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Status Updates posted by Nozgoth

  1. I miss you bro

    1. JuliusAakerlund


      Miss you too bro ❤

  2. I remember being excited about my first 20 rep

    1. Nug


      rep only counted when you could -1 ppl

  3. I was reading a certain post, and deemed it necessary to remind you all that this is BLOCK GAME PRETEND

    Edited by Nozoa
    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Live by the craft die by the craft

    2. CorweenieTheJedi


      do I detect coping and seething?

  4. I would participate but I am reformed

  5. if anyone needs rp posts or any sort of writing done, hit my discord Grungoth-Gung#5616

    I can show some of my previous work and we can work out a price

    1. Nozgoth


      (i'm very cheap)

  6. if you would like to read a poem I wrote, please dm me @ Grungoth-Gung#5616

    Edited by Nozoa
  7. im floating

  8. im just gonna start lorebreaking and doing whatever I want

    1. alexmagus


      i started doing this a LONG time ago............. its super fun......... you should try it............

  9. im so excited to log on today and kill all musin on sight

    1. Statherian


      This, this I can get behind

    2. Xx_BloodStalk_xX
  10. imagine being a toxposter

  11. imagine the server shut down permanently for the 10 year anniversary

    1. rukio


      Please, I beg for the end

    2. HurferDurfer1


      dont get my hopes up

    3. latte
  12. It has been one year since I posted my wonk rewrite. THE DEAD DO NOT FORGET

    Edited by Nozgoth
  13. It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.

  14. it's weird how whenever I come back here, nothing has changed at all

    1. Gemini


      It never does, lotc is stationary 

    2. Neviah


      lotc moment tbh

    3. Hunnic


      lotcers try not to be pessimistic challenge (impossible)

  15. its kinda comical how both sides think they won

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      makes for an interesting story I tell I guess

  16. its time to wake up, the covid-19 vaccine is a ploy by the government who controls the puppets known as ‘world leaders’.

    1. Sorcerio


      Yes, we must rise above the lizard men 

    2. Nozgoth
  17. just making sure, I'm not the only one who still uses classic theme for the forums? bravo 6 is dog

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. _Sug


      always rocking classic

    3. Sorcerio


      Yeah bravo 6 just kills my vibe tbh... can't format well on it 

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      i like bravo6 b/c i think the grey color scheme is better than the bright blues of classic

  18. l e t . g o . m y . h a n d

  19. listen to this banger plz:



    1. TreeSmoothie


      unironically a banger

  20. look at the vote. can we ban sexual FTBing now? it is clear what the server wants

    1. Crevel



      Admin protocol is that all the admins have to vote on rule changes. Look at who voted no and tell me if you think it'll happen.

    2. Scuba


      Telanir, please raise the server to 18+ so I can start a brothel business. Just a side note, I find Andrew Tate really inspirational. 

    3. Unwillingly



  21. lop luara


    1. Inferno_Ougi


      you make me mad with this status update, nozoa

  22. LOTC almost in the 1900s! Time to rp WW1!

    1. Shorsand


      NOZCON 2022 WHEN?????

    2. Nozgoth
    3. Panashea


      will you play your orc then

  23. Make a monkey-man.

    Hou-Zi gang

    1. _Jandy_


      yo word?

      yall have a new group or something?

    2. Buru


      Naw, he made a new culutre for the hou-zi

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