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The Master Thieves Guild


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((Just to get some clearance, the guild is currently not considering any new applications correct?))

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((Apps are accepted, they'll just sit a while.))

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((Im assuming apps are closed im just posting this for when they are open.))


MC Name: spychicken956

Why do you want to join? For new and interesting RP since I just got my VA accepted and ive noticed that RP is going kinda stale.

How will you provide the guild and the LOTC community with a great RP experience? Well im in guilds that are quite prosperous so it will add a lot of fun mysterious RP if items go missing.

What do you think are vital in RP? (I.e Emotes, RP fights over MC fights etc) Good RP fights and emotes. I think MC fights are good but to many things can go wrong like returning to death point all that stuff.

To break the Guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the Guild, do you understand this? Aye

[Character Questions]
RP name: Gamil Irongut

Biography: Little to none of Gamils childhood is known. The only thing truly known is that that his parents died very early in his life. After his parents died he went and lived with his half brother Phelrin. As he grew up he began reading more and more studying astrology, psychology, theology, and politics. He began looking for people to test his knowledge with seeking out government officials to have debates with and as he spoke with them his knowledge grew.

He eventually started dabbling in redstone, building simple traps and doors to torment his brother and even going so far as to making a security system in his room to protect ledgers filled with research that he had made. He began picking up secrets here and there usually making disguises and then hanging around in the brothels and slums of cities. As he matured he began getting more and more into politics and major debate issues but as he did so he made a few enemies. One such enemy put him to work in a mine.

One day while Gamil was mining he found a cave. In this cave was a magic portal from which evil, hate, and malice poured forth in the physical form of the creatures that were known as the zombie pigmen. As he was defending himself, trying to flee the mine, one of the pigmen slashed his face leaving his right eye blind and a nasty scar down his face. Once he fled the mine, zombie pigmen pouring out behind him, he fled deep into the wilderness eventually finding his way to the UAC where he and the stalwart defenders fought undead and hordes of Zombie pigmen. After the UAC was disbanded with the leaving of the Sages Gamil wandered around, not sure of what to do. Eventually made his way to Kal’Urguan where he and joined the army fighting against the undead.

When the Asulon move came Gamil was, of course, on the dwarf boat. When they landed ashore he helped the dwarven effort as much as he could but once the capital and other cities were built he vanished, wandering the wilderness in search for meaning. Eventually he returned and none too late for as soon as he got to the docks the boats were leaving for Elysium. He quickly grabbed his things and jumped onto the dwarven boat.

As they docked on Elysium he quickly got to work helping build the dwarven city as well as going deep into the mines for some private thinking. It is on these private adventures that he began to make realization and began making plans for the rest of his life. He began trying to join the council and is still trying to this day, feeling that meaning will come with power. This is where we find Gamil in the dwarven capital, trying to gain power and money and, hopefully meaning.

Personality: Chaotic Neutral


Motives: Gamil wants power and money. Because with money people will follow and respect you.

Aspirations: To become a dwarf with total power and people who will follow him.

[Open Response. Answer all questions]
You notice a rich foreign merchant in the markets browsing wares such as jewellery, weaponry and armor. You notice a stall owner has just walked away from his stall for a few moments, several guards are patrolling the area, the merchant walks towards the stall to browse its wares. To the North is a sewer grate you could escape through, though the guards seem to be patrolling it more than usual. How will you pull of this thievery? 

    Well obviously a con is needed in this job so Gamil , being a well dressed dwarf, walks over to the armor stall and smiles to the merchant. "Oh sorreh sir my partner just left fur a bit! But if yeh need sumthin ah can 'elp yeh." Gamil begins to to haggle over prices for a bit and after a few minutes he sees the merchant heading back. Gamil begins to get nervous so he begins to let the price go lower but not to low. He quickly takes the mans money and then leaves and walks as calmly as he can out the front gate instead of the sewer grate. 

The Upright Man has asked of you to steal a scroll from a house that is just outside the city limits of Alras, the house seems to be alive with laughter and drunken men, you look through a window to see the chest is in the room, while 5 drunken men sit around the fire telling war stories, they seem armed but drunk, you see in the corner of your eye a small hole in the roof into the room. The door hinges are old and rusty, it can be easily kicked down. How will you pull of this thievery? 

