, those beings who had ruled over Men for millennia matured. Their hides grew strong, their voices hoarse, their wisdom rotted, and Greed overtook their minds. Greed, and lust caused the Dragons to envy the wealth of other cities, of their own followers, and of other dragons. The Gods placed men against men, and men bled. Hosts of men clashed against each other, in order to satiate the infinite lust of their masters. Many times, the Dragons would fight alongside Men, and the battlefield would transform to a hellscape of fire, mud, blood, and melted rock. During this time, many of the Progenitors, Saint-Like figures who were the founders of the Dragon Havens, were extinguished. The legends of this era have been chronicled courtesy of a later Dragon, into the Igneous Tome, a collection of 145 plaques of Obsidian, which recount various events of this chaotic era in the perspective of the reluctant, perfect Dragons, attempting to fix the childish err’s of man.


From this time forward, the Dragons, one by one were ousted from the thrones, and Men began to take their place, spawning an array of lineage and houses, Kings and Princes. Legend has it that the early Dragon’s, saturated with magic, many times spawned a Man, with the purpose of becoming King. There are few noble houses with the blood of one of the Progenitors who completed the exodus; these Lineages are referred to as ‘hatched’ lines, as their patriarch is said to have hatched out of an egg. 




When the Stewards first began to spread word of the Shearing, the Dragonhavens immediately began making preparations. In the midst of calamity over the destruction of their native lands, the neighbouring domains began to pack onto ships. The Dragon-Havens followed suit, selling tickets for childs-worth cargo space for as high as 200 gold pieces. The nobility mounted their Wyverns and their Wyrms, and took to the skies, flying above the commoners. A hastily made council convened prior to the Shearing, elected Irimon, a mediocre Steward, to lead the Great Flight, mainly because he was sworn to a Wyrm, a massive Wyvern, and it would be easily identifiable from the ships who were sailing. Irimon, in his Wyrm, carried the Igneous Tomes over the sea, and was the beacon for the diaspora from the Dragon Havens. Upon landing, he was in awe with the potential of the great land, and immediately declared himself, the Wyrm-King. In exchange for assisting Kras Botin in conquering the Bay of Botin, Ralek himself bestowed nobility to Irimon, one of the first men he did so to. Irimon established the Kingdom of Auberon in the newly-conquered Bay of Botin, naming his Kingdom after the Dragonhaven he was Steward of in the homeland.  



Queen Diana of Auberon, the Burned Lady

The first Queen of Auberon, Diana took control after a recent succession crisis in the Kingdom, where the nobles settled the issue of succession at the Battle of the Charred Throne. Diana, and her host, met Mykhailo’s Knights at a field several leagues southwest of the capitol. Diana, led an army of what was essentially slaves, farmers and commoners she pressed into service by arriving on her Wyrm, Malagon, to countryside hamlets. Mykhailo appeared riding at the behest of his host consisting of levies, and his infamous Pikes. Diana’s strategy consisted of fire. He ordered her Peasant-Army to charge, serving only as flesh for Mykhailo’s skewers. She ascended atop of Malagon, her Wyrm, and first burned any deserters, and stragglers in her own army, before directing Malagon’s wrath on Mykhailo’s host, indiscriminately burning thousands of her own soldiers as well. Many farmers recounted that the smell of burnt flesh could be noted 10 leagues away. Mykhailo surrendered, and swore to Diana, who sat atop a Charred Stump, which continues to stand to this day, inside an inn called the same name. Tenets can visit, and the section with the Charred Stump doubles as a brothel, a testament to their perspective on Queen Diana. 

Pavel Irimon, the Wisp

Pavel is Diana's brother, with whom they share a son, in an ill-thought effort to quell any discussion about the succession of the throne following the death of Diana. Pavel is described to be mentally slow, and is confined to a wheelchair, as a result of an accident he had when he was younger. 

Mykhailo Irimon, Marshall of Auberon

Mykhailo is a Duke in the Kingdom, and a man of few words. He is noted for his military expertise, having served in 3 different armies in his youth. Before anything else, he places his immediate family, and many in his realm look up to him for that. In his youth, he was ambitious, willing to go to war for what he perceived as right, as seen by the succession crisis. Now, he has grown stale. 




The Garden of the High Men

Prior to the Shearing, there was a King by the name of Melethor who held dominion over several dragonhavens. He was unbothered with the issues of the realm, mainly because he preferred botany over ruling. He curated Royal Gardens, where he kept many different species of exotic plants and trees native to the land of Men. Before the Great Flight left the havens during the shearing, the curators of the garden,  loaded Wyverns with saplings, seeds, and documents, sacrificing their own lives for the preservation of the flora of the Land of Men. Irimon, founded the Garden of the High Men, the largest collection of flora from the homeland of Men, and the only one of its kind. It includes hundreds of different flowers, and trees, including some plants which can be used for a variety of purposes…..

