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Status Updates posted by Dohvi

  1. Going away until next weekend. Will add several new FMs when I return. Keep applying!

    1. lawnmowerman


      can i be an fm

    2. Dohvi


      Go home, Guck. 

  2. Going to be recruiting new FMs in the next week or so. If you

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Angmarzku


      I actually didn't use punctuation..

    3. Harri


      ... Then there's another reason why it does this and I'll have to test every other possibility.


    4. Angmarzku


      It's funny that you can't do a status update on the forum index to be fair...

  3. I tried to warn myself, but there was no button for it. What has the world come to? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ski_king3


      I do. Give me cause, Dohvi, and I will smite you with one fell swoop.

    3. Dohvi


      You smell funny and have negligible redeemable qualities. 

    4. ski_king3


      But I know you don't mean that.

  4. I'm hoping to add some more FMs soon. Apply if interested!

  5. I've scattered 35 decorated Soulstone Beacons throughout the Isle of Tahn. The other Isles will come soon. Expect green SS pillars at non-capital settlements to be removed within the next few days. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GodEmperorFlam
    3. _Jandy_


      Why is this happening exactly?

    4. Textarea


      Decorated soulstone beacons? Does this mean I'll be able to walk around and eventually find one and bind my SS to it?

  6. If anyone has missing rep let me know here or via a forum message. 

  7. Now is a good time to apply for FM.

  8. You've had your fun, but it's time to stop spamming statuses. 


    For those actually confused and not in it for the shits and giggles: 


    1. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      Isn't about the self-ban in game, its for the forum ban for **** that wasn't even toxic lol. I highly doubt anyone reported them. Sad!

    2. Dohvi


      If he was forum banned, it would say banned. 
      Alts he made to EVADE that content moderation were banned. He was not. 

  9. All I want for Krugsmas, is for the Abresi gate to spontaneously combust.

    1. Samler


      You can do that! /setinfo Fire mage or ask a fire mage!

    2. Mish_


      Ask me orlearn yourself legitly

  10. CHANGE! CHANGE IS SCAWWY!!! Dohvi scared.

    1. Lawrna


      Lala is here for you, boo! *huggles the Dohvi*

  11. Desperately need mob-breeding.. =/

    1. CloakandDagger


      There would be too many entities and the server A. either wouldn't be able to handle it, or B. become to resource intensive to the point where a large majority of players would be unable to play it due to the lag.

      I would think that they would enable mob-breeding after the initial hype of the new release dies down a bit.

    2. Dohvi


      Yeah, I've had it explained to me already and I completely understand. It doesn't change the fact that it's causing me troubles though. D=

      Hopefully it'll be enabled eventually, once the server's load eases off a bit.

  12. Do we really need broadcasts spamming everytime someone votes?

  13. Everytime you meta-game, a [insert something you like] dies. Stahp eet.

  14. Going to the Whitsunday Islands for 2 weeks. Try not to break much without me!

    1. Samler


      Will be missed!

    2. Overland


      I'll make sure I do.

  15. I figure it's about time for a new status. Here's the photos from my adventure. Whitsunday Islands. http://imgur.com/a/4JjUD

  16. I seen some straaaange things posted lately.

    1. susitsu


      I didn't want to see those sorts of things in my life ever. I should hope you missed yesterday's trolling.

      I always thought as long as I stayed away from 4chan, I wouldn't see those sorts of things done to ponies.

  17. Just a reminder that if you're considering or interested in applying for ET builder, now is a pretty good time.

    1. zaezae


      Man that sounds like work. Man, maybe one day.

    2. Crowbill


      I wanted to be an actor :((

  18. Just go back to 1.6.4. All 1.7.2 has done is break things.

    1. Booklight12


      And loose items~ I lost everything I own.. Ahhh!

    2. Kitten
  19. Oh dear. Gotta -love- that "I just got a VA, let's go kill stuff" RP.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aislin


      *lights on fire

    3. Dohvi
    4. Samler


      *makes him wet, water evocation master evocation. <3

  20. Ouch. So it turns out if the server restarts while you've got an enchanted book in the table, it loses its enchantment.

  21. Pretty displeased with lotc this morning. People hiding behind lack of VAs and regionning to do whatever they want...

    1. Amorphbutt


      It's sad, true but here's one thing you should remember: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jIQR_0lbm3k/TZ12i70JTzI/AAAAAAAAAJ4/OkWKQt3nSPo/s1600/Keep_Calm_and_Carry_On_Wallpap_by_airborneangel.jpg It's not your problem to get frustrated over other's shortcomings, instead, go and have fun, make memories that outshine the bad.

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