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Everything posted by Javert

  1. Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric could be seen jogging throughout Varhelm square in preparation for the next match. Rumor has it he was heard chanting as he ran. "Berserkers ballin'...Berserkers ballin'..."
  2. Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric cheers rather loudly as the Berserkers win their first game! "Hah, there'll be more where that came from!"
  3. Where is the Hyspian/Arenisca team?!?! @CharmingCavalier

  4. "Oh damn...this is going to be interesting." said Prince Ragnvald Ruric as he read the missive from his home of Eiriksgrad. Antonius Barclay spat out his beer as he read the missive from Reinmar, a frown forming on his face. "Sheisse, mayhaps they also intend to raid Haense!" Javier de Pelear, Baron of Arenisca and a vassal of Urguan, began to quietly panic to himself. "Mierda, Mierda, Mierda! ¡Ni siquiera me di cuenta de que tal situación estaba a la mano!"
  5. Rolf the Peasant, a Myrine Serf, doesn't know how to read the missive! Regardless, he's proud to be serving under his lord Cyrus Mareno!
  6. If you're gonna make a warclaim fort, at least make it look good and like a proper fort rather than a literal lunchbox
  7. The Barony of Arenisca "Firme en Armas" Declaración de formación: On this day, the 5th of the Sun's Smile, 47 SA, the de Pelear family does hereby decree the formation of the Barony of Arenisca under the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Brought to life by Hyspians who formerly remained scattered across the realm of Almaris, Arenisca is a hub of Hyspian culture and history. Led by Javier de Pelear, the Areniscan Hyspians do declare that their Barony shall remain an open and free land for all Hyspians who seek to have a sense of belonging among their kin once more. Thanks to the Grand King of Urguan, the Areniscans have been able to settle on their lands bordering the old Vasiyevi state. As is expected of any Urguani vassal, Arenisca shall also answer the calls of Urguan should a time come when it is necessary. El noble gobierno: The Barony of Arenisca is firstly and most importantly governed by the Baron, who rules as an absolute monarch of the state. Beneath him, there are four key positions which have been established by the Baron to act as his representatives in each department, and who oversee a certain element in the Government. Hand of the Baron The Hand of the Baron acts as the Baron’s second in command and is his most trusted advisor. This position, modeled off the Hyspian Kingdom’s former position of Hand of the Crown, is often given to a person of extreme intellect, or to the Baron’s heir in order to prepare him for administrative duties. Head Medic of Arenisca A self-explanatory position. This position is designed to oversee all of Arenisca’s medical proceedings, and is given to those who possess key knowledge in medical aspects. The Head Medic also oversees the Baronial Clinic, which serves as Arenisca’s all-purpose hospital. Capitán de la Guardia Traditionally, the armed forces of the Kingdom of Hyspia’s estates were managed by the Monarch themselves, or the Hand of the Crown. However, Arenisca finds it necessary to create the position of Capitán. The position shall oversee all military aspects of Arenisca with Baronial oversight, and is second only to the Hand of the Baron in the chain of command. Supervisor de Moneda Yet another self-explanatory role. The Supervisor is in charge of the Barony’s treasury, and is expected to report the Barony’s financial status to the Baron himself. This was a duty previously held by the Head Steward of Hyspia, which is a role that was not carried over to the Areniscan state. Castillo Arenisca: The castle of Arenisca itself is a moderately-sized keep built primarily of sandstone brought from the lands of the south. Having employed skilled builders, Arenisca has built itself a cozy little enclave for any who wish to come and reside within its walls. Plans have also been made to possibly expand the keep, should overpopulation burden the Barony. [!] A few displays of the castle are shown below! Signed, Javier de Pelear, Baron of Arenisca
  8. "Hmph, it is a trick. The Svarlings wish to see how desperate we are for peace, then take advantage to throw themselves at us. It is a tactic the Skanarri used when I was a child, and no doubt the Svarlings are not above such tactics either. There can be no peace with the Svarlings, so long as any Norlander is left standing." Ragnvald released a hefty sigh after his brief monologue, and began his journey to the Hearth Temple so he could find some peace in this time of great strife.
  9. "Hmph, does this bastard get a kick out of other people's relationships? Hell, go get drunk or something if you want to be 'quirky' rather than insult my kin!" roared the outraged Antonius Barclay as he tossed the paper into the firepit and then proceeded to go find his cousin @Ziggitee.
  10. Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric raises his hand up in one final salute for the High Keeper, whom had been a key religious figure in the young Ruric's life ever since he was able to comprehend religion. He had been told stories of the Camian, the wars she fought, the ceremonies she performed. He never got to truly know her, hell the only interaction he often had with the High Keeper was him throwing grapes at her when he was a young lad. Ragnvald chuckled at the memory with a sigh as he turned to look at the firepit of his residence. "Iron from Ice, Alisa Camian. You lived a legend, yet died at peace."

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. monkeypoacher
    3. Laeonathan


      let's have another run at freebuild, this time it will work, no worries!

