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Status Updates posted by Netphreak

    1. big narstie

      big narstie

      sorry for missing the joke

    2. Ford


      its from epic rap battles of history, and i think that's some guy portraying rasputin. still missing the joke, though.

  1. http://gyazo.com/0d13fc5dae28d91e6ff7bc43cd8790f3 Should I rename my character "The Grinch who stole Abresi's Christmas"? XDDD
  2. #FreePuddleMancerPro

    1. z3m0s


      How’d he go out?

  3. A fine line between disciplinary and retaliatory. 

  4. Be sure to seal your roofs, the Daemon of Freedom flying around will drop the freedom turds upon your open houses.

    1. Java17


      i miss the person i was before i read this 

    2. Netphreak
  5. Brilliant idea; if ST are allowed to implement PK clauses during events, we should be able to implement ST resignation clauses if the ST fails the event. Don't worry, we'll make it worth their while.

    1. Werew0lf



    2. Netphreak


      Let's talk about in in VC so we can scream profanities at each other like real boys do.

    3. Unwillingly
  6. Bring back /nodrop

  7. Bring back the days where you can purchase your desired VIP rank without having to buy from the bottom up. Like really??

    1. ydegirl


      wait omg u have to do this now???

    2. Netphreak



  8. Can we look into the Story Team next? I hear there's force pk's going on . . . . Don't shoot me.

    1. Islamadon


      Nah . . . The "Forced PKs" were the result of people like 2 years ago ignoring warnings to avoid interacting with an area of EXTREME voidal concentration. In choosing to stay instead of flee their soul basically got obliterated.

    2. squakhawk


      INVESTIGATE 3/11

    3. SethWolf
  9. Friendly reminder that we are here to have fun; if being involved in a position of power disallows this on an OOC level, don't be involved with that position. 


    Woop woop!

    1. alexmagus


      people who should take notice of this do not care.

    2. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      Yeah because I am here to have the most influence over people OOCly, I do not care about your little roleplay "story", all I care about is my own story and how you're going to benefit me in my quest to have influence over you.


      I am one of the most skilled Lord of The Craft players meaning that I have a deep understanding of the OOC culture and know how to manipulate it for my own benefit. It's alright that you're simply a follower here but I am here, on this server, to be the popular kid of this server.



    3. Netphreak


      OG Charles The Bald for President 2024

  10. Gotta meet that monthly quota! Yep, Go get ‘em boys in blue! *heavily sarcastic* 

  11. Grab the popcorn, watch the scrambling and chaos unfold! *nom nom*

  12. How can I possibly go Karen mode and ask for the manager, when the manager is even worse than the subordinate? >.< 

  13. If y'all would just do this thing called 'roleplay', the MRP/PVP debate wouldn't even exist ;)


    There's the answer to all your problems, hue hue.

  14. If you're bored, make toast.

    1. Rebellionlife


      When life gives you bordem make toasty lemonade?

  15. Let's just deny everything; it's easier, less to read.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. creamynoteblock


      OK so basically this is a magic that works because 200 years ago a woman ate her husband in a cold place

    3. Netphreak


      Rock and stone to the bone!

    4. CombatRolePlay


      Just wish something being vaguely similar to to an already existing lore piece wasnt insta denied :(

  16. M... Must purge the blind epidemic... M.. M.. Must remove the blind!

    1. TeawithFrisket


      U also need therapy (jk I love u net)

    2. satinkira


      1 hour ago, TeawithFrisket said:

      U also need therapy (jk I love u net)


      no, he needs therapy alright

    3. Netphreak



  17. Mmrrphhh... Twenty minutes passed and yet, still.. No modreq answer.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. _pr0fit


      I once waited 4 days just to have them close it while I was offline, It took another 2 days before it was answered...

    3. Netphreak


      Something should be done about that.


    4. Crowbill


      Welp, you did choose a time to make a modreq when most of the GMs are not on....

  18. The new screenshots of the big report is... Phewwww... 



  19. The President of the United States of America agrees that we have too many ST. Must reduce numbers. (The guy has no idea what he's talking about 95% of the time but we're in the lucky 5% of mental sanity :3  )

    1. Rebellionlife


      BULLSHIT! No way he could make a coherent sentence without also saying we have to many ice cream cones as well

    2. Netphreak
  20. The ST has managed to disturb my slumber.. I will never forget this moment. Proceeds to purchase all available airhorns

  21. What is reality? 

    What is the answer to the Universe? 

    Why does batman fight crime in a rubber suit? 

    Why am I asking you all these questions?

  22. What's on my mind? Interesting you should ask.. I cannot say here because I'll get into trouble....  Thanks for the consideration though, Status Updater.  I really appreciate you asking. 

    1. Turbo_Dog


      Ok then. DM it to me then nerd

    2. tilly


      too real

  23. Woah, this still exists???? Dude, no way bruh. 

  24. Yes, remove the fun. Excellent strategy. 

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