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Status Updates posted by Draeris

  1. Changed my Profile picture... It says it all.. I'm on a diët from now on!

  2. Cmon folks, support the muskets!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MonkeyCoffee
    3. 5678


      No, we're talking weapons with a 1400-1500's theme, about the same as Medieval

    4. Hobolympic
  3. Considering getting teamspeak to join a LotC channel, anything I should know?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DigitalRescue


      it's only for the cool kids. ;)

    3. Haribo


      No homosexuals allowed.

    4. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      arzota bullies me constantly

  4. Darn trollz trolling on mah property

    1. comanderbly^


      hey, dont call the cops mayn, was trying to get hooked up on some hate

  5. Darn, if only elven RP would be as large as human.

  6. Dat moment when a friend griefs you on your alt account and it gets banned..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nug


      You're not supposed to share account information for a reason. :I

    3. everblue2er101


      So wait, this is your account that someone else was playing on? Account sharing is bannable.

    4. Draeris


      Account sharing? Not really..

  7. Dat moment when a VAT member sublimes in the middle of a review :(

  8. Dat moment when people ask your Ghost character to have sex with them... LotC u no family values?

    1. nordicg_d


      Ghost busters: Cyber Master

    2. Heff


      Who do you call when you want to cyber? Ghostbusters!

    3. Draeris
  9. Dat moment when you recognize 90% of the actors in every movie you watch... Am I movie addicted? :o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Helvetius


      Naw. My dad knows like 90% of actors but rarely watches any movies.

    3. Space


      >implying most movies with known actors in them aren't awful

    4. Cooonie
  10. Dat moment when you turn Steward and you get called to trail because apparently you are Steward no longer..

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      collecting taxes when there is no established tax system... anyway, we'll see if your defence stands up in court.

    2. The Best Basileus

      The Best Basileus

      LOTC Governments need to get it together. Model Rome or something simple. It's really not that hard...

      Anyway, I think it's hilarious how all of LOTC is socialist. Want work? Ask Big Brother!

  11. Day 3, still no sign on my VA..

    1. DruinsBane


      Here have a balloon instead, they're kinda similar...

    2. Bucky_24


      People still care about VAs? Meh, maybe I should start asking for one every single time someone does something Villainous. They a waste of time IMO

    3. Glyc


      I used to have to wait a month to get my VA's accepted. Patience is a virtue.

  12. Dear LotC, please unban one of your best roleplayers - Shi - a.k.a Knyghtfalcon . He was banned unjusticefull and was TP'd by a staff member into battle. I find it outragous that he is banned because of this..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hex37


      They banned one of the only people trying to fix the antag? *sigh*

    3. Rassidic


      He's still banned , btw. In-game , atleast.

    4. comanderbly^


      good that he's banned.

  13. Decide to write lore at 1am... You open curtains some moments later, brought day light, 6am

  14. Didn't sleep tonight.. I felt a disturbance in the force.

  15. Does anybody know a great website with forum creator for my community?

  16. Draeris 101! Reached over the hundred posts! Lets drink some rum and celebrate!.. Ohh wait.. as a high elf I'm to good for rum.. Darn.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      :D I just hit 1,200 posts <3

    3. Pinsir99
    4. Draeris


      Well thank you patato for ruing my fame omg..


  17. Finally got my enemy arrested, I even walked out of the jail with heavy metal music playing in Slow motion.. Damn.. I'm awesome!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Draeris
    3. hellfiazz


      Orc result: Enemy is beaten to near-death, then enslaved if they're a pinky.

    4. Draeris


      I sometimes like how humans make things way too complicated.. especially when I read that awful method xD

  18. Finally got to my second trail as Steward!.. and the server is down.. I already expected Abresi hated nobles.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Googlesearch


      Good!Am I one of them? :O

    3. Draeris


      Yeah! Less noble friends to drink tea with and to steal peoples money with through diplomacy and such :(

    4. youlovesocks


      Dibs on Lord High Steward

  19. Going to listen to underrated artists like Shivaree and Caro Emerald, who joins?

  20. Going to macdonalds, Lets go eat posion that tastes good!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      Fact: Grass is green.

    3. domainoft


      Fact: Their fries are only half made from potatoes. And this upsets halflings greatly.

    4. Acornlad


      This makes me want to get McDonalds.

  21. Going to redevelop Forest Dwarves with some folks.. Ill keep ya up to date!

    1. SodaiKamikaze


      ._. If you mess wit' the culture of my cocoa colored brothers, I will grind u into coffee

  22. Going to rework the Illatian culture and bulwark House Visconti, any community feedback?

    1. Lark


      If you are going to base them off the Italians, do it right.

    2. Mankaar


      ^ Yea, and don't forgot to make them worship something akeen to Snooki!

    3. Emp
  23. Going to try a Ruskan, Russian was my native language two years ago anyways.. Any community-figures I should talk to to get in touch?

  24. Got accepted! Now I'm trying to get accepted as application team member! ( and I'm making an awesome settlement too!)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dyn


      If you just got accepted, I think you should definitely wait and get some experience on the server first.

    3. TheWhiteWolf


      ^^ What these two said. But on the other hand Congratulations on being accepted! Welcome to the Cul-.. Community!

    4. Augor



  25. Heard people have quite the gossip 'bout me on TS :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Draeris


      You folks have a point.

    3. The Best Basileus

      The Best Basileus

      Stay strong Christian.

    4. youlovesocks


      Don't let anyone break you down, just like Lefty said. If you let them get the better of you, it'll destroy you and make you hate playing the game all together. I'm a Flay, I have been for a long while now, and people hate me. People hate me for my attitude, and the way I conduct myself, but I couldn't care less.

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