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Everything posted by BlauRps

  1. Within the rooms of their separate homes, the retired Landser Hildibrand Brawn, Krieger Joseph von Berkhoven, and Arthur Helfgott read the missive before talking to themselves. ———— Hildibrand Brawn’s Response The aged Highlander smiled seeing this “It ‘st by ‘he Will o’ GOTT that all o’ humanity should be hand ‘n hand with’n HIS kingdom.. no need for the unification of our separate nations t’ show that we are o’ one banner… GOTT’s Will ‘ist absolute.” He spoke before going back to his desk to work on some jewelry. Joseph von Berkhoven’s Response The studious soldier looked at the missive and nods his head “If it is by the Vicar of GOTT that our fellow brothers und sisters of the Canon sacrifice their title to be of GOTT’s flock once more, then I have no questions.” He spoke before looking out the window at rest of Kretzen “Ich hope we will be able to purge Aevos from the deceiver’s filth with this addition to GOTT’s army..” Arthur Helfgott’s Response The adventurous Reinmarien looked at the missive before thinking to himself “I should venture out to this Ravenmire soon, Ich think it will be grand to meet our fellow northern Canonist neighbors.” He spoke as he went to get all his gear and pack ready… and also a map so he knows where to go.
  2. A certain Voidal Mage’s son picks up the leaflet and starts reading it, he puts a hand on his own chin in thought before coming to a conclusion… “It might be time that I tell the church of what happened during my childhood..” He spoke, though most of his memories were now wrapped in fanatical Canonist disillusions, he will bring justice for his late mother. A letter would be send to the Auditor reading… ”Archbishop Lotharia, Though I am a layman of the heaviest of aversions to Voidal Magic, I wish to come to you with the limited knowledge I have that would be of use to you from the days of my childhood that have to do with an experience with a specific Voidal Mage. Having kept information like this has been nothing but a pounding headache, but it should be useful so no child in the Canondom will have to go through with what I had to. May GOTT protect you.” Signed, Artur Helfgott
  3. Joseph von Berkhoven would finally be able to read the missive after his alchemy lesson with his uncle, giving a determined visage. “This vill be the beginning of GOTT ‘s flock against the forces of Darkness… for the eternal Crusade of Light, ordained by GOTT und his Vicar, is ignited here upon the Northern Wastes..” He spoke, signing the Lorraine before he walked back home to start sharpening his blades and arrow heads as well as making preparations for the first battle of the North. —————————————————— The retired Landser von Reinmar, Hildibrand Brawn, read the missive before taking a long sip of his coffee before he spoke to himself “Ich mus’ notify Hilda o’ this for ‘his is her war t’ fight in.. ‘he Brawn family stands vith Reinmar un’ her Princes as it’s lieges…” He spoke with an steel-willed determination before bowing his head. “GOTT, protect dein flock as ve go t’ war vith dein eternal enemy… Exalted Owyn, pray give mein daughter un’ all armies involved the conviction un’ righteous determination t’ slay the foul presence from ‘he North.. it is in dein most holy name, AMEN.” He prayed, signing the Lorraine before standing up to head to the nearest forge to begin smithing weapons.
  4. Even though he was on a Canonist pilgrimage along with other laymen and traveling clergy, Varn, The Scholar, had received the missive via a small bird he used as a messager. One he read the contents of said missive within his tent, he smiled at the idea of the orphanage. “Scrap wud hab want’d tu du da zame ting..” The red Uruk brushed a hand through his beard as he thought. “Maybe diz iz da callin’ dat GOD has called mi tu du, a way tu continue Scrap’s legacy..” He talked to himself as signed the Lorraine as he also gave the small bird some seeds before he put quill to paper to write a letter to Lady Mona De Princesa of Dunfarthing, De Coin, De Orphanage Caretaker, De Honk, De Hyspia.
