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Status Updates posted by TheWhiteWolf

  1. Ideas for a Guild anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. TheWhiteWolf


      Tempted to do that Kha thing lol.

      These were some..interesting responses.

    3. Gunner


      No more guilds pls :( They just seem too die out

    4. Lykos


      Only when they're shallow and boring.

      Wite Wolf's writing is better than that.

  2. You may take our lives! But you will never take..

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Elfen_
    3. Hanrahan


      Our complex system of voluntary Serfdom instated by King Alexander.

    4. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      Our forum role play.

  3. Hmm...i seem to be writing alot of lore up for a quite a few people and they seem to be enjoying it. So i pose a question to everyone that reads this. Should i start something similiar to a skin shop but it is lore? I just thought of it and thought it would be a neat idea. I would do it all for free and it would help people with lore problems (if they have any) So yeah give your opinions

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      You should consider yourself a researcher so that the suddenly uncovered knowledge makes sense in rp.

    3. The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      You should consider yourself a researcher so that the suddenly uncovered knowledge makes sense in rp.

    4. TheWhiteWolf


      Alright thanks everyone, i will begin making rough drafts and then as raptor put it POW!! i will post it. But that will have to wait until tommorrow. But keep posting ideas! I need all the help i can get. Also if you are interested in helping Pm me

  4. Hmm, need ideas for a new character.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TheWhiteWolf


      A midget Halfling... oh god..

    3. Kaelan


      A power hungry vengeful orphan who just must get revenge on those orcs that killed his/her parents and will someday rule the land!

    4. Nowak


      a country bumpkin human that just wants to feel safe.

  5. What is this?! I just edit one word in my post with the correct spelling and my entire guild post stuffs up. Can someone take a look at it and tell me what is wrong, because it was perfectly fine up and until now. Thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Telanir


      Ah right... that could actually be a big part of it. It's not necessarily that you can't use Word, but next time try copying all the text from Word to Notepad, that removes all the funky Word stuff and makes it just general text. After that, copy from Notepad to the forum post, and make edits and format it from there.

    3. Raptorious


      It usually happens with anything really, when you copy large texts from word, or google docs. You have to reformat the whole thing before posting it, else it screws up. It's a pain in the arse, really.

    4. everblue2er101


      One way to avoid it is to use the Full Editor when posting and not the quick post. That always fixes it for me.

  6. Playing Starwars Battlefront 2! It is awesome!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      that basterds...

    3. Snake Plissken

      Snake Plissken

      Lol, I just played this for the first time in years yesterday.

    4. aron.


      3 wasn't cancelled, the developer went out of business. I'm still pretty excited for republic commando 2. republic commando got me into RTS type games

  7. Lore writing for Days! Woo!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheWhiteWolf


      Thanks! It will be one fun month!

    3. Raptorious


      Oi! Get back to work *whips his Lore oompa loompa*

    4. TheWhiteWolf


      Yes sir. *Crawls back into his lore cave*

  8. Would anyone be interested in an " Alien: Colonial Marines" Forum RP?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lykos


      I don't think any Yautja should be there, but i'd participate.

    3. TheWhiteWolf


      It will be between the Colonial Marines and the Xenomorphs.

    4. TheWhiteWolf


      Alright, look forward to it coming tommorrow. If you have any ideas you want to suggest throw me a Pm.

  9. The Main Character of the last game you played is now hunting you down for unknown reasons....how stuffed are you?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      Nobody is a main character on LOTC. Invalid.

    3. Blundermore


      Im not too bad off... Daniel from amnesia is a pansy...

    4. Lykos


      My char from Dark Souls... ... Sh*t.

  10. For my 1000th post i am thinking about doing a " revival" of the Zombie Forum RP. Anyone interested? (( Will still be doing my current Rp))

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      Was I close enough?

    3. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      Even better idea combine your current rp and the zombie frp into one!!!

    4. TheWhiteWolf


      Yea...close enough lol

  11. So what is the current state of banditry rp on the server?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. mmat
    3. K00l



    4. spqrSancus


      player versus player versus player versus - AGH **** IT Basically a massive cluster**** of PvP.

