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What's Your LOTC Bucketlist?


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Hi, I’m world - delta - ii and it’s officially been two years since I joined LOTC!

When I first started out, I wrote down a bucket list because I had no idea what I wanted to do at first.


Here's mine and what I’ve done so far:

Play a CA (mainly something fun like an epiphyte or musin)

Play a noble in Haense or Oren

Play a Barclay or d’Arkent (they are everywhere)

Become Head Steward of some place

Become Head Medic of some place

Join a bandit group

Play a darkspawn until death (and not getting caught)

Learn how to PVP?

Learn how to skin

Play a Royal

Become a Princess Royal

Become a Knight

Play an Animii/Automaton

Join the Lectors?

Play a voidal mage

Play a descendant of a family I created

Play a Seer

Join CT or ST

Build for a nation/settlement

Play a murderous nun

Create culture

Play a Paladin or Druid


Do you have an LOTC bucket list? If so, share it!

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have fun
go insane

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Honestly I am just making it up as I go, my main one is to lead a group at some point but rn I really think it would be cool to make a bandit/thief character who just does petty theft

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To learn social skills, to make friends, and to give an end to Boots' story

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To finally leave for good.


But otherwise, I don't think I have one. Maybe do GM again?

As for roleplay wise; see how far I can take this charater. See if I can have her become a decently well known medic and alchemist.

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Non-Heir Human Royal (because NL sucks) 

Dark Magic/Find a way to make an evil character work 

Have one of my characters remembered in a significant way 


Probably some other stuff but I am a simple man 


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Over my years I’ve tried basically everything and been able to do everything but be a princess royal which is all I wanna be… 

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1. Establish a dynasty or noble family that doesn't die two generations later

2. Establish a culture that is used commonly (Whether by individuals or groups)

3. Build a nation from scratch that survives for a long time and doesn't die of inactivity

4. Win a war as either an NL, Rebel, or other form of group leader (Not as a soldier)

5. Host a massive eventline

6. Host a server-wide PVE event

7. Have a persona live a full life without being a royal/noble or in any other position of power (Basically peasant RP)

8. Cause the destruction of a nation through IRP means

9. Cause a massive coalition war

10. Start a war

11. Start five wars throughout my entire time on LOTC (1/5 down)

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3 minutes ago, zuziee said:

Over my years I’ve tried basically everything and been able to do everything but be a princess royal which is all I wanna be… 


an honest mood

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From 2013 when I joined to later 2021:
Have an RP family
Play a noble

Play a Prince
Play a Duke
Play a Count
Play a Baron

Become NL
Become a Knight

Promoted to Legate in the Urguan Legion

Be part of the Haense Aulic Council & Leadership


2022 to 2023 Goals:

Become NL
Leave the server



Things I wished I tried:

Magic RP

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12 minutes ago, Javert said:

1. Establish a dynasty or noble family that doesn't die two generations later

2. Establish a culture that is used commonly (Whether by individuals or groups)

3. Build a nation from scratch that survives for a long time and doesn't die of inactivity

4. Win a war as either an NL, Rebel, or other form of group leader (Not as a soldier)

5. Host a massive eventline

6. Host a server-wide PVE event

7. Have a persona live a full life without being a royal/noble or in any other position of power (Basically peasant RP)

8. Cause the destruction of a nation through IRP means

9. Cause a massive coalition war

10. Start a war

11. Start five wars throughout my entire time on LOTC (1/5 down)

Man really wants to be the reason 5 wars begin

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