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Fallen Stag [PK]

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[Kipchak Helmet worn by Saxton Von Stroheim at the time of his death]



A deluge of rain fell across the surface of the Ritter Tower whilst Saxton faced down a goliath warrior alongside his brothers. "Barbarian, Heathen, Scum!"  Saxton mutters through gritted teeth; he's faced this Barbarian before, 'The Lord of Bones' they called him.  A behemoth Frankish warrior, wearing bits and pieces of stolen Minitz Lamellar, in their first encounter Saxton's shield and armor was shattered by a single blow from the Frank. Fighting him alone was suicidal; but he wasn't alone, both of his brothers stood beside him, both were knights, both were templars. With such allies' victory was all but guaranteed.


The Stroheims began to close in, Saxton made the first move; reeling back his Warhammer and swinging it toward the Barbarian. However, The Lord of Bones was fast for his size; the Barbarian swung as well, slamming his hammer into Saxton's.  A thunderous BOOM rang out as the two hammers clashed. Saxton staggered back as his hammer was flung from his hands. "Boomsteel ?"  he nearly gasped. Before the Frankish warrior could follow up with another swing both of his brothers kept him occupied. One of the brothers, Peter, clashed his hammer with The Lord of Bones'. Boomsteel clashing with Boomsteel, causing another Thunderous clap to ring out. The other brother, Robert, blinded The Lord of Bones with a radiant light bursting from his body. 


Saxton saw his chance; he had no powerful weapons or holy magics like his brothers, but he did have his instinct. And now his instincts told him to strike. He unsheathed a kriegsmesser, gripping it in both of his hands before lunging at the blinded Barbarian. Victory was all but guaranteed, but not without a cost. Saxton swung his messer down at the Frankish warrior, yet instead of cleaving his head in two he only managed cut deeply into the shoulder. Before, he could react or adjust Saxton felt something, a sharp and crushing pain in his chest, then he heard it. The sound of Thunder boomed from a-top the Ritter Tower and as it did Saxtons body was flung from the walls. As he fell, he felt pain for a short while, then he felt cold, and then nothing.








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Mors Vincit Omnia

Edited by Pegleg_Bob
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"Requiem mi Amica, Requiea" Tullius sighs upon hearing the news "vivit Saxtus in morte cum Brutae"

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Eloisee from the skies above frowned at the sight of her brother's death, and frowned even more seeing him up here with her. 

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"A hero's burial awaits."


The words spoken were almost sarcastic in nature. The battle had not ended. The din of war had made itself known through screaming Minitzers and roaring Franks, though in this moment Robert had reduced it into a dull annoyance on the outskirts of his attention. Yet he could not leave his brother's body to bloat in the battleground that had encompassed their home. His arms heaved and reeled as clumps of dirt were taken from the earth, cupped by a rusted shovel, and deposited. 


Brotherhood required loyalty, not friendship, but Saxton's death had been a hard blow to stomach. They had no guarantees of any of their survival, yet it hurt all the same. Robert dropped the shovel, kneeling before the mass of bludgeoned pulp. He rested a hand over the body's eyes and closed them. He had no words to say, nothing that would matter. The Baron lifted the wreckage of his brother's frame and gently placed it in the open grave, filling it with the dirt he had scooped.


The man's brows furrowed as he looked at the severed head of the body's killer, The Lord of Bones, still leaking its contents onto the thirsty soil. He grabbed it by its hair, and mounted the Frank Leader's head upon the heft of his Templar Banner with a wet crunch. Robert drew the ebony hammer he had claimed from the engagement, and incandescent flames leapt at the contact, wreathing the Warhammer's head in holy fires of ivory. He shed a tear for the death of what once was, before moving to rejoin the fight with renewed vigor.


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Leonardo Would say "Mors tandem captus est"

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