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Everything posted by Aesopian

  1. @Archipelego we should probably allow multicoloured wonks like rainbow tree frogs ngl
  2. Where’s the White Rose Elysion Corps? asks Ti’gobser.
  3. So when are wonks being accepted Can you force Telanir to force flamboy to stop moderating apps and like just tie him to a desk with his private messages open so he can only reply to messages
  4. When can we get admin wrynn again Wryadmin
  5. Give some of your own ideas too plz i think projectile plugin for events is good idea.
  6. A new crusade must be launched to save the halflings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

    1. Banned




    2. Dont_Advertise


      Ave ave ave ave ave AVE AVE AVE AVE AVE FER KNOOOOOX

  7. Sorry about stealing everything you owned that one time

  8. Problem with Flamboy resigning is now we’ll probably end up with someone worse

    1. Haseroth


      yeah, i imagine one of the LTs who use their powers to sell ingame items are probably gonna be made admin which will give them even more powers

    2. Banned


      Hopefully it’s not one of the ones that bend the lore ‘they own’ to their advantage and then gack people they don’t like.. ?

    3. ScreamingDingo


      yeah aeso better pray i dont get it

  9. Awesome work, you should make more of these! Really great job.
  10. March Ash: Hey guys march ash here bringing you all wicked update from the eternal forest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Currently, there exists no system of vanilla enchantments or potions on the server. Even if no changes are made to the enchantments or potions themselves, or additional content added to them, would any of these systems listed above be acceptable to you?
  12. THE TREATY FOR WONKISH FREEDOM, 13th of Snow’s Maiden, 1671 In light of the atrocities committed by Khurmt, the Kardarsi Sultanate and the War Nation of Krugmar have seen fit to agree to a set of terms in order to combat and ultimately achieve victory over those who who wish to see harm to the wonk people. As such, the treaty for wonkish freedom seeks to establish a martial relationship between the Kardarsi Sultanate and the War Nations of Krugmar as a means to bring about an end to wonk bondage. The Terms, agreed upon by both nations, are as followed: The Kadarsi Sultanate and the War Nation of Krugmar agree to the basic tenets of Non-Aggression in the Wonkawood. Neither party shall intentionally harm civilian or military personnel possessed by the other in this region. The Kardarsi Sultanate and the War Nation of Krugmar will share all relevant information that would possibly provide benefit in the war against Khurmt and the dark forces that serve him. The Kardarsi Sultanate and the War Nation of Krugmar will pool together Khurmt Idols for the purposes of summoning and defeating Khurmt. The Kardarsi Sultanate and the War Nation of Krugmar will pool together military forces, and accordingly, conduct joint military exercises for the purposes of attacking Khurmt and the dark forces that serve him. This treaty will be dissolved upon the death of Khurmt, or otherwise, the release of the wonks from bondage. Signed, Sultan Auda Kharadeen, Son Of The Second Sultan Fakhri Kharadeen, grandson of the first Sultan Arlen Kharadeen, great Grandson to the Mighty First Caliph Faiz Kharadeen, Protector of the Farfolks, Sword of Allah, Defender of Faiths, Al-Mahdi, The Reclaimer of Honor, Ender of the Farfolk oppression, Defender and Follower of Al'liman Rashidun, Defender of the Kadarsi Sultanate, Returner of Homelands, Unifier of Tribes, High Commander of the Kadarsi Army, the Returner of Justice, The Chosen one, Sultan Of Al-Damashq, Supreme Leader of the Qalasheen, The Returner of the Caliphate. The war-craving Rex, and zealous Swampgoth of clan Lak, Morlak’Lak Wonk Chieftain Croek
  13. Well, I mean, it's better, sure, but I meant more along the lines of God being the supreme creator of all things. The aenguldaemons, be they aspect or otherwise, are merely the caretakers of creation, not its ultimate creators. I mean, if God really was some sort of master creator, wouldn't he have made creatures able to reproduce? Rather than have them be things made by the Aspects. I mean... what else are the descendants going to eat, if not plants and animals? My own version of yours would roll something like this: In the beginning, the Creator gave birth to all things, and most precious among them was life. The power of lifeforce. A gift so sacred that three Aenguls took notice of this mortal realm and descended down upon to watch it flourish. Three of them were chosen to become its curators. The plants and animals brimmed with life and energy. They would reproduce, and adapt to new environments. The kind and gentle Cerridwen was taken by this sight, and entranced by the beauty of new life. She became the curator of birth and growth -- hers was the blessing of beginnings. The Aengul Cernunnos observed life flourish, becoming abundant, and witnessed its ultimate end. Animals and plants would succumb to to the harsh realities of nature, the whipping winds and tearing waters, even the ravages of time. It became a piece of him. His would be the blessing of endings. Finally, there was the Aengul Nemiisae. She saw the beginnings and endings of nature collide and shift about in a chaotic manner. The rise of predators and the exhaustion of prey. The starvation of hunters and the expansion of the hunted. A crude balance formed at first, slowly becoming steady with time. A hardened, darker truth to some; to others a necessity. Toxins, claws, fangs, defensive attributes and predatory tactics to cull out the weak. This touched the deepest parts of Nemiisae's soul, and to hers became the blessing of Culling. Thus, with this final piece in place, the trio of Aspects were complete, and they would work forevermore to maintain the natural order of creation. This is no skin off you again, Delmo. It's just I really goddamn hate the Mathic cycle lore.
  14. I still don't think you should be having all this 'dying god' crap. It's worthless garbage which does nothing but overcomplicate the server when a new player is trying to apply. You know what is simple? 'ah, the backstory is the same as Christianity'. It's that simple. One sentence is literally all you'd need for the creation story. Look. You can have your neo-spiritualism bullshit, but put it AFTER the creation story. Maybe Iblees killed him, maybe he fell off a cliff, maybe god had a stroke after eating too much beef, idgaf, but the creation story itself should be incredibly simple. Everything else is good though -- no skin off Delmo, this lore is of admissible quality. It's just this paragraph below I goddamn loathe with a passionate hatred. I'd post an edited version, sure, but it'd change it to be inline more with the traditional ancient history, rather than the mathic cycle bullshit, so I can't really do changes to help.
