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Status Updates posted by Jistuma

  1. Could a GM update the server rules with the new stuff? The War Rules need a link or a spoiler in the post, and then there is the new rule concerning the use of the "new Standard." Adding the MC change rule (the one that says you can't change a MC name into something bad) also should be added. The rules were placed into a thread for quick change and adding. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/123087-the-official-server-rules/

    1. Jistuma


      Forgot the new magic rules. Should be added that all players now need to learn magic IC. Though "you can't break lore" might fit into it.

    2. Samler


      Many thanks Justuma!

    3. Lima


      Jistuma the Just, Justuma.

  2. Three days left to give your unwritten lore or hidden lore to Lore Masters. Take a look there as well because we might need some other lore as well. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/124371-warning-at-hidden-and-non-written-lore/

    1. MamaBearJade


      Jistuma means "Its due on the 11th"

    2. Pandan


      It's actually supposed to be tomorrow.

    3. ski_king3


      I mentioned this in the newsletter :)

  3. Anyone got any clues about the code yet?

    1. ShameJax


      It has the word wheel in it.

    3. Salamandra


      They're more like guidelines than actual rules.

    1. meg


      looks like his legs are portals. also give post.

    2. Jistuma
    3. Lym


      #420? #BlazeIt

  4. If you ever wanted to play something different, you can try a Deviant!

    1. Mrlollytime


      #LetMeBeABryophyte pls!

    2. Matheus



  5. Someone lifestream the event that will happen.

    1. monkeypoacher


      I would but there's a bunch of background noise at my house.

    2. Judas


      I would but there hasn't been a Cetra Lifestream Recorder for many millenia.

  6. Is there no Livestream up? Media team! Get to it!

    1. MamaBearJade


      some dont know how and if I do it i will lag too much for enjoyment

    2. Kim


      I'm able to stream but I'm not media nor VIP @_@ rip

  7. Can anyone link me the new war rules? I can't find them...

    1. Ragadorus
    2. Jistuma


      That's the one, thank you.

  8. 1 week left to give your unwritten lore or hidden lore to Lore Masters. Take a look there as well because we might need some other lore as well. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/124371-warning-at-hidden-and-non-written-lore/

    1. Arkelos


      Just about done. Had to tap into the brains of other dread lords. lol

    2. Jistuma


      You still use skype?

    1. Lima


      The harcore events proposal is actually the LT's job. You need to advocate for it in the chat.

    2. Lima


      I mean, I understand its work but the server is only in this perpetual PVP state due to a lack of interesting lore events.

  9. Rules need updating. Villain rule:

    1. Jistuma


      "Donation chests and locked chests may not be stolen or lock picked from under any circumstances."


      "Chests may only be picked in search of specific role-play items, such as books or special named items (An example being a specially named sword)."


    2. BrandNewKitten


      Locked chests can be lockpicked. That is what lockpicks are for! Definitely needs a tweak.

  10. Anyone interested in a stream of me coding a plugin and then demonstrating it in MC?

    1. Neri


      what happened to the new plugin thingies you coded. Are they going on the server?

    2. Jistuma


      Warhead has to check the other plugins I made before first.

  11. A new potion is able to be done, and I'm going to say the recipe, since it doesn't fit with the lore one:

    Aqua Vitae -> Blood Lotus and Drake's Tail -> Crouching Feather and Larihei's Fingers

    Enjoy the awesome potion.

    1. ShameJax


      A smoke bomb!

    2. candlite


      Finally! It has happened. o.o

  12. link. Check that out for the two new potions added, and I also added 3 recipes, one for frost oil, smoke whispers and eggs of silverfish.

    1. Jistuma


      The link doesn't work in the front page... how nice...

    2. MetaSolaray


      Where are the ones for food servers like myself, THIS IS DISCRIMINATION!

  13. Remember the cooking contest! Recipes, drawings, descriptions! Already have a couple of submissions which I find lovely, but still quite a while until it's end. Check it out:


    1. Jonificus


      If I made food irl and took a picture of it does that count as a submission? I want to make some traditional norwegian lapskaus :)

    2. Jistuma


      Doesn't count, but you can describe the food in detail and it'll count then.

  14. Please give your feedback on how you want the aviary plugin to function:

    1. Destroyer_Bravo
    2. Space


      I think the only good way to do it would be have a mailbox, but if it's so fucky for rollbacks and such it'd be silly. Having a delay between sending and receiving is also really iffy imho

  15. Voting on the latest loremag has finished, 3 lores were accepted, and others were denied. Please take a look if you had a lore submited.

    1. Archbishop


      what about those which have not had a response?

    2. Jistuma


      That's for next week. Sorry, LMs have been pretty lazy lately.

  16. Could still use more votes and feedback if you haven't yet voted. Remember there are mostly multiple answer choices.


  17. [6:44:42 PM] jistuma: I'm torturing a cow in Vaerhaven [6:44:51 PM] Nathan Dixon: Im torturing a high elf. [6:45:03 PM] Ħ≈Arzota≈Ħ: same difference

  18. To an FM, could this thread be moved to Innactive or the Archieves? - http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/100005-the-cult-of-the-frozen-night/ Thank you

  19. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/109844-to-those-wishing-to-learn-magic/ If anyone wants to try and learn contract magic, go check that out.
    1. Samoblivion


      Maris still has that note, don't think she's forgotten it ;)

  20. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/114263-the-extreme-of-mechanical-standard/ would like more opinions and GM's, Devs and Admins to take a look at it.
    1. Mirtok


      Good luck with that bud, they only volunteers rememba!

  21. After the test done in the last livestream, I'll do another. Might have voice this time, who knows. Join if you want. http://www.twitch.tv/jistuma

    1. Jistuma


      It's tavern rp this time.

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