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Status Updates posted by Wizzar

  1. What MA, FA, or CA would you like to see added to the server and why?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Xarkly


      vampire CA

    3. Dyl


      Devil fruits 

    4. Ewdrawings


      A good vampire writeup; the current ones are laughable. I pray to encounter a vampire icly so I have something to punch. Make them strong and scary so I can be afraid

  2. This is a recurring meeting


    Waiting for the host to start the meeting.

    Test Speaker and Microphone

  3. Which player-run group of antagonists have been the most successful? 

  4. NA > EU, get ready to be embarassed at MSI

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wizzar
    3. Traveller


      NA when they defeat EU 1 (one) time

      remind me of eu vs na all time head to head ?

    4. marikandaperc


      as european i can confidently say people in europe dont invest nearly enough on eu talents = less academy players = so over gg

  5. What is the most balanced MA on the server? What is the least balanced MA on the server?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. KudosMetro


      Poopie // Rock

    3. sam33497


      most balanced is templarism

      least balanced is naz lol or maybe air evocation

    4. Onnensr


      most balanced : all the ones that suck now
      least balanced : all the ones that are hanging on (inshallah staff will ruin them eventually)

  6. It is rare for someone to play a character of intentional low intelligence. Which player-character do you think did it best?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. kaylacita
    3. Pureimp10


      @indiana105 isnt actually playing, its a self insert

    4. Greehn


      sometimes i don't think @indiana105is actually playing a character

  7. Which LOTC bloodline is most famous and/or recognizable? 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Traveller


      even non lore-heads know who the barclays are

    3. Solour


      if u dont say barclay ur wrong

    4. SethWolf


      Your average noob might not know the name Novellan or Barbanov, but id be hard pressed to find any noob that doesnt know the name Barclay even in passing. The memes, the forum sigs, the amount of people with '2k' in their name, the catchy slogans. Barclay won the meme war.

  8. What group on the server do you believe achieves the highest quality of RP? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laeonathan


      I don't believe you can objectively define 'highest quality of roleplay'. I think it just depends. Some of my favorite moments in roleplay have been: 1.) Battling the Celia'nor tear 2.) The young Spider event by Xarkly 3.) random deeplore rp on my high elf in cnor with lhindir

    3. Benleft
    4. marikandaperc


      i liked interacting w the druids in amathine in their new place.. had a rly good build too

  9. Who is the most accomplished player-created protagonist in LOTC history and why? 

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. wowj



    3. xMuted


      Thorin grandaxe m'glorious paragon

    4. milksoda


      Lectors + hidden DLC (coming soon) Lector Dreameater Prime

  10. Who is the most notorious player-created villain in LOTC history and why? 

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. ColonelKuehl1
    3. Nectorist


      kairn ithelanen has to be up there. notorious in many elf, bandit, orc, and human circles

    4. sam33497


      Diome Indoren

  11. Message me if you interested in helping build the Hou-zi develop in Sakuragakure. 

  12. Wars are bad for the server and bad for RP 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nooblius


      @SalvoI don't think it's wise to dismiss someone's thoughts based off only playing for slightly over a year, as ultimately that's a long enough time they could be more in touch with current state of server than you!

      However, I will disagree that war fundamentally is bad for server. I do think the system of conquest and warclaim focus is bad for server, smaller scale war actions that have more frequent impacts on RP instead of just who is PRO of what tile would be better for the server.

    3. Salvo


      Wars aren't bad, it's the server and the people that play it that have changed


      Also gatekeeping is good

    4. Wizzar


      @SalvoNever claimed nor tried to claim that wars have always been bad. I am speaking from my experience as an orc who has been involved with 4-5 wars thus far. However, I disagree with the premise that my perspective is void based purely on how much time I've been on the server. 


      @Nooblius I do not necessarily disagree that wars are fundamentally bad. However, in practice, they've all been pretty bad since I've joined the server, especially the wars between the orcs and dwarves. As a player from both sides, its very disappointing and its one of the reasons I have not been playing my dwarf character as of late. I am definitely salty about the whole thing, I won't deny it. 

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