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The Clerical Order


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•Hymn of the Clerics•






Long before the dead ones roamed

And People Learned Of Noble Lines

Causing them to walk up high

Ascend the stair way of seven skies



Before this time of dark now here

The Clerics walked throughout the world

Spreading Light and bringing cheer

They Made the Heavens seem so near



But then one day they faded from mind

There names forgotten, Their lives behind

The Rise of Undead was casting fear

The bright Ascended brought new cheer



But now the Ascended can't do it all

There light not enough, We need more lest we fall

So new springs the Order, the Order so bright

Its fight shall not stop till all have the light



The Goal is simple, the motto clear

A light in all places lets no darkness near

So rally O Aegis, rally together

Be a light in the world, God's beacon forever






-The Founding



The clerical order is an order from almost the beginnings of Aegis. It was founded by a young brother and sister training to be monks in the Cloud Temple. Their names were Rebekah and Jacob. The both spent so much time praying to God and to the Aenguls and Daemons that they were smiled upon and blessed. They both were given the abilities to perform works for the gods and to commune with them on a higher level. The duo walked the width of Aegis spreading the light of the gods and growing the ranks of the Clerical Order they had started for those wanting to have this closeness to the gods. For a time they brought on a time of light to Aegis and were a large group called upon by all the nation for aid and counsel. It was the golden era of the clerics.



-The Fading of the Clerical Order



Years after the death of Jacob and Rebekah the undead and ascended first arose. The Order, without the guidance of the founders, had not grown and the most powerful clerics had all died out with none coming to take their place. The people of Aegis had lost faith in the Clerics and with the coming of the ascended no one called upon the clerics at all. The Ascended became the new light and the Clerics faded from memory.



-The Rediscovery



Years after the Clerical Order had fallen completely from memory and the war of the undead and ascended was at its peak Thrym Silverfist, a young smith, became a cleric. He knew nothing of the original order but wanted to learn more about any clerics there may have been in the past. He went to his family manor, Irongut manor, and studied long hours in the library. After long hours of searching and praying he found a early journal of Heron Irongut, written before he had fallen, in it he found mention of Heron discovering a clerical order in the Temple Library. Thrym set out at once and spent over a day in the Library searching for the text. Once he found it he begged the Druid Order to let him copy it to form a new Clerical Order. After talking it over the Order agreed. Thrym has now set out to make a new Clerical Order and is in search of other who want to become servants of the gods. The ascended have become few in this day and age and cannot spread light everywhere without help. This Order will help it happen.



•The Goal of the Order•



The Goal of the Order has change as of late. With the undead defeated and almost no source of evil to combat the Clerical order has change its purpose to keep the balance. To keep down ones who use Magic to disrupt Order and to halt nation, and individuals from using any form of dark magic for its own gain. They spread out having a few clerics and paladins in each nation seeking for anything that could tip the scales of Balance and eliminate it.



The Patrons of the Light and the Light Itself





Aengul of Purification



- So ever vigilant, he kept watch over Aeriel's children. An invisible guidance as he looked over their worship, amazed by their faith even with the lack of her gift all through Auslon. Tahariae gave his own to them, watching Clerics grow as he silently bestowed them. Even watching the fall of some becoming corrupted with their greed of power. Were he took his gift from them so they could see their wrongs. As time passed as he studied them, beginning to understand the love Aeriel had for the people in Aegis. Seeing their suffering as they lost their world, many cleric still prayed for protection under their Aengul whom could not hear their pleas.



