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Bedrock VIP
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Everything posted by Stump

  1. good vibes caroline!! I realized pretty recently that you’d introduced your pronouns (they/them while you figured out what was really going on) through discord and stuff but I didn’t quite catch on immediately, I feel a bit bad since I think I’ve referred to you incorrectly a couple times! but it’s all a part of the process of realizing who you are probably, some of it will be awkward and by the same token, welcome to the CLUB, GIRL sometimes it sucks but we don’t get to change it and we wouldn’t change it for the world! except for that part about not wearing a shirt in public we should be able to do that. dm me any time for gross girl talk I don’t tell boys :J
  2. OK.. additional bids. Lined Design, 1,250 Pink and Blue, 1,250
  3. Stump

    Urara's Free Skinz

    To this day I still use (and shamelessly reuse shh) my personal edited version of the skin you made for me to give Forkology. It’s one of my favorites. No skin claims here, I like the purple elf, but I figure it should go to someone needing it more. Appreciate it Hadley!!
  4. Discord: starryy#1433 Bid: Floral Blue, 1,250
  5. love you honey. I’m feeling a little irritable today- It’s not super important, but I’m glad I’m able to be here for you and I still have love for the people I know here, under all the layers of salt I’ve accumulated today. @Gusano yo im literally pming you rn ily i hope you’re having a good day @Herathus @Parion i wish i was more attentive to you guys and i love you so super much you can ask me where i am any time @Demented_Delila hope you get to pet that cow one day @GrandpaBlue yo, your succs are going to make it through this. they spent generations evolving themselves for the specific purpose of living in the actual desert, and will look exactly the same as you left them cus they can’t just die on you like that @Cracker stay stalwart dibbo you’re such a rad dude @DreamInSpace you’re pretty much my actual sister hope your dad is doing ok. ilysm anyone who’s not on here can rest assured that they were spared my affection for today. consider yourselves lucky
  6. Oh! Apparently I haven’t checked the forums since before Christmas. Thanks man, I don’t feel like I fully deserve the shoutout but I’m happy for it. You’re a good dude and you sometimes helped guide me away from people that I really didn’t need to be around, whether I noticed or not. I can’t say that about a lot of other people I knew on here when I was younger. Have a happy new decade! Quartz gang.
  7. Korvic is the man of the hour it seems. Thanks buddy! I’m glad you found us worth your effort! I’ll write extra good so as to not waste your talent on crappy writing.
  8. >de savin -1 >CK2 traits +1 >brother bear dogs +1 fine very pretty
  9. remember this piece of shitpost I made once? yeah it's like the best coloring job I've ever done please help I hate the colorwheel and everything it stands for
    ( @Malgonious's smug orenball is still my most favorite orenball tho)
    (I'm not really sure why I posted this at 1:40am I was just agonizing over why I don't color my art and then stumbled over this work of color genius in my terms, like look at that raspberry red gradient into lavender and royal purple with shiny gold in the middle wtf)

  10. A lowly maid points out this wine is known as Richard's Red, and that the Duchy was known as the Duchy of Savoy. It is very potent for wine.
  11. Why in the world does it tell me this when I try to ride my horse out on the roads? Isn

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mitch dharma

      mitch dharma

      It's just a mess up with the regions, I'd assume. You can likely mount it in a region which you're added to.

    3. Anderssn


      staff needs to set Interaction Enabled on all regions. You also cant use leads on animals or dismount a horse either.

    4. Stump


      I learned that you can in fact mount a horse once you enter a region that allows it(no permissions needed), but that doesn't make it any more useful when you're in the middle of a desert and get kicked off. Grr.

  12. Goodness me these things are lovely. x-x I'm quite sweet on what is essentially the Librarian Golem, but ah, if only. I hope this lore goes well for you Lulu, though I don't have much of use to say, aside from words of encouragement. I'd love to meet one of these things, if not try to be one!
  13. (lore savvy peeps help pls)


    I've been working for a few hours now to create a scale of the date system in LotC to real life equivalents.

    There did used to be a wiki page on this, but it was lost to.. Whatever happened to our last wiki, and has yet to be remade. As a result this is for personal use so I can have easy access to it all.

    I've run into a wall however with the names of the days in a week RPly. I have everything else, so it's all I'll need really. If anyone's got the list somewhere, I'd really appreciate it.

    1. Crowbill
    2. Stump


      Oh, there it is! Good lord, maybe I'm just horrible at navigating our latest wiki. All good, thank you very much.

    3. Narthok


      I'll add these to the wiki now

  14. 66e193fa44.jpg

    In light of the Green Menace present on the battlefields of the Stouts this day. Orenians will never get all of those spines out of their limbs, but then at least we are bodily armed enough via our newly acquired spines to fight back the Manlet scum twice fold. Ave Ashford, Ave Orenia, Ave Humanity, my friends.

  15. Ave Savoie, Ave Orenia, Ave Humanity.
    Also somethingsomething happy holidays, you turds. <3

    1. Jonificus


      Nobody asked you, buff

    2. Skippy


      god bless the realms of humanity

  16. I was going to make an extensive post on why I thought this was rather pointless, but many have already said this for me, and Grimreaper's lore above actually fixes the problems that this creature has. It brings something to the table in the fact that it preys on living beings, whilst also keeping some of the neutral tendencies due to only preying on these things to survive(and even then these things are not always Descendants which I applaud, I bet one could easily run its course without ever truly needing to eat someone). It seems to fit within nature far better than this creature that has little purpose. You could create a strange mute woman easily with the resources the server already has, though I'm aware this lore is already accepted for some reason.
  17. Hrm, how do you remove the 'attachments' from your already uploaded ones? I'd like my space back so I can, y'know, upload something bigger than '0.04MB.'



      Buy a higher VIP.

    2. Stump


      oof c'mon friend help me out
      Does it really not let you reuse that space you already used? Harsh, man. Harsh.

    3. Kim


      Why use attachments o: ?? I use sta.sh on deviantart to upload. It has a bunch of storage, and for free!!

  18. Ave Savoie, Ave Orenia, Ave Humanity.

    1. Potts244



    2. Jordan1921
  19. I send my love to the masses!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stump


      I know, it was a misclick. ;-;

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      It's not actually worth that much, if it's anything like Athera's SOT. You can't get any % bonus, so it's trash compared to some good iron swords.

    4. ShameJax


      It's trash, I had iit in Athera. I'd still buy it if you didn't misclick though :P

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