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Fabian is incredibly proud of his son for his revelatory work — and further sets a fluffy blanket by the fire, planning a reconciliation letter to a particular Lord of Lions. 

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Alfred recalled the moments of the previous Saint day - with Leonid squaring off against Rosalind. He sat in the underground library of Reinmar - tapping his fingers along a specific book.


".. Quite - inspiring."


He'd murmured, offering a brief glance to the poem - which had been resting atop a small table.

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Little Elena Viorica Kortrevich peers with wide eyes at her wiser senior cousin's newest work of poetry. "Ea wish ea could write like Leo," She murmurs, recollecting the conversation she shared with the very same Leonid Kortrevich months prior concerning how to find poetic inspiration. "But niething really grabs mea attention like it did years ago..." The girl muses. Truly, nothing could quite compete with the terror of the weightlessness of a body adrift in water.


"Ea should go ask Leo what his poem is about," She decides for herself, hopping up from where she was sat and scrabbling off in search of the Poet Kortrevich.

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Ser Audo Weiss curiously stumbled upon the poem in his reading as he sought collections for the Weiss Library. With such a recent publication, his gaze drifted down the poem with a certain scrutiny. The Knight of course has seen this man in a poor light, immature and treating his niece as something to be won - something to which he would take no light opinion. However, as his lone, illuminated gaze fell on the last line he smiled behind his helmet. 

There was hope for the boy to grow yet.

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Derek Saltmen nodded along as he read the poem, he should probably check in on Leo. It's been some time since they last spoke


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Queen Amaya promptly displays the poem in her office. framed in all its glory.


(( bars but i h8 you

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Mikhail prepared for the day, picking out a far better choice of clothing for a lady of Rosalind's status; he had taken Audo's words to heart.  He would learn what he could in etiquette, of what it meant to be Haeseni at it's very core, and present himself as the best he could.  He was a commoner, but he would keep his word, for honor was the lifeblood of the Highlanders.  As he set foot out the door, his eyes rested on a parchment; a poem, penned by the very same man that he had called Borsa... and whose heart he had played a role in crushing.  He had never intended to hurt his fellow, but both boys had sought her blessing in courtship - someone would face the sting of rejection.  He was lucky to have been chosen, he felt, but Rosalind had stated her reasonings clearly on that very day.


With a deep breath, his green eyes arose from the parchment, and looked to the road ahead of him.  Leonid was healing... but it would take time.  He recalled the words he had parted with the boy as he left Novkursain.


When you are ready, we will have our conversation.  And I will still call you Brother.


Holding firm to his belief, he gently placed the poem away into his pocket, and stepped forward... beginning a new chapter in his life.



Thanks so much for including me in your roleplays!  It was incredibly intense and I was baffled by the writing skills of everyone involved.  I'm not an amazing writer myself, at least in my own eyes, but I hope that my contribution was engaging enough for you and the others!


Stay based, King. @erictafoya


Edited by ClatterCake
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Borris Iver Kortrevich leaned back in his seat. “If I am doomed fall, let me fall without reproach. For when I am at the bottom, there is only one way to go.” The Kortrevich then smiled. “Fly on, dove.”

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She uttered, as her fists tightly grasped the parchment till their hue rivalled the white of the paper. Hot, ceaseless tears rolled down her rosy cheeks landing with a light patter upon the page, till the ink bled akin to her weak heart. In the silence of her seclusion, thrust upon her by those she had dared to cherish the most, a plethora of emotions fought for her attention. Each more vile than the last, provoked further by what she knew: This artistic expression of grief was a creation of her own, for it detailed the intimate affairs of a heart she had severed. That revelation swirled in her mind as she paced across the wooden floor boards - conjuring a rhythmic tap with each step. 

"So you use my words... do vy feel entitled to them as vy did ae heart?"

Even now she had not realised her thoughts slip from her mouth, too preoccupied with the searing heat of rage in her blood. This literature conjured a sympathy for the writer - a notion, of which, Rosalind did not consider him worthy to receive - for, in her own words, it was her heart that had shattered. Thus, the parchment was cast to the flames of her vacant apartment, a light cackle snapping the silence - as if ridiculing her for her own misfortune.


I absolutely adored this RP, thank you so much for the appreciation and the beautiful literature. Have a random song! LOL



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Fredrich Ludovar, who found about the secret couple not long ago by chance, wondered if his squire wants to go on boy-hunting now rather than the planned necro-hunting


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