Then he gave them dreams came to those saw worthy on their first night in Anthos. Upon these dreams were visited by a Golden Stag. A symbol of purity. It would seek out those who remained faithful and pure. He placed in their minds the tale of their sudden return of their gift in Auslon, and how their faith to Aeriel had impressed Tahariae, and he had bestowed them their gifts. The regal Stag, mysterious and strong told them of Tahariae wanting to be their patron and protect the people from evil and keep their souls pure. But if they broke their bond, he could not forgive them as his preachers. But forgive them as lambs lost of the flock. -



Tahariae, as a patron, has small orders of Clerics. They must follow his faith, if they become corrupted or turn to a different Patron, they lose all of their gifts, and remembrance of what they once knew of magic. They cannot return to being a Cleric if the bond breaks between them and their faith. Tahariae has a set that Master Clerics, the strongest bond in faith, lead his over all his Clerics. The Clerics have different areas those whom preach, or protect, or those whom heal. Only Veterans may become Master Clerics, and only three can be entitled with this at a time.


Tahariae Favor

[*] Shelter and protect thy brethren.

[*] Cannot stray from thy faith.

[*] Shall guide the lost.

[*] Shall not kill, harm, or spill the blood of the innocence

[*] Abuse of thine gift and punishment will fall to you.






What would happen to All Clerics who leave the Order Or break the Code.



If any are to Break the Code of Tahariae their powers will slowly start to fade away and thier souls will be scared never again to learn Clerical or any divine magic. But if Any are to harm or kill the Innocent and pure, the Patron of Purity will immediately remove his blessing from the Cleric causing great pain and and misery on the now lost cleric, forever scarred by the patron for breaking the code.



The Ranks



•Leader Of the Order•



-Prophet: The leader of the clerics. The prophet is very close to all the patrons and extremely close to his specific patron. Is called the Prophet because the Patrons occasionally speak to him of things to come.



•Cleric Ranks•



-Pupil: A Pupil either attending classes taught by the High Cleric or a Teacher Cleric. Or is being taught their skills on the field under the wing of a Cleric or Higher.



-Cleric: A cleric is blessed by his patron and carries a golden staff to spread the light of the patrons to all of Aegis. Before a Pupil becomes a Clerc the Prophet must give him the blessing of his patron.



-Master Clerics:  Three Chosen by the Prophet each one is master in some aspect of Clerical magic,  either it be healing, Combat or healing. And each one shall be stationed in One nation to keep relations good and to keep the area pure and safe from harm. But shall not get into wars and battles of that nation in the name of the Order.



-High Cleric: A cleric shown to be extremely dedicated. These are the officers and the teachers. The High Clerics have grown very close to there specific patron and as a result have even more power from them. A high cleric can mentor disciples and pupils but that is not his main job. ((Must be more dedicated to order than any other job. Also, must show excellent RP and good knowledge of how to play a cleric))



•Paladin Ranks•



-Protector :{. A Brand New fighters who wants to learn even more and hopefully become a A veteran Guardian one day. They must spend much time under the training of a Teacher, High Paladin, or the Prophet.



-Guardian : These are warrior clerics. They spend less time in prayer and more time in physical training. While still close to their patron a Paladin often will not raise much farther in the ranks due to not being able to dedicate as much time to becoming closer to his patron as other clerics. A Guardian must be able to wield a Steel [Diamond] sword or better



-High Guardian: A paladin who wants to help others learn of their patrons and hone thier paladin skills. Instructors are in charge of mentoring Trainees and Seekers. Dedicate more time to training new clerics rather than traveling abroad. Teachers give out most of the trials as the High Paladin, and Prophet often send Pupils to them.







Magic of Faith•





-Healing Magic



1) Minor Healing: Basic cuts and bruises. (Clerics, Paladins, Disciples, some War Clerics)



2) Healing: Sprains, Strains, and Broken Bones. Helping stop basic nightmares, bringing peace of mind to stressed people (High Clerics, Teachers, some War Clerics)



3) Major Healing: Can Regenerate body parts. Heal mental illness. (Prophet, and High Clerics, Teachers, and War Clerics that have practiced a lot)



-Prayer Magic



This kind of magic is things like bringing peace of mind, casting out demons, etc. For this use discretion. Don't go overpowered, use your heads when doing this type of magic. This has some limited fighting abilities against evil but again think about what you can actually do.