     Well for this one Gamil needs his fellow guild members. So he quickly calls in four other members and he and the others get into full plate armor and barge into the inn. As Gamil breaks down the door he shouts that they have a warrant to search the building, the five men stand and draw their swords. Gamil sighs as they men are cut down and he and his friends get the scroll. He leaves one of the members to explain what happened to the real guards.

An old man has taken rest from his travels under a tree, his bag is to the left of him, he appears to have a dagger on him. In the far distance you see some travellers coming, though they are still a far while off. How will you pull of this thievery? 

    This is a simple job Gamil, being an alchemist, pulls out a small bottle of sleeping potion and offers it to the old man. As the man falls asleep Gamil quickly grabs the bag and the dagger and then walks down the road towards the travelers. As he walks by he slits their coin purses and slides the coins into his pocket grinning at how its such a good day. 

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Agile steps onto the docks, his soft leather boots making a slight creaking noise on the planks below his feet. He whispers for his companion, a giant whose size is rivalled only by those of Uruks, to step follow. “OTAY!” shouts Tugg as he crashes onto the decking, the planks groaning at the strain placed upon them by the behemoth of a man. Agile winces and continues forward, walking through the town, Tugg lumbering behind him eliciting the occasional remark of “TUGG TUGG TUGG” at the sight of others. Agile stops at the entrance to a building and rummages in his pocket, removing a piece of parchment from his pocket and glances at a sign before placing it back into his pocket. “This is it Tugg, Sunsorrow.” “OTAY AGIWEreplies Tugg, a look of pure and utter content on his neanderthal like face. Agile glances at another sign, smiling before walking off, Tugg’s cumbersome figure walking behind him. Eventually he reaches a door, opening it and walking up the stairs. At the top of the stairs Agile frowns before placing his ear to the door and feigning surprise. He turns to Tugg, placing his hands on his hips. “Tugg, this door said it is stronger than you” “TUGG STWONGERHe yells, letting out a guttural cry he rushes at the door, Agile side-stepping out of the way as he does so. The door strains at the impact but doesn’t give, simply adding fuel to Tugg’s fire. Tugg backs off, drool dripping from his mouth before running at it again. The door is smashed under Tugg’s renewed effort and is sent flying towards the chests in the room. Tugg yells in anger more than pain as he stands up, removing a giant piece of door that penetrated his shoulder upon landing. Tugg stands now, blood dripping from his shoulder as Agile watches. Raising an eyebrow after noticing another similarly locked door, Agile coos softly “That door” while pointing to the door “Hurt Radec, Tugg.” Agile steps back as Tugg begins gritting his teeth, panting, his eyes wide open. Tugg raises his head to the roof, letting out a roar before charging at this new enemy, smashing through it and vaulting it on top of a shelf of chests, smashing them. Sadly these chests were filled with arrows and as Tugg stood, he had more than a few poking out of him. Agile winces at the pain that should be inflicted upon his friend though is seemingly leaving him unaffected and reaches for a chest on the top shelf labelled ‘minerals’, though before he can do anything Tugg lifts it and throws it to the ground, smashing it’s hinges and leaving it open. Agile raises an eyebrow before shoving a few ingots into his pack along with unrefined gold ore. TUGG DO GOOD?” he yells, to which Agile nods and replies ”Yes, Tugg did magnificent.” Which prompts a single “OTAY”. The two step out of the ravaged bank and head back to the docks, Tugg grinning madly at having done ‘good’.

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((No. You chose to post your app with the understanding that you would wait until WE reviewed it. Please do not persist with asking these types of questions and kindly cease the OOC on this thread.))

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It was always a rush, stealing, alone it was terrifying, there could be a guard around the corner, or some sort of obstacle. The Broken Hearted Lady grinned, under her mask, as the bag was slung over her shoulder. The rest of the thieves bounded out of the manor with her, laughing all the way. One of them left a note, "The Shadows thank you for your patronage..." And the shadows thanked them indeed...


Her sister's response was less than impressed, staring at her disapprovingly...


"I don't think you should stoop to petty thievery, Lumia"


Lumia stared at her, for a moment, before speaking...


"We aren't petty t thieves Ara, we' dun't rob an beat people on' tha' side of tuh' road. We're sophisticated  thieves, we break into yer house an' steal yer **** and ye don't even notice."


She grinned, widely, mayhaps she had found her place among others like her, even among pigs.

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((I fully understand that apps at are not being accepted and whatnot, and I am just leaving this here for say, when they are, and that I found time to do this as well.))