  12. Just finished a recording session of Penumbra.....so jumpy right now...

  13. Anyone care to give me a few pointers when Rping Illusion and Water Magic?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheWhiteWolf


      Kyral, i realise i dont. But i am asking these tips to help me write a book that involves these two types of magic being used.

    3. Gladuos


      It is important to note that water evocation is the summoning of magical water through the void, not the control of physical water. :P

    4. TheWhiteWolf


      Ah alright. Never knew that, thought it was the other way around XD. Thanks

  14. *Will no longer participate in Forum RP* Farewell Forum Rp, it was fun while it lasted..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheWhiteWolf


      The demonic hand of skippy lends no part in this. Only that every time i partake in a good forum rp it dies within the week. So yea.

    3. Samoblivion


      That's the sad curse of all FRPs. Short but oh so sweet...

    4. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      Agreed. Let's just hope the zombie FRP lives on

  15. So.. i really want to run a FRP based in WW2 Going through all the different Operations such as Market Garden. You would start off in Bootcamp then eventually get sent off to your first Operation and then carry on from there. Interest Check?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Samoblivion


      Right. Just be sure to accurately portray each side. For example, the average Wehrmacht soldier was not an evil murderer, just a soldier fighting for his country. Be sure to portray the humanity of the enemy as well as the dark side of allied troops as well.

    3. TheWhiteWolf


      Yes that is very true as well. We will see if i go through with this idea or not, i might have to go with another idea if people aren't to keen on a WW2 Rp.

    4. TheWhiteWolf


      Feel free to provide any suggestions if there is an RP you would enjoy.

  16. Need ideas for my 1000th post, i am thinking a new FRP.

  17. Just created a new character but can't find anyone to RP with at this time q.q. I guess i will just wander aimlessly. Huzzah!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheWhiteWolf


      Woop! Found someone!

    3. Sythan


      Aussie Prime Time = 10 people online.

    4. Space


      Join a guild or group

  18. Can anyone recommend any good tv series that are up to par with series such as Game of Thrones and Rome?

  19. I don't know why but i just remembered my first day on the server, wandering down the cloud temple steps, taking a left walking along the road to Malinor then being greeted by its beauty, the stunning trees and atmosphere. And of course you had Native and his little shop XD. Good times.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      Theres a thread somewhere for this guys! Preserve your memories forever~

    3. DelaneyG


      I remember some noble adopted me on my first day... He went inactive.

      Then I found the elven city and was like: HOLEH! MAAAA! COME LOOK!

    4. Mr_Boomer337


      I remember my first day. Walked down kings road and saw bog getting ran down by alkazar guards. Along with getting my hand chopped off XD

  20. Be apart of gaming History! Come join in one of the biggest space battles in a space sim to date. http://www.ageofascent.com/ Aiming for over 9000+ players in one battle.

  21. First it started off just writing lore for the guild, then i started writing stories then it was a trailer and now..now its a full machinima/movie series filled with lore and other stuff..did i get carried away at some point? o.o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheWhiteWolf


      I have not started filming yet, i have all the plans written up and still need to organise a few things, but i will post a thread about it in dew time.

    3. trotski24


      Need actors/puppets?

    4. TheWhiteWolf


      Yup need quite a few, so when i have everything set up i will shoot you a pm

  22. Our Lore is so near to completion ;D.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nobody


      And post as the new Dragonborn whilst you're at it :3 Or Alduin will eat you to bits!

    3. TheWhiteWolf


      I will post just before i go to bed. In about 1 hour.

    4. nobody


      And don't forget, even if you don't know you are the Dragonborn, make it a grand first post!

  23. Completed my Open Water Dive Course! Woop Woop!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      Now you have to sign up for the Mass Effect RP.


    3. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      So you can swim with the fish now yes?

    4. TheWhiteWolf


      Mhmm. I can swim with the fish now yes. Also Alpine im going to drop you a Pm about it later.

  24. The World is your Potato.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheBareSheet


      And meteors are peanuts. Humans a strawberry seeds!

    3. Eleatic


      Humans are as small as a billionth of a trillionth of an atom, in the grand scheme of things.


    4. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      Yes, the world is my potato... I shall squash it repeatedly, and make it my mashed potatoes.

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