-Battle Magic



This Magic, like the others, requires a lot of practice.



-Battle Spells(Clerics)



1)Light of the palm. Call a light from the palm of your hand to daze your enemy. After much practice can inflict temporary blindness.

Very basic things like this are what you get until being taught advanced battle spells by the Prophet. These are not meant for actual combat more as a means of defense if you need to flee or need time to pull a weapon.



-Advanced Spells ( Only the Prophet can properly teach them. And only to Be Taught to High ranking clerics. The Prophet may teach the High Clerics on how to teach this properly. If not only the Current Prophet may teach it.)



1)Heavenly Smite: Call down light from the sky to blind enemy[Not 100% chance]

Emote: *Calls down a light from the heavens, attempting to blind ________]



2)Orb of Light [Leads to Orb spells]

Emote: *'s eyes narrow, as an orb of light appears in hands



Orb Spells:

•Emote: *throws the orb at _______, attempting to knock them back.



•Emote: *takes the orb and flails it around like a sword



•Emote: *'s orb begins spinning rapidly, turning into a evil cleansing ax



•Emote *'s Orb begins to expand over their arm and form a Shield made of light adsorbing magical attack. They may only adsorb magical attacks if it is lesser or equal to their own. If a more powerful one is taken the shield will shatter and the caster will have a feint period of frailness.



3)Holy Shackles:

Things like shackles of light and advanced prayer magic as well.

Advanced Battle Spells are intended more for actual RP combat instead of just giving you time to run or pull a weapon



OOC Applications



[[Clerics are Recruited in Rp as of now the App has been Removed]]






[[Guardians of the New recruits who are the swords and shields of the Non Fighting Clerics]]

1.) Mc and Rp Name:



2.) You Arms of Protection and you skill? [[Weapon and Skill level]]



3.) Do you swear to use your Arms to protect the people of the Order,the Innocent and the Patrons of the faiths?:



4.) Any Military like past?:



5.) Reasoning for joining

What If you want to Learn Other Magic?

Just because you join this guild doesn't mean that magic is gone. However, as the magic this guild has comes from a different source and is, actually, a completely different kind of magic, you can no longer learn the other magic. For example, if you are a mage and you join this guild you can no longer train your mage skills. Also, as you grow stronger in Clerical Magic you will become less and less attached to the source of you mage/shaman/druid magic which means if you were a master of Mage magic by the time you become a master of Cleric magic you won't be able to do Mage magic. Basically, better you cleric magic, worse your other magic. This is to prevent people from being OP. The only magic this doesn't effect is enchanting magic of items, unless it was evil enchantments. This is because the Patrons can give you the ability to imbue things with their power. Basically if you could "enchant a sword" now you can "bless the sword". But again, the blessing's power is equal to your ability with clerical magic. Just think before using it.

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-Resevered and I know the Colors broke fixing them now then this post will be filled in as well.-

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(( I must say bravo on the Patron rework. I would be honored to put in all available time and effort to the guild if you will still have me and again I am terribly sorry about my absence life just seemed to catch up on me.))

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((I thought this was inactive...))

[[Who ever stated that clearly lied, as I have stated on the old post and even a seperate Rp post the Prophet was going MIA to bascily rp start the reform for 3.0 several times and was told to multiple people as well, And please everyone keep OOC to a minium on the thread.


(( I must say bravo on the Patron rework. I would be honored to put in all available time and effort to the guild if you will still have me and again I am terribly sorry about my absence life just seemed to catch up on me.))

[[reply on the rp thread in the Roleplay section to Notfiy the Prophet Icly you wish to continue being a cleric, all Clerics of the order must do this to keep thier powers due to Patron change and only 1 current patron aviable and a rolecall, all inactive for OOC reasons are excused to this until they contact me OOCly. And Shoi should be thanked for the New Patron, she made it and only allowed me to add in slight edits to make it easier to work with ^.^]]

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As you pass through Salvus or Oren your eyes are drawn to the numerous posters and heralds talking of a wedding between some Stafyr noble and a White Rose. Normally you wouldn't be so bothered by this, but your eyes/ears are caught when the poster/herald mention that all members and associates of the Clerical Order are invited to the wedding as personal guests of the bride.