MC Name: TheBioverse
Why do you want to join? I believe that a functioning organized crime type group is just what my character would be interested in personally.
How will you provide the guild and the LOTC community with a great RP experience? Instead of playing the thief that there are so many of, no offense to any thieves out there, I would rather play a thief that uses stealth, yes, but more so his ingenuity, this will be explained in my character's actions as well.
What do you think are vital in RP? (I.e Emotes, RP fights over MC fights etc) I personally believe that in RP emotes are vital due to the fact that without emotes, others can't visualize what your character is doing or weather he is approachable, and I fully support RP>PVP since I find it silly if one man is more skilled RP wise and he loses to another man, less skilled, due to slightly better weapons. I also believe the spreading of RP is a bad thing, because if RP spreads out too much, it will become increasingly harder to find RP at all.
break the Guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless
in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the
Guild, do you understand this?
Yes, fully understood.

[Character Questions]
RP name: Chester
Personality: Calm at most times, or so it seems. He tends to keep both his emotions and identity hidden behind a mask, be it a physical mask or mental one. He is very self centered, usually calling himself 'Chester the Marvelous' or 'Marvelous Chester' but in the end, this is all just an act to lure in customers to play his rigged dice games, and show himself off as a lord or someone important to take in fake taxes.
Motives: Chester believes, in a strange round about way, that since he is a Journey man with experience in almost every field, it wouldn't be fair to deny another man a job in who's spot he would stand, so instead of getting a  job, he decided to use his intellect and planning capabilities to earn him money, by turning to the path of a con-man. He doesn't believe he is stealing, but only using his natural silver tongue and shifty hands to gain a profit, at the customer's free will.
Aspirations: Chester has always wanted to join the politics of Oren, where only the silver tongue get you where you need to be, at the top. Sadly enough, Chester has realized that his dream would most likely not become a reality, but still believes in a sliver of hope that it may one day.

[Open Response. Answer all questions]
notice a rich foreign merchant in the markets browsing wares such as
jewellery, weaponry and armor. You notice a stall owner has just walked
away from his stall for a few moments, several guards are patrolling the
area, the merchant walks towards the stall to browse its wares. To the
North is a sewer grate you could escape through, though the guards seem
to be patrolling it more than usual. How will you pull of this thievery?


Chester notices the absence of the stall owner, and the approach of the merchant, and quickly a plan is brewed up and put info action. Chester quickly strolls to the side of the stall, so he may look as both a customer and a stall keeper.


"Greetings there! Would you like to browse my wares?" Chester says, in a normally toned voice, knowing his words would be muffled to the stall owner due to the crowd surrounding them.


"Yes yes, what do you have on gems, might I ask?" Replies the merchant.


"Only the finest!" Chester says, he quickly scoops up most of the gems off the table, along with any highly valued items, and says "I can offer them to you at a lower price, if you were to help me pack up my stall while I visited the rest room?"


At this bargain the merchant was delighted! "Of course of course! How much lower at a price!?"


As Chester strolled away towards the main gate, he shouted back "Less than half price!" and could already see the stall owner returning to his stall from across the market. As he heard shouting from the stall, he patted his own pocket, filled with the minas and gems of the stall owner, knowing that it would take a while for the commotion to settle, and no one would believe a man clearing up the goods of a stall owner's table and placing them in his own leather bag.

The Upright Man has asked of you
to steal a scroll from a house that is just outside the city limits of
Alras, the house seems to be alive with laughter and drunken men, you
look through a window to see the chest is in the room, while 5 drunken
men sit around the fire telling war stories, they seem armed but drunk,
you see in the corner of your eye a small hole in the roof into the
room. The door hinges are old and rusty, it can be easily kicked down.
How will you pull of this thievery?


Chester walks up to the main door, and peers through the key hole. 5 men, at a moderate age of around 30-40 and highly drunk, the alcohol he could smell from out here, but Chester thought up a relatively easy plan to lure the men into a trap. He kicked down the door and yelled "Fellas! There's a wagon of women, 20 of them, all soaked in water from crashing into the nearby lake! I got most of them out, but they are soaked in water, and they are in need of clothes! Most of them got too cold and annoyed in the soaked rags and took them off altogether!"


