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Everything posted by Puglord

  1. pog material for my ghost to work with, i would 100% make a bow from this if its accepted [and yes, more fancy wood, give me reason to do wood working ghost rp] +1
  2. A:How often can your ireheart even get in contact with the blue dwarf B:what was the oddest experience you’ve had. Be it an event that just seemed off or a persona that was 100% on crack
  3. Valannor, this is a godsend piece of lore. You’ve outdone yourself once again but please. Spikes are needed
  4. [!] a note reads 'do you do deals in knowledge? if so im willing to barter for something -a'
  5. Alviss stared at the missive, pausing as soon as he read his name as Alviss Moryvan and went to go on a rant to a certain Primarch about why his name was labeled as such, an angry dwarven scream being heard throughout Nor'asath saying "NETSEEEEEETH" (edit:) Few minutes later yet another angry roar echoed throughout the city as the dwarf was re-directed to the person who actually wrote the missive "QUDLIAAAAAAAHHHHHH WHERE IN ANEH GOD OR SPIRITS NAME ARE YE!"
  6. A wild dark dwarf coughs at a similar time, swearing he heard something before returning to his book*
  7. “…. Ah alreadeh miss norleh, Vandalism… fokkin ‘ell” Grumbled out a dark dwarf
  8. "Quid si quaestiones non habeo?" interrogavit pumilionum
  9. Honestly, its an alright idea but i think the way you're doing it is off, Ice is supposed to be learned at T3 and its unclear on if its a T2 or T3 spell, the main text says T2 and the first spoiler says T3, the ice weapon spell breaks that used bump in skill so it becomes more ice evo instead of water evo, bump it up to t3 if you do wish to really implement this. And it can be even clarified that you can pull off ice projectile as such as you're able to shape it later down the line into a dagger for example, and use it that way. T5: Two-handed weapons such as great-swords and Warhammers can be made AND Dual weapons can be wielded by the Evocationist, the dual weapons cannot be weapons of two-handed ones. (You cannot hold two Warhammers on one.) (Each require 3 emotes.) This part however, even the t4 version of this spell is iffy at best, as much as it would be nice, its redundant. Scions would be the only branch of mage that would get use out of this and its a t5 spell. Mages are weak physically, its the main voidal drawback. Even if its low density what mage in their right mind would get into melee range of someone? they're alot more effective at a range, So im one to agree with @_Leid, great idea and its nice to see someone trying to do something for water evo, but horrible execution due to the nature of voidal magic. Dry ice though is quite nice yet seems op, only things that I think should be clarified is this Dry Ice projectiles can pierce through armor as its quite vague, would it pierce full plate? chain mail? what kind of material would it be able to pierce? as of its current state its so vague its able to just be easily powergamed to the point where it can pierce through things like carbarum plate. and why would you take one of the few water spells and turn it into an ice spell? water blast is THE beginner spell of water evo outside of just being able to conjure water. its supposed to be one of the weaker spells.
  10. [!] A wild dark dwarf found himself in a similar dilemma to Razeil as he read over his letter
  11. An amused groan escaped Alviss as he read the news “Didn’t realize da Irehearts were all so broke, but da hussle ah suppose should beh respected”