Listening closely you hear the name of the bride as 'Leana Stafyr'... Perhaps this is worth investigating?



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Word reaches you of a human noblewoman who has been quite persistent in her attempts to find the Clerics named Leana Stafyr. Deciding to look into this a little deeper you discover that this is not the first time she has tried; she apparently travelled to Malinor seven years ago in search of Clerical representatives and spent the best part of the long years on Elysium and Kalos in search of former Clerics.


Upon finding an old poster in the streets of Salvus you find that she also invited the entire Clerical Order to her wedding a few weeks ago, although from speaking to the Church priests you find that no-one purporting to be a Cleric attended. She certainly appears to be persistent in the face of adversity.


Now it appears that she's actively searching for the Clerical Order once more, reaching out using family contacts and promises of monetary rewards for tangible information.


I've been trying to join or at least find the Clerics for the past few weeks and I've decided to get a little more pro-active about it. Judging by the distinct lack of activity on this thread and the lack of presence on the server I assume that the guild has either disbanded or is otherwise inactive. If this isn't the case I'd appreciate a reply. Even if the guild has disbanded, I would appreciate any contact from any practicing Cleric to my overtures.

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I've been trying to join or at least find the Clerics for the past few weeks and I've decided to get a little more pro-active about it. Judging by the distinct lack of activity on this thread and the lack of presence on the server I assume that the guild has either disbanded or is otherwise inactive. If this isn't the case I'd appreciate a reply. Even if the guild has disbanded, I would appreciate any contact from any practicing Cleric to my overtures.



I'm going to be honest, I myself am dissapointed at the order.
I complained before, tried to solve things in rp but was told "Things will get better come 3.0!"
Well we have been here for a while now and besides some new threads nothing has happened.
Therefore I think that it is safe to say that this guild is inactive, if you want to learn cleric magic contact Braxis and see if something can be done about it


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*A bird flutters by the leader, Drops a note and flutters off, the note reads...


"Where is this place of so called clerics? The ideal intrigues me..."


It is signed in what appears to be straight  cephalopod ink, scrawled is the name 'Zulrich Castlereigh'

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[[Already, My  Irl issues should be resolved for now so I have time to keep the Order running again, But as a heads up if More tasks are given out and ingored again and the prophet poofs, don't complain :P]]


The Prophet sits in the Frozen Tundra taking a deep breath in smiling "Feels like home..." he looks to the left and right as he removes his helmet resting it by the fire as he kneels down muttering a silent prayer to Tahariae.  As he finishes he stands and places his helmet back on as he walks into his tent as the wind rages against the tent. He sits down and slowly writes, as the night goes by he finishes a letter for the last few clerics and pupils. He walks back to the roads to the nearest coop of birds and begins to send a few off. He nods to himself as he walks back to the tent the message stating the following.



Greetings Brothers and Sisters of faith and purity. It has come that we have set our feet upon the ground and get back into our ways of old and ways of new that are to come. Come and seek me, Braxis, Prophet and War Cleric. Our new lands are cold and bitter but our faith with keep us strong and warm. A building shall be arisen soon so come to aid in its building. The pupils from before are to come as well."


-Clerical Prophet Braxis



[[All people who wished to become a Clerical Pupil resend your letters of wishing to join. My Character can rply receive letters once again]]

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*Rethu sits on the side of a path way, removes his hood, taking a deep breath, he withdraws some ink, a feather, and a piece of parchment from his satchel, starting to write on the piece of parchment*

"Dear The Clerical Order, I, Rethu, have become interested in joining your order and becoming a pupil. Thank you for reading, please reply. ~Rethu"

*The letter ends, Rethu reaching his hand into a small bird cage, pulling out a bird, he attaches the letter to its talons and sending it off into the dark night sky. Rethu stands up, continuing down the path with hopes of reaching Salvus by dawn, humming to himself*

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A bird arrives with a letter bearing the green wax seal of House Stafyr. The letter appears to be rather old, at least a year or more, but the writing is legible.