(Going to have 3-5 Specific plants that have various purposes, will PM it to you)


Unique Unit:



Malagon, the Plagued, Queen Diana’s Wyrm. An old Wyrm, in his old age succumbing to Wingrot, and Eskanders Blight.


Legend has it that Wyrms were created by an old Progenitor, Ralexor, when he dropped an egg, forcing it to hatch prematurely. They lack the sentience and wisdom of a Dragon, but are 3-4 times larger than a standard Wyvern, and are much stronger, with a breath that burns much hotter. Amongst the Dragonhavens, they were very popular, until they superseded Wyverns all together. Usually, the trademark of hatched houses is the possession of an entire lineage of Wyrm’s, and riders are sworn to their mounts for life. 



The spot on Wills application


Edited by Alfonso X el Sabio
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Nation Name:

Clans of Surkh 



Lizardmen (98%) Other (1%) Elf (1%)



Red One


Brief History: 

Not much is known about the origins of the Lizardmen of Surkh. Before the invasion by Ralek and his swords much of the swamp was avoided due to folklore and superstition surrounding the inhabitants. 


The clans of Surkh were once separated from each other and constantly warring with one another, their primal natures driving this conflict over the simplest matters of survival. One clan was never able to gain a foothold over the other. This continued for centuries before the first clan came in contact with the Anduvian’s. This related to a slaughter, nearly an entire clan was wiped out but one red lizard, Gortok. 


Gortok was given an opportunity by some entity to indulge the Lizard’s bloodlust nature and use it for the better. Empowering him to unite the Clans and fight back against the Anduvian’s. He made the pact, tying the entirety of the clans to this thing for the rest of their lifetime. Slowly over the next few months, Gortok would appear with a dark grayish red-hue in battles against Ralek’s swords and his armies. News of this horror would soon spread, as the army's advance was stalling out throughout the swamps as the lizards seemed to be uniting. The Legend of the Gray Lizard was spreading as he was consolidating the lizards under one banner, leading a guerilla campaign against the might of the Human army. 


This would see a change in the lizardmen’s religious tendencies as well. Gortok’s arrival and his teachings to the others about the Red Prince would soon turn these lizards into devout fanatics, claiming Gortok as a Prophet to the Red Prince. A Massive Ziggurat was constructed using some more advanced techniques to have it supported on the soft soil in the mires. This ziggurat would come to be known as the ‘Blood Court’. 


With each passing month, the lizardmen gave into what was asked of them by the Red One. Endlessly fighting with the humans and slowing down their progress significantly. Each day more and more casualties were inflicted onto them and the prisoners were sacrificed and forced to fit in the Blood Court for entertainment and to please the Red Prince. 


That was until Ralek came swooping down from his keep and marched into the swamps with an aura of power that even Gortek could feel in the heat of battle. Gortek sought out this power to claim it for him and the red prince but shortly after he was slain and his armies collapsed under the weight of the Imperial Army. Their Blood Court was destroyed and their worship of the Red One prohibited but those traditions and that lust for blood stayed with the Lizards. But being told they couldn’t worship something wasn’t going to stop the lizards, in secret they slowly began to rebuild the Blood Court, and their worship of the Red One was kept into the bottom floors of the Blood Court. 


Then came to who would take Gortok’s place. This could be decided like the name of the Ziggurat. A duel between the strongest warriors at any time and place. A flurry of rulers had come and gone until now, where Kredun-Xo took power and remained undefeated. His size reminded many of the lizards of the old days where large Crocodile-esque lizardmen where well respected warriors, his combat skills were not the only thing that kept him in power. It was his intelligence as well. He had decided to send off for a deal to propose to Ruul where he would send his brightest lizards to go off and study in the Imperial Capital to serve as diplomats and scholars of the clans and return to teach the lizards what they needed to know. In return, the Clans of Surkh would serve wherever they were needed and in any war that was required of them. 


Key Characters: 

Skink and Kroxigor

Kredun and Xit going on a stroll 

Chieftain Kredun-Xo, 

The Current Chieftain and King of the Blood Court, he is devout in his worship of the Red One, and eager to bring back the glory of his religion for him. He is a large ripped lizard abnormal in size even compared to the rest of his species. His combat prowess and intelligence continue to exceed the expectations many have for him. Some consider him the Avatar of Gortok… 


Xit, Scholar of Surkh


A dwarf compared to his chieftain Kredun, Xit is small in size but extremely intelligent for his race’s standards. He was one of the first to back Kredun and one of the first to be apart of the imperial deal. Shipping off to study and learn as much as he could and be the diplomat for Kredun. He has Blue skin with a hint of Gray showing across his legs. 

School of Blood Magic- CORPUS MALICIOUS

Sur’hal - Priestess of the Blood Court. 

