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Status Updates posted by Dtrik

  1. I am currently wondering if anyone would buy some strawberry jam if I started to make it. It would be "dwarvish" strawberry jam.

  2. I am remembering the many of times khas and I have looked straight at each other with my kha pelt on. So awkward.

  3. I am the least bias clergy member. Love it.

  4. I attempt to explain the reason evolution is not false to Christians and for their rebuttal to not be a a quote from the Bible... nope gotta quote the hell out of it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      I personally respect all religions, spiritual orientations and beliefs, as long as they don't try to impose them on me. I'm a liberal atheist, you could say.

    3. Kanrath


      The denial of evolution is silly...no one ever seems to consider the other possibilities like what if god created life but left evolution to do the fine tuning...Mind you I'm not christian or tied into any religious organization so I suppose it lets me think a bit outside of the box.

    4. Dtrik


      I find it good when conversations like this can be spoken about without name calling. :D

  5. I attempt to make the dwarven government seem like a legitiment government to be undermined by back-ally unscheduled meetings. And people wonder why it is so easy for the humans to declare war on them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lago


      A LotC nation is kept strong only by the players that comprise it. Rally enough dwarves to your cause and even the Grand King must take heed, lest you take up arms or splinter off.

    3. Dtrik


      Yea but the dwarf community is made up of lazy leaders that settle rp through teamspeak/ooc means.

    4. Lago


      Then gather the players that aren't.

  6. I cannot wait to be able to make a sword of thorns.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blundermore


      I've had the thorns recipe since thales :p

    3. Blundermore


      At least the enchanting one. Didn't know you could put it on swords though, seems kinda pointless

    4. Mephistophelian


      Blunder, it's a special wooden sword that's all fancy n stuff.

  7. I feel as if the candidates on each side that are pulling barely 1% of the vote are hoping for some god clutching action were the votes get messed up some how and they win. 

  8. I feel like Ben Carson is the type of black guy to own slaves

  9. I feel like rp is like texting, you cannot text the same person everyday without it getting stale.

    1. Hiebe


      I cant text u bby

  10. I feel like the only people that check if a person has an MA, are salt mines and magic organizations.

  11. I finally put two and two together and found out Rosso is the judge.

  12. I get all of my information from Fox News

    1. xenenxnennxnx


      What's the issue w Fox News and not the other news stations?

    2. oblivionsbane


      They are infamous particularly for twisting the truth.

    3. xenenxnennxnx


      You mean all news

  13. I hate how people have their descriptions set to 'find out in rp' or have a list of vas or magic or even how their sword looks like. Why can people not just set their description to how much they weigh, their height, and what they look like. I do not need a story on how you got your sword of edginess.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MamaBearJade


      link to a google doc with their info and a referance pic is always best. I used to have my VAs in my desc to avoid issue, but then VAs went away

    3. Parading


      "find out in RP" Well I'm looking at your character in RP, so am I supposed to go up and ask your character what he/she looks like. Agreed, hate when people use that phrase.

    4. Demotheus


      Amen. However, setting a description at all is optional, not mandatory.

  14. I know an event no one has put in their event team app: Mass no rp killing of gms in a death pit. The entire server gets to join in.

  15. I like how pvp defaulters are coming onto an rp server that only allows rp pvp. Damn you know lotc has messed up somewhere.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mizu/Uzim


      Im guessing youre butthurt bc you just got died from pvp lol. Typical

    3. Dtrik


      Default decides decisions that players cannot make.

    4. gabriel101x1


      Mizu I've never died in a PvP battle and I dislike PvP a lot, so it isn't butthurt.

  16. I like VAs for the fact of less frequent bad intentions against others. I do not like VAs for the fact of VAT care less for your intentions of making the app ;rather, how well you type.

  17. I love it, me and a group of dwarves go into a roleplaying server. We have sucked the rp out of all the places (keep in mind we are playing evil people.) on the map and have created a town (not even half way built) that has people wanting to get in line to buy houses (that are nowhere near close to being built) and rulers of nations HAVE to come to us to get rp. Love it. Just messaged the dwarf king if he has any active dwarves. I am so cruel.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      PM me server IP or something

    3. Rassidic


      I also want this IP. It sounds hilarious.

    4. Shorsand


      This sounds great. PM bb.

  18. I made a gay dwarf 'love' story based on Zahrer Irongrinder and Onar Ireheart. I think the start is pretty good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Make him want to rub his beard on other dwarfs.

    3. Arkelos


      I need an adult.

    4. Supah
  19. I see some applications for staff and I really want to support them but then I realize that if they do get the position that is one less person rping in the community.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      At least you can get a pocket GM to give sharpness swords, that is always a plus.

    2. Snoop


      Really? Like who?

    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Like the one who got demoted for giving op enchanted swords to the dwarves.

  20. I sometimes look at magic spells in d20srd and wonder if they are possible to enchant onto an item in lotc. I figure it out and decide to never craft it, for fear if I die with it some mofo is gonna blow the world up with it.

  21. I started a trend of having kha pelts again... hope more dwarves stop killing khas.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      Drive by shootings.

    3. Wobbajack


      Sunshine and rainbows.

    4. Kaun


      Suspiciously dark red kool aide.

  22. I think rp would be better if people dialed it down on how smart their character is. Forgetting someone you saw a long time ago kill someone or not know how to spell perfect common. Simple things that could be tweaked. Would be nice, but dreams are dreams.

    1. excited


      I tried, but then people abused it by using that advantage to be a pain in the anus for their superiority complex. *sob*

    2. monkeypoacher



      I RP mistakes a lot, but when I do people call me on it OOCly. It's kinda funny.

  23. I think the high elves made the right decision. If their rp was getting stale and found that making a war happen would spice it up than good job!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samler


      Yus, kinda forced in the start by the humans due to a pact.

    3. Salamandra


      Keep the racism. Keep the snobbishness. Keep the Aheral. I'm still better at pillow fighting.

    4. Samler


      We will train to best you, btw Sala, great read in the book. ^.^

  24. I think there needs to be a sentence in staff applications that says, "Will you not be a d*ck to people even if they are not in your inner circle." Cause man, some staff members be mean as hell.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shiftnative


      Feel free to PM me details dtrik

    3. Old-Rattlesnake


      Agreed. Much of the GM and Admin team are unapproachable.

    4. Dtrik


      I pmed it to you shift

  25. I want a poptart

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