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[✗] [World Lore] - Resonantium

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[OOC Disclaimer: The term "Resonantium" is not widely recognized. Information and techniques related to Resonantium can only be learned through roleplay, either by being taught by others or through exploration and experimentation in collaboration with the Story Team (ST).]



Born from the chaos in the crevices of Eos' most imposing mountain ranges, where its crust scrapes and struggles against the boundaries of tectonic plates, Resonantium is as enigmatic as it is coveted, for it possesses a bewildering attribute: it resonates. Resonantium's rare properties have captured the imagination and ignited the passions of many artists, artisans, and tinkerers across Eos, as this seemingly naturally formed alloy can resonate with kinetic, thermal, and even magical energy, producing iridescent colors, mesmerizing sounds, and palpable pressure waves.


Ideal for crafting musical instruments that can stir the soul, architectural wonders that sing with the wind, shields that disperse impact, and intricate devices that buzz with life, Resonantium serves many purposes depending on the ingenuity and artistry of the hand with which it resonates.







Resonantium ore, known by the descendants of Eos as 'Ripple Rock' or 'Echo Stones,'  often deceives with its ordinary appearance, resembling mundane Ferrum ore. Its extraordinary qualities are only revealed under particular circumstances. In low light, the ore awakens with subtle iridescent ripples, echoing the ambient sound and vibrations.


Resonantium ore's durability is on par with common ferrum, but may be perceived to be more durable, due to its energy-dispersing properties. The metal's toughness ensures it is exceptionally wear-resistant, maintaining its structure and properties even under strenuous conditions. The ore is highly sensitive to vibrations, reacting to touch, sound, and other atmospheric vibrations. Any contact with the ore causes it to emit a gentle, iridescent hue and reverberating sound; when struck, it disperses the impact into intense vibrations and powerful waves of sound.


The unique resonating nature of Resonantium poses significant challenges for enchanting and alchemical treatments. Its constant internal vibrations at specific frequencies make it resistant to traditional magical enchantments, often causing violent reactive pulses that can disrupt or entirely negate the intended magical effects. Similarly, alchemical processes aimed at altering or enhancing the ore typically fail, as the treatments are repelled or rendered ineffective by the discordant vibrational forces within the ore.


Redlines (Raw Form) 

  • Resonantium ore may only be found at ST nodes or through ST events.

  • Resonantium ore must be ST-signed

  • Resonantium ore matches iron in durability and is immune to natural and artificial rust.

  • It is not possible to alchemically treat or enchant Resonantium ore.







The extraction of Resonantium Ore presents many challenges, primarily due to its deceptively ordinary appearance. Hidden among ordinary stone and ore, its true nature is only discernible under low light, where it subtly iridescently glows in response to ambient vibration. Therefore, miners must rely on careful observation to identify Resonantium amidst the more common ores. Resonance hazards are further complications of extracting the ore: Errant strikes on the ore can cause it to resonate and trigger structural instabilities in the surrounding rock, resulting in grave outcomes, such as cave-ins.

The resilience and reactive nature of Resonantium ore render conventional mining tools less useful. The use of a standard pickaxe is inadvisable; instead, the ore should be delicately and carefully freed from its rocky encasement through other means, be they alchemical, with hammer and chisel, or a combination of the two, to avoid triggering potential resonance hazards.



Copy: The ore appears similar to common ferrum but distinguishes itself in low light, emitting an iridescent glow when exposed to vibrations and resonance. Exceptionally durable and reactive to touch and sound, it can produce intense vibrations capable of causing significant harm.


Redlines (Harvesting)

  • Resonantium ore may only be harvested at ST nodes under ST supervision.

  • Detectable only under low light due to subtle iridescence from ambient vibrations.

  • Miners risk structural issues like cave-ins and must use specialized methods to mitigate risk.







Refined Resonantium, known as 'Harmonic Steel,' has the appearance of smooth metal. However, it constantly displays faint, shifting iridescent hues in response to vibrations and energy. This iridescence intensifies dramatically with the strength of the power the metal encounters. An example is upon solid impact, where the metal bursts into vibrant life, illuminating it with iridescent colors spanning purples, yellows, and blues, as the metal resonates deeply, dispersing sound and waves throughout the atmosphere in a sonic release.