Sur’hal, is one of the few non-lizardfolk that lives within the territory of Surhk. The Sun Elf has dedicated her life to the studies and practices of the Red God, and her knowledge and record keeping for the Lizardfolk has been invaluable as she has outlived countless chieftains and has continued the rituals for the Red Prince for nearly a century. Only a select few times does she leave the sanctum of the Blood Court but when needed she is sent on diplomatic missions to accompany Xit. She changes her crimson robes for pure white robes when on these missions. 


She, like most of the priestesses of the blood court, are non-lizardfolk. 


Unique Unit:




These large alligator like creatures resemble the lizardfolk in all ways, but they are hulking monsters with hardened scales and unbelievable endurance and vitality. These units are considered to be among Kredun’s elite when he leads the warhost. They are brutal in combat, often shattering lines of infantry and sending untrained levies fleeing in terror.  They are perfect servants of the Red Prince. They used to be a rarity roaming the mires by themselves until very recently being united by Kredun.


National Idea: 

Disciples of Gortok: The ability to make sacrifices from prisoners and willing soldiers to gain one time boons from the Red One in appreciation for the offering of the gifts. However, these gifts can be lackluster to great depending on the amount of blood that is spilled for the Red One.  (



The Blood Court- A massive ziggurat that was built with rapid pace during the ascension of Gortok and the spread of his religion. It has five levels, the Ziggurat’s main entrance starting on the middle layer as it leads into the grand entrance and worship hall that has been modified to serve as a disguise for the worship of the Marble Court. However ascending one floor up is the library for the Priestess and others with clearance and one floor above that is the housing for the priestess. 


Descending one floor down into the Ziggurat is blocked off by a reinforced iron door that leads into an elaborate prison. Dotted with holding cells, torture racks and the whole nine yards. Before its splits off into two long hallways. At the end of one is two massive wooden doors that lead out into the Arena that was built into the backside of the Ziggurat where tournaments, duals and challenges for the seats of power were held. The other door is the first of several that lead into the darkest depths of the Ziggurat but no one outside of the priestess have ever witnessed what lies beneath


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"Glory is the reward of valour."



The Duchy of Osetland is a uniquely human realm, surrounded as it is by Dwarves, Elves, Gnolls, Greenskins and Half-Orcs. Though it remains part of the greater Kingdom of Castirmark, Osetland has fiercely resisted any effort made to taint its bloodlines with Orcish blood and, as a result, the Duchy is almost completely human, due in part to the common folks' remarkable xenophobia. 




The Marble Court holds absolute sway within the borders of Osetland - the peasantry are nearly as pious as they are racist. Practitioners of heretical faiths are routinely rooted out in Osetland - where the Sacred Order of the Golden Tongue is openly welcomed - and Osetlander houses tend to be a riot of religious paraphernalia. While all of the major deities of the Marble Court are widely worshiped in Osetland, the most popular figures of worship are the two Patron Saints of Osetland, Saint Valdemar and Saint Valerian, both Dukes, who were canonised upon their deaths for their great deeds in service to the Duchy.






Osetland has ever been a land of chivalry, of honour, of nobility. Ever since Saint Valdemar founded the Duchy after slaying the Red Terror, a wryvern of extraordinary size and might, Osetland has had a strong knightly caste, and strong knightly tradition. It is considered normal for the lesser sons of noble houses to seek status and title for themselves by pursuit of the knightly arts, as Prince Valdemar's original companions did, when they swore themselves to his banner. As is typical of a feudal realm, this knightly tradition is at the heart of Osetland's military tradition, and any Osetlander army is sure to have a strong core of knights, armed and armoured in shining steel, and mounted upon the finest steeds. 


This shining spirit of chivalry has served Osetland well throughout the years. Saint Valdemar and his descendants used it to drive out the Gnolls, the Orcs, the Goblins, to bring low the Elven princes and to establish the modern borders of the Duchy today, while Saint Valerian and his knights were responsible for saving Osetland in its time of greatest need, by driving out the Orcish invader in the Greymaw War. 


Osetland is a fiercely independent state, despite its obeisance to the Castyrian Crown, and it has strived endlessly over the years to retain this independence in the face of external threats and pressure from the Throne. Despite this, Osetland has a strangely close relationship to the greater Kingdom of Castirmark as a whole, with a peculiar list of trade laws and agreements, in place largely because of the Kingdom's reliance on Osetland as access to the Valdemere, the north-east's only easy means of trade with the southern Empire.


In the modern day, Osetland stands at odds with the rest of Castirmark, a dutiful but reluctant member of an uneasy partnership, born from the end of the Greymaw War. While Osetland has maintained its allegiance to the Castyrian Crown, it has resisted any and all attempts to bring about the Orcisation seen in the northern provinces of the Kingdom, while Castirmark's membership of the Empire is, in part, due to the severe political tension and instability brought about by the Border Wars (wherein the vassals of both Osetland and greater Castirmark engaged in open warfare against each other, allegedly with the secret endorsement of the House of Castaszir-Osetland) and Osetland's intransigent refusal to bring the perpetrators to justice.


