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When does your right to roleplay on LOTC get permanently revoked? [TW]


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Well.. Well.. Well.. As a roleplayer for 10 years (haha..) all I can say is keep shit off the server, off the server. If you have some type of drama of beef with someone over how they may roleplay or act towards you, get the **** over it. Its a Minecraft server at the end of the day and you bitching about some "ooc bullying" or some texts in a private discord or private chat isn't going to make you feel better. Sure you got some messages about how someone feels about you, if you seen what half these discords contain from both sides you'd probably call the police or maybe another googledoc on those players to right? Anyone taking things said outside of LOTC seriously, deserves a vacation away from their computer. So in my humble opinion get over yourself. You made an entire document about a guy who you say should be permanently banned because of his "toxicity" when all LOTC has ever been is TOXIC both sides and from the Admins not just now but in its entire history, so cut the crying and ******* roleplay. 


*Delete this if you want but it just proves my point* 


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15 minutes ago, Pito444 said:

Well.. Well.. Well.. As a roleplayer for 10 years (haha..) all I can say is keep shit off the server, off the server. If you have some type of drama of beef with someone over how they may roleplay or act towards you, get the **** over it. Its a Minecraft server at the end of the day and you bitching about some "ooc bullying" or some texts in a private discord or private chat isn't going to make you feel better. Sure you got some messages about how someone feels about you, if you seen what half these discords contain from both sides you'd probably call the police or maybe another googledoc on those players to right? Anyone taking things said outside of LOTC seriously, deserves a vacation away from their computer. So in my humble opinion get over yourself. You made an entire document about a guy who you say should be permanently banned because of his "toxicity" when all LOTC has ever been is TOXIC both sides and from the Admins not just now but in its entire history, so cut the crying and ******* roleplay. 


*Delete this if you want but it just proves my point* 


so if you send someone rape threats directly the administration should do nothing?

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35 minutes ago, LoTC's Next Top Model said:

so if you send someone rape threats directly the administration should do nothing?

They should be banned but they shouldn't be able to go back on their initial verdict, this is not the only time this has happened and it just further emphasizes the incompetence of staff to come to a lasting verdict as they are capable not only to do so, but to also do it months of time afterwards. 

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i question your humanity if you quote squak's apology message and shit on him for it. knowing how hard of a responsibility administration is, he's done nothing but shown competency over and over again

on another note, he should stay off the server. the moment you bring in sexual threats to the point of endangering someone's safety on the server, your privilege of being here is gone. doesn't matter how you see it, it's heinous and it's a crime, regardless of how long ago it happened.
muna and toni having to take the brunt of it 4 years after it all happened and being very obvious as to how badly it has affected them is enough to warrant a permaban as his return makes current players in the server feel unsafe.
 refer to s.264.1 in Canadian law, and 18 U.S.C. § 875. for the Americans. section 13 in Norway. i don't think i have to explain why someone going as far as to break federal laws, on top of the safety rules on LotC, over minecraft roleplay shouldn't be accepted back?

i can't deny that a wide majority of us were toxic in 2018 (while only a minority of that were on that extreme of a level), yet we have all gotten progressively better people as time went on. the community right now is in a much better place than it used to be. i still believe he has the potential to be a better person and reform. but not on this platform. not when players still feel unsafe because of him.

I have been messaged that Tythus LTD is based in the UK.
This is irrelevant as the threats are between the victim and the aggressor, regardless of the medium. Plus, this has all been said and done via Discord, a medium based in California.
it's also illegal in the UK. under section 2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997

anyways tythus ltd wasn't associated with these threats



An offence of harassment already exists under section 2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 (the 1997 Act). A person who pursues a course of conduct which amounts to harassment of another person, and which they know or ought to know amounts to harassment, can face up to six months in prison or an unlimited fine. The 1997 Act states that harassing a person includes alarming them or causing them distress. It also states that a course of conduct is either doing something more than once towards one other person or doing something at least once towards more than one other person.

Section 4 of the 1997 Act created an offence of putting someone in fear of violence. It provides that a person whose course of conduct causes another person to fear, on at least two occasions, that violence will be used against them, is guilty of an offence if they know or ought to know that their course of conduct will cause the other person to fear that result on each of those occasions. A person found guilty of this offence can face up to ten years in prison.


They have made it very clear that they felt threatened and unsafe from such things.


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7 hours ago, ScreamingDingo said:


think you two need to do more than one tiktok videos worth of clout to think you have that pushing power

Step down !!! @ScreamingDingo

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6 hours ago, _Sheylo_ said:

This has been a wild read lol
go drink water and touch grass

@AnimeWolf0080is this your protege ?!

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Sometimes, too much is too much as of threatening with rape is just absolutely disgusting and unaccaptable and if someone doesn't understand that, they're disgusting too. Atoning is not claiming to have grown since years ago, atoning starts with taking responsability. 

Should stay banned, 
Or should at least take responsability. 


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If something an internet troll told you five years ago seriously traumatized you, you should not be on the internet. 

Kids these days have not been in enough CoD MW2 xbox lobbies and it shows.


On a serious note, what he said is bad and all. But it's a long time ago and you decided to unban him. You should have either stood by that decision or not have unbanned him at all. Huge fault on the staff in this situation, regardles of which side of the fence you are on. It goes to show once more how the LOTC staff are set up entirely wrong. Justice should not know personal preferences and it clearly does on this server. It may be time to review the way we have this server moderated.


