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The Banishment of Atemu-Ta


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The Banishment of Atemu-Ta






Spoken, on the 13th, of the Sun’s Smile, Year 150, of the Second Age, marked by the slaying of Gazardiel by Drekur’Ungri, and Murdok’Lak.




Sha-mog-ob Krug, Pukhl-Izg, Sha-gûkr-naakh-ob Krug, Izg-diisum, Sha-grizh-ob Krug, slai-izishu, khlaar-izish rad.

To  Atemu-Ta, I address this;


You and your allies have spilled not only my kin’s but my own Clan’s blood. Within the Horde, there is only one punishment for disturbing the Rex’s will, and the unhonourable slaying of an Orc, death. You are banished from the lands of the Ilzdalgumu and the goi of San’Brîu. The lands of Sulianpolis on the Dorazu'Kûkrank are considered forfeit and returned to the Rex’s direct governance and control as is the right of the sovereign of these sands.


Thus, by the Word of the Rex, I decree.

I. Atemu-Ta of Sulianpolis is banished from the Iron Horde under the penalty of execution via the blood eagle, displayed until their body rots. 

II. Unaffiliated Members of the Bronze Band may go freely, though will be treated as outsiders and will pay tribute to the Iron Horde.

III. The Lands of Sulianpolis will be returned to the Rex, for their actions, as well as unpaid taxes.


To my Allies:

We will not tolerate any attempts to hide this individual in your Realms. Any proof of such will be taken as a direct slight against the Rexdom and its lands. As well as the integrity of the Rex’s seat.


To Nor-Velyth:

I am owed an explanation as to why Oyashimans have attacked my kin with due haste. As it stands this act of aggression by your vassal is a direct violation of the Sol Entente agreement, and would typically be met with war. Given our history, I will allow an explanation to be given before I take further` action.








Uruk ir-taar

ygP1hGENzJYGSEs-Dg1Hf7uFtrhVrOp4TAinJTirR6F6qwvLEftHkpzc9CvNxud-uEDvYmCjn2TvpAA-zUORlk4a3P76-IvNyF7fRY_t6Or6SNwvHlHyYGGSIDhZs5mJIY4BuGRhPklhleoA1Cfp_Ds Kybal’Akaal, “The Ram”, Azh-ob Zgur’thruk-al, Piz-ob Leyd, Groth-Uruk, zaabr-ob karn rar-ob Urin, A-Horde.




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The Chieftain of Lur, moments after speaking with the rex smiled.


"It iz hozh to peep the GOI entering the new age... perhapz... let uz hope it iz in anotha wagh."


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"Eh? The Rex is foolish for going down this path. We have been betrayed by the skydaemons who have not delivered our paste. And neither does the Rex have power over our Polis to have it returned. After all, none of the hoplites have voted on it returning to krugmenistan. 


Atemu-ta and his peoples joined our band, not the other way around. We have always been unyielding and loyal, and now this rex will try to snake his best allied citystate while the skygods have us betrayed?" 


Some youthful hoplite considers carefully. After all, these so called brothers have been acting unbrotherly. 

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The princess of Helious throws up her hands and papers in the air, seems her Allie’s are crumbling second by second

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Zag, son of Yar, prepared the Ogh-Doraz for the conflict that would, inevitably, find itself at the doorstep of the Rexdom.

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Yrmshik looks over the notice with a smile "Latz hab had dat coming, ztupid klomp-avoiding hoboz"

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An ashen Akaal of Ram descent stumbled through the Goi. News of an Akaal being slain found his table as he awoke from a deep slumber after the mess of a failure the Bronze Band had yesterday against the Azdrazi. His head still pounding from the nonsense that interfered with his Clan Meeting. He read the notice from the Rex, stating what Atemu-Ta had done, his face grew dark instantly, his eyes bloodshot. He roared himself out of bed, anger filling his veins "AZH UB MINE HAB BEEN ZLAIN? WHU?" the skeletal uruk shouted, a sadness in his voice, spit and blood flying from his maw as he yelled in pain, from within. The ashen orc marched to the center of the goi and questioned the Rex for more details, to which he got. "Dey will gruk whi dah realm feared dah anceztorz ub Ram." Maukurz roared out to the goi

Edited by StokedOff
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The Bullgoth of Ugluk slams his titanic fist against a nearby table, another hand wrapped around a vicious cleaver. "DAMNED AKAALZ! DAMNED GRIMLUK! BURZ, BURZ, BURZ!" It wouldn't take long for the creature to flip the table entirely, startling a nearby Ugluki scribe. "A Rex who would reward loyalti agh vigor with eviction agh banishment? It is no true Rex. Da MANDATE ob KRUG haz been lozt. . ."