    4. monkeypoacher


      let's have another 8000x80000 worldpainter aneurysm map with charters, we've never tried that before! :O

  12. An amused Prince Ragnvald Eiriksson turns to his favorite Edvardsson cousin. "Imagine the fit she will have when she learns humans can do it as well!" @Qaz_The_Great
  13. Ragnvald turned and nodded to Alric "That they are. Quite frankly, I would love to see the Mali'fenn wrip the others a new one, especially those imperial elves. After all, from what I have seen, the Ivae'fenn are the most ferocious fighting force of the Elven realms."
  14. "I always knew those Mali'fenn were fuckin' cool." said Prince Ragnvald, who had always been a fan of the elves to the north!
  15. Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric saves the date of the funeral. He, along with assumably the rest of Norland, wished to see the former King off.
  16. Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric had been raised on the stories of kings of the past, and Halvar too was one of them. He had grown up learning about how Halvar had led Norland to repel the Inferi invasion, and had fought Oren during the Sutican war. In Ragnvald's mind, Halvar was just as much a hero as the rest of the glorious past Kings, worthy of being among Javier 'the undefeated' and Caedric 'the reclaimer'. And thus, the Eiriksson mourned. He mourned for the lost hero of Norland, who had died with honor. In his residence north of Varhelm, Ragnvald uttered softly in memory of the former King. "Iron from Ice, King Halvar."
  17. Henry Bishop feels a sudden and potent pain pierce his chest as he senses more drama involving his bloodline. He roared out in pain as he watched his descendants yet again do more to his legacy. Meanwhile, Henry's skygod was also screeching in pain due to the document being in All Bold. (No hate OOCly to anybody of course)
  18. "Utterly based!" said Prince Ragnvald Eiriksson upon reading the missive. "More clans for Norland."
  19. Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric, whomst had also read the contents of the letter, nods in agreement with Alric. "If my encounter with the Svarlings is anything to go off of, we cannot fight them alone or without cooperation with the other northern realms. I say we heed the call."
  20. Somewhere in the afterlife, a certain Hali Kvitravn watched Amicia arrive with a grin on his face. "Heh, now Oi can bully yeh again ey?" The Kvitravn laughed for just a moment, then released a solemn sigh.
  21. The Hyspian People An artist's interpretation of the Hyspian migration into the Wildlands Historia The Foundation The foundations of Hyspia began a long time ago. They find their roots in the great northern mountains of Arcas, where their tribe temporarily migrated from place to place in search of a land to call their own. For years, the Hyspians searched, and for years, they could only find the cold harsh lands that made farming impossible. That is, until the rise of a certain man. Cesar de Rivera, born to insignificant parents of an insignificant family, had become the new leader of the Hyspian people. He saw their struggle for land, and this time rather than look east or north, he looked west. In the west, Cesar discovered a ripe, almost untouched land by the major realms of Arcas. This land, which was known to the other kingdoms as the Wildlands, would become the salvation of the Hyspian people. After a brief surveying of the land, Cesar determined that the Hyspians would settle in the center of the Wildlands. Here, the land was fertile and could be farmed, but was also high enough in elevation to give them natural protection should they come under attack. In this land, the Hyspians constructed the very first Hyspian settlement, Tierra Natal. A Royal portrait of King Cesar de Rivera, circa 1793 An Artist’s interpretation of Tierra Natal, first capital of Hyspia Tierra Natal was the first settlement any Hyspians had ever established on their own. Because of this, the City was not the best designed, but it was a place the Hyspians could call their home. Farms were planted and maintained, cattle were herded, and people began to settle down and raise families of their own. Life in the settlement was relatively calm, and the Hyspians declared the creation of the Sovereign Barony of Hyspia. The peace lasted until the assault on a Hyspian citizen by a member of a local bandit group, which prompted Baron Cesar to declare war on the bandit group. The Hyspian-Bandit war began after Cesar issued the Declaration of Hyspian Nationalism, which both made Hyspia now a Kingdom, and simultaneously declared war on the bandits. The war raged on for five years, and only ended after the surprise assassination of King Cesar. The death of King Cesar threw the Hyspians into panic and disarray, as his death came unexpectedly and at a time of turmoil. Cesar’s son, Prince Antonio de Rivera, was whisked away to the Kingdom of Norland to be raised and protected there. Around this time, the continent of Arcas fell and the Hyspians were forced to hastily build a fleet and sail to Almaris along with the rest of the descendants. The Interregnum Era For many years at the beginning of descendant settlement of Almaris, the Hyspian people came under the lordship of an Osanoran named Antonio de Medina, who was meant to act as a sort of regent for the Hyspian people until Prince Antonio de Rivera could be recovered from Norland and brought to lead Hyspia. However, many Hyspians disliked working under de Medina, and a group known as the Hyspian Nationalists decided to bring the Prince out of exile early by kidnapping the young Prince from his protectors and bringing him to the city of Osanora. The Prince was welcomed by the Hyspian people