  15. To be fair, we do already have a crapload of nature stuff. the real answer I want from @吳憾戰士14 is what the nature guys think of March Ash also, weather control, /finally/, @Delmodan cannot stop us now!!
  16. You should still rename it from balance to something else. Too easily confused with the Aspects. 'Cycle' might be better, considering her duty is to make sure we repeat history.
  17. Good stuff. Arbitrary green energy is arbitrary. Druids should have the ability to 'heal' people of infections through using this magic to commune with microorganisms or parasites within the diseased person's body to get them to leave, though. Obviously this same magic doesn't apply to viruses/prions since they aren't alive, but the druid can organize a better defense against them by communing with white blood cells or gastrointestinal flora or something. Microdruidism.
  18. Dang I wish I had the time to write on this the thing I wanted to write. Oh well. TL;DR this should be accepted as it currently stands regardless of its issues, but in the future we should probably look to expand it and other magics like it into a true Dark Druidism (by combining them).
  19. You can already perform blood magic augmented Dark Shamanism, this just provides guidelines for the one thing which has a big enough impact on individual characters that it might be worth writing down. See the red lines for differences compared to standard flesh smithing.
  20. Despite its name, this has nothing to do with actual metal forging.
  21. Blood Smithing --=+=--=+=--=={[~]}==--=+=--=+=-- --=+=--=+=--=={[~]}==--=+=--=+=-- No current blood magic ritual exists to support fleshsmithing, hence the creation of this minor lore piece. Blood smithing is a ritual created through the union of blood mages and flesh smiths, either necromancers or dark shamans. It is an improvement on existing flesh smithing rituals. Much like traditional flesh smithing, blood smithing allows an individual to redesign the physiology of another. A flesh smith can attach a limb of their own twisted creation to a host body, and in the cases of particularly skilled practitioners, even organs such as additional eyes and ears can be embedded in the body. With the assistance of blood magic, the flexibility and precision of their work is improved. The mastery of blood and genus blood mages possess allow them to impede the responses that make grafting alien tissues into organisms impossible, and furthermore, make it easier to force a soul to return to these organisms once this happens. Their deft control over the healing process makes them skilled at ensuring organisms which have been flesh-smithed are able to incorporate new additions into their physiology and make sure those additions are functional. In summary, blood mages are altering the blood of the host organism to support better better flesh smithing. If the changes are particularly vast, they may need to continue their work following completion of the initial smithing procedure. Otherwise, the procedure is identical to traditional flesh smithing. In order to illustrate specific changes to redlines of fleshsmithing, I have included the normal redlines to flesh smithing below, and I have included the modifications to these red lines that take place in blood smithing in red. Those which do not have red text following them remain the same, even in the case of blood-magic augmentation. Blood Smithing *Requires (At the least) a second tier Ish'Urkal who has consumed a minor spirit with Dark Shamanism. Or, requires a tier 3 Necromancer with Necromancy. *Fleshsmithed creatures may use magic if they were originally able to do so. *Limbs and generally fleshy parts must be of the same type of creature as the owner of the body (i.e. an orcish arm being attached a halfling will do, but a dog's leg won't). => You can attach tissues and structures belonging to any species, but due to the nature of the fleshsmithing process, features which are not structure or motor based are lost. *Requires ooc, but not in character, permission. Should there be no consent, the soul will drift off instead of returning to the body, and they’ll die (No PK). *The addition can be either numbed or in constant pain- The Ish'Urkal has the choice over this. => The addition may also have slight sensation. *Clerical or Alchemical healing to restore the old limb is impossible. However, they can both aid in reducing the pain, repairing numbed nerves and making the limb more practical. => Following around two elvish months of healing (can be less or more depending on the extent of the change), the limb will have relatively normal functionality, and this can be accelerated with clerical or alchemical healing. *If it’s an arm or a leg, note that it wouldn’t function perfectly. For the most experienced, a slight limp would be present, and for the least well versed it would be no better than a wooden attachment. => This limp can be lost over time. *No fine motor skills with grasping appendages, though swinging a mace or hammer is easy enough. => If the limb or structure is designed for it, fine motor skills can be acquired. *Eyes and ears can function up to a point. They will always only be able to perceive poorly, with eyes having at best very blurred vision and ears at maximum having very muffled hearing. Furthermore, eyes cannot function at all if the vision they provide is in directions that are too different from the norm. Ergo eyes in the back of one’s head are strictly for appearances only. => Eyes, ears, and other sense organs may come to function normally, after a long enough time is spent acclimating. *Ish'Urkals can’t perform flesh smithing on themselves or other Ish'Urkals. *The victim will always become subservient to the Ish'Urkal, with no exceptions. Additionally, they have a high chance of attracting a spirit of mental instability to themselves. => The victim becomes subservient to those performing the ritual in equal parts. If there is a disagreement, they get to choose. If a blood mage was the person smithed, they may refuse the Ish’Urkal, but their powers will be drained (as one level) for the next 24 IRL hours. *Necromancers cannot perform fleshsmithing upon the living, only the dead or undead.
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