And so the minotaur took the pen from the scribe and began to write…

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A merry Azdrazi sung an infernal psalm as he tore down the vile shrine of the Pharaoh's band, torrential rain and cursed waters unleashed tears of woe as he broke down the idol of evil.
Silence befell Ahnakriel, only the rains complimented the otherwise torn battlefield, hoplites and uruk alike floating dead in the water.

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[!] A Letter is delivered Post-Haste . . .

Rex Kybal’Akaal "The Ram";

I, Ugokoyama Danzen, shall be issuing the reply on behalf of my greater country. The reasoning for this perceived slight by an underling of your defensive ally is simple: The Oni involved are my Brethren, my Wings and my Responsibility.

This in no way implies that I shall prostrate myself nor sell out my Clansmen nor the country of Nor-Velyth. In fact, it is the contrary.

As it stands in FACT, not fiction, three oathed and binded members of the Ugokoyama Clan had ventured to the sandy capital of the Orkish Horde with the intent of training in preparation for their fight against the Nether-Olog. Once arrived, they had come across a friend of the Oyashi people being beset upon by a lonesome Uruk - Brevias. Not one to allow a friend to be accosted without righteous action, they had intervened and engaged in a KLOMP. 

Amidst this battle a Short Honorary attempted to intervene himself, and screeched "RAID, RAID RAIIIIID!" In response, the Oni rightly beat him up for being stupid - for it was not a raid, and this short-man was simply squealing untruths. After the Uruk Brevias was defeated, in honor and in friendship both my Clansmen and the Uruk enjoyed a steak dinner as FRIENDS. And so closed the Nether-Gate, and the Heavenly-Gate opened.

This heavenly peace did not last long, due to an attempt by further Uruks to accost, enslave and murder - again - Friends of the Oyashi. These friends were Atemu-Ta and his Sister, who subsequently took her own life in defiance of imposed bondage. The Righteous Oni - Bound by the Code of Budo - would not stand for this. Such is the tenet of CHŪGI, and to step away after seeing such a distasteful scene would have besmirched their character so DEEPLY that they would have been better off joining her with ritual suicide.


It was then that the ring-leader of this Orkish altercation proclaimed "SLAY THEM ALL". This is a query indeed, for the implications of your proclamation imply that it were the Oyashi - In a MILITARY capacity - had engaged in an unprovoked attack upon the Horde. As the story plays out, it appears that it was in fact your own brothers, in a military capacity, who sentenced ours to DEATH. Then again, perhaps they were not deputized with such a power.


In response to the sentencing, the Ugokoyama-Oni opted to FIGHT, lest they willingly extend their necks as sacrificial cattle to be slain by beings of fragile Ego. Indeed, a further Klomp ensued, and the wrathful gang of Uruk began to vanish one after the other, though some were certainly slain. The most perplexing factoid of all of this is - following the altercation - it is reported that my Oni and your People embraced in a brotherly embrace, and of no ill-omen and friendship. 


It is now evident, after the fact, that there was quite handful of survivors from this ignoble Oyashi Aggression! Indeed, survivors so clairvoyant that they had managed to peer through their tears, bow before the Honorable Rex, and whine with such high pitch that they would now invoke WAR between our two peoples, when the righteous KLOMP had already settled the affair.

This matter has weighed upon my mind, and in contemplation I had comissioned the Samurai - Kato Eren - to paint me a depiction of the event so that I may remember the day that an Uruk need grovel before his Rex to seek vengeance for a fight he rightly lost.


In consequence, should your Country TRULY persist in the belief that the acts of the Ugokoyama Oni were without honor to the point where the Iron Horde would now exist in a state of war with the Nor'Velyth people, I offer this remedy: A duel between Ugokoyama Bata and the Ringleader, whose name betrays me. Regardless of the outcome, the matter shall be settled and no more tears shall be shed from either side.



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42 minutes ago, Islamadon said:

[!] A Letter is delivered Post-Haste . . .