At this the men were more than surprised, most probably thanking God for an opportunity like this, thought Chester, and as the lustful and drunk men chased off over the distance to to nearby lake, that wasn't that nearby at all, Chester walked up to the chest and slowly opened it. Surprisingly, it was unlocked, raising Chester's suspicions. He looked inside to find the scroll, unharmed and intact, and with that he departed, not wanting to be present when the men arrive. At the scene of the crime Chester left a White Rose, a grin on his face...


Soon later, Chester delivered the scroll to The Upright Man, wondering if it was the right scroll. The Upright man took the scroll, didn't even bother to open it, and shooed Chester off, as Chester wondered if the scroll was of any importance at all...

old man has taken rest from his travels under a tree, his bag is to the
left of him, he appears to have a dagger on him. In the far distance
you see some travellers coming, though they are still a far while off.
How will you pull of this thievery?


Chester walks over to the old man, a kind look on his face, and asks "Sir, in the spirit of the creator, please accept this vial of sparkling water?"


The man at first looks suspicious, but as Chester holds his kindly face, he finally gives in "Sure, why not?" and the old man gulps the vial down, and as Chester counts the ticks n his head, he watches as the man's face turns red and he beings to puff heavily, obviously not getting enough oxygen from the chemicals in the water. He knows it will not be enough to kill the man even at his age, and quickly shouts "Someone get this man help!" and watches the travelers run to his location, by this time Chester would have vanished into the trees and bushes and the man would be left bag-less and mina-less.  Chester also remembered to leave a white rose at the man's location, since if anyone deserves hate it's 'them'...

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Radec sits in his corner of the guild bar, his hood still up and the flicker of the dim light occasionally shining on the little amount of face, showing from his hood. He sits there alone, in the darkness, sipping his drink slowly in melancholy. The rest of the guild sitting a few tables away, drinking and shouting, generally enjoying their latest exploits.


But not Radec. He had been this way for the last two months; the loss of Tugg, his best friend, his surrogate brother and family had devastated him. He takes another sip of his drink, named after him and his recent foul moods by the guild and looks up to see Feranhir walk over to him. "Why don't ya join us Radec? This was a group effort, come enjoy the spoils."


Radec barely moves his head, simply raises his glass to his mouth and pauses, "Piss off. I'm in no mood." He then proceeds to take a piss as Feranhir frowns and returns to the party table.



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Feranhir frowns at Radec's reclusiveness before heading to the back of the bar and slinging a towel over his shoulder, picking up a glass now he looks to Radec before asking " Another Rusty Radec?" to which Radec nods. Feranhir takes out a glass and tops it off with some Fine Whiskey, drops a splash of fruit in it and reaches for a special bottle. Feranhir removes this special bottle of the tears of children and adds a splash to the mix before walking it over to Radec. "Don't think about it Mate" he says as he walks away.

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MC Name: SupremacyOps
Why do you want to join? A foray into an area of RP I have not explored for a while.
How will you provide the guild and the LOTC community with a great RP experience? Why I think your fine guild lacks an illusioinist! Quite strange for a thieving guild, no? An interesting addition to your strange band of thieves I would think.
What do you think are vital in RP? (I.e Emotes, RP fights over MC fights etc) In RP it is critical that one engages as many players as possible while attempting to further your character's goals. This however does not mean that one should blindly power game though things.
To break the Guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the Guild, do you understand this? While I can't assure you Kalenz will not break the guild rules since he is rather fickle, pretentious, cynical and incredibly racist, I do assure you I understand server rules.

[Character Questions]
RP name: Kalenz Uradir
Biography: Click here for his VA
Personality: Racist, xenophobic, cynical, suspicious, highly manipulative, intelligent, perceptive and antagonistic.
Motives: The betterment of himself, his own magical potential or the high elves as a whole.
Aspirations: ​His aspirations are essentially identical to his motives.

The rest will be edited in soon enough. I simply lack the time to do this all at once.

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MC Name: SupremacyOps

Why do you want to join? A foray into an area of RP I have not explored for a while.

How will you provide the guild and the LOTC community with a great RP experience? Why I think your fine guild lacks an illusioinist! Quite strange for a thieving guild, no? An interesting addition to your strange band of thieves I would think.

What do you think are vital in RP? (I.e Emotes, RP fights over MC fights etc) In RP it is critical that one engages as many players as possible while attempting to further your character's goals. This however does not mean that one should blindly power game though things.