with open arms, and began calling for the deposition of Medina. Eventually, Lord de Medina had all Hyspians exiled from Osanora, where they fled to the Kingdom of Norland to honor an agreement that King Cesar and King Halvar of Norland had made prior to the former’s demise. The Hyspian Schism Many Hyspians were immediately uncomfortable with the way that Prince Antonio settled into Norland, and several hardcore Canonist Hyspians grew concerned that he would be influenced and converted to the Norlandic red faith. Their worst fears were realized when Antonio was convinced by Caedric Edvardsson to convert to the red faith and was crowned by red faith law. This was too much for the Canonist Hyspians to bear, and they officially split from Hyspia and fled. This enraged the now King Antonio, who declared the Canonists to be traitors and rebels against the Hyspian crown. A Royal portrait of King Antonio de Rivera circa 1809 The Hyspian Schism was seen by many as a proxy war between the Red Faith and Canonism, while the Hyspians saw it as a civil war that led to the dividing and weakening of Hyspian unity. Ultimately, the Schism would lead to the execution of the leading Canonist Hyspian, Francisco Altamirano, who had tried to claim the crown from King Antonio. The execution of Francisco sparked the outrage of Canonist nations, who demanded the head of King Antonio. However, before he could be caught, King Antonio was killed in a final duel between himself and the very man who converted him, Caedric Edvardsson. It was not until another year later when the wife of King Antonio and the surviving relatives of Francisco Altamirano met to finally begin discussions about bringing an end to the Schism. They agreed that so long as the de Rivera family returned to Canonism, the rebels would rejoin Hyspia and recognize de Rivera rule. This finally brought an end to the schism, which had divided the Hyspians to their core and still continues to have a lasting effect in Hyspian politics. Hyspian Cultural Events The Hyspians, being their own distinct culture and people, have their own share of culturally significant events and celebrations that are very important to Hyspian society. While some Hyspian families may have their own individual traditions, there are a handful that the Hyspians as a whole share. The Quinceañera The Quinceanera is not an unfamiliar tradition to many. It serves as a coming of age for Hyspian women who, on their fifteenth birthday, celebrate the passage from girlhood to womanhood. Any and all friends of the family are invited, and the festivity is started with a religious ceremony where a present clergyman utters a quick prayer for the new adult, immediately followed by a dance with music performed by Mariachi hired by the family of the woman. Normally, the Father of the woman is allowed to dance with her first, then followed by any who wish to dance next. Food and drink is then served to the guests, and afterwards the Parents of the woman give a short speech before the dancing is resumed. Día de los Muertos The Dia de los Muertos, translated to Common as the “Day of the Dead”, is a significant Hyspian tradition wherein an entire day is taken off to celebrate the lives of lost loved ones. Most often, an Ofrenda (Translate: Altar) is built with an image of the loved one, decorated most commonly by Marigold flowers, Papel Picado, and Alfeniques. The Ofrenda is usually set up at the grave of the lost loved one, or at the residence of the loved one’s family. Offerings such as toys for children, alcohol for adults, and food (most specifically Bread, or Pan in Hyspanic), is left at the Ofrenda. Usually, a parade is hosted by all Hyspians where participants dress in traditional clothing and parade down the streets of their city while singing, shouting, and overall merriment. Bull Fighting A rather self-explanatory tradition. A Matador stands in an enclosed arena wearing traditional garb and wielding a red cloak and a sword. A Bull is then brought into the arena, where the red cloak provokes the Bull into charging the Matador. This goes on for some time until the Bull has tired enough for the Matador to finish it off with its sword, and afterwards the Bull’s body is taken and cooked for a feast. Attire and physical characteristics Hyspian attire can range widely depending on the wealth and social standing. While more wealthy Hyspians can afford more eloquent and traditional clothing, the more lower class Hyspians usually resort to wearing anything they can sew together. However, there are plenty of common clothing that many Hyspians will wear on a normal basis. As for physical characteristics, most Hyspians, who are apart of the Farfolk sub-race of human, often have tan skin ranging from very dark to light tan, have hair that can range from light brown to almost pure black, and usually have the eye colors of Brown, Black, or on rare occasion, Green. (Skin belongs to @Ziggitee) (Skin belongs to @ScarletFrisket, made by @wowsirss) (Skin made by @wowsirss, owned by @gronnravenn) (Skin made by @wowsirss) Behaviors The Hyspians are just like all other Humans. Their personalities and behaviors vary from Hyspian to Hyspian, however they most often do share common traits and behaviors. For example, the older Hyspians tend to be more prideful, straightforward, and ambitious. Though, one trait found in almost every Hyspian, is their pride in being a Hyspian. Rarely will you find a Hyspian who despises being born one, and rarely will you find a Hyspian who is not offended when their culture is insulted to their face. Other than that, the individual personalities resemble that of other humans, in that they vary greatly. OOC Note
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