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Everything posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. Aspects don't do proper balance and have little to no say xd
  2. Primary Region Owners aren't fun to communicate with sorry. Playing a spook is more of a chore than fun honestly.
  3. Deity magics shouldn't clash, druidism shouldn't be able to be paired with anything but arguably blood magic.
  4. I can world edit cities better than this like COME ON

  5. The deity simply doesn't function anymore. Nemiisae /actually/ doesn't exist in modern day LotC unless the LM's changed it recently. She locked herself away with the Mori and never came out, so she's technically not even in this realm of existence or her aengul plane or whatever. Curse is too new to develop on Nemiisae's behalf.
  6. Voidal magic I'm fairly sure doesn't cause blight. It causes mana stuff which is a whole different thing but w/e. Liches and Darkstalkers or anything without a soul cannot experience the effects of fae rings, or thats what happened before this 'rewrite'. Which does make sense. Otherwise I thought that the sickness and nausea was simply if someone was completely unprepared for the circle and 'failed' rolls to stabilise themselves, also the fae ring become some sort of addiction to those that aren't attuned. The whole idea was for the rings to be strange bastions of nature that either empowered druids or exposed others to its boons. There shouldn't be discrimination and have only 'voidal' mages feel shitty. I don't believe this re-write is needed.
  7. so how much time till the helves **** up and actually get genocided by whoever wins the war?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wendigo


      We always prevail.

    3. excited



      It's easy to prevail when you don't PK, it's like dealing with Ghouls roflmao.

    4. ShameJax


      i mean you didnt prevail when connor williams was slain earlier today

      and no, ooc complaining when an admin tells you off by sending logs does not count

      and no, oocly lying to your own people is not a good thing

  8. is this legit an event just to try and **** up oren? Like come on no actual spirit would care for mortal matters such as the empire. please dont do this
  9. I would like to dispute my ban


    1. FORƎST


      the pink rose!

    2. mitto


      whats this sjw bullshit

  10. caught with his pants down

  11. i swear if i see another voidal mage artefact or upgrade in lore I'm going to PVP default every one I see from now on.

  12. "I recommend this service, they're efficient and quite cheap! Might need to wrangle a few to go oppose the Dwarven Throne!"
  13. blacklist is ridiculous sorry

  14. Why does Metzili still help the Kha and grant her gifts when she abandoned them. It was also rumored that she was "killed" at one point aswell? Like what ensures that a deity would turn back to the kind that rejected her gifts previously and help them. It's always been a thing I've never understood about Kha magic.
  15. Axel nearly got hit with the same treatment as me, its good you got saved icelandic boy

  16. druids you literally can use all of nature why the **** do u need to bring up roots every TIME

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. J


      Nah, the best ones I've seen.

      I'm on a mountain full of rocks, snow and dead life. Let's bring up some roots :D.

    3. WuHanXianShi14


      40 minutes ago, Aerial "The Wroth" Kebabu said:

      becuz they think it makes them true druids to rip out a tree's source of life

      It is if its done to kill spooks

    4. HedgeHug


      Vines are for the bedroom only

  17. help give me ideas for background characters where i dont have to stress and just enjoy the rp. like peasants, servants whatever

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ford


      maybe you should become a winemaker 


      because you like whining so much 

    3. ScreamingDingo


      maybe you should stop being black @Fordo

    4. Ford
  18. my magnum dragon dong

    1. Swgrclan


      praise jak'ol, jacker of druids

    2. Slic3man


      You've done well, muh boi

      Upgrades aplenty


    3. NotEvilAtAll
  19. "My bones are shaking!" The other darkstalker remarks, shivering.
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