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Status Updates posted by Space

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. zaezae


      You have a really bad habit of declaring what people believe and then knocking them down for it. Besides, if you re-read carefully, you'll see you stepped in your own logical trap.

    3. Space


      i didn't i said you odn't believe that because iirc from when we've talked you've said that islam isn't inherently extreme or whatever

      and that's the point everything is a little fucked up sometimes that's why you don't judge the whole group based on the actions of one person


      if i was actually discussing my dislike for the 'alt-right' i wouldn't start yelling about white nationalist terrorist attacks because that's silly

    4. zaezae


      Sorry I misunderstood. I mean obviously sure. Alt-righters operate by co-opting legitimate arguments of unrelated people and turn those into extremest policies. They'll use arguments from religious skeptics to attack Islam and just ignore the fact that those same arguments can generally be levied against Christians. One of my favorite examples of this is "Fundamentalists are dangerous because religion is fundamentally dangerous" was taken and had 'religion' replaced with 'islam'. 

  1. the pee tapes are real

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Space


      the pee tapes are invented by a /pol/ fanfic but that pizza joint is a front for a pedophile ring :^)

    3. argonian


      podesta isn't a pedophile but seth rich was actually a russian hacker who hacked the DNC and rigged the "unriggable" US election

    4. Space
  2. Alright, Shyvanna or Riven?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ergent Seth
    3. Guest


      Shyvana can only gank well with Dragon form. Which is an irritance due to the fact that if it fails while Tower diving, then you may or may not die. I like Shyv more then Riven though. He counter Jungle is boss, and sucessful ganks are amazing. Shyvana tends to be a good Jungle in general.

    4. Guest


      Her/she, for some reason I called Shyvana and Riven male.

  3. i feel like 13 entities getting land in the next map at start is a bit much

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Freebuild is good, kudos to the staff for having freebuild in 6.0

    3. Narthok


      @Skylez1 Admins made a call that no nation could lose their nation status at the end of the map so the empire was only allowed to pillage their capital rather than conquest it

    4. Skylez
  4. tbqh i think the biggest problem is that the fm team expects a group of pre-teen to young adults act like rational and kind people 100% of the time or else which is really silly i think. people get rustled and people get annoyed and people say stuff that might cause a bit of a stir but that

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TeaLulu


      harold that's 1 thread, i know there was at least another one, and possibly 2 others

    3. Japzzi


      Thank you Harold. It was the one I heard about.


      Now I would state my opinion but it will properly get deleted or so I fear.

    4. Space


      and yeah i think the constantly removal of posts and **** contributes to the kinda shitty culture of being 2-faced-- act as sanitized as possible on the forums but in skype chats **** talk endlessly cause that doesn't matter or something


      in my opinion

  5. TFW I actually like some Daft Punk.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dyn
    3. Dun_Irongut


      Nice status. What a pleasant way to Give Life Back to Music.

    4. Jexdane


      Try not to Lose Yourself to Dance guys.

  6. There is a reason that where Ask me Anythings originated from that no normal person makes one. Just saying.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. V0idsoldier


      I agree with everyone except space. Because Space is the Devil Hitler.

    3. V0idsoldier
    4. Space


      I'm literally Hitler.

  7. 0=-4.9t^2+6t. Could someone solve that for t? Showing your work, of course. ty.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Evilbanana5757


      Oh and just saying, it's a quadratic equation, therefore you don't solve it like regular ones. You've gotta either factor it, complete the square, use a graphing calculator or just use the formula.

      Hope that helped :3

    3. cmack1028
    4. Helbolt




      Khan academy is good for alot of math stuff, up to and including Calculus.

  8. Where are some active taverns? The 'Stereotypical Italian Bar' in Kaldonia, where else?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Pum!


      :c halflings should provide us with ale then

    3. Hobolympic


      Yeah, Kal'Arkon tavern RP has been restored. Ain't a better place to have some ale than in the dwarf capital.

    4. Epidemiix


      Or go to the mushroomy place (aka Kaphro). There's a high chance of something spooky happening while you drink.

  9. is it just me or are perma kill clauses in guilds laughable?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. argonian


      PK clauses are good if you have to betray for the kill to be a PK.

    3. Space


      I feel like 'makes you rp fear' is a fallacy. Roleplaying you have to pretend always, and your guilds ooc policy isn't gonna help you to any better. I feel like its just an ooc way for guilds to prevent spies or betrayals or anything like that, which prevent compelling and story driving RP, under the guise of 'make you to better.

      Maybe I'm just cynical.

    4. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      no one RP's fear, because it hurts their ego way too much

  10. I heard the welves used their expansions to get tiles and then give them to Oren. Doesn't that seem a bit exploitative?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      think of us like canada

    3. Space


      speaking ill of our country yet again. sigh.

