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[Playable] Ghosts And You!



96 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see spooky ghosties in Anthos?

    • Aww yeah.
    • Needs more work. (Post suggestions please?)
    • No. (Post reasons please?)

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I would REALLY like to see this in Lotc and to help along with it....maybe, I saw a video of a map made by sethbling where everyone is invisible, BUT you can see you teamates. If someone can figure out how to replicate that into vanilla (cause the whole map was vanilla) then the players can have a "ghostly" appearance to them.

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I'm wondering when I might get some more feedback from the Lore Team? I'm very excited to get working on this and I'd like to hear what the Lore Team decides.

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I would just like to wonder, if a soul, spirit or 'ghost' on how you place it. Could one of these be a lich from afterlife if the soulgem breaks the soul/spirit/ghost is realized back into the floating realm. Is it possible for them to become a ghost or do the people have to be living?.

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As I'm aware the price for eternal life as a mortal is no afterlife (i.e. As I'm aware the lich lore states one can't be a spirit or have any 'heavenly' death as one simply ceases to be as a lich). At least when I read the phylactery lore that seemed to be what it said.

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I would state one thing quickly, the phylactery or 'soul gem' lore you read was only a piece of the set... Now what I am referring to as a soul would be a spirit or a ghost, since.






They are just other words to describe the other.

Although when the phylactery breaks yes, the soul is scattered although their are snippets missing from everyone that I cannot open to the public... although it can be possible that a mage or greater it power to collect the soul all together again and that could make a ghost as stated here with reasons... although that is why I am asking the lore creator if that is possible, Kalenz if you wish for further information I can tell you privately.

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I'm wondering when I might get some more feedback from the Lore Team? I'm very excited to get working on this and I'd like to hear what the Lore Team decides.

Good madame, you must mark you lore as [Complete] in the title before anyone reviews it! Read ol' Lago's thread!


ttwesten -snip-


I will quote Blundermore if you decide not to believe me: "If the artifact is destroyed, the lich loses its' last mortal coil to our world. Without a mortal coil, a soul would merely phase out and pass on".
If that does not suffice I will note I've seen the appropriate lich lore myself, it was shown to us by Blundermore after he received it from the responsible individual. It confirmed this... I'm not making things up.
To be honest I don't even think lich lore should be secret anymore since there are no liches left and secrecy is irrelevant and just an excuse to make things up.
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I will not be returning to this post about lich matters, please try to send me a PM if you wish to further discuss, thank you.

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I'm always in favor of interesting and unique roleplay concepts, and this is exactly that. Implementing this could only improve overall server roleplay and open up many new avenues of it.

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Still waitin' on that feedback.


And yeah, I agree with Kalenz. I don't really think liches should get double chances at "un-life" as it were. I think you should only pick one type of "coming back from the dead."

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The only reason this hasn't recieved any negative votes is because it says "Absolutely No" (rather than just 'No'), or that this is so good that no-one is against it.

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Editing post so the wording is less problematic. :) If people want to say no, they can now say no in the fashion of their choosing.

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Poltergeist List of Abilities

-May float

-May shift appearances (usually to something frightening)

-May interact with the physical world via scratching, throwing objects, destroying objects

-May shift between visible/invisible

-Gives off a soft red glow


Spectre List of Abilities

-May float

-May shift appearances

-May shift between visible/invisible

-Can interact with environment in a limited way, such as opening doors.

-Gives off a soft blue glow


NO EVOLUTION OF GHOST CAN PHASE THROUGH WALLS. Because that is overpowered and could be abused.

In my opinion, the ability to turn visible/invisible seems more OP than the ability to shift through walls. But that's just my opinion. As long as ghosts are neutral beings, I see no issue with them having the powers given. What I don't want to see is a ghost sitting in the middle of a meeting of let's say, Oren, and going back and telling the Elves what happened. I don't think anyone would do this, but I do not want to see this happen.


An issue I have seen with creatures like Frost Witches, Liches, and the like, is that they tend to act completely different than they should.  And I don't want to see this happen with Ghosts. (Not that Frosties are Liches are bad, I still love them to death, but we have made some missteps with how we work)


I understand the Lore Team is taking jurisdiction over this, but I'd be willing to help you, Urara, set up a Magical System for the Ghosts. I know you want to keep a tight leash on ghosts, and I'd like to help with  that. Just let me know if you want it.

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Overall I like the lore, but there is one issue I have. I've seen dozens of statuses and posts about how people say they will use this to make a ghost of their permakilled character. Because in essence, this lore gives them that power - to make a dead character interactable again. I feel many players, especially veteran ones, already are or will be drawn to this lore. You did mention the requirement for "Ghost Applications", but that only weeds out players who would abuse that power. How do you propose to limit the number of ghosts themselves? Otherwise, I can imagine a day in Salvus where I see ten ghosts of permakilled characters.

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Overall I like the lore, but there is one issue I have. I've seen dozens of statuses and posts about how people say they will use this to make a ghost of their permakilled character. Because in essence, this lore gives them that power - to make a dead character interactable again. I feel many players, especially veteran ones, already are or will be drawn to this lore. You did mention the requirement for "Ghost Applications", but that only weeds out players who would abuse that power. How do you propose to limit the number of ghosts themselves? Otherwise, I can imagine a day in Salvus where I see ten ghosts of permakilled characters.


My guess is that for the first few weeks, a ton of people will play ghosts. After that, it'll die down to a smaller core group. Just my guess, but I think that tends to be how new things work in the community.

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