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[✗] [Fjarriagua Amendment] Ice Spike Buffet


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- VOLUME ONE: The Dreamer's Reawakening -
Fjarriagua Amendment: Ice Spike Buffet


Time to face my sinful past and actually deal with this spell at last...







Ice Spikes - [Combat] [4] 

 Witches may conjure spikes of ice which shoot up from the ground, either vertically or diagonally, in the span of four emotes total [1 connect + 3 control]. These spikes tend to be no longer than 1.5 meters in length, adding 0.5 meters per emote . The spikes can span for up to five meters in front of the Witch, though no more than one meter in width. This can be a quite versatile ability, as it can be used as either a deterring barrier, a direct shield, an attack, or be sent towards foes in a line, the last option able to extend for seven meters.

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- These spikes are not capable of penetrating armor, though they may possibly be forced through gaps or penetrate leather.

- Ice Spikes may never rise from the ground instantly and will only progressively rise over the span of their emote count.

- The Ice of the Ice Spikes has the durability and coldness of mundane ice, melting to fire just like ice would.

- Witches may work together to grow the same Ice Spike, allowing each one to grow a specific Ice Spike by 0.5 meters until it may reach its maximum length of 1.5 meters

- The spikes need to remain connected to the surface they sprouted from in order for them to grow further. 

- A spike cannot change direction as it grows or have a new one sprout directly from it, rather having to stick to the direction that they were conjured to follow.




Ice Spikes - [Combat] [3-4] 
In the span of [3] emotes (1 Connection + 2 Control), the Fjarriagua may conjure forth spikes of ice which shoot up from the ground, either vertically or diagonally. These spikes tend to be no longer than [2] meters in length, steadily growing [1] meter over the course of an emote,This may only be used on spikes grown only in a single block.

Alternatively, the spikes can span for up to [5] meters in front of and around the Witch, as a field of many spikes though no more than one [1] meter in width each. This can be a quite versatile ability, as it can be used as either a deterring barrier, a direct shield, an attack, or be sent towards foes in a line, the last option able to extend for [7] meters from the Witch casting It.

The Ice Spikes, due to their sheer size, are more akin to stone in durability, requiring [2] physical strikes to destroy through harsh strikes or mundane/alchemical fire. In the case of Dragonsflame, voidally conjured Fire or blunt weaponry such as maces and warhammers, then the spikes will shatter in [1] strike.

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- Ice Spikes smoothly grows in a single direction, in a slower manner slow enough to allow someone to react by [1] meter per emote.
- Only Ice Spikes that take up a single block in size can be conjured outside the [5] meter range, instead following the standard casting range of the Witch's Tier
- When being grown in a line, the spikes begin to form in a straight line from the witch casting this spell to her targeted location, being able to extend for up to [7] meters in any direction from her.

-The Ice Spikes must infact take on the appearance of a spike and cover an entire block in width at most.
-They take [2] major actions to destroy, either through harsh attacks or flames of any type. Voidally Conjured, Dragonsflame or blunt weaponry such as maces on the other hand, merely take [1] strike to destroy them.
-These spikes are not capable of penetrating armor, though they may possibly be forced through gaps or penetrate leather. Armored people, on the other hand, will suffer heavy bruising when being struck with winded up spikes.
The spikes cannot change direction as it grows or have a new one sprout directly from it, rather having to stick to the direction that they were conjured to follow. They may be grown from any solid surface, vertically from the floor, horizontally from a wall, or grown downwards from a ceiling.
-The Fjarriagua is required to have direct line of sight for the specific area in which the ice spikes are about to grow, this is to say that she may not grow spikes in areas obstructed by closed doors or solid walls. This does not include momentary obstructions such as other individuals standing in the way
-Should a spike have penetrated someone's flesh, it may continue to slowly grow to total of 2 meters as long as the witch puts the required emotes to grow it further. This can never be used to make said spikes grow beyond their maximum length.
-The tip of an Ice Spike, whether used offensively or defensively, has the same diameter and shape as of a spear's own tip. That is to say that in the instance of being impaled by Spikes with an entire meter in diameter, when being impaled by one it will be akin to being impaled by a mundane spear.
-Any Ice Spike that is broken or cut off from its base, will be impossible for the witch to grow further.




Ice spikes are in truth a rather complicated ability that possesses many, many uses, unfortunately their current state of general vagueness and lack of proper redlines do have a tendency of giving rise to many issues when being used out in the field. This amendment seeks to explain and solidify these mechanics as much as it can.

As well as change certain traits of the ability, such as the durability of Ice Spikes has been increased to that of stone as opposed to mundane ice, as the topic of "How dense is ice" is a always the question asked upon usage of this spell and usually ends with the other person entirely ignoring the spikes' lethality.
Additionally the total range of the spikes has been increased to that of 2 meters, with 1 meter per emote. This was done since in the current lore you would need to spend 3 whole emotes to create a 1.5 meter long single barrier that can be knocked out with a single strike, this would finally allow for more defensive usages of the ability all the while not being impenetrable walls as they can still be destroyed with ease if wielding a blunt weapon.


With all that said, this should be the last of this batch of amendments for the time being! Expect no more of them being written by me for the forseeable future.


Writing by Agy (That's me!)

Music by Evelyn Lark

 Art by Elin Manon
Mechanics borrowed by Diogen's Fjarriagua Rewrite






- Clarified some details regarding the durability of Ice Spikes

Very much dodged a bullet there. Personal error of mine in dearly misunderstanding the mechanics of the current Iteration of Ice Spikes to its finer details and functions. The amendment should better retain the currently accepted mechanics and the general nature of this ability;
-Defensive/Offensive Spikes have been scrapped as a concept, being replaced with the current system of the lore so as to not overbloat it.
- Proper explanations have been given out about the different uses of this spell that are already possible in the current lore.
- Durability has been decreased so that any Voidal Fires can melt the spikes off in a single strike.
- Due to the increased max length of the spell, the redline allowing witches to work together to grow the spikes together has been decided to be removed from this amendment.




- Conclusion of VOLUME ONE -

Edited by Agy
CHANGES (still) PENDING. . .
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14 minutes ago, Agy said:

Should it be used defensively, the emote count is instead lowered to [3] (1 Connection + 2 Control), reaching the same maximum height of [2] blocks, the spikes being smoothly-moving in a slower manner, rather than shot up.

If you can grow ice spikes upwards under somebody with a 2 block height, does that not mean you can just completely skewer someone? Same with the 1 block height, their legs are completely skewered

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Just now, ReveredOwl said:

If you can grow ice spikes upwards under somebody with a 2 block height, does that not mean you can just completely skewer someone? Same with the 1 block height, their legs are completely skewered

Correct! Although to achieve something like that would be really hard since it actually requires you to be able to strike someone's feet, which they are given an entire emote to avoid by something as simple moving one's foot to the side, same goes with hands before the spike has a chance to burst forth.

But in any case, that's kinda the core point of the ability itself no matter what redlines are added. No matter what part of someone you manage to strike with this ability, it will end with them being skewered (thus the kebab jokes), the amendment does not add or change that fact at all, for the exact same can still happen within the current lore even if the spike does grow slower.

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