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The 19th of First Seed, 152 S.A



Is it not the honor of every orc to follow the will of Krug? Is it not our duty to tear down these acts of cowardice whenever they are seen? When we came to this fateful klamor , surrounded by our brothers, honoraries, ologs, uruks, gobbos, elves, and men, were we mistaken to have thought ourselves within the Iron Horde? When called for a tradition of time immemorial, an honorable challenge for the title of Rex, who has given you the right to dishonor our traditions by 'rejecting' it? What bureaucracy has taken hold of Krug's descendants? What cowardly cabal has found its roots in our home where honor and pride are as intertwined as the soul and body? Had Krug asked his lessers whether he may challenge his brothers? Had Krug not simply willed for it? Tell us, you loathsome knave, is it the turning tides of a new era that you fear, or is it who invokes the will of Krug? Has it not been time enough for this abhorrent excuse? What honor remains in these lands where an orc cannot challenge for his right, as brave Krug did centuries ago? The flames of war extinguished; the bright bloodlust that has been gifted unto every orc seemingly found dim. Have you not exhausted all that is good? Have we not suffered enough under pathetic stagnation and peace? 


We reject all that this horde is! We are a pride of lions only to find ourselves led by a cowardly sheep! What has occurred to honor and bravery? What has happened to our traditions lasting from the first of orcs? Surely, change will not come to those who remain standing, war will not come to those without pride, and certainly, honor will not come to those who flee! 


We shall tear down this accursed horde of cowards and weaklings, so that only the strong may rise from its ashes!









Wargoal: Revolution



The Bronze Band, Clan Lak, Warband of Mog, Friedrichian Band, Followers of Grubnakh, etc




The Iron Horde








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A High Elf hears the good news, the savage Uruk's have begun a civil war! Atleast now he can profit off more death and destruction.

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"It's happening!" Endyn Jindle states with his hands above his head

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"It's happening!" Iolas Jindle exclaimed!

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Elijahu Pinemaw will have plenty of work to be doing.

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Glorious and beautiful, Pamphilos stood upon the wall of sulianpoli, gazing down into the citystate capital of the Holy Lands. "May the ruinous and may the accursed fall before those of us who would never forget! Who would never abandon their brothers!? Purge impure Akaal and may we recall what it means to have HONOUR! HAIL VICTORY! KRUGMAR IGNE'SAE! May the Ayatollah's Fatwa be fulfilled! May the broddas of krug remember their honour for we have never broken!"

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The half elfess took a deep breath. 

"Without friends . . . without family . . . I wouldn't be able to live life. And truly, the only friends and family I have left are the Band.  And so if the Band dies, even if I didn't fight, I'd still die.  When I was alone for so long- the only thing keeping me alive was my hope that I'd get to see my brethren again.  I know I couldn't handle it if I lost them.  And they will fight.  They either win, and live, or lose, and die.  And so, I really don't have much of a choice but to fight for the lives, hopes, and dreams of the people closest to me.  Though I'm weak now, I will try my best."

The elfess read the words she'd written on the page in her diary and sighed, closing the book.

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A Bullgoth roars out across the savannha, calling his ancient clan to war. "WAAAAAAGH! HA-QARKAH! HA-KARAZEPT! HA-UGLUK! HA-URUK! May these cowards who hide behind LEGALISM learn our ancient words once more! MIGHT MAKES RIGHT!"

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A princess of the silver sun spat her drink at reading this

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Adorellan An’asul, a hand placed upon Pamphilos’s shoulder, the other gripping his spear. “We shall rather die standing, than live kneeling.”


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[!] The sunlit Pharaoh stands atop a cliff overlooking the soon-to-be finished city of Rah'tuma as his workers toil, raising shrines and mighty sandstone buildings on the cliff side of Nor'asath overlooking the pristine oceans. One of Atemu's aides walks over to him and delivers him a missive of War, which he reads with great interest. The Pharaoh simply smiles after finishing the missive, his burning gaze returning back to his glorious city.


"Grimruk, the akaals, the Motsham, and the Rex sought to persecute me and my people. After toiling tirelessly to assimilate to Orcish culture - even sacrificing my own mores for their benefit - I was still deemed a lesser. My people were threatened with death and enslavement. The Motsham, who is supposed to keep the word of the spirits, defiles them by aligning with darkspawn and using foul magicks to further his ends. Any orc that claims their reckoning is undeserved clearly lacks eyes to see and ears to hear.


As Pharaoh Naseret said, the Gods protect their own. Had the orcs simply treated me - and my people - with our deserved respect, the status quo would reign strongly.


But they have not. And now their domains shall fall to the wrath of Goddess Kalthet, our Goddess of Freedom Ahura-Ma, and their city districts will be overrun with the purifying waters of Hesthor. And once the illegitimate Akaal regime has fallen, my people shall return to the deserts and properly reestablish our civilization in our spiritual homelands." Atemu then turned towards the fledgling armory and walked towards it stridently.

"We shall assist in this war with mighty chariots and prayers to the Gods. May this send a message to all tyrants that the Gods will not abate their insolence."

The Pharaoh then went to write a missive of his own, preparing for battle.

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Zelphar Kervallen Kagura lit an object that was the size of a cigar that was firmly placed between his lips. Reading this missive, he'd kick his legs up onto the table then puffs out many plumes of smoke from his mouth and shaking his head side to side.

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"It's happening! It's actually happening!" Sihtric exclaimed, rushing to his camp with his band to prepare their weapons and gear

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