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Man of Respect

Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Man of Respect

  1. where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks where are the wonks 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      we killed them all. turned them into sauce

    3. TryaxReck


      i still await the wonks return


      revolt brothers, every frog a lilypad

    4. McDaedra


      we hunted them to the brink of extinction

  2. I’ve decided i’ll buy warband instead of eu4 newest expansion

    1. Banned


      can we just start a warband instead?

    2. Man of Respect
    3. NotEvilAtAll
  3. You can drink your fancy ales,You can KILL YOUR ENEMIES AND OFFER THEIR SOUL TO THE CREATOR SO THEY MAY FIND PEACE IN THIS WORLD OF NONSENSE WARBut the only brew for the brave and true.....Comes from the piss of Daleka Kastrovat
  4. New Daleka shop in Krugmar, come get your babies and toilet paper if you didn’t yet, new wares coming soon

  5. I’ve opened my newest Daleka shop in Helena, come buy your BRAND NEW DALEKA WARES

  6. Please rate the deity and godess of absolute beauty Daleka on her many forms Daleka on a regular day Daleka ready to vvork Daleka preparing for an assassination Daleka with party clothes Daleka ready to unite Japan and seppuku all of his enemies Daleka ready to kage bushin and offer you a deadly death Daleka ready to kill and destroy all of his enemies just like in Japan
  7. hmmm looks like a 1st april fools

  8. i ate a lot of cake and now my fart smells so bad

    also Mount & Blade or EU4 newest dlc? Holy **** I can’t decide

    1. rukio
    2. Statherian


      Doom Eternal

    3. ferdaboy


      far cry 5 wont launch


  9. hey i dont see wurst on that list, its a mod that i consistently use so it should be allowed, can you please update it????? thanks
  10. Sign-Up Format Mcname: sandk1ng Talent: i’ll come this time ok Information Date: Saturday, March 21st Time: 2 PM EST / 7 PM GMT Location: Creative Cafe Channel Discord: https://discord.gg/RquQCed
  11. Wipe out all admins and have all the moderators decide the next generation on a fortnite match

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Crevel


      At least it’ll confirm that you need to be autistic to be an admin

    3. Telanir


      good luck to the moderators ! adios

    4. FlemishSupremacy


      i support this idea wholeheartedly

  12. i lost count to how many times frost witch rewrite happened
  14. Sounds impossible. I doubt you guys are going to bring everything that is discussed in Admin den to light, but instead, within a week to a month a new chat “Admin den den” or something will be made so admins can discuss in private certain topics, this is what everyone does everywhere in every setting and there’s no such thing as absolute transparency, this is an illusion
  15. im proud to announce that im finally at Gold 4 #roadtodiamond2020


    1. Harri


      congrats hopefully u conquer the brazillian servers

    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      daily update im Gold 2

  16. Can’t wait to have an AK-47 and airplanes EDIT: If techlock is actually removed, I think it’d be nicer if things were more gradual and at the same time not specifically follow the same progression of IRL, for example guns coming in before electricity. I think that some sort of high fantasy like flying ships to sail on floating islands could be cool too?
  17. any updates on topaz nexus 2.0? also
  18. @_Jandy_ lur wolves were roleplayed for centuries and can smell genetics because of hypernose and because its fantasy and the setting is different of irl and thus they can be only raised by lur orcs due to fantasy why does this even needs a rewrite lur wolves are cool big wolves lur orcs can ride because lur wolves have some symbolism to Lur orcs and is used as a means to enhance roleplay with our min-maxed wolves and im completely ok for having them limited only for roleplay situations plus i like lur wolves thats why they should be added kept +1
  19. I saw that status update and I have to say thats a bad role model u should have me instead as your role model, I’m equally evil. ? 


    1. Gustando


      Dang man, i’ll get two more warning points, maybe after the mod team gets gassed,  badumtss

  20. I remember when I used to play Heroes of the Storm and the ranking was from 50 to 1, being 1 the highest (not related to top 1 or something, its like bronze to master on LoL without the regional ratings) I was rank 36 and I made fun of this rank 1 guy for being beaten by me, this guy was a friend of a friend. He began to trash talk me, saying that I can’t say anything because I was a rank 36 player and I got “carried” and was shitty and he’s rank 1 so he’s better I got so butthurt that I began to play only ranked until I reached rank 1 too. I wanted to flex on this guy but I didn’t find him again. Fast forward to next season, the rank model changes from 50 to 1 to Bronze to Grandmaster (being Grandmaster the top 500 and Master the rank just above diamond 1 but not good enough for top 500 I got Master rank on this first season, and he was hard stuck at Platinum 3 when I saw him again, so I went to pick on him and call him a noob. I got blocked after that. I also remember that, back when I was better at PvP on MInecraft, some guys on prot 4 diamond on a factions server broke into our base and I almost killed this guy’s with diamond armor after respawning using my fist. A moderator was watching and I got banned for “using kill aura”. It’s very satisfying when you get banned for using kill aura while playing fair.
  21. The only time ppl will be able to play a wonk is until march, so play one while you can

  22. what the ****, wonks

  23. i love the new google docs with all the dark mage names and how much it will be used to harrass them where it includes minecraft names and skins instead of focusing only on the RP scenery ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Unwillingly


      I think its fine. My character bought an RP item of a dark mage list with a linked google doc in the desc because she was on it. She's now trying to find out who wrote that list, so it at least gives me something to do. Cant speak for anyone else tho. I do, however, agree that its just laziness and borderline metagaming for people to outright link skins from namemc. The website has an option to turn the skins to black and white, but players don't even bother to do that. Rly wish LT or mods or whoever would look into this.

    3. Punished_Pup


      It would be fine if people actually brought the missives rather than looking for the link and posting it in Discord for the entire Nation or group to see who is a Dark Mage.

    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      Yeah, could’ve had been a Roleplay book where only people that have the book can have an access to it. Thus, it becomes harder to metagame since you can’t link anything and there’s a cost to spreading this information. This kind of stuff would be much better if it was only on books

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