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Status Updates posted by yopplwasupxxx

  1. What a big start to a new year

    1. DrakeHaze.
    2. GMRO


      big up

    3. creamynoteblock


      Now that was awesome

  2. hello brother

    1. Doggedwasupxxx
    2. ferdaboy


      holy shit its the barnett brothers

    3. Smmer
  3. Some idiot decided to grief the Human family tree, making a fresh save and copy now. I will make a post about it tonight.


    This is what I get for being lenient with handing out perms smh.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Crevel


      I hope we get a name on the post so that we know not to involve them in similar collaborative projects in the future. 

    3. Honourary


      @ReveredOwl well yeah


      i meant how exactly it got griefed haha

    4. Crevel


      @Honourary Roughly 90 entries (consisting of both living and dead characters, as well as a good portion of listed tree editors) were deleted

  4. >itdontmatta barges in
    >changes rules to RP default

    >doesn't elaborate further

    >everyone copes and seethes

    damn didn't know itdontmatta was such a chad

  5. can someone help @Emerymake a status

  6. im gonna be making a fresh copy of the human family since egirls (and eboys) can’t apparently play nice, more info soon

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. rukio


      Considering they keep adding non-existent kids to people like Godric w/o his players consent and tried putting kids on my Ruberni character without my consent. . .



    3. TheCapybara



      Yoppl, this is why your one of the most chill people on LOTC. Poggers.


    4. monkeypoacher


      don't understand why characters can't just lie about their genealogy like mine do

  7. I think its my turn to make the gun lore next round

    1. bugbytes21
    2. KosherZombie


      Hugo Wright shoots the right honorable junior senator from Kaedrin between the eyes.

  8. please fix mobile forums, cant even get to my profile anymore

  9. Can we go back to the traditional year count, this second age stuff is really dumb and creates such a hassle for us lotc historians when trying to record years and dates effectively

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ToodIes


      the admins were scared of us getting to 1800

    3. Urahra


      nah the admins were scared of us hitting 1939 probably.

    4. Gustando


      honestly the year don't matter. Let's just not be in bronze ******* age

  10. Winners are up! sorry for late grading, honestly didn’t get a chance to read any of them in scrutiny till this weekend. 



    1. Urahra



  11. Slight delay on announcing the winners for the Nikischurwe poetry contest. The results will now be available this weekend on Sunday at the latest.

  12. Win over 30k for just a measly poem! What are you waiting for?



  13. Only five more days to enter! Remember, BIG POEMS = BIGGER REWARDS!



  14. damn its pretty funny watching shannonleigh (thread) crash and burn, wondering when telanir gonna bring in the reckoning

    1. FreeHongKong
    2. monkeypoacher


      free hong kong!!! unban me from overwatch!!!

  15. hey im looking for a skinner to make me some hermetic robes, im willing to pay mina or irl $$$ (venmo) and even write u a poem pls hmu...…….

    1. osumanduas


      hEy MaN AWHay ARu coPYIN GrEEeK MedicUnE? loL hooW orIgnAL

    2. yopplwasupxxx


      okay mister “muh teutonic order”

  16. hope you’re alright bird hmu on discord whenever you’re around

    1. Birdnerdy


      Mazel tov! Check your dms 

  17. cant wait for the ioannis counteroffensive

    1. Vanir


      brace yourself!

  18. dewper will be crushed under the boot of our god 501 and there is nothing you mortals can do about

    1. Arygon
    2. InfamousGerman


      you cannot understand because this is not your world. this is the mathic world, and we’re living in it

  19. nice to see devirad plagiarizing half their laws from mine, real cool ;/

  20. hey if there is any fms around hmu, i need a subforum made!

  21. Woe to this server when we care more about financial gain than roleplay.

    1. monkeypoacher


      b-but that's not what he meant at all

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