  12. A random dark dwarf shrugged “ah mean dis beats lookin fer falk…. ‘ope Dey’re at least well.”
  13. An annoyed dwarf grumbled as he had lost Mina due to a bet on if an ultimatum would have been made or not
  14. "up tu yuu." Those were the last words Wilhelm had managed to fully hear as the chains were strapped onto him, his words attempting to exit his mouth but arriving as murmurs as he tried to ask what they were for while the clergy hall started to revolve him as the devoured drugs kicked in fully. The carved busts of the gods encircling the duo of dwarves twisted and contorted, merging with their symbols for each one while the room became dark. Wilhelm soon found himself still in a clergy hall but not the one he was in moments ago, this one run down and dark as spiderwebs strung across the pillars. His mind took a moment to adjust until he turned and realized where he was, Kal'ervaal's clergy hall, right in front of the shrine to Dungrimm. The flames behind the mask's eye slits were snuffed and lifeless. Wilhelm looked around in curiosity, the cold dark chill of the abandoned hall smothering as a ghastly blue flame emerged from behind the mask's eye slits. All too familiar memories of the last time such a flame appeared before him flooded his mind with worry and doubt. As his mind was still trying to comprehend the unholy flame before him he felt something In the darkness behind him, he felt a set of eerily and relentlessly staring eyes, whipping his head around with the clanking of his beard rings. Nothing answered, and not even Ulfar was with him. Again the feeling of eyes behind him caused him to turn back slowly and stare once more into the blue flames behind the massive mask. No words were uttered as Wilhelm felt his body pierced by the stares from the shrine. His mind began to race and leap as to why while he put his back to the shrine, not wanting to stare at the blue flame any longer. Upon pivoting, he found himself face to face with Irehearts. Every. Single. One. Both dead and alive as the clergy hall was full to the brim with his kin and predecessors, who all just stared. They were not there before, yet no matter what corner he turned to look at and avoid their eye, he just found more and more as he felt the continuously growing number of them on him. The silence of his kin was deafening as the unchanging ticking of his mechanical legs filled the room and his head with annoyance, confusion and worry. Was he being judged? Was this what the test was? What opinions lay behind all those looks? The questions began to pile up and overwhelm Wilhelms mind as he stood there frozen in paralyzed worry for his past that was conceivably being judged. Those he had killed in the name of 'honour.' before he just left the clan altogether to pursue a path that wasn't for him. The speechlessness of those around remained as he stood there with those dreadful blue flames behind him. Each passing moment of all of these eyes on him but no words being spoken began to make him breathe more heavily, his hands starting to tremble as each tick of his legs seemed to get faster with each passing moment. His blood began to burn both figuratively and literally as he gradually reached for the dagger on his belt, All while those unnatural flames' stare burned into his back and induced a searing pain. The eyes of kin that should not stand on him. Those that should exist having a lavish time in the exalted halls of Khaz’a’dentrumm and others who should still be in Almaris, where he was just moments ago. It didn't feel right, the abnormal feeling of the eyes of the dead right on him as he simply stared right back in dread. This couldn't go on, those that had been killed must perish again and head back to the halls. At that moment Wilhelm drew his dagger and rushed forth in a snap of rage, starting to butcher his kin with his dagger as if it was a hot knife through butter. Each cut dug deep as groups of Irehearts dropped to the floor, but that dastardly stare remained as they lay there with eyes still wide open and following. no blood was spilled, no guts were visible but yet he cut into them, the wounds cut as if they were slices of cake and all one solid object instead of living and breathing kin. No matter how many he felled of those who should already be dead the stares didn't seem to get any less plentiful. It was there Wilhelm stood, in the middle of all this with so many of his kin laying there. The pressure of their stares remained, including those who lay on the ground. "WHY DO YE STILL STARE?" he cried out at his kin, both fallen and still standing, his knuckles white from how hard his dagger was gripped in his hand. . . Silence remained, no jaws apart from Wilhelm's own moving as he spoke with anger and fear together. "Why do ye still..." he questioned again, his words shifting to something more jumbled and filled with sorrow as he fell silent once again to stare at what he had done. The dagger he held in hand plunged to the stone floor with a clatter while he gradually craned his neck to look around. Unending existed the stares as he stood there in the middle of the hall, surrounded by those he didn't deserve to be surrounded by and those he didn't wish to see. Out of nowhere a voice, then another, then more as Wilhelm rapidly looked to find out who was speaking, yet no mouths moved still. The voices were jumbled yet they