Harmonic Steel is on par with ferrum when it comes to durability, though may be perceived as more durable due to its impact dispersing properties. It is understandable that alloying it with other metals is an attractive prospect. However, such attempts invariably produce far inferior materials as the unique resonating qualities of resonantium are lost in the alloying process. To complicate matters further, the metal's resistance to change extends to alchemical treatments and enchantments; its constant internal vibrations repel and nullify treatments, making it immune to conventional methods of staining or altering, while its unique ability to resonate with and dispersing energies makes it resistant to conventional enchantments. Any attempt to enchant Harmonic Steel can provoke violent reactions, unleashing significant sound and pressure waves. These waves are potent enough to cause internal damage to any nearby.




Harmonic Steel boasts a wide array of applications across three main domains. Artisans utilize it to craft instruments with unmatched clarity and resonance, ornaments and jewelry that harmonize with the wearer's pulse, and structures that resonate with the breeze and life of their inhabitants. Smiths fashion shields of striking splendor and robust defense, as well as armaments that mercifully disperse force upon impact. Lastly, tinkerers find Resonantium's potential boundless, innovating endlessly with this versatile material.






Harmonic Steel is an unparalleled treasure among artisans and artists. Its unique resonating properties make it the foremost choice for items that produce or amplify sound. Musical instruments such as horns, bells, and string instruments benefit immensely from the metal's resonating properties. A Resonantium instrument amplifies and clarifies sound waves, yielding richer, louder, and fuller tones. This ability to amplify sound without distortion is invaluable in creating war horns, speaking horns, and other public address and alert systems.


The complexity of working with Harmonic Steel compels artisans to continuously refine their techniques and explore new applications, fostering innovation and collaboration between artistic expression and technical craftsmanship. Architects and builders incorporate metal into structures for aesthetic and acoustic appeal. Buildings and monuments with Harmonic Steel implements can manipulate sound to create immersive ambient soundscapes and produce melodious sounds when caressed by the wind and rain.






Though boasting several remarkable properties, Harmonic Steel still presents significant limitations in traditional smithing. For example, the metal is wholly unsuitable for edged or pointed tools and weapons due to the unique refinement method; any initially sharp weapon edge will shatter and be blunt. However, Harmonic Steel excels in other areas, particularly in crafting shields, blunt weapons, and aesthetic ceremonial weapons meant to avoid causing too much harm.


Shields and weapons produced from Harmonic Steel endure the rigors of battle while producing iridescent glows and melodic resonances as they disperse energy, making it particularly effective for defensive purposes. However, when forged into a weapon, it delivers only half the kinetic force of a comparable weapon crafted from conventional metal. On the flip side, this quality is highly sought in shields, as they disperse around half the force of an incoming blow. An interesting exception is that the dispersed energy and melodic resonances turn to powerful shockwaves, capable of dispersing attackers and causing great physical strain on the wielders, should Harmonic Steel shields be struck with High-Density Boomsteel or vice-versa.


Another unfortunate limitation is that despite the clear defensive advantages, the metal's resonant nature makes it a poor choice for protective armor. Any significant impact causes the metal to resonate intensely, potentially leading to internal injuries from vibrations transmitted through the armor, even with substantial padding.




One group resonates with Harmonic Steel above all others. Practitioners of Kani, the Oscillit, with their control of and deep understanding of resonance, can resonate with the otherwise hard material, manipulating it easily despite the density of the metal, and may render strikes without dispersing the force of the impact.






Resonantium unlocks a world of possibilities for innovative applications. When super-heated and cooled, it can store almost any energy and release it as resonance/sound waves, marking it as an exceptional, if not dangerous, material for creating dynamic and responsive mechanisms. As the metal becomes malleable with heat, it stores energy, a property that grand tinkerers can exploit ingeniously, creating artifacts that respond to external forces to harness and utilize the stored energy. However, the challenge remains in controlling and releasing this energy 'safely' and effectively.


Mastering the use of Resonantium demands a deep understanding of metallurgy and the workings of the physical world. Grand tinkerers may feel encouraged to experiment with the metal's properties, exploring new ways to manipulate its storage capabilities and resonating energy. Given the metal's complex nature, collaboration between tinkerers, alchemists, mages, and metallurgists is crucial, as sharing insights and breakthroughs can accelerate the development of new artifacts. Ultimately, it's about tinkerers once again creating cool, innovative artifacts.


Redlines (Refined Form) 

  • General

    • Resonantium items must be ST-Signed.