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10 minutes ago, Gridlock said:

If something an internet troll told you five years ago seriously traumatized you, you should not be on the internet. 

Kids these days have not been in enough CoD MW2 xbox lobbies and it shows.


On a serious note, what he said is bad and all. But it's a long time ago and you decided to unban him. You should have either stood by that decision or not have unbanned him at all. Huge fault on the staff in this situation, regardles of which side of the fence you are on. It goes to show once more how the LOTC staff are set up entirely wrong. Justice should not know personal preferences and it clearly does on this server. It may be time to review the way we have this server moderated.


yeah bro, kids these days getting traumatised over r*pe threats and death threats, so soft of them ngl. I remember the good old days in COD lobbies when people were exposed to that shit all the time and weren’t soft!! so much better

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11 hours ago, Pito444 said:

Well.. Well.. Well.. As a roleplayer for 10 years (haha..) all I can say is keep shit off the server, off the server. If you have some type of drama of beef with someone over how they may roleplay or act towards you, get the **** over it. Its a Minecraft server at the end of the day and you bitching about some "ooc bullying" or some texts in a private discord or private chat isn't going to make you feel better. Sure you got some messages about how someone feels about you, if you seen what half these discords contain from both sides you'd probably call the police or maybe another googledoc on those players to right? Anyone taking things said outside of LOTC seriously, deserves a vacation away from their computer. So in my humble opinion get over yourself. You made an entire document about a guy who you say should be permanently banned because of his "toxicity" when all LOTC has ever been is TOXIC both sides and from the Admins not just now but in its entire history, so cut the crying and ******* roleplay. 


*Delete this if you want but it just proves my point* 


Weird pro-rape threat comment but go off

Edited by Iosif
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16 minutes ago, Gridlock said:

If something an internet troll told you five years ago seriously traumatized you, you should not be on the internet. 

Kids these days have not been in enough CoD MW2 xbox lobbies and it shows.


On a serious note, what he said is bad and all. But it's a long time ago and you decided to unban him. You should have either stood by that decision or not have unbanned him at all. Huge fault on the staff in this situation, regardles of which side of the fence you are on. It goes to show once more how the LOTC staff are set up entirely wrong. Justice should not know personal preferences and it clearly does on this server. It may be time to review the way we have this server moderated.


just outing yourself as a freak, aren't you?

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21 minutes ago, Gridlock said:

If something an internet troll told you five years ago seriously traumatized you, you should not be on the internet. 

Kids these days have not been in enough CoD MW2 xbox lobbies and it shows.


On a serious note, what he said is bad and all. But it's a long time ago and you decided to unban him. You should have either stood by that decision or not have unbanned him at all. Huge fault on the staff in this situation, regardles of which side of the fence you are on. It goes to show once more how the LOTC staff are set up entirely wrong. Justice should not know personal preferences and it clearly does on this server. It may be time to review the way we have this server moderated.


you are goofy

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17 hours ago, itdontmatta said:

Hi again,


Upon further review of the evidence and comments made, we have decided to give Charlemagne a permanent (Player Conduct Violations) ban for his behavior in the screenshots Muna and MissToni provided. Although he has apologized and offered that he has changed, we cannot provide a platform for his redemption. 


In two days, it will have been 10 years since I joined LotC. I endured several different iterations of the LotC community, and I have been both on the receiving and giving end of really shitty, toxic behavior. I thought that since I matured and learned from my mistakes that anyone else could. When Charlemagne appealed, and there was support on his appeal, I thought there was a possibility that he changed. While he was back, I saw that change and I thought that it was okay. I didn’t come to think that even though he possibly changed, his behavior could not be redeemed on our platform.


There is a threshold that cannot be crossed, and we see that in this thread. I personally underestimated how much this community has changed in the ten years I’ve been here. I reflected on what I had posted, and I started to have a weird feeling about it. It wasn’t a call that I was 100% confident in. 


I am sorry, specifically to Muna and MissToni that we mishandled this. 


Lord of the Craft serves to offer a place that people can escape some of the realities of their real life situation. My topmost priority has been to encourage a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. Please hold me to that. If I cannot offer that to you, the community, then please ask me to resign and I will. My next step is to implement standards for the roleplay server communities we advertise in our public discord, and set rules & guidelines for conduct we expect on discord.


Thank you, and I will not let you down again.





I wish we could perma-ban you!

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46 minutes ago, Gridlock said:

If something an internet troll told you five years ago seriously traumatized you, you should not be on the internet. 

Kids these days have not been in enough CoD MW2 xbox lobbies and it shows.


On a serious note, what he said is bad and all. But it's a long time ago and you decided to unban him. You should have either stood by that decision or not have unbanned him at all. Huge fault on the staff in this situation, regardles of which side of the fence you are on. It goes to show once more how the LOTC staff are set up entirely wrong. Justice should not know personal preferences and it clearly does on this server. It may be time to review the way we have this server moderated.


weird take bro

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1 hour ago, Gridlock said:

If something an internet troll told you five years ago seriously traumatized you, you should not be on the internet. 

Kids these days have not been in enough CoD MW2 xbox lobbies and it shows.


On a serious note, what he said is bad and all. But it's a long time ago and you decided to unban him. You should have either stood by that decision or not have unbanned him at all. Huge fault on the staff in this situation, regardles of which side of the fence you are on. It goes to show once more how the LOTC staff are set up entirely wrong. Justice should not know personal preferences and it clearly does on this server. It may be time to review the way we have this server moderated.


then go back to ur cod lobbies freak lmfao

wrong server for that

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