To break the Guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the Guild, do you understand this? While I can't assure you Kalenz will not break the guild rules since he is rather fickle, pretentious, cynical and incredibly racist, I do assure you I understand server rules.

[Character Questions]

RP name: Kalenz Uradir

Biography: Click here for his VA

Personality: Racist, xenophobic, cynical, suspicious, highly manipulative, intelligent, perceptive and antagonistic.

Motives: The betterment of himself, his own magical potential or the high elves as a whole.

Aspirations: ​His aspirations are essentially identical to his motives.


The rest will be edited in soon enough. I simply lack the time to do this all at once.

((Lumia approves.))

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The Application

MC Name:


Why do you want to join?

I feel like joining an organisation involving my accepted VA's. I'm really interested in this sort of RP.

How will you provide the guild and the LOTC community with a great RP experience?

I'm an accepted villain and over the past months I've been experiencing the RP as a villain. With this experience I think I can be a great addition to the guild. 

What do you think are vital in RP? (I.e Emotes, RP fights over MC fights etc)

To be honest, I prefer MC fights to void any powergame which is very common in LotC and death avoidance. Though if someone is capable of doing a realistic RP fight I'm totally up for it. 

To break the Guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the Guild, do you understand this? 

Yes I do.

[Character Questions]
RP name:

Tok Dreadmuck

Tok was born and raised in the Gobo district in the Uzg. Son of Murk Dreadmuck and Grum Ferluck. His father, Murk, was an engineer specialising in explosives he produced for the sake of the War Uzg. His father’s life was taken over by the Uzg. Everything he did in the daily life was providing for the War Uzg. He worked hard to get the little food they got payed to keep them alive. Tok was spending his early days with his mother, Grum, in his rather small house in the district. Grum mostly played games with Tok all day and thought him something here and there in her daily life. 

As Tok grew up to a teenager he was an outcast in the groups of other goblins. He was not part of the group and spent most of his days alone in the Usg. As he spent more time alone he grew more angry at the other goblins for not accepting him in their group. He started to think about how he could take revenge for what they done to him. Tok drew plans in the sand with a stick and worked his plan out every day. He spent days thinking of a good plan, yet every time he thought of something he erased it because it would not work. He wiped the sand all over his plans and started again. Until he figured out a way to get them. He wanted to see them scream in fear. Tok walked through the slums sneakily making sure nobody sees him. He entered the empty rooms of orcs and looking through their chests. He tried to pick the locks of some of the locks with his small stick with which he drew his plans yet often it failed. He opened a chest and saw a bow and arrow in a chest. Amazed as he was at the sight of this weapon he took it and gathered some arrows from other rooms. He put this in a small satchel and bound the bow to his back. However because this was the bow of an orc this bow was way too large for him. After he gathered the bow and arrows he invited all of them to the arena just outside the Uzg. Tok told them the Rex held a klomp for the strongest Gobo Cub. As they gathered in the middle of the arena Tok sneaked to the gate. With all his power Tok closed the gate as the other goblins were in. He screamed in anger “REVENGE!” and he drew his bow. He notched an arrow and wanted to shoot in the sand near the goblins. However his grip on the large bow wasn’t strong enough to shoot an arrow and the bow fell whilst the arrow pierced his stomach. Tok slowly fell to the ground whilst the goblins laughed at him. Tok’s view slowly faded into black, the last he saw was an orc approaching and opening the gate.

Tok woke up in his parents’ house his wound healed. He slowly stumbled to his feet and notices his parents weren’t home. Full of emberrasment he took some food, put it in a satchel and left the Uzg without anyone noticing. His face gazing to the ground he wandered around in the desert. As Tok was crossing the desert he noticed a Jabberneck in the distance. Tok stumbled towards the Jabberneck as his energy decreased. Nearing the Jabberneck it let him ride it. The Jabberneck lowered his back so Tok could climb on him. On the Jabberneck Tok bend over and closed his eyes, slowly falling asleep whilst the Jabberneck ran through the desert. 

Tok opened his eyes laying in a rather rough bed. Tok raised his head and looked around noticing beds all around him yet they were all empty. The cabin he was in was shaking from left to right and Tok heard water clunching. Whilst rubbing his head Tok left the room and entered upon the deck of the ship he was on. “Ay matey! Mi peep yu am awakey. Arr dat am guud. Yu mait wunt teh zcrub da dehckz!” the captain yelled at Tok. Tok shrugged as he figured there was nothing much else to do in his bizarre situation. Tok followed the captain's order after order for about half a year. He was treated like scum on the ship, however since he was born he was treated like scum so he wasn’t used to anything else. Tok stuck with the crew and earned a high status amongst the pirate crew. Tok was the captain’s personal assistant. 