    • Resonantium matches iron in both durability and weight.

    • Resonantium is immune to natural and artificial rust as well as alchemical treatments.

    • It is not possible to forge new alloys with Resonantium.

    • It is not possible to enchant or alchemically treat Resonantium, though an item may be composed of a section of Magegold to contain enchantments. Only lesser and potent enchantments are possible, though, as it is not possible to implement Magegold onto the metal.

    • Enchantment through a Bardomancy mana seal, which acts as a physical mana lock on the metal is possible, ensuring the mana is not transformed and ejected.

  • Artisanry

    • Sound-based abilities, whether spoken or instrumental, extend 150% further when emitted through resonantium instruments and horns. For instance, a 5-block range becomes 8 blocks, rounded up.

    • Resonantium items do not amplify effects but can enhance aesthetic appeal.

  • Smithing / Weapons, Shields, and Armor

    • You cannot sharpen Resonantium, making it unsuitable for blades or points.

    • A Resonantium weapon inflicts only half the damage of a steel equivalent.

    • A Resonantium shield absorbs and disperses half the impact of any strike, making an orc's blow feel like a human's and a human's like a void mage's, etc.

    • High-density Boomsteel strikes on Resonantium shields create a shockwave, disorienting those within [2] blocks and doubling strain on the Boomsteel wielder (counts for 2/5 thunderclap emotes). The shield wielder can only block up to [3] thunderclaps, the third blow causing internal damage in the arm, necessitating treatment.

    • Repeated strikes between Resonantium items can lead to fracturing or shattering of the items as the resonance becomes too intense ([4] strikes).

    • Resonantium, known for its resonating properties, is compatible with Kani for tools weighing up to 8 pounds, provided that the tool is made entirely of Resonantium. Additionally, Oscillits have the capability to prevent the dispersal of kinetic force upon impact, allowing them to strike with the same force as an iron tool.

  • Tinkering

    • Resonantium's energy storage capabilities can be harnessed under high heat for innovative applications.

    • Experimentation with Resonantium's resonant qualities is encouraged.

    • Innovations using Resonantium must secure a mART approval.







Refining Resonantium is a complex process that demands exceptionally high temperatures, well beyond the capabilities of standard forges. To achieve the necessary heat, blacksmiths must employ either alchemical, magical, or specialized mundane substances like Daemite powder to drive up the heat of their furnace.


During the heating process, Resonantium exhibits a unique property of self-purification. As it heats, any impurities within the metal that do not resonate at the same frequency as Resonantium are gradually forced out due to discordant vibrations. This natural expulsion of impurities means that, unlike typical alloys, there is no need for fluxes or slag removal during the refining process. Attempting to create a new alloy at this stage will always result in failure; either the new alloy is inferior, with none of Resonantium's unique properties, due to changing the structure of the metal, or the resonantium will separate from the other materials, due to the discordant vibrational properties.


Once the metal reaches the appropriate temperature, it becomes malleable, and the blacksmith can shape it as desired. At this stage, resonantium ceases to resonate with external energies and starts storing energy instead. It is recommended for smiths to take measures to protect themselves from the heat, this can be through many different methods, such as clothing, the application of Athin, amongst others.


The cooling process must be carefully considered. As the metal accumulates more energy as it is shaped, intermittent cooling is necessary. This controlled approach allows for gradually releasing pent-up energy before it becomes excessive, ensuring a safer environment and more stable metal handling during the forging process. Unfortunately, a side effect of releasing the pent-up energy is that any attempts at sharpened points or edges result in failure, with the edges shattering and blunting as the energy is released, posing a danger to the smith and observers.


Redlines (Refining Technique) 

  • Refining Resonantium necessitates extremely high temperatures, unachievable by standard forges. Use Daemite powder or other means to reach the necessary heat levels.

  • Refinement should be treated as an event and supervised by ST.

  • Incorrect heating or cooling of Resonantium can damage the workshop and pose safety risks to the smith, potentially causing equipment failure and physical injuries.

  • It is impossible to forge new alloys with Resonantium.






  1. I have aimed to revive the dwindling spirit of experimentation, tinkering, and invention lost over the years. I hope this can be a material the players can play with in storylines and events in cooperation with ST. I still fondly recall experiences of when the node system was introduced, and players got to discover Lunarite for the first time.

