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[✗] Spirit Pacting Amendment 1.0


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Pact roleplay, Spirit champions, and Tier progression must be posted on the forums to document progress.

Each Spirit Pact will cost 1 Spell Slot.


Change to:


Pact roleplay, Spirit champions, and Tier progression must be posted on the forums to document progress.

A Shaman may have two Spirit pacts per slot, with the exception of Kor's lessers, a pact with Kor grants Lutaumancy and consumes a whole slot.



Firstly, this is an idea that I passed through The Iron Horde’s Shaman chat and it seemed relatively popular so I wished to propose it. But, however, given there is no blatant CRP advantage to having more Pacts as it stands, overall Shamanism rewrites are moving away from using Pacts as a major way to determine power/resources. Allowing Shamans to take more Pacts could encourage the worship of lesser Spirits via totems or increased character nuance. I have kept Kor and thus Lutaumancy at a whole slot, as it grants an entire in-depth magic with CRP advantages. This also makes standard spirit pacts in line with Animism, which is a pact with an Elemental, who are often described as being more powerful than Immortals. I will say, this isn't forcing anyone to take any new pacts, or nullify any marts that eat more slots, though, to my best knowledge, my own is the only one that does so in Shamanism, and is already compliant with this amendment idea.

Evonpire - Author of Amendment
Panashea - Author of Original Lore


(Lutaumancy pending Guide approval)


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Yes +1


I think while pacting is a really good concept it's current implementation is a loadstone around the neck of the magic. If anything I'd like shamans to just have 3 or so free "pact slots" for pacts that don't come with a magic attached.

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As an active shaman player, I 100 percent support this amendment. +1

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