One day the pirate ship was under the brush of a rain of arrows. One by one the pirates were going down. Tok hid in the captain’s cabinet whilst the captain was in there. However because Tok did not want to be marked as a coward he hid himself from the captain too. With Tok’s little sword he hid in a corner underneath random debris. Then, Tok heard a human bonking on the door yelling at the captain to open the door. The captain slowly walked over to the door and opened it slowly. The human stepped in his sword raised. “This is your end, captain.” The human said and stuck his sword in the captain’s stomach. Tok jumped from his debris at the human slicing at his neck. As the human was forced to his knees Tok kept on stabbing everywhere he could. Tok’s action was in vain, the captain had already died. Tok left the cabin furiously stabbing at every human invading the pirate ship. Yelling in anger Tok walked all over the pirate ship. Using his height he remained unseen and suprised all of the invaders. As Tok looked around he saw that slowly the pirates were winning. Tok’s veins were filled with hope and continued slicing at the invaders. 

After the fight Tok gathered the crew and stood on some cargo raising his head above the crew’s. He was announced to be the new captain after the original captain’s death. Nowadays Tok fares across the seas continueing the work the captain had done before he took over. Unbound to rules or morals Tok makes the seas unsafe.


Tok is very greedy and will take any opportunity to gain money. He's a rather swift goblin with great temper. 


Tok was forced to slay others for his own good. As Tok murdered more and more people he developed a crave for bloodshed. Seeing the sorrow in one’s eyes and make them beg for mercy started to satisfy Tok. Even worse, he grew addicted to the adrenaline boost triggered by taking somebody’s life. Another reason is his crave for wealth and shinies to prove himself superior to other individuals. He seeks for the most rare jewelry from all over Asulon.


Tok wants to be a feared bandit, whom is able to take care of anything through lots of contacts among Anthos. Also Tok likes to earn a high rank in the guild.

[Open Response. Answer all questions]
You notice a rich foreign merchant in the markets browsing wares such as jewellery, weaponry and armor. You notice a stall owner has just walked away from his stall for a few moments, several guards are patrolling the area, the merchant walks towards the stall to browse its wares. To the North is a sewer grate you could escape through, though the guards seem to be patrolling it more than usual. How will you pull of this thievery? 


Tok observes the area. He stares at the merchant, waiting for him to move. The merchant takes his time browsing the goods. Tok would not be able to rob him in front of all these guards. Tok's waiting was about to pay off, as the merchant was about to move. The merchant bought several jewelry and was about to leave the city to return to his home. Tok casually followed him as he walked out. Tok awaits for him to reach a distance from the city. As they walk further away from the city, Tok yells at him to stop. Tok friendly talks to the merchant, then suddenly changes his mood. "Give mi lat money, and jewelry." Tok said, slowly placing his hand on his hilt. The merchant feared for his life, looking around for help, yet nobody around. The merchant could not run and gave in. "Here, have my money! I don't have any jewelry!" The merchant desperately said. Tok draws his blade, pointing it at the merchant "Da jewelry, ur lat life.", Tok growls at the merchant. The merchant gulps, slowly taking the jewelry, throwing it at Tok together with a large sack of money. Lightweighted now the merchant ran away towards the city to call the guards. Tok swiftly took the loot and ran in the woods to examine it and return to base.

The Upright Man has asked of you to steal a scroll from a house that is just outside the city limits of Alras, the house seems to be alive with laughter and drunken men, you look through a window to see the chest is in the room, while 5 drunken men sit around the fire telling war stories, they seem armed but drunk, you see in the corner of your eye a small hole in the roof into the room. The door hinges are old and rusty, it can be easily kicked down. How will you pull of this thievery?


Tok climbs upon a tree being lightweighted. He looks through the window noticing the drunken men and spots the weapons. Tok climbs down the tree, picking up a little rock. Tok throws this stone through the window. The glass shatters across the ground. Tok climbs back up in the tree, noticing the men go an look at the glass. Them being drunk are laughing about it, falling onto the ground. Tok swiftly jumps through the hole, sneaking towards the chest. Tok slowly opens the chest, taking everything valuable. Tok turns to the laughing men. Tok runs towards them, jumping through the glass hole as they are on the ground. Tok sprints into the woods untrackable.


