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Everything posted by subatomic

  1. i stand with @Drock8989 fear this man or else..................
  2. Dear @bloomtiara: It has come to my attention that you've received the 12,100 crown prize, and it's wonderful as business' partners that we will be high-rolling! Thank you so much for this opportunity and I'll be expecting the crowns in my wallet at the IGN: subprofits. Like we agreed upon, you will be giving me the small payment of 1100 crowns to fulfil my Diamond VIP rank. A former partner, dannyh2o left me off with around 4500 crowns, and I need just one thousand more to obtain the next rank upgrade. I hope you will understand my complaints and as partners, will satisfy my needs. I'm not asking for much. Thank you, Tiara. Congratulations, and merry Christmas! Sincerely, subprofits.
  3. Dear, It seems that no one cares about shelving elves these days. I find this to be quite idiotic. These elves play a crucial role in organizing books on shelves, yet they are often overlooked and underappreciated. Without them, libraries and bookstores would be in chaos. It's time for us to start paying attention to these hardworking elves and showing them the respect and gratitude they deserve. Let's not take their contributions for granted any longer. Sincerely, [Your Name]
  4. I dont like the server anymore but I'll still find ways to make Tythus money

  5. Aberzak Solemm, the self proclaimed; 'Prince of ze Ofrika' laughs with his ferrum longsword.
  6. Ser Lucien would be inside his fathers keep, the letter laid on the table. He'd wipe a tear, happily reminiscing about the past when he got away with literally everything.
  7. Ser Lucien makes the facial expression, "🤓"
  8. no shot u delete dmy poiost
  9. Ser Lucien unsheathes his blade and begins sharpening it.
  10. Ser Lucien reads the missive before dropping it on the floor. He says to himself, "What the hell am I reading?".
  11. Ser Lucien gave the prince a friendly nod and provided supplies as well as open arms.
  12. thanks for hanging out with us mady :)
  13. free budaq let him back on the server 😪 😡 😤

  14. Ser Lucien sighed as he read the missive. “Not the dog” said the angered Knight.
  15. tell me everything i did wrong or should add pls
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