    4. GloriaPreussens


      naw ur a str8 protectorate dude

  11. dragon age 2 > dragon age origins > dragon age 3

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. lev


      found all the DA games pretty abysmal tbh

    3. sullincollivan


      16 minutes ago, Space said:

      ofc you say that when faced with an actual argument :^)

      Nice! You got the last word, good for you!
      Your momma must really think you're a winner now!!

    4. Shalashask


      Origins > Inquisition 

      Haven't played 2 yet

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Space


      John McCain


      Sources in government have claimed the source that the dossier is from is reliable


      idk fam..............................

    3. AGiantPie


      its actually not easy to type that out and print it; that's a long document.


      however I trust other news sources will investigate it so until I see some consensus from people I dont really care

    4. Space


      Other sources are.


      Guardian said this (after saying they weren't able to verify it)


      ' But an official in the US administration who spoke to the Guardian described the source who wrote the intelligence report as consistently reliable, meticulous and well-informed, with a reputation for having extensive Russian contacts. '

  12. Horseshore Crab: Survived from the time of the dinosaurs until now, through space junk smashing into the earht, ice ages (plural), and guess what's happening? Their breeding ground is destroyed by human pollution so they may soon be wiped out. Wow.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Fid


      Hey, maybe people didn't recognize it cuz of that...


    3. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      We've wiped out more than a few species of animal.

    4. TornadoWatch


      Tons of animals are wiped off the planet entirely per year.

  13. What is worse: Powergaming magic, or SSing out of jail?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. 0000


      Powergaming magic to SS out of jail.

    3. chemio


      power gaming magic.

      its too hard to beat

    4. Space


      :l. Good one Alkenaar.

  14. I die a little inside when I hear people under the age of 16 that lift.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. danic


      I walk my dog. I may not have muscles but DAMN do my legs look good.

    3. YippieKaiEy
    4. Praetor


      Don't lift, but I do alot of sport. I'd rather be fit really. And I'm 15

  15. I'm going to get paid 10 bucks to talk to this girl who has the nicest butt/is nice looking, but I'm just going to go up to her and tell her that some weirdo wants to pay me 10 bucks to talk to you, and why would he pay me anything to talk to someone? Unless he thinks something... See how red that kids face gets.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Pliz


      Makes me smile seeing you the one calling HIM the prick.

    3. ayresalex
    4. Space



  16. I really find it offensive when people say 'The' on the forums. The is my god. He is not meant to be used in common speak. He is only to be spoken of when spoken with great respect. So please stop saying 'The', it offends me so.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lykos
    3. danic


      The the the the the the the the the the the the the

    4. Bawd


      the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the t...

  17. why 10 second cooldown on ooc chat now

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lunar


      ffs lol such a shitty idea to have chat cooldowns

    3. Space


      Telanir told me 'It's only been one day we can't base it off knee-jerk reactions'

    4. Lunar


      Why wasn't there a community poll or anything about it before the addition? Feels like devs at the "staff know better than players on what players want" business.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Volutional


      In England, it's 999. Just sayin'

    3. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Sorry Vol, i went derpeh

    4. Space


      It's like if the number was 420. Just a number that everyne knows, and it kinda amusing when you get it. QQ moar pl0x.

  18. I had a better conversation with a muslin kid about evolution then I did with a christian kid. BREAKING STEREOTYPES, SINCE 2012

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      While I was originally being sarcastic (ever would understand) I am quite serious now, you are offending me.

    3. Space



    4. Space


      There, deleted the story about the homocidal discriminatory christian balck kid. PAYBACK 4 TRAYVON,

  19. Just read an article that said 'Death of Lil Wayne Shocks the World!' You mean to say that there are kids in Africa fighting off malaria infested bee's and starvation well they sleep that just woke up and said 'YOU MY NINJA LIL WEEZY DEAD AWWWW'

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nworb Mas

      Nworb Mas

      Lil Wayne isn't dead doe.

    3. craotor


      You think you can troll but you cantt

    4. Space



  20. I think that everyones RP should be enjoyable to others. I realize that that is impossible, because you're going to need some form of villianry (which most of the time will involve the people losing some form of items). But you should be using villian RP to RP with people. Even stealing stuff. Do it when the person is online, and make an elaborate trap. What you shouldn't do is steal because you need items. I realize that /could/ be a RP reason, but will it kill you to spend 100 gold...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Space


      Also, a good example is that thread where the guy talked about mining for a few hours then bandits camping the entrance of the mine took his iron. That's just a **** move. That's not bringing fun RP to anyone. That's bringing items to you.

    3. Jchizz


      ^Bring guards next time. Hire mercs or bodyguards. Create RP.

    4. Mish_


      Space, the mine thing happened to me, was killed and robbed by guards

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