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The Adrian Declaration of Independence


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A Waldenian chieftain read the missive from within the Moothall of Neu Brandthof. Alongside him sat several kinsmen and retainers, all looking to him for the news. Glancing down to his trusted friend, Aber MitKase, he then spoke. "Gather those who remain in Einmont. The Tribe of Theonus stand with our Reinmaren brethren, and the Kingdom of Aaun, until our last days. Songs will be sung of this, just as in the days of our forefathers." the aging man spoke.




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"I am Adrian since Peter Sarkozic picked me up, lost on the streets... and gave a home in Renzfeld. I fought for Adria 180 years ago and will do it again!" Albrecht exclaimed from the ground of a pond; his voice inaudibly resonating in the water - a thought to himself. Then, he rose out of it and made his way to the Adrian square again, to once more defend Duchy and Dumacracy!

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A certain Lechian boy sighed as he gazed at the missive. “May GOD have mercy on you, Duke Heinrik, for the men of Aaun will not.”

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A survivor of many wars since that of the 17 year war all those decades ago, the War of the Wigs, watches out of her own Aaunic windows at battalions and troops march by. Combat trainings, skirmishes, robberies, all of the sort.


Her aged eyes skit over each one she passes by in paranoia. Her mind plagued by delusions of the coming war, of the horrid battlegrounds strewn with guts and sinew from soldiers of all backgrounds. Men, women. Wives, husbands. Sons, daughters.


A witness firsthand of these horrors of war. She had seen the glazed over eyes of the man, told the old lie of the ages.. Fit to a new name, and yet the message was still the same. 'Ave Adria,' synonymous with 'Ave Orenia,' synonymous with 'Krusae zwy Kongzem'. All cries of war that end with anguish of families and lovers.


Too does the old saying go, "Dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori." A lie.



jk lol ppl dont pk in wars


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“Such is the what was spoken, I hope he heeds to my words until is too late.” The Envoy noted to the voices in her head, the ones getting louder and louder. 

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Jan Jazloviecki sighed heavily at the declaration "Why does it come to this Heinrik? Once friends, now foes. GOD will be the judge and he will choose the victors." The one-eyed Count said simply to himself 

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