For now, membership of the Empire has mollified tensions on both sides of the border, but ultimately, the future of relationships between Osetland and Castirmark is something only time can tell.



Kazimir II is the only son of the late Kazimir I, a boy of barely 12 who ascended to rule of the Duchy following his father's untimely demise at the hands of a feral Gnollish javelin. While it is yet far too early to tell just what kind of a Duke the boy will be, he already dreams of following in the footsteps of his ancestors, Saint Valdemar and Saint Valerian, and achieving greatness and recognition through martial prowess. Duke Kazimir suffered an unfortunate injury as an even younger child, when he was kicked in the face by his pony. While he survived without an debilitating injury, his nose is flattened as if by a mace, and he has a cruel, hoof shaped scar across his left cheek. 



Jacek ze Malrez is one of the leading noblemen of Osetland. Though lesser in title than some of his peers, the Baron's marriage to the late Lady Luiza, Duke Kazimir's aunt, has left him uncle to his young liegelord, who he loves fiercely, following the death of his own son, Jozef. Jacek's close relationship with the young Duke has rendered him one of his chief protectors and regents, which - for now - has put an end to the behavior he is most infamous for. As a border baron, Lord Jacek has gathered notoriety - and a nickname, "Black Jack" - for his vicious and unrelenting raids into Castirmark. While these attacks have never escalated to the scale of the Border Wars, they continue to be a thorn in the side of Castyrian-Osetlander relations.



Lord Konrad is the second member of the Duchy's regency council, and he is also the young Duke's uncle through marriage. Konrad is the premier peer of the Realm, controlling large estates throughout much of the country, and it is little secret that he desires to be name heir presumptive to Osetland, by virtue of his marriage to the Duke's uncle, and by the security of his line, whose future lies in the lives of his two young daughters. Konrad's cause, however, is marred by his blatant unpopularity, and Osetland's strict adherence to the tradition of male inheritance.



Stanislas is the oldest son of the late Duke Florian, Duke Kazimir II's grandfather. Unfortunately for Lord Osetdell, he is also Florian's bastard, with no claim to the Ducal title. Despite that, Stanislas was raised as Florian's son, and he has proven to be both an incredibly skilled knight, and a loyal servant of Osetland. With his brother, Kazimir I, Stanislas campaigned against the Gnolls, fought against Elvish incursions in the south, and chased off Orcish raiders in the borderlands. As a result, he has been reward generously for his services, and has made a favourable marriage to the Lady Sasha, a daughter of Mikhail, of the House Irimon. Despite his longstanding service, there is some question as to the Lord Osetdell's loyalty to the young Duke, as he is widely held to be an ambitious man. Intensely popular, Stanislas is currently considered to be best choice to be named as Duke Kazimir's heir presumptive.



Southern area on Hell's map.




In the darkest hours of the Greymaw War, when all seemed lost, Saint Valerian rode forth with his most trusted knights, and routed the host of the Red Orc, Vicarus, personally slaying him and scattering his army to the winds. This legendary charge has gone down in Osetlander annals as the pinnacle achievement of the Duchy's knightly caste, and ever since then the greatest knights of Osetland have been known as Knights of Saint Valdemar. While this honour is a title, rather than a dedicated knightly order, the Knights of Saint Valdemar march to war with the livery badges and emblems of both Saint Valdemar and Saint Valerian upon their heraldry, and they are widely regarded as the finest knights yet known to man. One of the honours bestowed upon the Knights of Saint Valdemar is the right to carry the Valdemarion and the Valerianus, two pennants - mounted upon each Saints' lance - that followed the Saints themselves into battle during their lifetimes. 


To be a Knight of Saint Valdemar is not just a petty honour, however - it is widely believed that the spirits of the Saints themselves follow these warriors into battle, for they have a truly uplifting presence for allied troops, and they inspire dread and fear in all but the most battle-hardened of foes.

[Allied troops are inspired in the presence of Knights of Saint Valdemar, whilst enemy troops are unnerved and terrified in their presence.]




Following the death of Saint Valerian, and his canonisation by the Osetlander clergy, his son - Gabriel I - ordered the construction of an immense cathedral in his honour, to celebrate his saving of Osetland during the Greymaw War. Though the Cathedral took nearly fifty years - and the lifetimes of three Dukes - to complete, it stands now as a truly immense monument to the Saint's achievements. In the years since its completion, Saint Valerian's Cathedral has become renowned for the study of the divine arts, and many mages have been produced in its hallowed halls.


[Provides an additional spell.]

Edited by The_Mad_Skylord
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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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