"Greetings. I, Leana of House Stafyr, daughter of Brenton, third grandcousin to Marquis Godwein Stafyr, and wife to Ser Edmond Brunswick of the Order of the White Rose, humbly express my wish to join your holy order and study the art of clerical healing. I have sought this path for many years now and have never once given up on my search. I pray that you consider me worthy enough for this honour."

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*Jaden scribbles on a slightly tattered piece of paper, the back side of some old flier, the ink long since eaten away by time. The message is written in a light black dye, seemingly that of diluted squid ink.*

"To whom this may concern, I have seeking the clerical order for some time and believe it is the correct time to contact you. It has been a goal in my life to learn the way of the clerics, and I hope this soon to be fulfilled. Thank you, ~Jaden"

*Seemingly proud of himself, the lone Mali'ker folds the letter thrice, tying it together with a strip of ribbon and whistling as a small black sparrow flies from a nearby tree onto his hand. "Find them" he whispers as he attaches the message, and sends the animal off. Watching him go, Jaden shoulders his pack, eyes shining red in the light as he walks off towards Salvus.*

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*Rethu sits on the side of a path way, removes his hood, taking a deep breath, he withdraws some ink, a feather, and a piece of parchment from his satchel, starting to write on the piece of parchment*

"Dear The Clerical Order, I, Rethu, have become interested in joining your order and becoming a pupil. Thank you for reading, please reply. ~Rethu"

*The letter ends, Rethu reaching his hand into a small bird cage, pulling out a bird, he attaches the letter to its talons and sending it off into the dark night sky. Rethu stands up, continuing down the path with hopes of reaching Salvus by dawn, humming to himself*



A bird arrives with a letter bearing the green wax seal of House Stafyr. The letter appears to be rather old, at least a year or more, but the writing is legible.


"Greetings. I, Leana of House Stafyr, daughter of Brenton, third grandcousin to Marquis Godwein Stafyr, and wife to Ser Edmond Brunswick of the Order of the White Rose, humbly express my wish to join your holy order and study the art of clerical healing. I have sought this path for many years now and have never once given up on my search. I pray that you consider me worthy enough for this honour."



*Jaden scribbles on a slightly tattered piece of paper, the back side of some old flier, the ink long since eaten away by time. The message is written in a light black dye, seemingly that of diluted squid ink.*


"To whom this may concern, I have seeking the clerical order for some time and believe it is the correct time to contact you. It has been a goal in my life to learn the way of the clerics, and I hope this soon to be fulfilled. Thank you, ~Jaden"


*Seemingly proud of himself, the lone Mali'ker folds the letter thrice, tying it together with a strip of ribbon and whistling as a small black sparrow flies from a nearby tree onto his hand. "Find them" he whispers as he attaches the message, and sends the animal off. Watching him go, Jaden shoulders his pack, eyes shining red in the light as he walks off towards Salvus.*


The Prophet sits in his tent looking at each letter that was sent to him the wind of the frozen tundra howling agasint his tent he reads each one carefully before writing a response. Once finished he walks to the nearest Dwarf Hold to send each one off to the three people. Each one stating the following.


"Greetings Children of the light if the wishes to learn the might of the Clerics and thier wisdom in healing then three tasks must be completed, then a oath to the order must be taken. But be warned the Oath will bind ye to the Order and The Patrons if they are wronged all powers will be removed. And all other oaths will be dwarfed to this one. If ye still wish to learn Clerical Arts meet me in one Elven week at the Crossroads of the Four nations."


[Next Saturday there will be a Ingame meeting for future pupils. Time will be announced soon most likely afternoon in the EST timezone.]]

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