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Everything posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. once again i would like to remind everyone that animal companions provide nothing to rp and should be disallowed.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      Hur hur i'm a super stronk warrior with god tier enchanted gear. I also got a massive lur wolf that can 1v3 anyone on it's own hur hur

    3. ScreamingDingo


      if people didn't rp animal companions as a deus ex machina then i'd be all for it but holy ****. convenient animals and wolves popping out of the woodwork to protect their owner. its stupid. Things that don't directly affect other players should be good (though i think these 20 variants of crystal animals is stupid)

    4. WuHanXianShi14


      edward has a wolf doggo but literally cause i was wandering around the woods w/ rebecca and found some wild MC wolves lol

  2. "Madmen who dare to dwell towards the blight of Mordskov with simple blades, suicidal I tell yer." Viktor would grumble, pulling out crossbow bolts from the fallen dead around him. All within the walls of the blighted town.
  3. why haven't you applied for ET yet @drfate786?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. drfate786


      By all means, add me on skype. My skype name is the same as my forum name.

    3. excited


      oh my god grim


    4. Swgrclan
  4. guess im never gonna be an ET ever again, oops

  5. "Hey phil i had an awesome idea about making guns alch based" Then you literally pulled out this like 19 page piece and I was stunned. This is amazing lore honestly once again.
  6. Not as strong as popular vampire folklore, but yes. They do need blood eventually, with mass amounts of blood also being able to break their conscious thought and frenzy them aswell.
  7. Wrong, a lack of drinking does not devolve one to a lesser. Neglecting to drink will essentially make you a frail old man with alot of your physical buffs weakened. Turning into a lesser requires overindulgence because you essentially break your conscious thought through being feral and basically putting yourself in a permanent 'frenzy'. They drink blood to top up and be healthy, and the frequency for such a thing is not as heavy as most other creatures. Drinking blood more or less is essential. If the character wishes to be in their peak physical form, they will drink and feast. You will be able to spot a strigae who has not fed quite easily compared to one who has. They'll be gaunt and super pale, sickly even.
  8. I'll do this criticism legitimately. Essentially why Strigae in general are unable to utilise magic is because of the limitations set upon them by the Unseen who essentially created them. For the Unseen were meant to be the only striga who were 'magical'. These beasts essentially already have necromancy and other sources of affliction. So I like to view the striga and the unseen as the relationship to a necromancer and a ghoul. The necromancer has the 'full' soul while the ghoul only has the soul shadow or fragment. Since this lore didn't include the soul descriptors because it wasn't believed that the explanation and one of the vital redlines of striga having 'no magic' was quite an easy one to understand. I'd personally just say that strigae souls are bent and fragmented in such a way where they cannot utilise necrotic magics. Another explanation I could give for why they cannot cast void magic perhaps could be maybe a lack of proper genus in the blood? Without some sort of form of mana to flow through, there'd be no way to actually learn or retain anything magical. We cannot really compare ourselves with Frost Witches, because they have some slap stick curse planted on them, it's allowed that they would not lose the benefit of turning into this. Though striga normally have to be willing during the transformation IC'ly, this alone should help justify why this redline on the original lore should not be removed. Striga cannot transform into a Lich/Darkstalker/Ghoul/Wraith or any other being when they are turned aswell. This is perhaps another amendment that needs to be made to ensure that loopholes cannot be made. Also I'm well aware striga aren't super active except for the coven you've been mass turning without any policing on the actual ritual. I'd wish to state in this post aswell that I'd like to maybe work on a way of introducing a TA system to the strigae so we don't get these population surges and people wishing to remove red lines to benefit themselves.
  9. Absolutely no, this addition is horrible and will turn our playerbase worse than it already is. Just wanna say I'm hoping to grab the reins onto the strigae playerbase very soon and make them active. This addition is not needed.
  10. @animu i think its time to make our comeback tour as GM's and admins.

    1. mitto


      you couldnt even make a good comeback tour on the ET big fella

    2. kingnothing


      LETS go BOYS
      can i come and ruin my STELLAR reputation as well

    3. Xarkly



  11. nibba stop trying to do events u r T R A SH
  12. Application Username: stoptheboats Character name: Fernando D'terril Character's race and age: Heartlander, 32 Skill sets: Masterful Woodworker and Lumberjack Major Nation Affiliations: None Skype: savagemasterrace
  13. ascended frat parties when, jungle juice for everyone xd? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    1. Zindran
    2. justDEWit


      Jungle Juice. Please.

  14. we should hire a coder to look at the spaghetti code of lotc and see how fucked Nexus really is.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. InfamousGerman


      me and teegah were doing pretty well in making pvp bearable but stuff went haywire w/ economy

    3. InfamousGerman


      @Tofuuscant upload **** to the gitlab because "authentification error" every god damn time bruh

    4. Raomir


      a former coder looked at it and told me it was actual ass

  15. also with all you GM managers just leaving, you're enabling the 40 man 501 Storyline RP server to happen.

    1. cablam


      Maybe the server will die because of it and then I'll celebrate more than I am now

  16. well tbh i just created the madness to get the Dev team fucked up and 501 remoed. But if they're going to sink the ship, *shrug*

    1. excited
    2. cablam



      Which bridge is lotc?

  18. lol this villain project **** seems to be as useless as the reintroduction of VA's were.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      LOL implying that the community has any say. It's giving them a position of 'power' to make suggestions that'll never be implemented.

    3. ScreamingDingo


      don't give anything a chance. the only outcome will either bog the rules up or try to 'reinvigorate' villains by bringing VA's back.

  19. this is more of cameron's "man is the most powerful being" lore. i like it
  20. this is the biggest part of my hatred for this lore. You don't need lore to fulfill the ******* superhero complex to complete any task. Leave Monster Hunting to normal people, I'm sick of augmented magics, antags and protags that power spike and create a realm of special snowflakes.
  21. mother fucker dont step on our witcher-boo turf that's OURS
  22. hey can someone remove my forum pex just so I can shitpost furiously without the ET looking bad thanks xx

    1. overlord2305


      ET already looks bad regardless of your shitposting

    2. Space
    3. LadyRebecca
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