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Status Updates posted by Kirrekith

  1. Did a bust of Yathrin Olarae Duskryn, AKA Serenityonyx or Dusk. Enjoy :3 http://kirrekith.deviantart.com/art/Olarae-Duskryn-321366543

  2. Did a drawing of a Dark Elf Woman when in a bar, didn't half get some dodgy looks when I drew them. http://kirrekith.deviantart.com/art/Dark-Elf-Escort-323876270

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Samoblivion


      Tough break :I

      Hope everything works out.

    3. misssasy11


      It's so pretty :D

    4. Kirrekith


      xD Thanks <3

  3. Did a few sketches of the Mori armour design, this is a unofficial idea and concept, not all or any Mori wear this design, this was me testing ideas for them, other sketches can be found on my DA account. http://kirrekith.deviantart.com/art/Mori-Armour-Sketches-3-321365009

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ΚΨΙΞ


      I love it. Although I preferred the helmet you designed before, but the hood fits well!

    3. Aerinyes


      Looks really good.

    4. Kirrekith


      Thanks and in regards to the helmet on another image I have the 'Spider' Designed helmet that covers the face 'The Spider head' the crown of the head 'The middle section of the spiders body' and the back of the head 'The Spiders abdomen.

  4. Dilara Livestreaming get your rumps on and watch her! http://www.livestream.com/lotteje13

  5. Does RP offer a good test ground to test a society and individuals morals? I wonder what LoTC would be like as a real world, how long things would last, or how long they'd function without issue. This would be a interesting study, could some of the nations in LoTC or characters alone survive in the way they act... If it was set in a real world environment? Views and thoughts anyone? Who would live and who would cease to exist if LoTC was to become based on real world mechanics, death, bir...

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. calculusdesola


      @Areon, you're forgetting to mention that much of the Imperial Army consists also of veterans of the White Rose and Order of Lucien, whom transfer these characteristics even to new recruits.

    3. Areon


      True mate, I meant no offense. I was just stating a supported opinion of mine of the majority of the forces.

    4. Draeris


      This sounds like an interesting idea, I got something similiar coming upm

  6. Drew my character Sara'Lyne as she woke up in Holm, staring out of the window into the snow and ice clutching her bed cover lightly. Enjoy :3 http://kirrekith.deviantart.com/art/Sara-Lyne-waking-322072366

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Violet Frost

      Violet Frost

      Why is it the only damn thing I can draw realistic is birds?!?!?I don't wanna draw birds I wanna draw like you, could you possibly give a drawing tutorial for me to practice with if it isnt to much trouble?

    3. Arkelos


      Do you draw for others Kirre?

      I'd like to have a drawing or two from you :D

    4. Kirrekith


      Thanks and Forum message me :3

  7. Expect massive delays on commissions guys sorry, IRL stuff biting my rump. But I hopefully should have some commissions done soon... I hope...

  8. Finished my commission for Cappy, I think I did well :3 http://kirrekith.deviantart.com/art/Glaewen-the-Frostwitch-324962227

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kirrekith


      Thanks xD <3 -cuddles panda giggling-

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      You and Panda's style maybe a little similar.. The lack of obvious outlines... And the COLORS.. * Huggle snuggles! * wonderful!

    4. Kirrekith


      Worked off what cappy gave me :/ Wasn't trying to impose *continues to snuggle*

  9. Found an old sketch I did before an exam to calm my nerves, was a drawing of my char as a Furry Kitten :3 enjoy. http://kirrekith.deviantart.com/art/Kitten-Kirrekith-321379333

  10. Going trackside with the race team this weekend, Managing Event Sales. Though I am going to have a load of time on my hands and a desire to draw. Anyone suggest anything in LoTC that I could draw? Please don't reply with "Draw me".

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      Any of the cities. Or any build that inspired you.

    3. Kirrekith


      Giz meh links, too lazy to look at present :P

    4. Tortek


      Possibly the Kal'Vark since it was the key to your return OR the events that tok place within the Kal'Vark which I mean like Fat Gotrek, valen, myself, Farren, and Kirrekith's grandson within Dungrimms halls and lots of dwarves feasting on ale and food!