were there still heard, and they were so loud, almost roaring as he tried to pick out one voice, any voice and listen to an answer as to why they stared so. Listening closer he tried to bypass the sea of voices to make something clear. his gaze looking around the room until he froze, at a bit of a shock as he had slowly spun around while trying to think. The clatter in his mind fell noiseless as he stared at someone he didn't think he would ever see again. A dwarf lost to the realms who simply stood there and stared like the rest, but he seemed to react. watching curiously for wilhelms next move. Was that dwarf always there? he could have sworn he came from that direction and would have had to pass right past them. "Ye done? Dey still stare because its nae dem yer angah is supposed to be taken out on" "Durgar? but... ye died. 'ow?" Wilhelm began to rant, asking question after question as to why he was seeing the long-dead dwarf but was cut off. "Yer too jumpeh Wil'elm... Take a moment an shut it. Look around ye, yer own kin lay dead at yer feet. Once again ye give up an try to avoid da truth. Yer an ire'eart, an ye always will beh a descendant o Yavok." "But dey jus bandit random people on da side o da road. Where's da honor in dat?" "Da clan es nae wot et once wus, ets true da innocen' blood wus spelt, but yehr ah slave tu tradition ef ye fink jus cuz ye 'av green en yer blood da' yeh 'av tae make d'eir mestakes." Wilhelm fell silent, his lone eye falling to the floor as he sighed and thought of a counterpoint to durgar "ye gave up on da clan, slapped yer issues onto meh an den left. weh couldn't even fix our own relationship as kin due to da inferi. needed to take care o dat first aye? now deyre gone. Yeh stel 'av et ensoide ov yeh tae show d'em ah bettah way, whethah ye love dem as famileh o' 'ate dem ahs enemies. Though ef yeh ask meh, hate wel onleh drag ye down. Stahnd tall, Will'elm, ye'v stell got ah foight tae win, yehr journeh esn't ovah yet." too stunned to speak Wilhelm merely stood there, his eye moving behind him to the clan that surrounded him, some still on the ground. silence filled the room once again as he turned back to go and hug hug Durgar, but he could only watch as they were engulfed in lighting and fell to dust on the ground. The voices that he heard earlier had fallen silent as his mind was given something to focus on. Perhaps he wasn't hearing his kin; it was just his cluttered mind. Either way the only thing heard in the halls once again was the idle ticking of his mechanical legs as he moved over to the dust to scoop it up in his hands as the rest of the Irehearts watched. setting the dust before the shrine of Dungrimm, the supernatural blue flame shifted back to how he remembered it, a warm orange as the burning feeling that enveloped him faded to something more pleasant. The heat from the shrine resonated and with a simple blink, he found himself on the ground groggy, the eyes of Yemekars shrine in the Kal'darakaan hall of the gods staring directly at him.
  15. going to be completely transparent here. I was banned at one point and it took great ******* struggle to get in contact with the admin that banned me and even get a responce as to why. they even stated it was on the server yet i knew the only possible thing that could have resulted in the ban would have came from discord. upon calling them out on it they said "It was on discord but it doesn't change anything though" and although it doesn't, doing stupid shit on either discord or the server should result in a ban they should at least be transparent about how and why you were banned apart from a vague answer. I was lucky to find out through scavenging through discord chats to know what i fucked up on and had a an actual pleasant and human chat with the person who reported me and understood their reasoning. I said something stupid out of lack of sleep. still the fact that its guilty until proven innocent and the banned player doesn't have a chance to defend themselves is a pain in the ass.
  16. A random mountain dorf wanted to hunt a dragon badly
  17. got bored so I opened this post and realized, ah yes stormforging redlines go brr this cannoy be applied to lunarite, this can be applied to lunarite. - This cannot be applied to Thanhium, Lunarite or Ironwood. - This can be applied to Azhl, Carbarum, Lunarite, and Boomsteel. It retains physical tells to their composition; such as Azhl’s grey-ish hue, Carbarum’s oceanic colour, and Lunarite’s ability to glow.
  18. [!] the war donkey had already been taken from the battlefield by someone, but who?
  19. “Paladins and their... Fuckin... Ability to heal... Would have killed as well. Hope it left a scar... Should have used my azhl one” A ghost grumbled out as he retrieved his arrows from the aftermath of the battle, glad he had at least did something in retaliation for his lords fall to the one that felled them (oocly the worst death was that of the war donkey, fight me)
  20. “With how stupid a grudge dis is ah thought it would be da ire’earts who made it... Nae offense” A random one eyed dwarf stated from a seat somewhere up high in a mountain
  21. lets just cancel him for something small now so its out of the way. man has weak knees lets cancel him for it.
  22. I stg if there isn’t a ******* spaghetti recipe I’m going to mald
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