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A Final End


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A Final End

([!] Written in Blood and berries mixed)




Dah tik ub Krug’s descendents am here, for an inferi ztompz at our door demanding our Rexdom.



Skorkonz wordz am tainted wib malice, falzehoodz, and corruption. Diz two-faced entity, masquerading az a Wargoff ub Krug, haz nub right tu conzpire tu murder our Rex undur dah falze pretenze ub zavin dah Horde. Dah document Skorkon zent out zhuld bi consigned tu dah flamez, zymbolizing dah true nature ub diz creature. 

Dah urukim hab alwayz been at dah forefront ub our defenze against dah inferi who onze threatened our realm. Dah heroic anceztorz ub orcizh descent gave der livez tu protect uz from dah inferi scourge. Dah urukim exist tu carry out krugz will, which am tu zhield dah descendentz ub diz realm from dah likez ub Skorkon.

Dah lazt Uruk who zucceumbed tu dah inferi, much like Skornon, betrayed hiz clan, Ram. He attempted tu murdur hiz grizh bruddah an rejected the zpiritz an traditionz daht are dah anchor ub our culture. Hiz true zelf, personality, and ezzence were lost. Skorkon and dah defiled Uruk, Turge’Ram, walked ah zimilar path, drivun by greed and ah dezire for powur, but at wub cost? Their actionz led tu corruption, zevered their zpiritual connectionz, and resulted in dah death ub der egoz. They became ah threat tu dah very zpiritz they once revered and to that ub dah Horde.

Skorkon zpeakz ub dividing powur and fracturing our clanz, dizguizing it az ah favor tu our anceztorz, but in truth, hiz intention am tu weaken uz. Hiz liez wont deceive dah discerning earz ub an azhen uruk within dah city ub hornz, where our anceztorz watch ovur uz. Wi cannub accept Skorkonz challenge for Rex, az urukim, ib wuld make uz all dizhonurabul in Krug’z eyez. Skorkon, ah practionur ub dark mojo, am a mere shadow ub hiz former zelf, ib dat.

Deception may make him appear az azh ub uz, but a cloze examination ub hiz character an idealz reveals ah being whu am far from an uruk. Mi demand dah removal ub Skorkon’z titlez wibin dah horde and a banizhment frum our landz for dah honur ub Krug and for our dutiez az urukim will ib. Allowin him tu remain wibin our landz am ah betrayal ub our duty az protecturz againzt buurzhom an servantz ub dah zpiritz. Skorkonz fate will bi met at dah handz ub dah mozt honurabul amogzt dah urukim, an dey zhall be rewarded by both mi an dah zpiritz.



Mi call upon dah Dominuz, Targoth, an Motzham, tu put an end tu diz dizplay ub dizhonur.



Kukaal Maukurz’Akaal

Ancestor of Zurge’Ram

Edited by StokedOff
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An Akaal blahin’ about the Buurz…


The Chieftain rides atop his Lur wolf, scrunching the paper up and allowing the desert winds to take care of it.


It iz the tik of Wagh. Nub more waiting. 


His Lur wolf turns around, leaping from the sand.

Wagh iz koming!

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An elder stands above a cauldron of ink, bubbling and shifting vastly in color; His jaw shifting to chew on some heap of tobacco, soon spit to his feet in offering, waving a hand to another unseen in the corner of his study. "Papyrus agh a quill.. It ahm tik for mi to zay mi pieze." And so did he begin writing with that strange ink, spending hours into the night, hunched over his desk. 

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"To deny this challenge of his is the greatest dishonor! For SKORKON has been the most loyal! For he has been the most true, and has put before everything, the will of the spirits! Stop trying to hide, Akaal! If he is but a shadow of his self, oh impure Akaal, then why is it that Skorkon is more Orc than you! He actually FOLLOWS the ways of krug! Not just waving his name around as your klan does!"


"Skorkon Ugluk, the brudda who has been denied his Valhalla... Skorkon has been the most loyal brudda, the most loyal goth, and most devout to the spirits. It' was he who was known as the pretty of qarkah, and it was he, who before he was stolen by the dwarves of urguan, and moulded by their cursed magic, that he was the greatest ork in the goi. I will raise my spear, my shield, and my xiphos for him, as he has been our loyal brother since before he was forcefully transformed, and yet still is his loyalty, purity, and glory, unquestioned, even as the bull of qarkah!


Once more, Akaal shows their cursed nature. How dare you, Maukurz,raise your words in such a way against the honored goth of ugluk! Oh how you fear your klans power fading if he rises! Yet, He did not choose to be locked from the stargush, it was forced upon him! Unlike YOU! AS A BUURZ AKAAL, YOU CHOOSE TO LOCK YOURSELF FROM THE STARGUSH! YOU CHOOSE TO BE IMPURE!"


The hoplite turns, his blades polished and ready. 


"Make your move, Akaal, treacherous, inglorious, immoral, and d i s h o n o r a b l e. Decide now, if you dare face him, Skorkon, who is a truer orc than yourself, or if you and your goth shall cower before the flames of sacred holy qarkah. The immolator of the impure, the culler of the cursed."




The hoplite raises his spear gloriously

Edited by Azukazi Khuzai
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A man shrouded in black clothing carefully approaches an Orkish Blahboard, obvious to all but himself as he tip-toed forward, applying a hefty layer of glue with a paint roller before carefully laying a poster against the wood. "At the behest of a request, I cannot rest." The man croaked.




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A Goblin Shaman, Maddened by the constant whispers of Spirits and Drunk on their power, sits within self-imposed Exile, Just as his Patron spirit always painfully aware of the affairs of his homeland. A calm chuckle begins to resonate from within the very core of the Shaman's corrupted soul "Mi warned them of diz corrupted Inferi, Agh all supported Borok the Bûrz, Labeling dah fiend ally, Labeling our zworn enemi friend." The Shaman's maddened chuckling soon turned into a burst of full-blown and unhinged laughter, Shaking the very foundation of whatever hole he had been hiding in. Before finally calming down after a while "Zenssless swine's, Dei zhould have flatted deeh Daemon when dei had the chance, Nub nohw it is finally showing its true colors"

Know Your Lore: Orgrim Doomhammer





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