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[✗] Manic Stimulant (Rare | T3)


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Manic Stimulant(Rare | T3)



After years of continued manic study, a young dark elf by the name of Knox would find himself tired of being… well tired. As one casts magic, it consumes mana - be it from the self or the ever-consuming void. This can leave the mage exhausted after a single performance, causing those who practice the arts to space out their studies or risk injuring themself from overdraw. With this in mind, the elf would consult his students who, though they may not have as intimate alchemical knowledge, provided support and feedback. After careful study and testing, Knox would have created the first of many batches of Manic Stimulant



Base: Fresh Liquid Mana 

Mundane | Order x2
Aether | Clarity x2
Aether | Endurance x3
Aether | Life x 2


Add one-half draw of Liquid Mana, and to that, add 2 part Aether Clarity and 2 part Aether Life.

Gently stir, careful not to set off any reaction. 


In a second container, mix two part Mundane Order and 3 part Aether Endurance with no base. Once thoroughly combined, slowly add a half-draw of Liquid Mana to the mix, one or two splashes at a time. 


The alchemist should now have 2 mixtures. Slowly pour them into a vial while trying to keep their concentrations roughly equal. Try to create as little disturbance as possible, and do not stir.



1- Combine 1/2 of a draw of Liquid Mana with Aether | Clarity x2 and Aether | Life x2


2a- Mix Aether | Endurance x3 and Mundane | Order x2

2b- Add 1/2 draw of Liquid Mana to 2a Solution


3- Add the contents of 1 and 2, but do not try to whisk, stir, or combine them more than pouring them into the same bottle.


Upon consumption, the mage would start to feel more antsy and outgoing than what may be usual. Voidal hiccups and small, aura-colored sparks may jump off them or their wand. The mana’s natural draw against doing harm would be strengthened during the duration of the effects causing a mage to be unable to cast any combative spell types. Doing so would cause the potion to immediately fade, and leave the mage drained for the next 15 OOC minutes, and unable to cast any spells at or above tier 3 for an OOC day.


Under its effects, one would be able to cast a near endless amount of non-combative magic. So long as the user is able to concentrate one what they are doing, they are able to continue this euphoric experience for up to 1 and a half OOC hours.


After the potion fades naturally, the mage would be filled with a final surge of excitement before a small jolt of mana would almost pop within them. This would cause no harm, but would tire the user, making them unable to cast any tier 5 spells for the next 30 OOC minutes.


Creatures of mana would feel the effects stronger than their descendent counterparts. Though it would not give any greater advantage to casting, when consumed, they would have a much stronger urge to interact with others, and cast their magic. It could work to calm them to a small extent, but by no means reliably.


Additionally, it would free one spell slot from any magic that utilizes them such as bardmancy. If the user has more than one magic that utilizes spell-slots, only one magic's slot may be refreshed. If the user has used no used spell slots, one non-combative slot may be utilized for an hour after its effects have worn off (up to 2 hours after initial consumption). No slots my be utilized until the potion's effects have worn off, but if one uses a combative magic before utilizing the slot, it would disappear and be unable to be used. 


-T3 Alchemy required.

-Does NOT require ST signage.

-This potion is ‘rare’ and must be taught through sufficient roleplay.
-Cannot be used in any malicious way including, but not limited to: Sneaking away or towards someone for malicious means, fleeing combat, entering combat, hurting someone, forcing someone to do something against their will, antagonization, ect. Moderators/ST may use their own judgement to include anything not specifically mentioned.

-Dark mages/innate-evils are unable to utilize the potion, and would, at most, feel a small shiver.
-Requires IRP willingness to be administered, and cannot be forced upon a user. If someone drinks the potion unknowingly or against their will, it's effects would be null, and the potion wasted.
-During combat, so long as the mage casts no magic, the potion's effects would fade after 5 emotes, leaving the user unable to cast any tier 5 spell during the encounter plus an OOC hour after
-If a mage makes use of the potion three times or more within an OOC day, the user may suffer overdose effects. This would cause their magic to become more erratic, and fuzzy, and leave them overdrawn and unable to utilize their mana for no less than 2 OOC days.

-All urges and emotions may be ignored completely. This will not change the potions effects, but an emote must include the resistance towards such.

I would like to thank the following people for their contributions and support

PestyWarlock, SimpleGlitchBro, creamynoteblock, 

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don't see the point of this being rare knowledge or ST signed


also as a tip just use OOC days instead of a roleplay term for them in ur redlines

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This just seems like Constraint Concoction [Common - Tier 2] from the Wizard Brew pack. Why not just use it instead for the effects? 

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3 hours ago, creamynoteblock said:

don't see the point of this being rare knowledge or ST signed


also as a tip just use OOC days instead of a roleplay term for them in ur redlines

I was basing the rare and ST signed parts because of the odd preparations and because it is fairly powerful allowing someone (as long as they aren't in combat) to partially ignore the effects of heavy mana usage. I may remove the ST signing as it isn't combative or affecting other players, but I'd like to see what others think

Idk why I didn't just say ooc days xD I will be editing that shortly!


1 hour ago, Turbo_Dog said:

This just seems like Constraint Concoction [Common - Tier 2] from the Wizard Brew pack. Why not just use it instead for the effects? 

I was actually talking about this with another dude, but the main difference is that while Constraint Concoction does increase your casting abilities, it still allows for combative actions to take place where Manic Stimulant would be embracing the "good nature" of mana.

Along with the usage of mana's nature, in the redlines of Constraint Concoction, it specifically states "The potion only focuses voidal magic, therefore the potion does not work with other magics." This eliminates bardmancy, housemagery, kani, and all deific magics. I understand that most of the playerbase uses voidal magics, but this would be a way to try and encourage diversity in magics.

Again, in the Constraint Concoction redlines, it says "The potion only works upon the person who’s mana was used." Manic Stimulant allows people to sell, teach students, and otherwise diversify who can use the potion. With the tradeoff of it's uselessness in any sort of combat or intimidation, and its rarer nature.


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Bit of an update

Removed ST Signage requirement ( @creamynoteblock )

Looked at a few other potions, and realized this would not need ST signage protection nor verification. This is anti-combative, and you cannot unwillingly give it to someone, so I don't think it is even possible to abuse now.

Added creatures of mana reaction

fairly self-explanatory. Added their interaction with it... yeah...

Added "All urges and emotions may be ignored..." redline

This pushes it farther away from being any sort of poison and ensures that all effects are willful.

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Edit suggested by @PestyWarlock

Creation of the spell-slot interactions and its interaction with spell-slot-oriented magics.

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