  5. The retired Lander, Hildibrand Brawn, read the missive as he entered his house. With a smile on his face he called out “Hilda, Reinmar calls ‘or our expertise ‘or the fields! Get dein brother to help du as vell vith ‘he fieldwork!” Afterwards, he would put on a kettle of Honey Tea as he set the missive on the dining room table ( @ElvenHuntress)
  6. Josef Denodado-Berkhoven, a former Hyspian, looked at the missive. Though a thought of relief came through his mind that those crucified in Caelia were now at peace a scowl was on his face. “Unlike mein Canonist brethren of the Heartlands und Hyspia, Ich think forced aurum testing should be enforced throughout not just the the world at large but the Canondom as well.” He spoke as he signed the Lorraine “As Pontiff Caius I has spoke, we are now eternally at war with those of the Darkness and Iblessian ilk so now is no better time to enforce any and all means of identifying Darkspawn within our lands.” He added as he took a coffee “The Caelians were, in fact, cooking.” OOC Great post for all those involved! +1
  7. The Reinmarien Landser, Hildibrand Brawn, looked at the article before taking a LONG sip of his coffee before casting the papers into the fire of his furnace. ”Ich d’ not know why ‘he young folk wan’ t’ bring back the failin’ idea o’ Oren or create ‘his ‘Aevosian Union’ thin’ un’ ‘ave royals givin’ up der autonomy un’ in’viduality.” He spoke to himself “We Reinmarien worked too hard on gettin’ our independence jus’ t’ read ‘bout someone spoutin’ this Oren sympathizer propaganda.” He added, sighing the old Highlander leaned back in his chair “Reinmar ‘s not even in ‘he Grand Covenant.. unless mein memory’s failin’ me now.”
  8. This is a great idea and will help anyone that is a Merchant, Alchemist, or even both when it comes to the collection, storage, and selling of alchemical herbs or the bags themselves! I also love the idea of having different tiers of Alchemy Bags that differ in material costs to make depending on what tier of bag you want. It can even be roleplayed out by an Alchemy teacher as a milestone to show how far their student has gone from being a student to a fellow master or a rite of passage in an Alchemist family. Great plug-in idea, great roleplay opportunities, this is a 100% YES from me!
  9. Titles do not need to be tied to land, there are titles that are more for honorifics and even hereditary. Some are even just given to a single person that they will have until they pass away unable to be acquired by their descendants.
  10. The son of Demitrey Denodado, Lord Josef Denodado, read the missive of the war’s victory before giving a sigh “The war is finally over but not without one final death…” He spoke before looking over to his slain brother, Aleksandr Volkov, his death at the hands of Orcish blades then started crying. The feeling of sorrow and anger filled his chest before he took a couple breathes to calm down “You would not want to see me angered by your death, Alek… I promise, I will take care of your children in your stead, no child should should be without parents..” He spoke before he closed his eyes and clasped his hands together as he spoke a quiet prayer for the future.
  11. The son of Demitrey Denodado, Lord Josef Denodado, read the missive of the war’s victory before giving a sigh “The war is finally over but not without one final death…” He spoke before looking over to his slain brother, Aleksandr Volkov, then started crying. The feeling of sorrow and anger filled his chest before he took a couple breathes to calm down “You would not want to see me angered by your death, Alek… I promise, I will take care of your children in our stead, no child should should be without parents..” He spoke before he closed his eyes and clasped his hands together as he spoke a quiet prayer for the future.
  12. OOC NAME: BlauRps IRP NAME: Josef Denodado DISCORD: blaurps
  13. I’ve got a complaint seeing the comments about how Disguise here allows a Frost Witch to disguise their cold nature with illusionary warmth. I recently read through the Frost Witch lore that was accepted/posted on March 14th, 2020 and saw no mention of the Frost Disguise spell being able to hide their cold skin/aura. Image linked to this is from the Frost Witch post from March 14th, 2020 about the Frost Disguise spell. I also link said post within my comment here since it is the most recent and to-date lore we have about Frost Witches that is neither archived or denied lore.
  14. The eldest son of Demitrey Denodado, Lord Josef Denodado, read the missive as his brow furrowed by the end of the missive “When is King Aleksandr going to reprimand his baron..? The Viceroy has reprimanded one of his own for a similar cause..” He spoke to himself before sighing “Then again, he has always been a strange man since I met him.. I am still curious about that time I saw him wince after putting his hand in his bag when I visited my cousin..” He quietly talked to himself, thinking about Ilya’s behavior he has witnessed before.
  15. The curious Uruk academic, Varn, The Scholar, read the missive with interest from his home in the realm before writing a letter: “To Her Royal Highness, Princess Mischa Florentina Lesanova-Barbanov, I have penned this letter on interest of joining your research team on this ‘Cosmic Boulder’. I do not have any qualifications when it comes to the study of Astronomy but I have been reading many of the previous articles and missive that come from the many offices of our fair kingdom. My late wife and member of the Landsers Von Reinmar, Scrap, may GOD rest her soul, assisted many a time when the kingdom called for aid; I wish to continue her legacy of aid in a field not of iron and blood but of pen and paper. Please write back if my proposal of interest is required of me. Signed, Varn, The Scholar” He wrote, signing the letter before sending it towards the Astronomy Tower by bird. The Uruk watched from his home has the bird grew smaller and smaller as it journeyed towards Valdev.
