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Status Updates posted by OhDeerLord

  1. Everything happens when I can't really get on the server... Its been very interesting reading on the forums though

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Catarrh


      Yep. While you were gone, Lothaire briefly became king of all Athera, and everything was perfect for a short time.

    3. Ark


      dead elves.. dead elves everywhere.

    4. OhDeerLord


      Tamsin best Queen. Everyone will eat and be drunk!

  2. I'm really **** at getting on a normal sleeping schedule

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Fact Core
    3. Yamnothere


      Try staying awake for an entire night, and then day , AND THEN go to sleep at 10,, ish

    4. Sentis


      If you take a hit of meth before bed every night, it'll help you stay unconcious *cough* stay asleep longer.

  3. I wanna say thank you to those who were in my stream last night! It started off weird, got artsy, then ended with me and "The roomate" flopped on the bed, haha

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OhDeerLord


      Yep. It started with surgery on a stuffed animal.

    3. MonkeyCoffee


      are you sure it wasn't a girl?

    4. OhDeerLord


      It might be now that we've sewn it back up! It has a new er- hole.

  4. For anyone that missed the links last night! http://youtu.be/mMKlfct7ko4

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OhDeerLord


      ... And a hitlerstache sorry not sorry

      We were goofing off alot. We made you sassy.

    3. tnoy23


      Nah, all good, I had a laugh when I noticed <3

    4. OhDeerLord


      We're gonna be doing another livestream in an hour or so too, haha

  5. The longest stream I've ever done condensed into 10 minutes! 7 hours!! http://youtu.be/kDedxYDUQbI

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MamaBearJade


      i hope you added the dance~

    3. OhDeerLord


      Hehe that'll be in a different video jade!

    4. MamaBearJade


      XD loved your dancing though

  6. im tired and I havent done anything

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      You listen to Beats Antique?!

    3. OhDeerLord


      Getting the exact pose you want when you want the anatomy to be perfect mean a lot of reference gathering. This is easier than bouncing between references, creating a monstrosity

    4. OhDeerLord


      http://i.gyazo.com/75b3b58b2388672cdff75211a032e20e.png Was going to use this pose, decided on the one that I put as the status instead
  7. I've been up all night. Wwaai. Roommate went to bed like six hours ago.

  8. So because of MPM being taken out, some people are still seeing my model having huge boobs. While I'm playing my main. That's a guy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HuskyPuppy
    3. Watty_Banker


      Wait? They took out MPM? This is madness.

    4. Mephistophelian


      I have the same probs. RK sees boobs on my char, whilst everyone else doesn't xD

  9. Aand finally, here is the capture. Now to put it in Maya and slap a lambert on it, don't need those colors. http://i.gyazo.com/96cd0e45b3af5bcb327b0e657adae60f.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kim


      Is gyazo acting funky for anyone else :C

    3. OhDeerLord


      It's been taking me several tries to take pictures with Gyazo :c

    4. Kim


      Yeah q_q I can't view the images either while it's being dumbbb

  10. Well, found out there was no class in my very first morning class. Blew through all the sitting applications instead of going back to my room and sleeping!

  11. Does the Stirring Spoon have ANY use?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bircalin


      It summons Cthulu.

    3. OhDeerLord


      I have different tools for both of those things.

    4. Birdwhisperer


      You used to need it to make a cooking pot.

  12. Phew! Finished my drawing, so now I can finally post my character Profile. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/104364-dwyn/

    1. Lefty


      You're pretty good, you should do requests :P

    2. OhDeerLord


      Art requests? I might! I won't have many art classes and I'll need something to draw for my portfolio..

    3. Hirix


      I request you to make me a sandwich!

  13. As I think about it, I'm not sure if I'll be able to do full drawings as part of the art request thread. AS a full sketched, inked, and colored/shaded drawing usualy takes me about three hours. I might just do refined sketches that'll take 30 minutes or so depending on how I like them.. maybe I'll look into doing commisions of a sort for full drawings. Gahh But then how'd I RP suddenly coming into minas

    1. Augor


      Honestly, you don't have to do any of it unless YOU personally want to. Don't make anyone force you into doing something you might not enjoy or something that might drain too much of your time. Pick what would work best for you, it's your work, not anyone elses.

    2. Pum!


      What Augor said! (I'm lame, can't think of anything positive to say C:)

    3. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      I made a RP thread about commissioning portraits...got some GOOD money.

  14. Hey does anyone know if there's a Guild wars 2 Guild of people from here?

    1. Lark


      People have it. It just sucks

    2. monkeypoacher
    3. OhDeerLord


      The game or the guild? I personally like the game, though I don't play all that often

    1. OhDeerLord
    2. Quavinir_Twiceborn



      So she loves moist cocoa beans?

    3. OhDeerLord


      I spilled coco on my desk and it got on a bunch of important stuff :c

  15. *flops in classroom* I finished my 3d modeling now I has nuffin to do for another two hours

  16. I made my dog sit down because I was frustrated with it running around.... http://gyazo.com/ecac6fcf03302296c1bed6da149731c2.png

  17. *looks at Gaius's posts* seems like I'm not the only one getting drunk this friday night~ My drink of choice has been Vodka mixed with Cranberry juice and pink lemonade though

    1. Mephistophelian


      Mine is vodka that has been infused with strawberry. It's a family recipe, and I don't know how to explain it any other way XD

    2. Hobolympic
    3. Mephistophelian


      *looks at Hobolympic and throws his knives into him, then backflips away.* "Shut it, boy..."

  18. I stayed up all night again. The roommate just woke up to do things and told me to go to bed... But people that I want to talk to will be waking up soon...

    1. mmat


      Go to sleep you mental patient

    2. mmat


      Or you'll end up like russian sleep experiment

    3. Raptorious


      I did 40 hours awake 10 hours sleep yesterday :) Had like 3 epiphanies.

  19. Less than twelve hours until the roommate is gone :c

    1. Readicti


      We need to start a countdown!

    2. OhDeerLord


      We /could/ if your parents actually gave a definite time xD Have they even left yet?

    3. Readicti


      Maybe... Lets say they get here at 5.

  20. Thank you everyone that supported me on my AT application!

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