  2. The metal is designed as a counterpart to Boomsteel—offering weak offensive capabilities but strong defensive potential while creating a unique dynamic between the two rather than merely acting as a direct counter to the otherwise unparalleled, dominant thunderclaps.

  3. Resonantium is intended to appeal to the artistic roleplaying community, offering intriguing aesthetics and some functionality.



  1. [World Lore] - Volatite and Boomsteel

  2. [MA + FA] Kani - The Art of the Oscillit

  3. [World Lore] - The Deepsteels: Ch 1 - Daemonsteel

  4. [Magic Lore] - Transfiguration: Artisans of the Arcane

  5. [Magic Lore] Bardmancy

  6. [World Lore] Magegold | Arcaurum

  7. Athin



April 19 - Lowered durability to common iron and removed mana disruption effects based on feedback.

April 19 - Added a weight limitation on Resonantium tools in regard to Kani. Clarified language regarding Boomsteel and Resonantium interaction. Added larger punishment to exceeding 3 thunderclap blocking emotes.

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This seems like a very over powered metal imo capable of tanking high density boomsteel hits, able to be wielded by kani users, able to add extra emotes to spell casting, able to completely stun limbs of magical constructs, all while having the durability of bluesteel and halving the force from hits

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idea is cool


why not stick to cool miudc metal without op factor?

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6 hours ago, BakedPotato said:

This seems like a very over powered metal imo capable of tanking high density boomsteel hits, able to be wielded by kani users, able to add extra emotes to spell casting, able to completely stun limbs of magical constructs, all while having the durability of bluesteel and halving the force from hits

I'd argue there are other materials out there, like thanhic steel that is just as useful with more applications.


You'd need to be willing to wield a blunt weapon with very low impact force, in order to stun a single construct limb, or delay the casting of a spell. I took inspiration from the Resonance Anomaly from Kani for the mana disruption part; though if the general consensus is that the material has too many positive applications, that part could be removed.


Edit: Feedback implemented :)

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53 minutes ago, Youngie5500 said:

Resonantium disrupts mana flow with each strike, adding an extra charge emote to a void mage's spell (should they have already completed one charge emote).

This feels like a vague redline - any strike from any material would disconnect a mage. Would a strike from Resonantium add an a extra charging emote for some set duration if the struck mage attempts to cast within a set duration, or would it introduce a extra emote before the mage can re-connect/charge if they somehow have managed to stay connected for a indefinite duration? I feel the metal should have some limit on how many times it can add a extra emote or disrupt before it incurs some cost to itself or the user, or can no longer be used in the encounter as listed in other abilities.


To add to this, is there any particular reason why this would only effect voidal mages, and not any other magical user, including other users of Kani if struck by Resonantium? They all manipulate some form of mana to a extent, and anti-magical things tend to equally target all magics.

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Updated based on feedback:

- Changed durability to iron, left too much room for possible abuse. (I always envisioned the durability of the metal to be after taking its unique properties into account. Turns out I might've been the only one 😅)


- Removed mana disruption ability, to avoid the metal being a jack of all trades.

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4 hours ago, Youngie5500 said:


  1. Resonantium is intended to appeal to the artistic roleplaying community, offering intriguing aesthetics and some functionality.



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Cannot rust or be degraded (Lunarite), can be wielded by Kani users (defeats the purpose of its shtick, Not Wielding Weapons or armor), alongside the other effects ppl have already spoke of


I think this is a very cool idea, but it seems to branch into too many different things rather than focus on One thing, making it insanely op

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43 minutes ago, TreeSmoothie said:

Cannot rust or be degraded (Lunarite), can be wielded by Kani users (defeats the purpose of its shtick, Not Wielding Weapons or armor), alongside the other effects ppl have already spoke of


I think this is a very cool idea, but it seems to branch into too many different things rather than focus on One thing, making it insanely op

Thanks for the feedback!


- There are multiple materials that do not rust or degrade.

- Oscillits are already capable of wielding non-ST iron-strength blunt weapons (Haganeki Ironwood)


Besides making a formidable shield, and a material that can block two thunderclaps what do you feel makes it insanely OP in its current iteration?

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this is rlly cool

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Updated based on feedback:

- Added specificity and a weight limitation on Resonantium tools in regard to Kani.

- Clarified language regarding Boomsteel and Resonantium interaction. Added larger punishment to exceeding 2 thunderclap blocking emotes.

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This is cool

When are we playing Sea of Thieves?

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This is extremely cool

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