  16. The husband and father of the newborn triplets, Lord Josef Denodado, cries tears of joy as he held one of the babies. He would smile to Lady Elaina Denodado who was holding the other two.
  17. The oldest son of Demitrey Denodado, Lord Josef Denodado, picked up one of the pamphlets on a trip to Valdev and reads each of the accessories’ descriptions wondering which to buy as gifts!
  18. The older brother of the heiress, Josef Denodado also added Preferably Canonist.
  19. The first Landser to be recruited Hildibrand Brawn would smile as he read the missive before folding it back up and called to his daughter “Hilda, help me get the horses and large saddlebags ready! We will be gathering our belongings from Sankt Johannesburg!” He called with joy as he walked out to get their steeds ready for this new age of Reinmar. ———————————————————— The widower of the late Landser Scrap, Varn, The Scholar, would read the missive, a smile cracked between his tusks as he read the missive before setting the missive down upon the tall pile of missives as he stood up from his desk in his house to go and speak with his Reinmarien friends in Sankt Johannesburg.
  20. The Denodado heir’s brother, Lord Josef Karl Denodado, would stand waiting atop the walls of the front gate of La Dorado. Though he did not interact with his sister much, he cared for her deeply as any older brother would for their younger siblings; he began to think of many bad situations that could or could’ve happened to his sister. Though he would be vigilant and determined to see if his sister soon arrived home as he brought his spyglass to his right eye before being called up to by his wife to come home for the night, he nods his head as he stowed the spyglass in his bag before descending the stairs. ”Be vigilant, be determined, and stay alive, Maria… for DIOS and for us all, especially me..” He spoke before giving a quiet prayer to DIOS before he left his post to return him.
  21. Hildibrand Brawn looked westward from walls of Minitz after looking over the marching orders, long peppered brunette hair flows in the wind as he looked towards the regicidal lands “This war can o’ly end in one solution… absolute detestation o’ their bloody lands…” He spoke be yelling at the top of his lungs, hearing Olaf somewhere close by “WER RASTET, DER ROSTET!” He echoed back before coughing, his throat still flared from his injury years ago from a savage bandit. The Highlander dug into his bag and produced some Honey Tea, sipping on it as he looked westward still to the land of Stassion. @Liokv Elsewhere, Josef Denodado was getting fitted for an outfit he needed for the most important day of his life by Dame Eir Moer, a Denodado servant soon came in and gave the report “So was march on the origin of this war..? Good, best cut the head off of this dragon while we have are on the offense.” He comments before gesturing politely for the servant to leave to let Eir focus on the commission, he was scolded by the elf for such a late and rushed request but he got off with a warning this time. @candyzeroyal
  22. Josef Denodado rode beside his family on their trek back to Hyspia, his trusty steed had survived the fires of conflict and now carried the spoils of war atop its mighty frame. The young man smiles under his helmet as he looked to his younger sisters, Maria and Arianna then to their houseguards, Naexi and Onon, before looking to his father, Demitrey Denodado “Once we establish our territory, can we have a museum or trophy room for the future generations of our familia, Padre?” He asked with an excited tone in his voice, the lad’s heart still beating quickly under his chestplate from the final push against the combined forces of Veletz and Krugmar. @Nymstra @RatFromTheTrash @Myrthe @Jaslaw @Athmyst27
  23. Josef Denodado rode on his horse with the rest of the Coalition coming across bodies of Adrians, Stassionites, and Krug, taking his time as he collected loot for the war effort from the Hyspian front. He came across a Orc and collected the Warg Horn the Uruk had on his hip as a trophy before riding further and found an interesting sight as he looted the body of a Veletzian or Stassionite, it was hard to make out the colors with all the blood, but he had found some wine, Dwarven in origin as he looked at the label “Mi amor will love this!” He smiles as he placed it securely in the bag on his horse before hopping back on to rejoin the Hyspian army on their return trip, his armor and helmet were dented greatly from the conflict.. seems he needs to get his armor repaired and buffed out! ”VIVA DIOS, VIVA HYSPIA, VIVA BANDERAS, VIVA DENODADO!” He called out as he rode beside his familia and houseguard that were present at the battle.
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