An old man has taken rest from his travels under a tree, his bag is to the left of him, he appears to have a dagger on him. In the far distance you see some travellers coming, though they are still a far while off. How will you pull of this thievery?


Tok looks at the travellers, swiftly drawing his blade. Tok comes up to the man from behind the tree, pointing his blade at the old man's neck.

"Don't move or talk." Tok says with a demped voice. Tok keeps his blade focussed whilst slowly bending through his knees, taking the bag. The old man sits slowly grabbing his dagger. Tok sees this and pierces his blade through the neck of the old man. Tok twirls his blade around in the man's neck for a quick kill. The travellers are approaching as Tok runs away into the forest.

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MC Name: valon487
Why do you want to join? Cause I find that freelance theivery is a pain in the arse.
How will you provide the guild and the LOTC community with a great RP experience? My character is Funtime Man. That should explain it all.
What do you think are vital in RP? (I.e Emotes, RP fights over MC fights etc) Emotes, for sure. your charcters actions define him/her and help describe it. Without emotes, there could be no fair RP fighting, or any good RP events, or encounters.
break the Guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless
in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the
Guild, do you understand this?
Aye aye, captain.

[Character Questions]
RP name: Funtime Man (Salm Melontoes)
Biography: Salm grew up with an inbred mother, a overly flirtatious sister, and a disowned brother. All of them were theives. Salm grew up different, though. He was taught fishing, and it becam his favorite food. He ate it constantly. He moved t oLenfarthing at age 21. He adopted a half-elven toddler, and eventually lost his taste for fish. This pushed him to give in to the lifestly he had been observing his entire life. Theivery. He added his spontaneous personality with the theiving persona to become Funtime Man.
Personality: Salm is dedicated to being unpredictable. His pink hair and daft smile only contribute. When he puts on his mask, he's the exact same, only a theif. Unexpected, and chooses his victims on a random thought.
Motives: He grew around theivery, and losing his profession made him give in. Since he has a rather strong dwarven lineage, he has an eye for shinies.
Aspirations: To bring fun to people, and use their joy as a way to steal from them, either as a distraction, or a con.

[Open Response. Answer all questions]
notice a rich foreign merchant in the markets browsing wares such as
jewellery, weaponry and armor. You notice a stall owner has just walked
away from his stall for a few moments, several guards are patrolling the
area, the merchant walks towards the stall to browse its wares. To the
North is a sewer grate you could escape through, though the guards seem
to be patrolling it more than usual. How will you pull of this thievery?

Salm needs a distraction, so he puts on his theif ensemble, and springs, literally, into action. He begins to bounce around, leading the people into a dance number. Once a large crowd is distracting the guards with their joyful singing, Salm drops out, and takes advantage of the wealthy man's distraction to take a few minas, and maybe a jewel. He then slips the stuff into his pockets, and jumps back in for a finishing number.

The Upright Man has asked of you
to steal a scroll from a house that is just outside the city limits of
Alras, the house seems to be alive with laughter and drunken men, you
look through a window to see the chest is in the room, while 5 drunken
men sit around the fire telling war stories, they seem armed but drunk,
you see in the corner of your eye a small hole in the roof into the
room. The door hinges are old and rusty, it can be easily kicked down.
How will you pull of this thievery?

As a halfling, Salm would have full access to stores of ale. He brings a few kegs, and kicks the door OPEN, knowing that when you're drunk you always want more. The drunken men are surprised with the sudden action, but welcome me after they see the ale. They take the ale, and I start to sing a chanty. They join in, since they're even more drunk now, and I get the chance to take the scroll while they sing. I excuse myself to get more ale, and never return.
old man has taken rest from his travels under a tree, his bag is to the
left of him, he appears to have a dagger on him. In the far distance
you see some travellers coming, though they are still a far while off.
How will you pull of this thievery?

I wait for the travlelers to pass, since the man is old, and his rest will be long. Once they're gone, the man looks about rested. I creep up behind him, and swipe the bag when he's standing up. I run into the bushes, hoping he didn't see me.

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((Could I attempt to join the guild fully in game RP, or do I have to make an app? Either way is fine, I just prefer full RP, but I have no problem making an app also.))

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    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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