Rex Kybal’Akaal "The Ram";

I, Ugokoyama Danzen, shall be issuing the reply on behalf of my greater country. The reasoning for this perceived slight by an underling of your defensive ally is simple: The Oni involved are my Brethren, my Wings and my Responsibility.

This in no way implies that I shall prostrate myself nor sell out my Clansmen nor the country of Nor-Velyth. In fact, it is the contrary.

As it stands in FACT, not fiction, three oathed and binded members of the Ugokoyama Clan had ventured to the sandy capital of the Orkish Horde with the intent of training in preparation for their fight against the Nether-Olog. Once arrived, they had come across a friend of the Oyashi people being beset upon by a lonesome Uruk - Brevias. Not one to allow a friend to be accosted without righteous action, they had intervened and engaged in a KLOMP. 

Amidst this battle a Short Honorary attempted to intervene himself, and screeched "RAID, RAID RAIIIIID!" In response, the Oni rightly beat him up for being stupid - for it was not a raid, and this short-man was simply squealing untruths. After the Uruk Brevias was defeated, in honor and in friendship both my Clansmen and the Uruk enjoyed a steak dinner as FRIENDS. And so closed the Nether-Gate, and the Heavenly-Gate opened.

This heavenly peace did not last long, due to an attempt by further Uruks to accost, enslave and murder - again - Friends of the Oyashi. These friends were Atemu-Ta and his Sister, who subsequently took her own life in defiance of imposed bondage. The Righteous Oni - Bound by the Code of Budo - would not stand for this. Such is the tenet of CHŪGI, and to step away after seeing such a distasteful scene would have besmirched their character so DEEPLY that they would have been better off joining her with ritual suicide.


It was then that the ring-leader of this Orkish altercation proclaimed "SLAY THEM ALL". This is a query indeed, for the implications of your proclamation imply that it were the Oyashi - In a MILITARY capacity - had engaged in an unprovoked attack upon the Horde. As the story plays out, it appears that it was in fact your own brothers, in a military capacity, who sentenced ours to DEATH. Then again, perhaps they were not deputized with such a power.


In response to the sentencing, the Ugokoyama-Oni opted to FIGHT, lest they willingly extend their necks as sacrificial cattle to be slain by beings of fragile Ego. Indeed, a further Klomp ensued, and the wrathful gang of Uruk began to vanish one after the other, though some were certainly slain. The most perplexing factoid of all of this is - following the altercation - it is reported that my Oni and your People embraced in a brotherly embrace, and of no ill-omen and friendship. 


It is now evident, after the fact, that there was quite handful of survivors from this ignoble Oyashi Aggression! Indeed, survivors so clairvoyant that they had managed to peer through their tears, bow before the Honorable Rex, and whine with such high pitch that they would now invoke WAR between our two peoples, when the righteous KLOMP had already settled the affair.

This matter has weighed upon my mind, and in contemplation I had comissioned the Samurai - Kato Eren - to paint me a depiction of the event so that I may remember the day that an Uruk need grovel before his Rex to seek vengeance for a fight he rightly lost.


In consequence, should your Country TRULY persist in the belief that the acts of the Ugokoyama Oni were without honor to the point where the Iron Horde would now exist in a state of war with the Nor'Velyth people, I offer this remedy: A duel between Ugokoyama Bata and the Ringleader, whose name betrays me. Regardless of the outcome, the matter shall be settled and no more tears shall be shed from either side.




Hello? Based department


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A burned orc labors over mounds of salt, using its Spiritual powers to boil seawater away into massive mounds of white powder. Its hands smolder with flame as he turns from his task to read over the missive. 

"A glorious day for grizh to be spilt."

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“I have no enemies.”


Shugo Kato power games and kisses the rex on the forehead

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"I thought that orcs liked to Klomp!" -Goku

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Finding a copy of the missive drift to her hands through passing of word did the farfolkian farmer Ney'La read its contents with a saddened expression on her brow, sitting alongside the waters of the shrine they once built in the middle of nowhere to restore life to the waters of the deserted landscape.


"Of all the things y'h could've gotten int' while ah'm not 'round, Atemu...." The young woman spoke with a sigh as she felt more confused than ever, "Out of ev'ryone in town, ah' wish Gr'ogg was here...."

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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