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Everything posted by NLThomas

  1. After giving it a good read, quite solid lore. Really well done as usual.
  2. From a lonely tower between Elysium and Vortice a elf utters to himself while reading over the missive. Slightly raising a brow with the bold claims and even bolder acts, done by Azdrazi or not did not matter. "Wonderful, a fight between two idiots. Entertaining at least perhaps?" The elf asked the jar upon his desk, within it a small mushroom man starring at him with black bead eyes, the elf starring back with a tired gaze. The awkward silence falls in the room with which the elf makes a dismissive gesture "ah like you know anything about it."
  3. A certain elf stumbled upon the flyer upon his long journey. Lightly humming, the elf his gaze flows over the paper as the wind blows the cloak back. "Curious... worth a visit if not for the potion" The elf hums to himself, carrying on with his journey shortly after.
  4. NLThomas

    The Link

    a curious elf stumbles upon the odd scrap of paper laying there upon the ground. The curious gaze flows over the paper. A few soft whispers by the mad man were spoken, quiet, barely audible from the lonely tower within the west "o'snake... o'snake, how curious". Those whispers were shortly followed by a laugh, growing louder to then fall quiet, it was now all quiet expect for that cold wind, flowing past the trees.
  5. A certain elf hears of the passing of the old Barclay. He scratches his chin a bit with a light hum "I wonder what he did with that cloak I gifted him back in Arcas... oh well"
  6. From the lonely tower near Elysium and Talons Port, the soft humming of a mage comes. The missive was left outside this lonely tower and so the mage receives the message. Kallian his gaze flows over the paper, a frown forming upon his expression with the missing of his friend. "Those who treat me with kidness, I will repay that kidness ten folds... And those, that treat me with injustice, those who hurt my friends. I shall repay that injustice a thousand times over."
  7. The mage on his lonely stroll through the lands for the past year takes notice of the missive. The elf scholar removes his hood to then rip the missive from the board and hums with his eyes gazing over the paper. Hanging it back up. "About time llir, about time..." He spoke, giving the owl upon his shoulder a gentle pat and lifting his hood back up, carrying on with his journey.
  8. You can, just don't need alchemy for it anymore. You can now just grab beardweed from a herb node although it is a bit rare. Anyways that out of the way, what is the biggest change you have noticed between now and back then?
  9. I too love going back to spawn to grab a bunch of wood to then wait on my soul stone to recharge... finally returning to the place I need decorated and then find out I'm short on like one block of that wood. 10/10 system, love it.
  10. "Sounds more like he needs a hobby" he mumbled to himself as the elf reads over the missive. Eventually coming to a conclusion "... ****, I need a hobby"
  11. Kallian Syrivir reads over the missive from his lonely tower just outside Talons. A rather indifferent expression upon the elfs face while humming upon reading the death of the cities leader "Hmm... well never liked her much anyways" The elf mumbled to himself to then lightly chuckle, putting the piece of paper away.
  12. While quite interesting, I do wonder how you wanna make the Harpies Message work mechanically. Seeing it should reach 100 blocks but of course we are limited to 50 with shout.
  13. This is a whole different issue with house magic taking up a slot which just shouldn't.
  14. Remove both from transfig and make it a 1 slot magic I beg of you
  15. Most potions aren't that strong to begin with imo so I don't really see this as a necessary nerf. Kinda feels a bit too aggresive of a beat down on voidal mages who are in fact the most used magic on the server.
  16. What is your favorite build made ever? Or well one you helped build.
  17. Very cool concept and I very much like the lore even with its few flaws here and there. Gladly give my input at a later time when not exhausted, feel free to DM me at any point, gotta love me more voidal magic.
  18. 1. How long have you been playing your character, and how have they changed and developed RPly? Have been playing my character for over a year now. Kallian has gone from a cranky and annoyed young elf to a more broken and layed back man as he does not get worked up that easily anymore. But even with this, he is a bit spiteful and jealous sometimes towards others and is manipulative when he needs something done. Kallian always strives to learn more for in his eyes, knowledge is power. 2. What are some small nuances or details in your character that might not be so obvious to other players upon interaction? For example, I often use the hand movements of my snow elf to express certain metaphors or his state of mind. My character always hums to himself while walking around from place to place with his hands always resting behind his back. The humming is a tune that is comforting to himself and reminds him of a better past. 3. Does / Did your character have a strong bond with another character that you found to be memorable based on what it was founded on? (Characters who had a brotherly relationship, romantic, rivalry, etc.) When Kallian was young, he once got injured by some bandits on a road in Arcas. He made his way over to the clinic of Sutica where he encountered a medic, Leyu. There he passed out and woke up being tended to his wounds. Leyu and Kallian eventually started dating, got a child and married. While it was great for the both of them, over the years the two slowly became broken through events in their life and became more spiteful towards each other. They broke up on many occasions, divorced, fought and at times hurted each other. They never really expected to get back together at one point but they tried and didn't really fail because they fought, but because Kallian could not see it work anymore. Now they have just become friends, no romance and they are both happier now. Visiting their daughter and helping out with making dinner. 4. What's the most badass thing your character has ever done? Kallian has traveled straight to the Nether at one occasion where he explored beyond what any other person has done before with his group. Fought tons of creatures, traveled to some different realms and at one occasion talked a Barrowlord, big dark magic spook boss, into leaving Kallian alive after walking straight into their lair. 5. Character Art? https://imgur.com/a/CqpVcCL
  19. OOC ((MC Name: NLThomas )) ((Discord: NLThomas#4337 )) ((Timezone: GMT+1 )) IN-CHARACTER What is your name? Kallian Syrivir Why seek membership to the Mages Guild? I'm a fairly advanced practicioner of the arts and seek to learn more, in practice or theory. What arts, if any, do you currently practice? Translocation, transfiguration, fire evocation, conjuration, alchemy. What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance? / When should you be contacted for an interview? Whenever works for me.
  20. Jack Reynolds grins from the Seven Skies, proud to see the Brotherhood return once more.
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