  11. Heard Kais loved and still loves Justin Bieber

  12. Here is my drawing of Dante, either comment on this status or on Deviant Art, all support is http://kirrekith.deviantart.com/art/Dante-332433060 Also a reminder of the up and coming MoriTales. Keep your eyes peeled >:3

  13. Hmm being told how much I was missed made me look back, remembering the times of Aegis and Asulon. To all those who still miss me (Lago and Heero) I miss you too, though times at my side aren't great know I hold LoTC Close to my heart as the ver foundations of how I developed my characters and developed myself. Perhaps one day I will return to the character, my bearded elf, one day I will roam the wastes and explore where those have explored before me. But for now, take comfort it the kno...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kirrekith


      <3 You too Dilara, and I hope I can, though as I say, time isn't great at this end.

    3. Desires


      That was sooo deep.

  14. Hmm wonder what I was doing on at 11:55..? Must find out, or was I drunk then... Can't remember must ask a few people about that... Seems I went drunken skype messaging...

  15. I decided that I would start work on a Mori armours ideas a while ago but never got round to it, I am hoping later to make a Codex on all the Mori styles of armour so we have a reference for all players to know them as, however these are just concepts and me testing ideas. http://kirrekith.deviantart.com/art/Mori-Armour-Sketches-1-319853195

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ΚΨΙΞ
    3. Kirrekith


      Yes but that armour is taken straight from Warhammer Online, and I also intend to be drawing ALL the sets of armour from leather to Plate.

    4. ΚΨΙΞ


      Well I look forward to seeing the full version, you have made some unique armour and resembles some type of spider-thing on the helmet.

  16. I love being disconnected repeatedly or not even making it past the login to LoTC... Absolutely love it.

  17. If you like my work Gaius you will love my most recent drawing, check my about me page.

  18. Just discovered a hedgehog putting out the washing, then heard more noise, and discovered 3 more. *Kirre's /D'awwwwwwww/ voice could be heard for miles*

    1. Heero


      D'aaaw. :3

    2. monkeypoacher


      That's what it was.

  19. Kirrekith Well, delays, delays and More delays, an art book of mine is missing (most likely trolled by the chavs on my bus) and so roughly 6-8 drawings are missing. But I have a few that I took out of the book before it was taken. This is another one I did, this time of (unofficial) Mori Escort http://kirrekith.deviantart.com/art/Mori-Escort-329839565

  20. Last status was removed, can only assume that someone wasn't happy having me post this. Just check this https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/136422-✔-accepted-new-player/#comment-1293820 7m tall elf got approved, aka 7 meters aka http://goo.gl/HAAtwR that tall.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ioannis


      Height and skin(humanoid not elf) are fucked up and he got accepted hahaha. I still remember Overland torturing me to write a good application..... but atleast he made me learn all the wiki :P.


    3. Pureimp10


      It's already been dealt with, and the AT member has been told of his mistake. It will not happen again. If you've really got a problem with it, contact TauFireWarrior.

    4. Kirrekith


      Me and him are laughing about it as we speak. 

  21. LoTC... Needs Halflings to dress up in brown robes and to wear luminescent yellow goggles... We need Jawa's!

    1. gingernut97
    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      Confirmed 4.0 antagonist.

    3. Eleatic


      confirmed 4.5.


  22. Loving Urara for making the new Kirrekith Avatar for EVERYTHING from this day forth, many thanks to Hadley. http://24.media.tumblr.com/44cf751a362edaaea569881f057ea59c/tumblr_mqrzaiARaR1sosbzfo1_500.png

  23. Made a art piece to represent the Elves arriving on the island during the early stages of Asulon, the Mori watching as the trespassers come into their lands. Enjoy :3 http://kirrekith.deviantart.com/art/Yathrins-Call-Development-326259379

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Pum!


      Wowzers. That's purdy

    3. shiftnative


      Fantastic work my friend! these are the kinds of media that really help immerse us all! Bravo!

    4. Kirrekith


      It is far from done yet I have to add colour and the dark to it on SAI xD, mainy details are yet to be done :3

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