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Status Updates posted by Elad™

  1. Life is Strange is a great game so far.

    1. Keldrith


      It was boring when i started, then later on in the game things started escalating.

    2. Joe_Blackman


      it's literally a game made by tumblrists

    1. Lark


      Congrats you are rich. Teach us your ways Such Gates, Much Bill.

    2. thelightlord


      ..., DEAR MOTHER OF GOD. What is the world coming too?!

    1. Birdwhisperer


      I would just like to take this opportunity to say Southerons > Farfolk.

    2. Islam


      Birdwhisper why havent you warned him, this is obviously racism as I am offended by his opinions that do not apply to me in anyway

  2. New skin for Haadi. http://gyazo.com/02ebe2e784a7a75afd8f8a4667bf83f9 I'll do some of the skin requests tomorrow.

    1. Demotheus


      I thought he was a harbinger o.o. _

    2. Drak3


      Mad good illusions yo.

    1. LiesisAlie*


      disgusting edgy

    2. HuskyPuppy


      Would look better to me if the gem was 2x2

    1. Kalehart


      I do have a thought- make me skins. :)

    2. Imam Faiz Kharadeen
    3. yopplwasupxxx


      looks like a dark elf

  3. Not requested or anything, but I found some art and made a skin after it. http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/tailor-2866740/

    1. Elad™


      Lub you falkor. <3

  4. ohno i cant post on the magic q&a anymorw how am i 2 establish dominance over meg

    1. Fitermon
    2. meg


      All according to plan :^)

  5. Probably my best CS:GO game to date. http://i.imgur.com/a0tjBzS.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elad™
    3. oblivionsbane


      I went 17/3 on league yesterday, and similar twice today. Get on your level.

    4. LPT


      My best for leauge is 20/4

  6. R.I.P. Doge army, we were only together for half a day, but out bond is eternal. Oh, Happy New Year as well.

    1. Booklight12


      A southerner and a water melon? Hm? I am sorry I do not get the screenshot.

    2. Zarsies


      That's cute and racist at the same time~... a rare sight.

  7. Snowshovel make another atwar game pls

  8. Someone should write lore as to why we're villagers for a day.

  9. Southerons are referred to as Farfolk now? No thanks.

  10. Started messing around with shaders and such. Most of the screenies are from a different server. http://tinyurl.com/mv3w6zs

  11. That horrible transition away from 2x2 eyes. http://gyazo.com/f12d10d31111ec26c5c06dbd2e7af461

    1. BrandNewKitten


      The dark spots under his eyes make him look really old, really tired and squinting.

    2. Elad™


      I tried without the bags from his eyes,(which are there from a lack of sleep.) but it looked real strange. http://gyazo.com/a77a88767cc9cc7599340af57258369e Or maybe it's just me struggling to get used to smaller eyes, who knows.

  12. The hunger in 1.7 is like MineZ x 1000000

    1. Gwonam_Blaze


      According to Mojang, it's perfectly healthy to eat 8 loaves of bread, 3 steaks and 28 carrots every day.

    2. Wobbajack


      Of course. I do it.

  13. Think I finally got an outcome i'm happy with. http://i.imgur.com/nFTrBfI.png

  14. This is basically all of the rp I ever get. http://imgur.com/KC0qzFt

    1. Aengoth


      Carrying the torch of Acornlad

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